6 minute read
Orlando Habet Sustainable Development, Climate Change & Disaster Risk Management
Mother Teresa said “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” by individuals working at NSC to entities including, as alleged at the time, former Minister Herman Longsworth. Longsworth By Ricardo Moguel Rosado November 11 was a magical turning point in the electoral history of Belize. On the night bereality is different than TV Shows. We must have the proper management in place. The media, as sensational as they are, has paintOstensibly the voters cast- collected, prior to general elec- fore, we went to sleep with an- ed a dark picture on many without ed the stone in general election tion 2015, $75,000 on behalf of ticipation and great expectations going through hard investigative 2020 and changed the political a company Go Enterprise Limit- knowing that the work had been facts. The CEO’s chosen so far world in Belize. The elector- ed, for works that should have done to achieve a great victory. are competent and will produce ate, the almost 83 per cent been done on the Marion Jones All that was needed was the good results for the country. transformed “the rising tide of blue ballots” into a blue tsunami which crushes all the UDP dreams of getting away with all their illegalities. The People’s Sporting Complex. The total loss amounted to more than a million dollars. Additionally, under Faber’s watch an audit revealed that fifty people’s seal on the ballot papers to make it a lasting 5-year contract. With an overwhelming mark on the blue the people spoke with great authority and sent the UDP back to the drawThey are dedicated and love Belize above everything and know that we must serve the country. Every government is given 100 days to produce results. This is the litmus test for the PUP. Judge
United Party with Honourable four thousand dollars was spent ing board. With all the noise and the results and then speak out
John Briceño won a LAND- on fuel alone and questionable Covid – 19 infested nation, the your truth. Everyone knows that
SLIDE VICTORY! contracts amounting to 2.23 voters of Belize defied the risk Johnny always stands against cor-
Concession by heir imag- million dollars were awarded to and turnout in great numbers to ruption even at the risk of losing ined, to-be Leader of the Op- teachers and cronies when Dr. liberate our country. much, so let’s see how his formuposition United Democratic Party, came unusually early to the question of many. Dressed in sackcloth and ashes, Honourable Patrick Jason Faber Simeon Coc, the failed political aspirant against Honourable Oscar Requena, was principal at Julian Cho Technical High School. The Ministry of Education The victory was devastating for the UDP and all the country, despite restrictions, celebrated in their own way. The legacy of the UDP was shattered and all the major corruption and husla works. If they are incompetent and no-productive then we have all the right to raise our voices to heaven and clamor for better. We have just changed therefore good results are imperative especially conceded defeat to Prime Min- was fraught with neglect in the tling are slowly being exposed. for our young people to become ister John Briceño. Attempting investment of quality education, It is worse than we thought. But part owner of Belize, something to sound magnanimous, Faber notwithstanding funding of USD the country’s economy needs they have been denied. conceded that the PM and 35 million with an additional sum to be jump started and with- For 12 years most of us were the PUP Government will face of USD 461,000 in grant monout hesitation or a minute to silent but these CEO’s were ever challenges ahead in taking the tiny sovereign nation through a long recovery and there will be the need for a unified front. However, this deceitful robotey. The loan and grant were approved by the CDB Board of Directors, subsequent to meeting with Government officials of Belize in Basseterre, St. Kitts. Aside waste, the new Prime Minister, Hon. Johnny Briceño, got down to work. He chose some of the best operatives in their field and ask them to join the reconstruction of the nation. Everything is vigilant over the welfare of the nation. The PUP stood against all that was rotten in the state. Johnny even led a protest against an inept corrupt government and went to Tower Hill toll bridge where he met ic speech was laid bare when from building 35 new schools, slowly falling in place. The expe- the great Whoppy, a man who enthe Leader of the Opposition the monies were supposed to rience of the old is being joined joyed whopping and tear gassing failed to call out his precious finance the implementation of with the enthusiasm and qualifi- PUP’s back in the day. This at his party for the state of affairs of an early stimulation and emer- cations of the young to produce own risk. All stood with him asking the Jewel. The floods and the gent learning ( ESEL ) program, positive results that will benefit for nothing but a free Belize. Now
COVID pandemic were blamed for the crisis that has engulfed Belize and the citizenry. No mention was made of the insurmountable series a review of the school feeding program, the development of an early identification system ( EIS ) for at-risk children and the development of a public education all. Our most precious asset is our Belizean people and we have the talent here for greatness. As miraculous as the election results may appear, managing the peace or reconstruction we have a liberated Belize and we must defend it at all costs. Let us learn to manage the peace and produce results for the nation and not just engage in talk. Give solutions and help the reconstruction. of scandals, and corrupt acts and communication strategy. An is the job of giants. It is not easy Belize deserves better, Belize across the expanse of the na- audit of these monies is urgently task to normalize the economy deserves a government that works tion. The “hotbed of corruption needed. Unfortunately Belize’s first then make it grow to cre- for all. Everybody fi win but the ty”, the immigration scandal, the education system has suffered ate jobs for the young. Many rants must flee this tranquil haven
Airport Authority fleecing by dearly but not because of the expected overnight miracles but of democracy.
Castro et al, Sanctuary Bay, lack of funding. Clearly, the fuand the millions and millions ture of education did not matter worth of infrastructure con- for the Education Minister’s tentracts void of the Contractor ure in government. This failed
General approval amongst oth- Minister went around breaking ers. It would behove the writer ground for buildings he had no of said speech not to mention intention of constructing. Simthe financial irregularities that ilarly, he overpriced tablets for occurred under the watch of campaign points; such tablets
Faber chomping at the bit to were never delivered by him. be elected at the General Elec- Undoubtedly, the UDP retions. gime, including Patrick Faber
An audit revealed in early must be held accountable for
January 2020 that between the destructive path that has
April 2015 and March 2016 the forced upon Belize and its chil-
National Sports Council (NSC) dren. When the veil is lifted, was fleeced monies to the tune Faber’s phony concession rings of $416,228.25. These monies of hollow incompetence.