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American College Testing
from August 2022 (w)
LUCKBOX LEANS IN WITH AMERICAN COLLEGE TESTING CEO JANET GODWIN by Elizabeth Owens-Schiele ––Many colleges and universities went “test optional” in their admissions process during the pandemic, but the ACT remains a determining factor for scholarships, courses and admissions
Is it still important to take
the ACT and submit a test score to the college or university
–– where you’re applying? ACT scores are still beneficial for students and valuable to colleges. For students, beyond just helping them “get in,” a test score tells them where they are academically prepared for college and where they might need more help. Taking the test can also help students qualify for meritbased financial aid. We know that even as colleges continue to extend their temporary test-optional admissions policies, they are still using test scores when awarding scholarships.
What was ACT’s reaction to University of California schools, and other universities and colleges, going test optional this last year?
We have made clear that we stand by institutions in their efforts to best support the students we all serve. It’s no surprise to see colleges adapting their practices in response to market and competitive pressures.
What did ACT witness as a result of that decision?
It will take time to fully understand the ramifications of test-optional policies. While some institutions have reported an increase in the application or enrollment of diverse students, for example, it’s still unclear whether these gains are being offset elsewhere. We do know that institutions are having a harder time recruiting students, including those from underserved backgrounds. important discrepancies in GPA. But in general, if you compare two students with the same high school GPA, the one with the higher ACT score is more likely to earn at least a 3.0 GPA as a college freshman.
We also know that high school grade inflation is an increasingly widespread, systemic issue that is weakening the value of student transcripts as a single measure of academic success.
The number of students taking the ACT has declined in the last couple of years. What’s the financial impact on your organization?
ACT is financially healthy and well-positioned for the future. We finished fiscal year 2021 with positive operating income of $10 million. Today, the total number of test takers is well ahead of 2020. That’s, in part, thanks to unprecedented demand for our state and district programs, through which record-high numbers of students are taking the ACT test during the school day at no cost to them.
ACT CEO Janet Godwin
Many argue that high school grades predict college academic success more accurately than testing. What’s the ACT’s position?
How do you respond to criticism that standardized tests discriminate on the basis of income and race and that they
U.S. collegeS and favor the wealthy who UniverSitieS did not reqUire act or Sat can provide test-prep tutoring? ScoreS from applicantS ACT test doesn’t create for 2022 admiSSionS. America’s education ineq–National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest) uities—it helps reveal them. To solve these problems, we need to address 76% the root causes, not dismiss the tools that help ACT has long argued that the best predictor of college success is neither OF ALL U.S. BACHELOR’S DEGREE-GRANTING INSTITUTIONS NOW PRACTICE TESTOPTIONAL OR TESTBLIND ADMISSIONS, us understand them. When it comes to the correlation between income and test scores, most of this is due to inequities in high school coursework and grades, school characteristics high school GPA nor test AN ALL-TIME HIGH THAT and noncognitive student scores, but a combination MAY CONTINUE. characteristics, such as of the two. For one in four –National Center for study habits. students, their ACT score is Fair & Open Testing (FairTest) ACT is committed not what would be expected to an equitable testing based on their high school process that is accessible GPA—it’s either higher or lower. That to all students. More than one in five who means an ACT score—which is an objec- register for the national ACT test use a fee tive, research-based measure of what waiver. Not only do these students not pay students should have had the opportu- to take the test, they are also eligible for nity to learn in high school—can reveal free test prep through ACT.