BIO 351 BIO351 bio 351 Best Tutorials Guide -

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BIO 351 Wk 1 – Quiz 1. Question 1 What were the first forms of life on Earth thought to be? 1. prokaryotes 2. single-celled plants 3. large animals, such as dinosaurs 4. insects 2. Question 2 Which of the following is not used to treat active viral disease? 1. phage therapy 2. vaccines 3. antiviral drugs 4. antibiotics 3. Question 3 Prokaryotes that obtain their energy from chemical compounds are called which of the following? 1. lithotrophs 2. chemotrophs

3. phototrophs 4. auxotrophs 4. Question 4 The first organisms that oxygenated the atmosphere were: 1. anaerobic organisms 2. phototrophic organisms 3. cyanobacteria 4. all of these 5. Question 5 Which statement is true? 1. A virion contains DNA and RNA. 2. Most viruses are easily visualized with a light microscope. 3. Viruses replicate outside of the cell. 4. Viruses are acellular. 6. Question 6 Why are the targets for anti-fungal drugs much more limited than antibiotics or anti-viral medications? 1. There are more bacteria and viruses than fungi. 2. Fungi cause topical infections, while viruses and bacteria cause systemic infections. 3. Human cells are much more similar to fungi cells than bacteria or viruses. 4. Fungi can only be targeted during sexual reproduction, while bacteria and viruses can be targeted at any point in their lifespan. 7. Question 7 How have mitochondria most likely evolved? 1. photosynthetic cyanobacterium 2. membrane proliferation 3. endosymbiosis

4. cytoskeletal elements 8. Question 8 Which of these locomotor organs would likely be the shortest? 1. a pellicle 2. a flagellum 3. an extended pseudopod 4. a cilium 9. Question 9 What term describes the close association of a fungus with the root of a tree? 1. an endophyte 2. a lichen 3. a mycorrhiza 4. a rhizoid 10. Question 10 A bacteriophage can infect which of the following? 1. viruses 2. lungs 3. bacteria 4. prions

BIO 351 Wk 1 - Bacterial Cell Structures Lab Report This week’s lab introduced you to general bacterial cell structures and how this differs from eukaryotic cells. You explored the characteristics of bacterial cells, including size, shape, and functions by examining bacteria from Antarctica. When you are satisfied with your work in the lab, complete the Bacterial Cell Structures Lab Reporting Worksheet.

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Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words. Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can't. Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with "Answer:". Submit your assignment.

BIO 351 Wk 2 – Quiz 1. Question 1 Which of the following structures widens the geographic range of a species and is an agent of dispersal? 1. seed 2. flower 3. leaf 4. root 2. Question 2 White and sweet-smelling flowers with abundant nectar are probably pollinated by which of the following? 1. bees and butterflies 2. birds 3. flies 4. wind 3. Question 3 Which of the following structures is not found in bryophytes? 1. root 2. a cellulose cell wall 3. chloroplast 4.

sporangium 4. Question 4 Frogs belong to which order? 1. Anura 2. Apoda 3. Caudata 4. Urodela 5. Question 5 The evolution of which of the following features of mammals is hardest to trace through the fossil record? 1. development of hair 2. mammary glands 3. middle ear structure 4. jaw structure 6. Question 6 Stomata appear in which group of plants? 1. hornworts 2. liverworts 3. Charales 4. cyanobacteria 7. Question 7 Which of the following features does not distinguish humans as a member of phylum Chordata? 1. Human embryos undergo indeterminate cleavage. 2. Human embryos exhibit pharyngeal arches and gill slits. 3. A spinal cord runs along an adult human’s dorsal side. 4. The human coccyx forms from an embryonic tail. 8. Question 8 Which of the following is not a key advantage provided by the exoskeleton of terrestrial

arthropods? 1. Grows with the arthropod throughout its life 2. Prevents dessication 3. Protects internal tissue 4. Provides mechanical support 9. Question 9 Approximately how many mass extinction events occurred throughout the evolutionary history of animals? 1. 3 2. 4 3. 5 4. more than 5

BIO 351 Wk 2 - Summative Assessment: Cell Structure Lab Report This week’s lab introduced you to the structures of cells. You were also able to apply this new knowledge to explain the cause of death of a bear.

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When you are satisfied with your work in the lab, complete the Cell Structure Lab Reporting Worksheet. Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words. Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can't. Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with "Answer:". Submit your assignment.

BIO 351 Wk 3 – Quiz 1. Question 1 What is the outermost covering of a fruit? 1. mesocarp 2. pericarp 3. exocarp 4. endocarp 2. Question 2 Which factors affect soil quality? 1. presence of living organisms and topography 2. all of these 3. chemical composition 4. history of the soil 3. Question 3 Plant species that complete their lifecycle in one season are known as which of the following? 1. biennials 2. polycarpic 3. annuals 4. perennials 4. Question 4 What are plant regions of continuous growth made up of? 1. vascular tissue 2. meristematic tissue 3. dermal tissue 4. permanent tissue 5. Question 5 Which process produces an inorganic compound that plants can easily use?

1. mycorrhization 2. Calvin cycle 3. photosynthesis 4. nitrogen fixation 6. Question 6 What occurs when stomata open? 1. Water vapor enters the spaces in the mesophyll, increasing the rate of transpiration. 2. Water vapor is lost to the external environment, decreasing the rate of transpiration. 3. Water vapor is lost to the external environment, increasing the rate of transpiration. 4. Water vapor enters the spaces in the mesophyll, decreasing the rate of transpiration.

BIO 351 Wk 4 - Quiz 1. Question 1 Which of the following is a pseudo-ruminant? 1. pig 2. horse 3. cow 4. crow 2. Question 2 What is a plane that divides an animal into dorsal and ventral portions? 1. midsagittal 2. coronal 3. sagittal 4. transverse 3. Question 3

Strokes are often caused by which of the following? 1. blood clots or burst blood vessels 2. neurodegeneration 3. viruses 4. seizures 4. Question 4 A scientist dissects a new species of animal. If the animal’s digestive system has a single stomach with an extended small intestine, to which animal could the dissected specimen be closely related? 1. eagle 2. earthworm 3. snowshoe hare 4. lion 5. Question 5 Many people experience motion sickness while traveling in a car. This sensation results from contradictory inputs arising from which senses? 1. gustation and vibration 2. vision and vestibular system 3. proprioception and kinesthesia 4. somatosensation and equilibrium 6. Question 6 How many different taste molecules do taste cells each detect? 1. 10 2. 1 3. 5 4. It depends on the spot on the tongue. 7. Question 7 After an action potential, the opening of what type of additional voltage-gated channels and the inactivation of sodium channels cause the membrane to return to its resting membrane potential?

1. potassium 2. sodium 3. chloride 4. calcium 8. Question 8 Which type of animal maintains a constant internal body temperature? 1. coelomate 2. endotherm 3. mesoderm 4. ectotherm 9. Question 9 Which of the following conditions is most likely to cause constipation? 1. ulcer 2. excessive cellulose consumption 3. bacterial infection 4. dehydration 10. Question 10 The cell found in bone that breaks it down is called which of the following? 1. osteon 2. osteocyte 3. osteoblast 4. osteoclast

BIO 351 Wk 4 - Sensory Transduction Lab Report

This week’s lab introduced you to sensory transduction. You were also able to apply this new knowledge as you conducted the patch-clamp experiment and explain the pain response.

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When you are satisfied with your work in the lab, complete the Sensory Transduction Lab Reporting Worksheet. Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words. Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can't. Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with "Answer:". Submit your assignment.

BIO 351 Wk 5 – Quiz 1. Question 1 The ability of a muscle to generate tension immediately after stimulation is dependent on which of the following? 1. myosin interaction with the M line 2. actin attachments to the Z line 3. overlap of myosin and actin 4. none of the above 2. Question 2 Air is warmed and humidified in the nasal passages, which helps to do which of the following? 1. decrease sensitivity during breathing 2. all of the above 3. ward off infection 4. prevent damage to the lungs 3. Question 3 Which class of hormones can diffuse through plasma membranes? 1. glycoprotein hormones

2. amino acid-derived hormones 3. peptide hormones 4. lipid-derived hormones 4. Question 4 The majority of carbon dioxide in the blood is transported by which of the following? 1. binding to plasma proteins 2. conversion to bicarbonate 3. dissolution in the blood 4. binding to hemoglobin 5. Question 5 A rise in blood glucose levels triggers release of insulin from the pancreas. This mechanism of hormone production is stimulated by: 1. hormonal stimuli 2. negative stimuli 3. neural stimuli 4. humoral stimuli 6. Question 6 A scientist hypothesizes that the pancreas’s hormone production is controlled by neural stimuli. Which observation would support this hypothesis? 1. Insulin is produced in response to sudden stress without a rise in blood glucose. 2. Insulin is produced in response to a rise in glucagon levels. 3. Beta cells express epinephrine receptors. 4. Insulin is produced in response to a rise in blood glucose in the brain. 7. Question 7 Which mechanism of hormonal stimulation would be affected if signaling and hormone release from the hypothalamus was blocked? 1. humoral and hormonal stimuli

2. neural and humoral stimuli 3. hormonal and negative stimuli 4. hormonal and neural stimuli 8. Question 8 Recent studies suggest that blue light exposure can impact human circadian rhythms. This suggests that blue light disrupts the function of which gland(s)? 1. pineal 2. thyroid 3. pituitary 4. adrenal 9. Question 9 Osteoporosis is a condition where bones become weak and brittle. It is caused by an imbalance in the activity of which cells? 1. osteoclasts and osteoblasts 2. osteocytes and chondrocytes 3. osteoblasts and chondrocytes 4. osteoclasts and osteocytes 10. Question 10 The elbow is an example of which type of joint? 1. hinge 2. saddle 3. gliding 4. pivot 11. Question 11 Drinking alcoholic beverages causes an increase in urine output. This most likely occurs because alcohol: 1. stimulates TSH release.

2. stimulates ADH release. 3. inhibits TSH release. 4. inhibits ADH release. 12. Question 12 When does alveolar ventilation remain constant? 1. the respiratory rate and the volume of air per breath are increased 2. the respiratory rate and the volume of air per breath are decreased 3. the respiratory rate is increased while the volume of air per breath is decreased

BIO 351 Wk 5 - Endocrinology Lab Report This week’s lab introduced you to endocrinology. You were able to apply this new knowledge in your study of rabbit fertility and contraception.

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When you are satisfied with your work in the lab, complete the Endocrinology Lab Reporting Worksheet. Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words. Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can't. Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with "Answer:". Submit your assignment.

BIO 351 Wk 6 – Quiz 1. Question 1 External fertilization occurs in which type of environment? 1. savanna 2.

aquatic 3. forested 4. steppe 2. Question 2 Patients with Addison's disease do which of the following? 1. have too much aldosterone 2. retain water 3. lose salts and water 4. retain salts 3. Question 3 When a dehydrated human patient needs to be given fluids intravenously, he or she is given which of the following? 1. blood 2. glucose because it is a non-electrolyte 3. saline at a concentration that is isotonic with respect to body fluids 4. water, which is hypotonic with respect to body fluids 4. Question 4 How do arteries differ from veins? 1. Arteries are thin walled and are used for gas exchange. 2. Arteries have thinner smooth muscle layers and valves and move blood by the action of skeletal muscle. 3. Arteries have thicker smooth muscle layers to accommodate the changes in pressure from the heart. 4. Arteries carry blood. 5. Question 5 Which organelle do phagocytes use to digest engulfed particles? 1. endoplasmic reticulum 2. nucleus

3. lysosome 4. mitochondria 6. Question 6 Which gland is located at the top of the kidney? 1. thymus 2. thyroid 3. adrenal 4. pituitary 7. Question 7 In humans, the plasma comprises what percentage of the blood? 1. 90% 2. 55% 3. 25% 4. 45% 8. Question 8 Upon reexposure to a pathogen, a memory B cell can differentiate to which cell type? 1. plasma cell 2. naive B cell 3. CTL 4. memory T cell 9. Question 9 What is blood flow that is directed through the lungs and back to the heart called? 1. unidirectional circulation 2. pulmonary circulation 3. pulmocutaneous circulation 4. gill circulation

10. Question 10 Which hormone signals ovulation? 1. FSH 2. estrogen 3. LH 4. inhibin

BIO 351 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Cardio-Respiratory Physiology Lab Report This week’s lab introduced you to how the circulatory and respiratory systems coordinate to optimize energy usage by the body. You were able to apply this knowledge to study ATP generation in deep diving seals.

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When you are satisfied with your work in the lab, complete the CardioRespiratory Physiology Lab Reporting Worksheet. Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words. Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can't. Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with "Answer:". Submit your assignment.

BIO 351 Wk 7 - Quiz 1. Question 1 Pollination is an example of which of the following? 1. an ecosystem service 2. chemical diversity 3. a possible source of new drugs

4. crop pest control 2. Question 2 Where would you expect to find the most photosynthesis in an ocean biome? 1. abyssal zone 2. benthic realm 3. aphotic zone 4. intertidal zone 3. Question 3 Which of the following methods will tell an ecologist about the size and density of a population? 1. life table 2. quadrat 3. mark and recapture 4. mark and release 4. Question 4 Which term describes the process whereby toxic substances increase along trophic levels of anecosystem? 1. biomassification 2. bioentropy 3. heterotrophy 4. biomagnification 5. Question 5 The population size of a species capable of being supported by the environment is called its: 1. carrying capacity 2. limit 3. logistic growth pattern 4. biotic potential 6. Question 6

How is a mass extinction defined? 1. a loss of 95 percent of species 2. a loss of 50 percent of species 3. an asteroid impact 4. a boundary between geological periods 7. Question 7 Which of the following biomes is characterized by short growing seasons? 1. tropical wet forests 2. Arctic tundras 3. savannas 4. deserts 8. Question 8 Understory plants in a temperate forest have adaptations to capture limited: 1. water 2. nutrients 3. heat 4. sunlight 9. Question 9 A country with zero population growth is likely to be which of the following? 1. economically developed 2. in Asia 3. economically underdeveloped 4. in Africa 10. Question 10 The ability of an ecosystem to return to its equilibrium state after an environmental disturbance is called which of the following? 1. resistance

2. restoration 3. reformation 4. resilience

BIO 351 Wk 7 - Summative Assessment: Biomes Lab Report This week’s lab introduced you to habitats, ecosystems, and biomes. You were also able to apply this new knowledge to understand biodiversity on earth.

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When you are satisfied with your work in the lab, complete the Biomes Lab Reporting Worksheet. Be sure to answer each question in the worksheet. The best answers will be thoughtful and descriptive. There are no minimum word counts but in general more words will be better than fewer words. Please write in your own words as much as possible. This demonstrates you understanding of the concepts in a way that using quotes can't. Please visually distinguish your answers from the questions. For example, make your answers bold-faced or highlighted with some color or start each answer with "Answer:". Submit your assignment.

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