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BSCOM 360 Wk 1 Team - Learning Team Charter IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: If your team submits an item accidentally, let me know so I can delete the incorrect submission. Resubmissions are not automatic for team items. It is a quirk of BB and the only way around it is for your instructor to intervene. (This is not true for individual assignments. Individual assignments can be submitted repeatedly by the student). *Note: If you do NOT see your team assignment, let me know ASAP by sending me a message using our in-class message system. LearningTeamCharter.doc Resource: Learning Team Charter

Ensure all LT members add their contact info. This form will be used to contact LT members outside of class. Be sure to list current contact info. Discuss / decide on team guidelines and protocols. Submit your Charter.

BSCOM 360 Wk 1 - Organizational Orientations Worksheet Resource: Organizational Orientations Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Organizational Orientations Worksheet Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

BSCOM 360 Wk 2 - Organizational Communication Style and Culture Paper Choose an organization with which you are familiar. Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that describes the communication style and culture of the organization you have chosen.

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Consider the following in your paper: How does source credibility affect communication in the organization? What approaches to management are present in the organization? How do power and status affect communication in the organization? How would you describe the culture of the organization? What is the effect of the culture on the employees, business, partners, and market? How do all of the above affect communication relating to change and conflict? Cite at least two peer-reviewed sources in addition to the text. Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

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BSCOM 360 Wk 3 Team - Final Learning Team Presentation Topic Choice IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: If your team submits an item accidentally, let me know so I can delete the incorrect submission. Resubmissions are not automatic for team items. It is a quirk of BB and the only way around it is for your instructor to intervene. (This is not true for individual assignments. Individual assignments can be submitted repeatedly by the student). Refer to the Week 2 Team assignment or the Final Learning Team Presentation for a reminder of the project details. Due Week 3: Topic Choice – What change will they face? Discuss with your team the types of change an organization might experience and choose one for Global, Inc. Your team is selecting the major change that Global, Inc. will be experiencing. This change will be the focus of your team’s presentation. Your team may select any major change including (but not limited to) process changes, technology changes, mergers or acquisitions, changes in mission, increasing or reducing workforce, culture (uniforms, dress codes, etc.), products, marketing, new CEO, company downsizing, moving to a new location, etc. Your team may select any change that would impact leaders and employees of a business corporation. Write a brief explanation and description of the change Global, Inc., is about to experience. Use the course text and other references to support your remarks. Begin a list of references as you start working on your presentation. References should include three or more peer-reviewed outside sources (not including our course text). Submit the major change that your team Global, Inc will face. This major change will impact the organizational communication at Global, Inc. Briefly explain the change and support your remarks with our course texts and outside sources.

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BSCOM 360 Wk 3 - Organizational Strategies Case Study Resources: Strategic Organizational Communication in a Global Economy

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Write a 700- to 1,050-word case study analysis of "The Power of Rewards at Industrial International" located in Ch. 3 of Strategic Organizational Communication in a Global Economy. Answer the following questions: What does strategic organizational communication mean? What organizational structure did the company in the case study have? Centralized or decentralized? What are some of the components of the structure, which make it more centralized or decentralized? What strategies were being used to motivate these people? Why did they change? What strategies might make them more successful? Format your assignment according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.

For More Classes Please Visit BSCOM 360 Wk 4 Team - Final Learning Team Outline and References IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: If your team submits an item accidentally, let me know so I can delete the incorrect submission. Resubmissions are not automatic for team items. It is a quirk of BB and the only way around it is for your instructor to intervene. (This is not true for individual assignments. Individual assignments can be submitted repeatedly by the student). Final Learning Team Presentation Overview: Background Info: Global, Inc. is a fictitious company who hired your team to give a presentation. Your team has been asked to speak to the Board of Directors and a group of leaders at Global, Inc. because they are about to experience a major organizational change. During our class, we will study a variety of major organizational changes and how they relate to organizational communication. Your team has been hired to present information that will help Global, Inc. during its transition. Your team will specifically identify organizational communication factors that should be taken into consideration as Global, Inc. experiences this

major change. Your team will provide a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes or recorded speakers, a written supplement, and a list of references. Due Week 4: Outline and References Create a formal two-page outline of your final presentation. Be sure to outline all required parts of the presentation (15-20 min oral presentation, visuals, written supplement/handout). Review your team’s topic choice and action plan as you work on your presentation. Be sure to update your references as you move forward. Reference should include at least three peer-reviewed outside sources (not including our course text).

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Address all of the following in your presentation: Identify and describe the change that is taking place. Discuss how management communication directly impacts overall organizational communication. How might this communication affect how the change is perceived? Discuss the way in which the organization’s managers and leaders can effectively respond to the change. What should leaders consider about perception, individual orientations, and types of change adopters as they communicate the change? Evaluate the communication strategies that can be used to communicate the change to the organization. Identify at least two barriers to effective communication that leaders might encounter in the organization and discuss strategies to overcome these barriers. Prepare your references in proper APA format. Reference should include at least three peer-reviewed outside sources (not including our course text). Submit your 2 page outline and references

For More Classes Please Visit BSCOM 360 Wk 4 - Communication Themes Matrix Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Communication Themes Matrix. Part A: Communication Matrix (Use the Communication Matrix Part A Grid)

Use the organization you wrote about in your Week 2 Organizational Communication Style and Culture Paper. If you did not submit the Week 2 paper, use an organization with which you are familiar. With that organization in mind, fill out the applicable parts of the matrix. You've been hired by the organization you wrote about during Week 2 to evaluate its organizational communication and how it impacts efficiency at the organization. Your job is to suggest ways the organization can improve its organizational communication and improve efficiency / productivity. On the matrix, there are four themes (Traditional, Relational, Cultural, and Network) and nine common characteristics (system, rules/norms, hierarchy, communication networks, organizational networks, leadership approaches, mgt communication / decision making, power, and conflict). Using these themes and all the associated info we've learned in the reading so far to identify communication problems in the nine common characteristics. Be sure to use the info we've been reading and learning. Mark the box (or boxes) that apply to the organization you're evaluating. Which theme / common characteristic is impacting efficiency / productivity at that organization? Add a brief explanation of why you chose the box and use our course material to support your explanation. Your explanations should include significant information from our course reading. NOTE: You must choose at least three boxes - but you can choose more than three. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ Part B: Communication Improvement Proposal (Create a Word document) Once you complete the matrix, you can see all the areas that can be improved by better communication. Prepare a 750word proposal (essay) for the CEO of the organization.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Include two (or more) major communication improvement initiatives that could be implemented to increase effective organizational communication and lead to increased productivity. These initiatives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. Use the material from our course to justify your suggestions. Be sure to cite all your claims and offer info from what we're learning to strengthen your proposed communication changes. Include a reference page in APA format. Submit TWO files: Part A (Matrix Grid) - Name your file like this: LastName_PartA (Example: Smith_PartA) Part A always give a high plagiarism score because we're all using the same worksheet. That's why I like it submitted separately. Part B (Essay Proposal) - Name your file like this: LastName_PartB (Example: Smith_PartB) Part B will go through the plagiarism scanner

BSCOM 360 Wk 5 - Organizational Communication Quiz Question 1 What characteristic of an organization is interrelated and interdependent to make the whole organization function? 1. rules 2. roels 3. hierarchy 4. norms 5. system Question 2 Darren has realized that the best way to find out what is going on in the office is to hang out in the copy room. This is an example of what type of network? 6. formal 7. informal

8. bypassed 9. informational 10. cable 2. Question 3 Jo, a low-level employee, is e-mailing an organizational vice-president about an idea she has for the organization. This is a form of what type of communication? 1. formal 2. upward 3. chain 4. illegal 5. informal 3. Question 4 Darla walks in on her coworker, Troy, who is crying. Darla asks Troy what is wrong, to which he responds, “Nothing!” This is an example of which of the functions of nonverbal messages? 1. complementing 2. rearranging 3. substituting 4. contradicting 5. repeating 4. Question 5 An individual’s position in a group or organization is referred to as an individual’s _________. 1. role 2. rule 3. place 4.

status 5. purpose 5.

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Question 6 An individual’s predisposition towards work, motivation to work, job satisfaction, and ways of dealing with peers, subordinates, and supervisors on the job are referred to as her or his what? 1. organizational outlook 2. organizational goals 3. organizational orientation 4. organizational personality 5. organizational temperament 6. Question 7 Alondra is very disgruntled with the status quo within her organization and despises the hierarchy within the organization. What organizational orientation does Alondra have? 1. upwardly mobile 2. indifference 3. ambivalence 4. goal centered 5. achievement orientation 7. Question 8 Fatima and Hamid work within the same division in a large corporation. The two quickly became friends because they are both Iranian. Which type of homophily explains how this occurs? 1.

attitudinal 2. background 3. demographic 4. optimal 5. fabricated 8. Question 9 Which form of homophily is created when two people are not honest about who they are and what their attitudes, beliefs, and values are? 1. attitudinal 2. background 3. demographic 4. optimal 5. fabricated 9. Question 10 Which orientation to management believes that it is possible to integrate the goals of the organization with the goals of the individual? 1. human relations 2. interpersonal 3. scientific 4. humanistic 5. human Resources 10. Question 11 Chris’ management communication style tends to consist of a high concern for task and a high concern for people. Which leadership style does he possess? 1. social 2.

task 3. balanced 4. moderate 5. leaderless 11. Question 12 Diallo has a lot of faith in his employees, but he still makes most of the major decisions himself. What kind of manager would he be, according to Likert’s PDM Theory? 1. exploitive authoritative 2. benevolent authoritative 3. consultative 4. participative 5. instructive 12. Question 13 Abu encourages his subordinates to communicate with him and with their peers and tries to make communication very interactive. What management communication style does Abu have? 1. tell 2. sell 3. consult 4. discuss 5. join 13. Question 14 Which of the following is not a ramification of too much or too little status in an organization? 1. it inhibits communication 2. solidarity is not developed 3. it interferes with work

4. it causes resentment and conflict 5. it causes communication underload 14.

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Question 15 Dialo and Gabby are very good friends. Dialo can get Gabby to do things for him by mentioning that if she were a “good friend” she would do it. Which type of power is Dialo using? 1. coercive 2. reward 3. expert 4. legitimate 5. relational 15. Question 16 Which of the following statements is false about the relationship between cultures and organizations? 1. organizations shape cultures 2. different organizations have different organizational cultures 3. culture shapes organizations 4. culture is not impacted by organizations 5. individuals entering an organization go through culture shock 16. Question 17 What is the viewing of one’s culture as the center of the universe? 1.

egocentrism 2. cultural identity 3. prejudice 4. discrimination 5. ethnocentrism 17. Question 18 Angel never seems to find out about what is going on in his organization until it is too late. He never seems to hear anything that is going on. Angel is an example of what type of person in an informal communication system? 1. liaison 2. opinion leader 3. informer 4. isolater 5. innovator 18. Question 19 Which of the following sets of needs create tension that all organizations must face? 1. shareholders' needs and manager's needs 2. managers' needs and workers' needs 3. individual members' needs and the needs of the organization 4. the needs of the society and the needs of the organization 19. Question 20 Organizations require us to sacrifice some of our independence and replace it with 1. specialization 2. efficiency 3. interdependence

4. coordination 20. Question 21 Organizations that face turbulent environments are most effective when their communication systems 1. are capable of adapting to change 2. are stable—employees do not think everything around them is chaotic 3. limit information flow through the organization to prevent information overload 4. a and b only 21. Question 22 For rule systems to succeed in influencing employee behaviors 1. the rules must be perceived 2. as being fair, objective, and equally enforced 3. employees’ behaviors must be linked to a credible reward system 4. a and b 5. none of the above (rule systems never succeed) 22. Question 23 Participatory decision making has been shown to 1. have no effect on job satisfaction and decrease productivity 2. increase job satisfaction, increase gossip levels, and have no effect on motivation 3. increase job satisfaction, increase motivation, and have no absolute effect on productivity 4. decrease workplace relationships, decrease motivation, and increase productivity 23. Question 24 Organizational stories play which of the following functions? 1. they reveal the values of the organization 2.

they allow people to justify their actions at work 3. they support the culture by making its taken-for-granted assumptions seem legitimate 4. a, b, and c 24. Question 25 Network organizations motivate and control their units and their units' members through 1. hierarchical authority 2. cultivating trust 3. network-based formal systems for monitoring and control members' activities 4. b and c 25. Question 26 Role negotiation occurs when employees 1. enter a new organization 2. transfer within the same organization 3. adapt to a merger or downsizing 4. a, b, and c 26. Question 27 Contingency design theory suggest that when an organization exists in an unstable and highly complex environment, the organizational strategy used should include 1. the use of many memos and other forms of written communication 2. a high degree of centralization for maximum efficiency 3. highly qualified and experienced staff 4. a and c 27. Question 28 The influence granted to individuals as a result of their status or formal role in the organization is 1. referent power

2. asset power 3. legitimate power 4. constant power 28. Question 29 Asking technical questions instead of practical questions 1. privileges some interests over others, usually preserving the status quo 2. focuses our attention on seemingly value-neutral issues rather than value-laden issues 3. enables us to better understand "how" a process works 4. a, b, and c 29. Question 30 Groupthink occurs more often among what type of groups? 1. highly cohesive groups 2. taskforce groups 3. egocentric groups 4. a. none of the above

For More Classes Please Visit BSCOM 360 Wk 5 Team - Final Learning Team Presentation IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: If your team submits an item accidentally, let me know so I can delete the incorrect submission. Re-submissions are not automatic for team items. It is a quirk of BB and the only way around it is for your instructor to intervene. (This is not true for individual assignments. Individual assignments can be submitted repeatedly by the student).

Week 5 Reminder: Late items are NOT accepted in Week 5. All assignments must be posted by 11:59 pm on our last day of class. Resource: Final Learning Team Presentation Background Info: Global, Inc. is a fictitious company who hired your team to give a presentation. Your team has been asked to speak to the Board of Directors and a group of leaders at Global, Inc. because they are about to experience a major organizational change. During our class, we will study a variety of major organizational changes and how they relate to organizational communication. Your team has been hired to present information that will help Global, Inc. during its transition. Your team will specifically identify organizational communication factors that should be taken into consideration as Global, Inc. experiences this major change. Your team will provide a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes or recorded speakers, a written supplement, and a list of references. Review your team’s topic, action plan, and outline as you work on your presentation. Be sure to update your references as you move forward with the presentation. Reference should include at least three peer-reviewed outside sources (not including our course text). Create a 15- to 20-minute oral presentation, accompanied by visuals, that presents information to help Global, Inc., in the transition. Time the presentation to make sure it is 15-20 min long. Your team may record the presentation, provide a script, or include detailed speaker notes. I need to know exactly what will be said at the presentation. Specifically identify organizational communication factors that should be taken into consideration as the organization experiences the change. Use the info we learned in class to support your presentation. Address all of the following in your presentation: 1. Identify and describe the change that is taking place. 2. Discuss how management communication directly impacts overall organizational communication. How might this communication affect how the change is perceived? 3. Discuss the way in which the organization’s managers and leaders can effectively respond to the change. What should leaders consider about

perception, individual orientations, and types of change adopters as they communicate the change? 4. Evaluate the communication strategies that can be used to communicate the change to the organization. 5. Identify at least two barriers to effective communication that leaders might encounter in the organization and discuss strategies to overcome these barriers. Prepare a written supplement (flyer, executive summary, handout, brochure, etc) that summarizes the information in your presentation. This will be left with the leaders of Global, Inc after your presentation. Your supplement can be in the form of a brochure, informational sheet, executive summary, etc. but should NOT be an essay. Be sure the supplement adequately captures the main ideas discussed in your presentation and is appropriate for a professional meeting. Name your files like this: 1. LTLetter_powerpoint 2. LTLetter_references 3. LTLetter_supplement  EXAMPLE: Learning Team X would use these names:  LTX_powerpoint  LTX_references  LTX_supplement Submit THREE files: The PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes, script, or recording. 2. The reference page 3. The written supplement (brochure, flyer, executive summary, handout, or whatever your team chose) 1.

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