CCMH 565 CCMH565 ccmh 565 Best Tutorials Guide -

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Couple, and Child Counseling

The Latest Version A+ Study Guide

CCMH 565 Wk 1 - Family Systems Analysis

Counselors need to understand how family members interact and relate to each other. In this assignment you will examine how changes within the family system may affect relationship patterns or impact the family unit.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper analyzing the systemic approach to counseling. Use the following topics as headings in your paper and address each prompt with thorough and logical responses.

Systems Thinking

In your own words, define systemic thinking.

Describe the value of understanding how families function. How is systems thinking beneficial to a counselor?

Explain how systems theory affects the family therapy process.

Analyze how systemic approaches to counseling differ from individual approaches.

Explain the role of constructivism in family therapy.

Personal Reflection

Select and discuss 1 or 2 concepts from your chapter readings that you identify with or see in your own family.

What potential concerns do you have in working with families that are similar to your own? How do you plan to manage these concerns?

Note: In your reflection, be sure to avoid divulging sensitive and deeply personal details.

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Cite a minimum of 3 scholarly sources.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CCMH 565 Wk 1 - Concept Check

1. Question 1 1/1

The group therapy model is not entirely appropriate for families because of which of the following reasons?

1. The group therapy model does not address family life cycle concepts. 2.

Unlike group therapy members, family members typically have a shared history. 3.

Group therapy strategies and interventions are too complex for children and adolescents.


The group therapy model is too simplistic for addressing most family issues. 2. Question 2 1/1

A(n) ________________ relationship is one based on differences that fit together.

1. complementary 2. symmetrical 3. homeostatic 4. imbalanced 3. Question 3

Which family therapist's personal resolution of emotional reactivity in his family was as significant for his approach to family therapy as Freud's self-analysis was for psychoanalysis?

1. Salvador Minuchin 2.

Jay Haley


Murray Bowen

4. Carl Whitaker

4. Question 4

Which family therapist believed that underneath the apparent unity of families there existed a layer of intrapsychic conflict that divided family members into factions?

1. Murray Bowen 2. Nathan Ackerman

3. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy

4. Virginia Satir

5. Question 5 1/1

Who was the first theorist to apply group concepts to family treatment?

1. Murray Bowen 2. John Elderkin Bell 3. Virginia Satir

4. Carl Whitaker

6. Question 6 1/1

Frieda Fromm-Reichmann's concept, "______________ mother," described a domineering, aggressive, rejecting, and insecure mother who was thought to provide the pathological parenting that produced schizophrenia.

1. undifferentiated 2. schizophrenogenic 3. reactive 4. symbiotic

7. Question 7

When is the appropriate time for a therapist to inquire about drug and alcohol consumption?


When the therapist suspects there is an addiction or dependency issue


During every client session


In cases where the identified patient is a teenaged child


When there is a history of drug and alcohol consumption

8. Question 8

In addition to developing an alliance with the family, what is the goal of a first interview?


To determine if medication is indicated


To get a detailed picture of the identified patient


To develop a tentative hypothesis about the presenting problem


To consider whether or not to take the case

9. Question 9


What is the major presenting pitfall in listening to a family’s perspective on the presenting problem?


Accepting a linear perspective on the problem


Hearing too many conflicting points of view


Allowing children too much leverage in family decision making


Challenging the family’s perspective too soon

10. Question 10

In family therapy, the therapist should explore all of the following elements of family structure, except which one?

1. Subsystems 2.


3. Family rules

4. Triangles

11. Question 11


Challenging linearity means which of the following?


Asking how other family members are involved in the presenting problem


Asking family members for a chronology of the presenting problem


Asking family members for a family history


Asking family members to complete a treatment contract

12. Question 12 1/1

At termination of family therapy, a therapist should complete which of the following steps?

1. Explore the therapeutic relationship 2. Challenge the therapeutic relationship 3. Review the therapeutic relationship 4.

Focus on what the family has accomplished

13. Question 13

According to the Week 1 assigned chapter readings, which of the following is the real value of the family life-cycle concept?

1. Defining what constitutes a normal family 2. Finding a universal family experience 3.

Recognizing families often develop problems at transitions 4.

Dividing family life into discrete stages

14. Question 14 Which of the following is not a concept of von Bertalanffy's general systems


1. "Black box" metaphor


A system is more than the sum of its parts

3. Equifinality 4. Homeostatic reactivity

15. Question 15 1/1

A state of dynamic balance is known as which of the following?

1. Metacommunication

2. Homeostasis

3. Morphogenesis 4. Equifinality 16. Question 16 1/1

Which family therapist posited that relationship problems usually involve triangles?

1. Murray Bowen 2. Don Jackson 3. Gregory Bateson

4. All of the above

17. Question 17 1/1

Which of the following was the greatest conceptual influence on the early development of family therapy?

1. The family life cycle 2. Constructivism

Systems theory

18. Question 18

The focus of narrative therapy is on _______________, while the focus of solution-focused therapy is on ____________.

1. exceptions; problems

2. cognitions; interactions

3. attitudes; behavior

4. individuals; families

19. Question 19


The study of control processes in systems, particularly the analysis of the flow of information in self-regulating systems, is known as which of the following?

1. Functional analysis of behavior 2. Cybernetics

3. Existentialism


General systems theory

20. Question 20 1/1

Constructivism first found its way into psychotherapy in the work of which psychologist?

1. Paul Watzlawick 2. Kenneth Gergen 3. George Kelly 4. Michael White

3. Feminism 4.

CCMH 565 Wk 2 - Case Study: Theoretical Approaches, Part I

Throughout this course, you will use the Jameson Family case study to analyze various theoretical approaches to counseling. This week, you will apply what you have learned about family therapy from your chapter readings and learning activities to develop your understanding of family counseling theories.

Prior to completing this assignment, complete the following tasks:

 Read the Case Study: Jameson Family, Session 1.

 Review Bowenian, Strategic, and Structural approaches to family therapy from the Week 2 assigned chapter readings.

Write a 525- to 800-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family. Address each prompt below with thorough and logical responses.

Select a theory from the Week 2 readings that most aligns with your desired approach to family therapy.

Describe how you would apply your chosen theory to address the counseling needs of the Jameson family.

Describe specific techniques, assessments, or interventions associated with your chosen theory that you would use to address the family’s concerns.

Provide examples of how these techniques, assessments, or interventions could result in a positive outcome.

Describe the advantages and limitations you may encounter when using this approach with the Jameson family.

 Incorporate research from current, scholarly references to support your thinking.

Cite 3 to 5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CCMH 565 Wk 2 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 __________develop when two people regularly involve third parties in their conflicts with each other. 1.


2. Relationship triangles

3. Displacement stories

4. Genograms

2. Question 2 1/1

Which of the following is the primary goal of Bowen family therapy?


To heighten emotional experiencing in family members


To increase the family's repertoire of problem-solving skills


To increase the level of differentiation of self in family members


To improve communication between family members

3. Question 3

From a Bowenian perspective, optimal development in the family occurs when all members are relatively differentiated, anxiety is low, and parents

1. form an executive subsystem

2. are cut-off from dysfunctional family members

3. avoid heightened emotionality


remain in emotional contact with family of origin

4. Question 4 1/1

According to Bowen, the underlying factor in the genesis of psychological problems is __________, which is passed down from one generation to the next.

1. triangulation 2. emotional fusion 3. emotional cutoff 4.


social influence

5. Question 5

Which of the following is true about the "differentiated" individual?


They can extricate themself from all emotional triangles.


They can balance their needs for closeness and autonomy.


They avoid contact with their parents.


They approach life in a purely rational fashion.

6. Question 6


Which of the following is a primary goal of communications family therapy?


To foster insight 2.

To negatively reinforce symptoms 3.

To promote individuation of family members 4.

To interrupt dysfunctional feedback loops

7. Question 7


Relabeling a family's description of behavior to make it more amenable to therapeutic change is called what?

1. Reframing 2. Prescribing the symptom 3. Reinforcement reciprocity


A double-bind

8. Question 8


Basic change in the structure and functioning of a system is known in general systems theory as which of the following?

1. First-order change

2. Second-order change


Quid pro quo change

4. Paradoxical change

9. Question 9 1/1

The method of interviewing developed by the Milan associates in which questions are asked to highlight differences among family members, is known as which of the following?


A therapeutic double-bind

2. Circular questioning 3. Positive connotation 4. A family ritual

10. Question 10 1/1

Action and insight are the primary vehicles of change in family therapy. The __________ school emphasizes behavioral change and eschews insight as a medium for change.

1. structural 2. strategic 3. psychodynamic 4. experiential

11. Question 11 1/1

A family therapist who begins a session by greeting individual family members by name and asking for each person's view of the problem is demonstrating which strategy?

1. Boundary making 2. Highlighting the interactions


12. Question 12

What is the primary treatment goal of structural family therapy?


To teach the family problem-solving strategies


To alter the family structure


To strengthen boundaries around rigid family subsystems


To heighten emotional experiencing

13. Question 13


Structural family therapists use _________ to observe and then modify interactions that make up family structure.

1. genograms

2. paradoxical directives

3. double-binds

4. enactments

14. Question 14

Which of the following is the goal when working with enmeshed families in structural family therapy?


To establish reinforcement reciprocity by teaching methods of positive control


To differentiate individuals and subsystems by strengthening the boundaries around them


To increase interaction by making boundaries more permeable


All of the above

15. Question 15 1/1

In order to discern a family's structure, two things are necessary: a theoretical

3. Accommodating 4.

system that explains structure and _____________________.

1. family members' self-reports

2. live observation

3. a structured assessment interview

4. none of the above

CCMH 565 Wk 3 - Case Study: Theoretical Approaches, Part II

In this week’s assignment, you will use the Jameson family case study to analyze Experiential, Psychoanalytic, and Cognitive-Behavioral approaches to family therapy. This assignment will help you explore which of these models you align with the most.

Prior to completing this assignment, complete the following tasks:

Review the Case Study: Jameson Family, Session 1.

 Review Experiential, Psychoanalytic, and Cognitive-Behavioral approaches to family therapy from the Week 3 assigned chapter readings.

Write a 525- to 800-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family. Address each prompt below with thorough and logical responses.

Select a theory from the Week 3 readings that most aligns with your desired approach to family therapy.

Describe how you would apply your chosen theory to address the counseling needs of the Jameson family.

Describe specific techniques, assessments, or interventions associated with your chosen theory that you would use to address the family’s concerns.

Provide examples of how these techniques, assessments, or interventions could result in a positive outcome.

Describe the advantages and limitations you may encounter when using this approach with the Jameson family.

 Incorporate research from current, scholarly references to support your thinking.

Cite 3–5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CCMH 565 Wk 3 - Concept Check

1. Question 1 1/1

Experiential therapy differs from most systems approaches with respect to its emphasis on ____________ versus techniques that specifically facilitate interaction.

1. expanding experience 2. improving problem solving

3. restructuring the family hierarchy 4. metacommunication

2. Question 2

The goals of experiential family therapy include all except which of the following?

1. Increased emotional expression 2. Greater freedom to be themselves 3. Restructuring of the family system

4. Unblocking defense to release innate vitality

3. Question 3


A non-verbal experiential technique, in which family members position themselves in a tableau that reveals significant aspects of their perceptions and feelings, is known as which of the following?

1. Existential encounter 2. Family sculpting 3. Family ritual

4. Conjoint family drawing

4. Question 4 1/1

The primary goals of experiential family therapy include all except which of the following?

1. Enhanced sensitivity


Greater freedom of choice

3. Expanded emotional experiencing

4. Symptom relief

5. Question 5 1/1

Johnson and Greenberg have found that emotionally-focused couples therapy is more successful when the therapist first _____________________ and that intimate self-disclosure leads to more productive sessions.

1. softens the attacking spouse’s stance

2. engages the withdrawn spouse

3. facilitates an enactment

4. encourages expression of secondary emotions

6. Question 6 1/1

________ is an interactive process in which a subject perceives an object as containing elements of the subject's personality and evokes certain behaviors and feelings from the object that conform to these perceptions.

1. Separation-individuation

2. Transference-countertransference

3. Reciprocal introjection

Projective identification

7. Question 7


Psychoanalytic family therapy consists of four basic techniques: listening, empathy, interpretation, and _________________.

1. analytic neutrality

2. facilitating emotional expression 3. paradoxical directives

4. re-storying

8. Question 8 1/1

According to object relations theory, both ________ and ________ will likely result in poor adult adjustment.

1. inadequate separation-individuation; introjection of pathological objects 2. repression of aggressive and libidinal impulses; introjection of pathological objects 3. introjection of pathological objects; enmeshment with family of origin 4. enmeshment with family of origin; inadequate separation-individuation

9. Question 9 1/1

According to psychoanalytic perspectives, one's choice of marital partner is based on which of the following?


The desire to maximize rewards and minimize costs of the relationship 2.

One's level of differentiation of self, and similar levels of differentiation in the families of origin

3. Complementary styles of communication 4.

One's desire to find someone with complementary needs who will fulfill one's unconscious fantasies

10. Question 10 1/1

The essence of psychoanalytic treatment is uncovering _______impulses and


defenses against them.

1. conscious 2. negative

3. unconscious 4. None of the above

11. Question 11 1/1

The general approach for the behavioral treatment of sexual dysfunction involves which of the following?

1. Conducting a medical examination to rule out organic problems

2. Establishing goals for treatment

3. Conducting extensive interviews to determine the nature of the dysfunction


All of the above

12. Question 12

After identifying problematic assumptions, cognitive-behavioral therapists do what?

1. Offer alternative explanations


Point out fallacies in thinking 3.

Help clients test their assumptions 4.

Check for family schemas

13. Question 13 1/1

Which of the following is the general goal of behavioral family therapy?


To increase the rate of rewarding exchange


To teach communication and problem-solving skills 3.

To decrease aversive exchanges


All of the above

14. Question 14 1/1

Cognitive-behavioral family therapy assessment methods may include all of the following except?

1. Projective testing

2. Clinical interviews

3. Observation

4. Questionnaires

15. Question 15 1/1

The behavioral parent training model begins with a careful assessment of the child’s problem behavior and consequences; then it_________________.

1. focuses on triadic constructions of the identified problem 2. aims to restructure the family hierarchy and generational boundaries

3. teaches parents to reward behavior they want increased and to ignore/punish problem behavior

4. requires that the entire family to attend therapy

CCMH 565 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Case Study:

Theoretical Approaches, Part III

In this assignment, you’ll reflect on the Post-Modern, Solution-Focused, and Narrative approaches to family therapy you learned about this week and determine which of these strategies you prefer the most.

Prior to completing this assignment, complete the following tasks:  Review the Case Study: Jameson Family, Session 1.

Review Post-Modern, Solution-Focused, and Narrative approaches to family therapy from the Week 4 assigned chapter readings.

Write a 525- to 800-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the Jameson family. Address each prompt below with thorough and logical responses.

Select a theory from the Week 4 readings that most aligns with your desired approach to family therapy.

Describe how you would you apply your chosen theory to address the counseling needs of the Jameson family.

Describe specific techniques, assessments, or interventions associated with your chosen theory that would you use to address the family’s concerns.

Provide examples of how these techniques, assessments, or interventions could result in a positive outcome.

Describe the advantages and limitations you may encounter when using this approach with the Jameson family.

Incorporate research from current, scholarly references to support your thinking.

Cite 3–5 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


your assignment. CCMH 565 Wk 4 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 1/1 The ____________ question is used by solution-focused therapists to circumvent clients' global and unremitting perceptions of the problems and direct their attention to times in the past or present when they didn't have the problem. 1. exception 2. miracle 3. scaling 4. None of the above 2. Question 2 Solution-focused techniques are organized around two strategies. The first is

_______; the second is generation solutions based on exceptions.

1. developing well-focused goals

2. identifying complainants

3. identifying problem-maintaining solutions

4. identifying family conflicts

Question 4 1/1

In the solution-focused model, therapists encourage talking about solutions and discourage _____________.

5. solutions that don’t work 6. problem-maintaining solutions

7. problem talk 8. None of the above 3. Question 5 1/1

A therapist who uses solution-focused therapy will use scaling questions to do which of the following?

1. Clarify vague goals 2. Encourage commitment to change

3. Measure progress 4. All of the above

4. Question 6 1/1

In solution-focused therapy, compliments can be used for which of the following?

1. To reinforce successful solutions 2.

To foster self-confidence


To enhance the therapeutic alliance


To discourage problem talk

5. Question 7 1/1

Coping questions are designed for which of the following?


To help clients figure out how to cope better with their problems


To help clients figure out how to work together better to cope with their problems


To help clients realize they are more resourceful than they thought 4.

To help clients consider new solutions for their problems

6. Question 8 1/1

In narrative therapy, a ____________ question is asked to help externalize the problem.

1. meaning 2. deconstruction 3. preference 4. story development 7. Question 9 According to narrative theory, therapists should not do which of the following?

1. Take a collaborative, listening position with clients 2. Help people separate from the dominant cultural narratives 3. Consider the larger historical and political context 4. Search for flaws in the family system

8. Question 10 1/1

In narrative therapy, externalizing conversations are useful for which of the following?

1. Helping clients differentiate between their problems and society’s problems


Helping the therapist locate problems in the client’s family system


Helping clients differentiate between themselves and their problem(s)


Helping parents practice communicating boundaries to children

9. Question 11

In narrative therapy, helping a client develop _________ to an experience will help them challenge negative images of self and emphasize positive agency.

1. opening space 2. preference 3. deconstruction 4. meaning

10. Question 12 1/1

Narrative therapy consists of a series of questions designed for which of the following?


To challenge negative views 2.

To call attention to courage and strength 3.

To help clients re-imagine a more successful future


All of the above

11. Question 13

The narrative approach first found its way into psychotherapy in the hermeneutic traditions in which of the following?

1. Psychoanalysis 2. Gestalt therapy

Client-centered therapy

12. Question 14

Narrative therapists_______problems in order to free the family and individual family members from blame.

1. re-story


prescribe 4. reframe

13. Question 15 1/1

After listening to a client describe how they recently addressed a problem, a therapist asks, “Was this way of handling things better or worse? Was this a positive or negative development?”. These questions are examples of _________________ because they establish the client’s desired outcomes.

1. preference questions


space questions


story development questions

CCMH 565 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Counseling Couples and Adolescents

In this week’s assignment, you will analyze a skills demonstration and determine how you might incorporate various counseling strategies and interventions when working with couples and adolescents.

3. Feminism 4.
3. deconstruction

Watch “Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay & Transgendered Youth Counseling: Affirmative Practice in Schools, Communities, and Families” from the University Library. This is a skills demonstration video in which parents share concerns about their adolescent daughter with a counselor. *Note: This is a two-hour video with multiple scenarios, you are not required to watch the entire video. For this assignment you are required to respond to the scenario with the time stamp from: (1:28-1:39)

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you apply a theoretical approach to the family’s concerns. Note: Although several theories may be applicable for this assignment, you may only use theories that have been presented in Weeks 2–4. Use the following topics as headings in your paper and address each prompt with thorough and logical responses.

Part 1 – Counseling a Couple

Summarize the clients and the presenting problem(s).

Imagine this couple has come to you for counseling. Propose a theoretical approach to working with them.

Which theory would you apply when working with the couple? Justify your response.

Based on the theory you selected, what applicable interventions and/or strategies would be most effective when working with this couple?

What ethical, legal, multicultural factors will you need to consider?

What advantages/challenges do you anticipate when applying your selected theory?

Part 2 – Counseling an Adolescent

Imagine that after counseling the couple in the video, you have decided to now meet with their adolescent child alone. Explain how you will prepare for that counseling session.

Which theory would you apply when working with the adolescent? Justify your response.

Based on the theory you selected, what applicable interventions and/or strategies would be most effective when working with this client?

What ethical, legal, multicultural factors will you need to consider?

What advantages and challenges do you anticipate when applying your selected theory?

Part 3 – Additional Resources

Describe additional resources you would consider providing to either the couple or the adolescent.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CCMH 565 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Case Study:

Theoretical Approaches, Part IV

In Weeks 2–4, you explored appropriate types of theoretical strategies and interventions required to address the needs of the Jameson family as a unit. This week, you will determine how to address ethical, legal, and multicultural aspects that can have an impact on treatment.

Imagine the Jameson family has booked another session with you. Review the Case Study: Jameson Family, Session 2.

Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word paper explaining how you will address the family’s concerns. Use the following topics as headings in your paper and address each prompt with thorough and logical responses.


Briefly summarize the previous sessions you have had with the Jameson family.

Theoretical Approaches

Reflect on the theoretical approaches you learned about in Weeks 2–5.

 Identify 2 theoretical approaches that you plan to use in the next family session.

Summarize the theoretical approaches, including definitions and examples where appropriate.

Describe the goals you hope to attain with these approaches.

Explain your rationale for using each theory with the family. Be sure to include details related to key concepts of each theory as well as your role as a counselor.

Describe some obstacles/challenges you may encounter in using each approach. For example, consider how individual family members might respond to your strategies.

Describe how you will assess whether you have attained your goals for this session.

Assessment Tools

Describe relevant assessment tools you will use to counsel the Jameson family. Explain how these tools will support your counseling goals.

Justify your choices with relevant details and/or examples from the case study, your textbook, or other relevant course materials.

Ethical/Legal Considerations

Describe 2–3 ethical or legal issues that you will address in the next family counseling session.

Explain why each issue must be addressed.

How might each issue have an impact on future counseling sessions?

What are the benefits and challenges of addressing the issues?

Describe the steps you will take to address each issue.

Include any specific state/ethical codes you plan to cite or explain to the family. Note: Refer to the statutes of your state or the state you wish to practice in.

Multicultural Considerations

Describe 2–3 multicultural factors that you should address in the next family counseling session.

Explain why each issue must be addressed.

How might each issue have an impact on future counseling sessions?

What are the benefits and challenges of addressing the issues?

Describe the steps you will take to address each issue.

How might your own cultural identity and perspectives impact how you counsel the family?


Summarize the key points of your paper and emphasize the value of your ideas.

Cite 5–7 scholarly references to support your thinking.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. CCMH 565 Wk 6 - Concept Check 1. Question 1 1/1 The clinical application of __________therapy focuses on the presenting problem

and then addressing the most relevant level to find constraints that are keeping a family from solving its problems.

1. cognitive 2. behavioral 3. integrative systemic 4. structural

2. Question 2 __________ therapy views human problems as nested within hierarchies of subsystems, including person, relationship, family, community, and society.

1. Structural 2. Integrative systemic 3. MRI strategic 4. Experiential 3. Question 3 __________therapy attempts to grasp a family’s point of view, acknowledge it, then use reframing to shift the family’s point of view.

1. Behavioral 2. Strategic 3. Psychodynamic 4. Experiential 4. Question 4 Which school introduced the idea that families are systems—more than the sum of their parts?

1. Communications 2. Group 3.


5. Question 5

______ family theory is based on triangular configurations in which a dysfunctional boundary between two subsystems is the reciprocal of a boundary with a third.

1. Experiential

Strategic 3. Behaviorists


Question 6

therapists believe that dwelling on problems undermines the positive thinking they hope to promote.

1. Solution-focused



Both a and b

Question 7 1/1

____________ therapy uses a persistent series of questions as a decisive technique in addressing client concerns.

1. Strategic 2. Experiential



Question 8

The pioneers of family therapy who tended to overestimate the homeostatic forces in families and underestimate their flexibility and resourcefulness include

4. Structural

all the of the following people except who?

1. Salvador Minuchin

2. Virginia Satir

3. Mara Selvini Palazzoli 4. Don Jackson

9. Question 9

In contrast to traditional behavioral therapy, integrative couple therapy emphasizes ___________________.

1. insight 2. emotional experiencing 3. accountability 4. support and empathy

10. Question 10 1/1

The narrative solutions approach revolves around the concept of __________________, which assumes that people have strong preferences for how they would like to see themselves and be seen by others.

1. externalizing the problem

2. preferred views 3. emotional reactivity 4. self-leadership

11. Question 11

Therapists who apply ______________ take the position that the simplest and least expensive intervention should be tried before using more complex and expensive treatments.

1. integrative systemic therapy

2. narrative solutions therapy

3. integrative couple therapy

4. none of the above 12. Question 12 Jacobson and Christensen’s integrative couples therapy adds which of the following elements to traditional behavioral couples therapy?

1. Freudian conflict theory 2. narrative reconstruction 3. acceptance 4. triangulation

13. Question 13

The narrative solutions approach combines the insights of ____________ with narrative techniques.

1. experiential therapy 2. structural therapy 3. Bowenian theory 4. strategic therapy 14. Question 14

__________ family therapy is a therapy of action, but in this approach the action occurs in the session.

1. Bowenian 2. Structural 3. Narrative solutions 4. Experiential 15. Question 15

Which school tends not to incorporate systems thinking into their practice?


Communications 2. Bowenian 3. Behavioral 4. Structural

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