CCMH 565 Wk 1 - Concept Check

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CCMH 565 Wk 1 - Concept Check

1. Question 1 1/1

The group therapy model is not entirely appropriate for families because of which of the following reasons?


The group therapy model does not address family life cycle concepts.

Unlike group therapy members, family members typically have a shared history.

Group therapy strategies and interventions are too complex for children and adolescents.

4. The group therapy model is too simplistic for addressing most family issues.

2. Question 2

A(n) ________________ relationship is one based on differences that fit together.

1. complementary 2. symmetrical

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3. homeostatic 4.


3. Question 3

Which family therapist's personal resolution of emotional reactivity in his family was as significant for his approach to family therapy as Freud's self-analysis was for psychoanalysis?

1. Salvador Minuchin

2. Jay Haley

3. Murray Bowen

4. Carl Whitaker

4. Question 4

Which family therapist believed that underneath the apparent unity of families there existed a layer of intrapsychic conflict that divided family members into factions?

1. Murray Bowen 2. Nathan Ackerman

3. Ivan Boszormenyi-Nagy

4. Virginia Satir

5. Question 5 1/1

Who was the first theorist to apply group concepts to family treatment?

1. Murray Bowen

2. John Elderkin Bell

3. Virginia Satir

4. Carl Whitaker

6. Question 6 1/1

Frieda Fromm-Reichmann's concept, "______________ mother," described a domineering, aggressive, rejecting, and insecure mother who was thought to provide the pathological parenting that produced schizophrenia.

1. undifferentiated

2. schizophrenogenic

3. reactive 4. symbiotic

7. Question 7

When is the appropriate time for a therapist to inquire about drug and alcohol consumption?


When the therapist suspects there is an addiction or dependency issue 2. During every client session


In cases where the identified patient is a teenaged child 4.

When there is a history of drug and alcohol consumption

8. Question 8

In addition to developing an alliance with the family, what is the goal of a first interview?


To determine if medication is indicated 2.

To get a detailed picture of the identified patient


To develop a tentative hypothesis about the presenting problem 4.

To consider whether or not to take the case

9. Question 9


What is the major presenting pitfall in listening to a family’s perspective on the presenting problem?

1. Accepting a linear perspective on the problem 2.

Hearing too many conflicting points of view

3. Allowing children too much leverage in family decision making


Challenging the family’s perspective too soon

10. Question 10

In family therapy, the therapist should explore all of the following elements of family structure, except which one?

1. Subsystems 2. Boundaries

3. Family rules 4. Triangles

11. Question 11 1/1

Challenging linearity means which of the following?


Asking how other family members are involved in the presenting problem 2.

Asking family members for a chronology of the presenting problem 3.

Asking family members for a family history 4.

Asking family members to complete a treatment contract

12. Question 12


At termination of family therapy, a therapist should complete which of the following steps?

1. Explore the therapeutic relationship 2. Challenge the therapeutic relationship 3. Review the therapeutic relationship 4.

Focus on what the family has accomplished

13. Question 13

According to the Week 1 assigned chapter readings, which of the following is the real value of the family life-cycle concept?


Defining what constitutes a normal family


Finding a universal family experience


Recognizing families often develop problems at transitions


Dividing family life into discrete stages

14. Question 14

Which of the following is not a concept of von Bertalanffy's general systems theory?

1. "Black box" metaphor


A system is more than the sum of its parts

3. Equifinality

4. Homeostatic reactivity

15. Question 15 1/1

A state of dynamic balance is known as which of the following?

1. Metacommunication

2. Homeostasis

3. Morphogenesis

4. Equifinality

16. Question 16 1/1

Which family therapist posited that relationship problems usually involve triangles?

1. Murray Bowen 2. Don Jackson 3. Gregory Bateson 4. All of the above

17. Question 17


Which of the following was the greatest conceptual influence on the early development of family therapy?

1. The family life cycle 2. Constructivism

3. Feminism

4. Systems theory

18. Question 18

The focus of narrative therapy is on _______________, while the focus of solution-focused therapy is on ____________.

1. exceptions; problems 2. cognitions; interactions 3. attitudes; behavior 4. individuals; families

19. Question 19 1/1

The study of control processes in systems, particularly the analysis of the flow of information in self-regulating systems, is known as which of the following?

1. Functional analysis of behavior 2. Cybernetics 3. Existentialism 4. General systems theory

20. Question 20 1/1

Constructivism first found its way into psychotherapy in the work of which psychologist?



Paul Watzlawick 2. Kenneth
George Kelly
4. Michael

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