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CJA 326 Wk 1 - Concept Check

1. Question 1

Domestic violence, racial profiling, and use of force are all examples of which category of ethical issues in criminal justice?

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Ethical problems in the relationship between personal and professional interests


Ethical problems in the use of authority


Ethical issues in criminal justice and public policy


Ethical issues resulting from policing policies

2. Question 2


CJA/326 Ethics in Criminal Justice The Latest Version A+ Study Guide ********************************************** CJA 326 Entire Course Link

Administration of cruel and unusual punishment is an example of which category of ethical issues in criminal justice?

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1. Ethical issues resulting from policing policies

2. Ethical problems in information sharing


Ethical problems in dealing with human rights issues in the criminal justice system

4. Ethical issues in the media reporting of crime

3. Question 3


Natural law can be a source of ethical principles.

4. Question 4

During what decade did policing begin to narrow its functions to focus on crime control?

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1. T True 2. F False 2/2 1.

5. Question 5


Which of the following is not one of the issues that commentators agree have shaped ethics over the years?

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1. Styles of policing

2. The media

3. The police as an institution

4. Police culture

6. Question 6


Jerome Skolnick (1966) noted the inherent tension between enforcing the law and respecting rights. He suggested that the best solution to this dilemma was for police to give priority to which of the following?

3. 1940s 4. 1960s

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1. Their duty to uphold the law


Their duty to protect the public


Their reputation with the public


Their obligation to fight crime

7. Question 7


Which of the following factors may lead to corruption from the institutional viewpoint?

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Low public visibility and secrecy


Police personality and rotten apple


Corruption of authority and internal payoffs


None of the above

8. Question 8


Which of the following competence-related police behaviors are considered to contribute to police corruption?

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1. Forming police duties out of one’s own self-interest

2. Failing to take advantage of relevant, ongoing training opportunities


Lacking the skills, aptitude, or confidence to make lawful arrests

4. All of the above

9. Question 9


Extensive police use of “stop and frisk” has been shown to decrease violent crime rates.

1. T True

2. F False

10. Question 10


The rotten apple theory of police corruption blames individual officers or small groups of officers for the police corruption problem.

1. T True

CJA 326 Wk 1 - Police Officer Ethical Integrity Paper

Due to their role in enforcing society’s laws, police officers are expected to be held to the highest ethical standards, and when their performance comes into question, the public expects answers.

Research a case in which the ethical integrity of an officer (or officers) came into question.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

 Describe the situation and how it was handled.

 Explain the ethical implications of the officer’s action and the determining outcome.

 Address whether the agency where the officer worked had an appropriate ethical standard or statement.

 Describe how the agency dealt with the public response to the incident.

 Determine what police leadership could do to reduce the chances that this type of ethical violation would occur in the future.

Cite any references used to support your assignment.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CJA 326 Wk 2 - Concept Check

Race-based differences relate to a which of the following traits of a group of people?

2. F False
choices 1. Skin color 2. Ethnicity 3. Country of origin 4.

Biological inheritance

2. Question 2


Which group found that excessive force was used by LAPD officers against Rodney King and that the officers’ actions were compounded by racism and bias?

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1. Christopher Commission

2. New York State Judicial Commission on Minorities

3. Warren Commission

4. Rodney King Commission

3. Question 3


Studies show that race is a factor in applications for bail assuming a level playing field for the perceived dangerousness to the community and history of trial appearance.

1. T True

2. F False

4. Question 4


According to the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics, the number of hate crimes increased from 2012 to 2016 by over 1,200 incidents.

1. T True

2. F False

5. Question 5


In the legal profession, which of the following is a crucial core value between the lawyer and the client if the lawyer is to gain full knowledge of the client’s concerns?

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1. Trust

2. A retainer

3. Contingent fees

4. Privilege

6. Question 6


In the inquisitorial system, which of the following is true about the judge? Hide answer choices


They seek to discover the truth about the case.

2. They are a passive umpire or referee.


They allow the lawyers to control presentation of the evidence.


They never cross-examine witnesses.

7. Question 7


Which of the following is a requirement of ethical conduct for lawyers? Hide answer choices


They put aside their personal feelings about the client and the case.


They do whatever is necessary to win the case for the client.


They never engage in misleading or bullying tactics.


They put the social good before the interest of the client.

8. Question 8


Sometimes defense attorneys and other lawyers run into ethical problems because the lawyer has become a “cause lawyer.” What does this mean? Hide answer choices


The lawyer is overly zealous in protecting the client’s rights.


The lawyer is more interested in producing social or legal change than in serving the client.


The lawyer engages in fraudulent tactics to win the case.


The lawyer places the client’s interest above the ethical rules.

9. Question 9


Ethical rules require that a prosecutor not initiate a prosecution unless which of the following is true?

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The prosecution is supported by probable cause.


The defendant is clearly guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

3. There is a better than 50/50 chance of getting a conviction.


The prosecutor personally knows the defendant is guilty.

10. Question 10


Ethical rules prohibit judges from commending or criticizing juries for their verdicts.

1. T True

2. F False

CJA 326 Wk 2 - Summative Assessment: Wrongful Conviction Research Paper

The strength of our criminal justice system depends on its ability to be accurate and swift in convicting the guilty and in clearing the innocent. However, wrongful convictions do happen sometimes. Identifying and understanding the causes of wrongful convictions is critical to maintaining the integrity of our justice system.

Research a case in which an inmate was wrongfully convicted and eventually released based upon new evidence.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

 Indicate if the wrongful conviction was based upon unethical practices by the police, court, probationary personnel, or witnesses.

 Describe how the conviction was appealed and whether the defendant received any reparations.

 Indicate if the justice system targeted those responsible for the wrongful conviction and whether they were prosecuted for their conduct.

 Describe what could be done to avoid such behaviors in the future.

Reference at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

CJA 326 Wk 3 - Concept Check

1. Question 1


Which of the following is a way of thinking about the ethics of criminal justice policymaking?

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Those designing policies should act ethically in formulating plans and projects.


It is argued that coercion affects morality policy.

3. Criminal justice polices are formed in a vacuum.


Creating moral panics can help politicians when making policy decisions.

2. Question 2


The 11th edition of the World Population List stated that the United States has the second-highest prison population worldwide at the end of October 2015.

1. T True

2. F False

3. Question 3


Many current policies and criminal justice trends lack an ethical focus. Which of the following is not subjected to that accusation in Ch. 9 of Criminal Justice Ethics?

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1. War on drugs

2. Community-oriented policing

3. Mandatory minimum sentencing

4. Capital punishment

4. Question 5


As discussed in Ch. 9 of Criminal Justice Ethics, specifically in relation to the war on drugs and the three-strikes legislation, policy choices sometimes have a

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disproportionate impact on minorities.

1. T True

2. F False

5. Question 6 22

Truth in sentencing laws have resulted in lower sentences for most violent offenders.

1. T True

2. F False

6. Question 7


Those that support the death penalty as justice view the punishment for murder as retribution rather than revenge.

1. T True

2. F False

7. Question 8


The various theories of “moral panic,” while different in their explanation for the phenomenon, generally teach which of the following? Hide answer choices


We should not panic about immorality in society.


Social problems such as crime may arise, but policymakers should not overreact to them because the public does.


It is not beneficial to panic if an effective policy cannot be adopted.


Morality cannot be changed through public policy.

8. Question 9

In Ch. 9, an expert (Mooney) claims the US has a fixation on morality policies due to which of the following factors?

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Low adherence to religions in American society


The heterogeneity of society that encourages a clash of values


The media’s influence on the public view of policies

4. Political adherence to morality policy

9. Question 10


Three-strikes laws have a number of adverse implications. Which of the following is not one of them?

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They remove repeat offenders from society.


Prosecutors are given the rights in some states to determine whether the third strike should be charged as a felony or misdemeanor.


Legislation has increased punishment disparities.


They reinforce the race bias in punishment by concentrating on street crimes and drug offenses.

CJA 326 Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Social Justice Reform Research Paper

In the past decade, operational policies of police agencies across the United States have been steadily called into question in response to incidents involving alleged racially biased policing. Social justice reform groups have been formed to demand change and accountability within the criminal justice system.

Research a specific incident involving police officer conduct that has been called into question.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

 Identify and briefly describe the incident.

 Explain what ethical codes would guide the officer in an ethical response to this situation and how these codes relate to morality and legal responsibility in this incident.

 Explain whether there were any policy violations or policies that may warrant change considering the incident.

 Describe the handling of the situation by the criminal justice system. Were any changes made based upon the incident? If so, were those changes affected by outside influences or pressure?

Determine through your research whether the situation was handled appropriately in the criminal justice system, or if there was a better course of action. Justify your answer.

Reference at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CJA 326 Wk 4 - Concept Check

1. Question 1


In contrast to deontologists and consequentialists, theorists such as Aristotle stress the importance of moral character or personal ________. Hide answer choices

1. Rules

2. Effects

3. Religiosity

4. Virtue

2. Question 2


What is primarily concerned with persons and character rather than with duties or with the consequences of actions? Hide answer choices

1. Virtue ethics

2. Moral ethics

3. Justice ethics

4. Kantian ethics

3. Question 3


Moral virtues are represented by which of the following?

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1. Habits

2. Traits

3. Dispositions of character

4. All of the above

4. Question 4


Under virtue ethics, since what may be good for one person may not be good for another person, and reason alone will not tell us the correct way of living for each person, how can we determine the correct way?

Hide answer choices

1. Trial and error

2. Following the life of others considered good persons

3. Maximizing our virtues

4. Minimizing bad and evil

5. Question 5


As Aristotle explains it, which of the following is not constituted by the attribute of cleverness but does not exist without it.

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1. Practical wisdom

2. Virtue

3. Character

4. Justice

6. Question 6


In Ch. 14 of Criminal Justice Ethics, we learn about how Hursthouse and other critics of Aristotle and other character theorists argue that what is true about the virtues?

Hide answer choices

1. They have no relevance in the 21st century.

2. They are not recognized outside Greece.


They can be conflicting.


They ignore character issues.

7. Question 7

For stoics, what is achieved through a will that operates in accordance with the happenings of nature?

Hide answer choices

1. Morality

2. Virtue

3. Hedonism

4. Character

8. Question 8


According to Epicurus, which of the following is the proper way to live?

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To enjoy life to the fullest


To eat and drink as much as one desires


To live pleasantly


To have maximum pleasure

9. Question 9


An egoist can typically be described in which of the following ways?

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1. Self-centered

2. Inconsiderate

3. Unfeeling


All of the above

10. Question 10

Ethical egoism has been rejected for which of the following reasons?

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It does not assist us in resolving conflicts of interest


It is logically inconsistent

3. It is arbitrary


All of the above

CJA 326 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Social Control Research Paper

In a society, people are obligated to act in accordance with societal norms and existing laws, both of which serve as a method of social control. The readings in this course have covered various theories to explain human behavior and the principles of social norms.

Select a theory that applies to the principles of social norms.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following:

 Identify and briefly describe the selected theory that applies to the principles of social norms.

 Explain the significance of the theory and whether its principles apply to today’s societal standards.

 Address whether formulating rules of behavior helps people live moral lives.

 Explain how abiding by absolute moral rules might present moral conflict in practice.

 Describe the connection between the selected theory and the emotion and intuition in Kant’s thinking.

 Explain how respect for others is a crucial aspect of deontological theories, and how that compares or relates to the theory you selected.

 Describe how the chosen theory, Kant’s thinking, and respect apply to policing, corrections, and judicial processes.

Reference at least 2 scholarly sources in addition to the textbook.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

CJA 326 Wk 5 - Concept Check

1. Question 1


According to the portrayal of crime in the media, crime is the product of which of the following?

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Social factors

2. Individual choice

3. Structural factors

4. Immaturity

2. Question 2


Public perceptions reflect the message given by much of the media that the crime rate is always rising and which of the following is true about the criminal justice system?

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1. It’s too busy to help the public

2. It’s not doing its job

3. It’s too soft on crime

4. It’s helping the rich and neglecting the poor

3. Question 3


Which of the following is now a norm between police and the media worldwide?

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1. Cooperation

2. Fighting

3. Jealousy

4. Criticism

4. Question 4


The media tend to deal in binary oppositions, that is, to present events as normal and reasonable rather than as choices between good and evil, deviant, dangerous, or sick.

1. T

2. F False

5. Question 5


Police body cameras and bystander videos of incidents involving police and citizens have given the news media an entirely new source of information about actual police practices. The availability of video footage content has not affected the way the police or media frame these incidents.

1. T True

2. F False

6. Question 6


Which of the following describes how terrorists differ from most criminals?

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Terrorists have political, ideological, or religious motives.


Terrorists seek financial gain.


Terrorists do not seek to avoid detection and capture.


Terrorists do not violate state or federal criminal statutes.

7. Question 7

John Rawls’s theory of justice is proposed as an alternative to which of the following?

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Proportionate sentencing



3. Kantianism

4. Egoism

8. Question 8


If we make which of the following in accordance with the principles, we will be acting morally?

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2. Judgments

3. Society

4. Laws

9. Question 9


The principles specify the kinds of ______ that can take place and the forms of government that can be established.

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1. Social cooperation

2. Institutional cooperation

3. Authority

4. Principles

CJA 326 Wk 5 - Group: Ethical Standards Violation


In the criminal justice profession, ethical considerations form the basis for the use of discretion, force, and due process required to make sound moral decisions. The ability to maintain authority over other individuals should not be taken lightly. Professionals in the field of criminal justice must be aware of the power of their position and the ethical standards required to carry out their duties. The system itself has a responsibility to ensure that these professionals maintain ethical standards.

Imagine that your team is responsible for investigating ethical violations in criminal justice agencies. You have been asked to review a specific case in which a criminal justice professional violated ethical standards while in a position of trust and to determine how the violation affected the performance and public perception of the organization this professional represented.

Locate a case in which a professional in the field of criminal justice violated ethical standards. Use the University Library or other academic sources to research an article about the case.

Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation, in which your team addresses the following:

 Identify the case and the specific circumstances that were brought to the attention of the community.

 Explain any outside influences (media, social media, etc.) that were a factor in the public’s reaction to the situation.

 Describe the action(s) that were taken against the criminal justice professional (e.g., disciplinary action, termination, criminal charges).

 Explain how the organization that the professional worked for responded to the public. Did it adequately relay information that could have prevented any negative reactions?

 Recommend and describe an action plan, improvement plan, or remedial training program that could potentially prevent similar circumstances in the future.

Note: The slide count does not include title, conclusion, or reference list slides. Use brief bullet points on the slides, with a detailed explanation of each slide in the notes section.

Cite any references to support your assignment. Format your citations according to APA guidelines. Submit the group assignment.

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