CJA 326 Wk 2 - Concept Check

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CJA 326 Wk 2 - Concept Check

Race-based differences relate to a which of the following traits of a group of people?

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1. Skin color

2. Ethnicity

3. Country of origin

4. Biological inheritance

2. Question 2


Which group found that excessive force was used by LAPD officers against Rodney King and that the officers’ actions were compounded by racism and bias?

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1. Christopher Commission

2. New York State Judicial Commission on Minorities

3. Warren Commission

4. Rodney King Commission

3. Question 3


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Ethics in Criminal Justice The

Studies show that race is a factor in applications for bail assuming a level playing field for the perceived dangerousness to the community and history of trial appearance.

1. T True

2. F False

4. Question 4


According to the FBI’s Hate Crime Statistics, the number of hate crimes increased from 2012 to 2016 by over 1,200 incidents.

1. T True

2. F False

5. Question 5


In the legal profession, which of the following is a crucial core value between the lawyer and the client if the lawyer is to gain full knowledge of the client’s concerns?

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1. Trust

2. A retainer

3. Contingent fees

4. Privilege

6. Question 6 2/2

In the inquisitorial system, which of the following is true about the judge? Hide answer choices


They seek to discover the truth about the case.

2. They are a passive umpire or referee.


They allow the lawyers to control presentation of the evidence.

4. They never cross-examine witnesses.

7. Question 7


Which of the following is a requirement of ethical conduct for lawyers?

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They put aside their personal feelings about the client and the case.


They do whatever is necessary to win the case for the client.


They never engage in misleading or bullying tactics.


They put the social good before the interest of the client.

8. Question 8


Sometimes defense attorneys and other lawyers run into ethical problems because the lawyer has become a “cause lawyer.” What does this mean?

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The lawyer is overly zealous in protecting the client’s rights.


The lawyer is more interested in producing social or legal change than in serving the client.


The lawyer engages in fraudulent tactics to win the case.


The lawyer places the client’s interest above the ethical rules.

9. Question 9


Ethical rules require that a prosecutor not initiate a prosecution unless which of the following is true?

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The prosecution is supported by probable cause.


The defendant is clearly guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.


There is a better than 50/50 chance of getting a conviction.


The prosecutor personally knows the defendant is guilty.

10. Question 10


Ethical rules prohibit judges from commending or criticizing juries for their verdicts.

1. T True

2. F False

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