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CJS/231 CRIMINOLOGY The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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CJS 231 Week 1 Crime Data Comparison Paper (2019 New) Resource: FBI Uniform Crime Report You are a security manager for a large company looking to expand into a new market. You are tasked with comparing two metropolitan areas and making a recommendation based on which city has the lower crime rate. Once you collect the data, you are to submit a written report to the management team that will assist in making a decision regarding future expansion. In this assignment, you will be educating the management team on key terms and utilizing data to compare metropolitan crime data. Utilize FBI Uniform Crime Report data and select one offense, such as burglary, in two metropolitan areas. Choose two metropolitan areas with different data. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper comparing the occurrence of the offense in the selected areas. Identify the number of occurrences reported to the police for each area, and address the following questions:  Define crime, criminality, and criminal justice as it applies to the two metropolitan areas you selected.  Distinguish between deviant behaviors and criminality that may exist in each city.  Which area had more reported incidents?  What were the rates of the crime for each area?

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Did the rates change over time in either area? What factors might explain the differences in the rates? Which of the two metropolitan areas would you prefer to reside based on your research?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CJS 231 Week 2 Biological Criminal Behavior (2019 New) Choose a criminal offender who committed crimes due to a biological reason. Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper discussing the genetic or physiological evidence that supports the notion that biology played a key role in explaining the offender's criminality. Research the behaviors that constitute psychopathy. Discuss in detail the specific behaviors demonstrated by the offender that align with behaviors indicative of a psychopathic individual. Case examples may include the following:  Andrea Yates and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues, including postpartum depression, prior to the murders of her five children.  Jeffrey Dahmer and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues leading to the murders of 17 men.  John Wayne Gacy and the documented evidence of psychiatric issues leading to the murders of 33 young men and boys. Identify the following and explain your answers:  Identify if the positivist perspective applies to your chosen example. Explain your answer.  Identify if the punishment rendered toward your chosen example best supports the classical or neoclassical perspective of crime. Explain your answer. Include at least two academic references. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CJS 231 Week 3 Examining Theory Op-Ed (2019 New) Examining Theory Op-Ed In this assignment, you have the opportunity to examine the theoretical principles associated with sociological perspectives of crime. View the following Films on Demand Videos located in this week's Required Learning Activities and select one for this week's assignment:  "Prostitution Along Immigration Routes"  "Pelican Bay State Prison: War Zone"  "Tent City, Arizona" Students are going to write a 900-1200 word Opinion Editorial (Op-ed) related to the issues that you viewed on one of the three videos above. Keep in mind that you only have to write about the issue and not the specific video. You can follow basic APA formatting but it is not necessary. Be sure to check out a local or national newspaper and find the opinion-editorial page. This will give you an idea of how an op-ed is written. The Op-ed will address the following items:  Briefly introduce the the issue or issues related to the topic of the video?  Provide an argument as to why the topic is important to you. Tell readers why they should care.  Discuss some facts related to the points supporting your argument.  Offer specific recommendations to address the issue or issues you mention in the Op-ed. Be sure to incorporate a theory from week three into your recommendation.  Providing an ending that summarizes your main goals. Relax and have fun. Remember to have fun with this assignment. Think of this assignment as a way to make a difference in the criminal justice system. Use the Op-ed as a platform to initiate some of your ideas. I have include some links below to help you better understand the premise behind writing an Op-ed. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have questions.

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CJS 231 Week 4 Types of Crime (2019 New) In this assignment, you will research types of crime, victimization, and motivational factors that may lead to committing various criminal activity. Resources: Types of Crime document, Week 4 videos, National Center for Victims of Crime. Choose from the following options in which you will complete your assignment:  Option 1: Microsoft® PowerPoint® Presentation  Option 2: Podcast Read the instructions in the Types of Crime document and select one option to complete the assignment. Format your work according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CJS 231 Week 5 Evolution of Crime Fighting (2019 New) Over the last four weeks, you have learned about various aspect of criminology. In this last week of class, you will consider what changes are a part of the future of crime fighting and explain how they can have an impact. View the following Week 5 videos:  What is Biometrics?  Advantages and Disadvantages of Surveillance  Targeting Terror Research the following:  USA PATRIOT Act of 2001  The Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003  Homeland Security Act of 2002

USA FREEDOM Act of 2015

Write a 1,000- to 1,400-word paper addressing the following:  Future directions of crime fighting and its role in social policy implication.  The potential for specific crime-fighting methodologies, such as using biometrics, implementing cybercrime spyware, or mandating DNA collection programs.  Evolving law enforcement and forensic technologies used to detect criminal activities.  Possible civil liberty or ethical violations as they relate to the evolving technologies you included in the paper. Discuss how the evolution of crime fighting may affect social policy and crime theories from national and international perspectives. Consider how the evolving technologies relate to national and international policymaking. Include at least two academic references. Format the paper and presentation according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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