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CJS 251 Wk 1 Research Paper Proposal Review the requirements for the research paper due in Week 4

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Create a Research Paper Proposal in 700 to 1050 words, and address the following: What is your chosen case? What is your thesis? Was this case heard in federal or state court and how are the courts structured in that jurisdiction? Provide 3 references in the proposal, and summarize what information the references provide. Format your proposal consistent with APA guidelines Submit your assignment.

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CJS 251 Wk 1 Quiz Question 1 A legal principle that ensures previous judicial decision are authoritatively and incorporated into future cases.

Stare decisis



Code of Hammurabi

Question 2 The portion of the Fourteenth Amendment that has been used by the US Supreme Court to make certain protection specified in the Bill of Rights applicable to the states.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Due Process Clause

Citizenship Clause

Equal Protection Clause

Privilege and Immunity Clause

Question 3 The authority of a state to enact and enforce a criminal statute.

Bill of Rights

Statutory law

Police Power

Common Law State

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Question 4 The maxim that an orderly society must be governed by established principles and known codes that are applied uniformly and fairly to all of its embers.

Judicial review

Adversarial system

Rule of law


Question 5 A judicial system comprising federal- and state-level judicial systems.

Dual court systems

Dual federalism

Cooperative federalism


Question 6 The legal principle that requires that courts be bound by their own earlier decision and by those of higher courts have jurisdiction over the regarding subsequent cases on similar issues of law and fact.

Case law

Stare decisis

Due process

Selective Incorporation

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Question 7 Laws originating from use and custom rather than from written statutes.

Common Law

Ancient Laws

Civil Law

Roman Law

Question 8 The first secular written legal code.

Code of Hammurabi

Twelve Tables

Ancient Laws

Roman Law

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Question 9 Rules promulgated by government agencies that have been given their authority by the executive branch or legislative branch.



Civil Law

Administrative regulations

Question 10 To argue or to find that a rule established by an earlier appellate court decision does not apply to a

case currently under consideration.


Stare Decisis

Judicial Review


Question 11 The form of law that governs relationships between parties.

Civil Law

Contract Law

Common Law

Criminal Law

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Question 12 The Constitutional provision that is concerned with ensuring fairness.

Substantive due process


Procedural due process

Presumption of Innocence

CJS 251 Wk 2 Courtroom Participant Chart Using the results of your collaborative discussion. Complete the Courtroom Participant Chart. Submit your assignment. Courtroom Participant Chart Complete the following chart. Your answers should be descriptive and the overall word count for the chart should be 700to 960 words. Why What


responsibilities process?

the in





Defense attorney





responsibilities to be fulfilled adequately?


(Consider the effect of overzealousness compared










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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CJS 251 Wk 2 Quiz Question 1 The federal official charged with representing the government both in suits and appeals in the Supreme Court and in lower federal trial and appellate courts.

Solicitor General

District Attorney

U.S. Attorney

City Attorney

Question 2 A method for appointing legal assistance in which the judge chooses a defense attorney on a caseby-case basis.

Contract model

Public defender

Ad hoc assigned counsel

Coordinated assigned counsel

Question 3 Description often applied to a judge that meanshe is generally tasked with resolving any legal matter than comes before the court.

Trier of fact

Final Adjudicator

Trier of Law

Fact Moderator

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Question 4 An informal phase of the socialization of a judge, during which he or she undergoes on-the-job training over the course of his career.

Judicial socialization

Occupational socialization

Freshmen socialization

Anticipatory socialization

Question 5 The immunity that attaches when a prosecutor as an administrator or investigator and makes reasonable mistakes.

Qualified immunity

Absolute immunity

Prosecutorial immunity

Full Immunity

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Extraneous evidence


Question 7 The Right to Counsel comes from

State Late

Due Process Clause

6th Amendment of the US Constitution

14th Amendment of the US Constitution

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ Question 8 One of the more common merit-based selection systems for state judges.

Partisan elections

California Plan

Judicial Appointment

Missouri Plan

Question 9 The practice of having the same prosecutor represent the state from the point that criminal charges are filed all the way through to sentencing.

Complete Prosecution

Vertical Prosecution

Single Prosecution

Centralized Prosecution

Question 10 5 Points Supreme Court case ruling requiring the US Government to provide defense counsel to criminal defendants who cannot afford it.

Gideon v. Wainwright

Bell v. Cone

Strickland v. Washington

Cuyler v. Sullivan

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Supreme Court case making victim impact statement admissible during the sentencing phase at trial.

Gideon v. Wainwright

Payne v. Tennessee

Maryland v. Craig

Illinois v. Allen

Question 12 A model of criminal prosecution that consists of the elements of mission, source of authority, demand, organization tactics, environment, and outcomes.

Progressive Era prosecution

Community Prosecution

Revolving door prosecution

Felony case Processor model

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CJS 251 Wk 3 Research Paper Outline Create an outline of 2 to 3 pages for your Criminal Prosecution Paper due Week 4.

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Be sure your outline includes a section that addresses the following regarding the case you chosen in Week 1: The purpose of a grand jury Grand jury reform The elements of both the crime and attempted defense The requirements for bail in the state and whether or not the defendant received bail How the defendant was charged (grand jury or preliminary hearing) Whether or not there was a plea bargain and the type of plea bargain Submit your assignment.

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CJS 251 Wk 4 Criminal Prosecution Paper Use your team discussion information and research.

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Write a 3- to 4-page paper in which you address the following: Summarize the criminal procedures that occurred in this case, from arrest through appeal, if applicable. Explain the crime the defendant allegedly committed. What are the elements of that crime? Is there sufficient evidence to believe the defendant guilty of this crime beyond a reasonable doubt? Identify the legal defenses used in this case. Explain what the defense entails and the effectiveness of the defense. Describe the sanctions were given in the case? What were the factors in sentencing? What sentencing goals were met with the sentence? Explain if the death penalty effective. Does the amount of time a prisoner spends in death row impact how effective it is? Explain if the death penalty should be abolished? Why or why not? Format your answers consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CJS 251 Wk 5 Emerging Issues Presentation    

Choose one of the following topics: Cybercrime Women and minorities in the court Causes of wrongful conviction Technology in the courtroom Create a 12- to 14-slide presentation with notes that explains your chosen topic. Read the rules for a Power Point Presentation, below. These rules will be strictly adhered to. Include statistics, contemporary examples, and scholarly sources in your presentation. Include important facts you identified with your team in the team discussion. Arrange the information in a visually appealing manner by selecting an appropriate background design and by balancing short, bulleted phrases with complementary images. Include all references in the notes section for each slide. Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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