CMGT 442 CMGT442 CMGT 442 CMGT442

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CMGT 442 Entire Course Link ********************************************** CMGT 442 Week 1 Individual: Outsourcing Risks Prepare a 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® presentation, including speaker notes, that identifies the possible risks to an organization in each of the following outsourcing situations:  The use of an external service provider for your data storage  The use of an enterprise service provider for processing information systems applications such as a payroll, human resources, or sales order taking  The use of a vendor to support your desktop computers  The use of a vendor to provide network support Note: Make sure you include at least one information security related risk for each situation above. Include, in your presentation, a risk mitigation strategy for each risk identified. However, you may not propose to end outsourcing and bring the function in-house. Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 2 Learning Team: Risk Assessment Begin working on the Learning Team Risk Assessment. Identify and describe at least ten potential risks with at least one from each of the following categories that might affect the operation of the organization: information

security, project management, business continuity and IT disaster recovery, and procurement related risks. As a team, create a 1- to 2-page summary including the following items:  The name and brief description of the organization that you selected to be the subject of your risk assessment  A description of the ten potential risks that you identified Submit your summary to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 2 Individual: Risk Information Sheet The Stevens Company is converting from the SQL Server ® database to the Oracle® database. Using the sample shown below, create a Risk Information Sheet for at least five potential risks that might be encountered during the conversion. At least three of the five risks you choose should be project management related.

Risk Information Sheet Risk Description: Probability: Impact: Rationale: Risk Mitigation: Please note the following:  The risk description should fully describe the risk  The probability is the likelihood that the risk will occur (i.e., low, medium, or high)  The impact is how the organization will be effected if the risk does occur (i.e., low, medium, or high)  The rationale should explain the reasons for your probability and impact assessments  The mitigation strategy should explain how each risk will be addressed  There should be one risk information sheet for each risk identified  The risk information sheets can be completed in Word, Excel ®, or PowerPoint® Submit the risk information sheets to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 3 Learning Team: Risk Assessment Continue working on the Learning Team Risk Assessment. For each risk identified, assess the likelihood of occurrence, potential impact to the organization if it did occur, and based on these two factors, an overall risk level. For

purposes of this assignment, the team can rate each factor as low, medium, and high. For example, a risk/threat with a low likelihood of occurrence and a high impact would represent an overall medium risk. As part of this, a rationale for the assessment should be provided. Submit the risk level assessments and rationale to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 3 Individual: Risk Information Sheet Your consulting organization has been hired to develop computer systems for the United Nations in the Middle East. Create a Risk Information Sheet for at least five potential risks that should be considered. At least three of the risks you choose should be business continuity and IT disaster recovery related. As part of this, consider man-made and natural risks that might apply to this particular situation. Please note the following:  The risk description should fully describe the risk  The probability is the likelihood that the risk will occur (i.e., low, medium, or high)  The impact is how the organization will be effected if the risk does occur (i.e., low, medium, or high)  The rationale should explain the reasons for your probability and impact assessments  The mitigation strategy should explain how each risk will be addressed  There should be one risk information sheet for each risk identified  The risk information sheets can be completed in Word, Excel ®, or PowerPoint® The results of your assessment for each risk should be plotted in a Risk Matrix. One axis should be probability, while the other axis should be impact. The overall risk level will be the intersection of these two factors on the matrix. The risk assessment matrix can be completed in your choice of Word, Excel®, or PowerPoint®. The following is an example of a risk matrix with certain accidents allocated to appropriate cells within the matrix:

Negligible Marginal Critical Certain Likely

Stubbing Toe Fall


Major Car Accident


Aircraft Crash



Major Tsunami

Submit the risk information sheets and risk matrix to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 4 Learning Team: Risk Assessment Assignment Instructions: Continue working on the Learning Team Risk Assessment. Begin work on the PowerPoint® presentation, which is directed at the management of the organization selected, summarizes the results of the risk assessment, and presents your recommendations. Assume that the presentation should last approximately 20 minutes and, therefore, should consist of at least ten slides and includes speaker notes. Make use of different slide styles, colors, and graphics to make the presentation more interesting. Assignment: For each risk identified, determine the steps that can be taken to mitigate these risks. The controls identified should be cost-effective based on the overall risk level assessed. Submit the mitigation strategies to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 4 Individual: Procurement Risks Your organization wants to hire a consulting firm to purchase and integrate six new web servers. Create a 2- to 3-page Request for Proposal (RFP) that will minimize procurement related risks for this project. The RFP should contain the following components:  Purpose of the RFP.  Statement of Work/Requirements and Schedule Information  Process for Evaluating the RFP Submit the RFP to the Assignment Files tab.

CMGT 442 Week 5 Learning Team: Risk Assessment Presentation Complete work on the PowerPoint® presentation, which is directed at the management of the organization selected. Summarize the results of the team risk assessment, and present the recommendations. Assume that the presentation should last approximately 20 minutes and, therefore, should consist of at least ten slides and includes speaker notes. Make use of different slide styles, colors, and graphics to make the presentation more interesting.

Submit your presentation to the Assignment Files tab.

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