CMGT 557 CMGT557 cmgt 557 Education for Service -

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CMGT/557 EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES & ISSUES The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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CMGT 557 Wk 1 - Emerging Technology Briefing Document Background: You recently graduated from your MIS program at UOPX. You have been hired by a consulting firm. Your job is to work with clients on advancing the use of technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. You have been engaged by a client who specializes in web development. Specifically, this company provides web development services to other companies across many industries. The client is not sure how to advance their business or how to take their business to the next level. The client has been busy working and trying to build a customer base. The client has had no time to research or attend useful conference in web development technologies.

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Assignment Details: As a consulting manager, you have been asked by the client to research and provide a briefing document that covers the following: What is the upcoming and trending technology in the area of web development and web marketing? Provide a list of 5-8 emerging technologies Of the 5-8 emerging technologies, select at least 2 that are practical and actionable. For each technology:

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Identify how each could be used to increase profitability for the web development company. Discuss how each of the selected technologies would be useful in advancing the business and/or attracting a broader customer base. Based on the information that you provide in this briefing document; the client will be informed of the latest and greatest practical information as they make future technology decisions.

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Your briefing document should: Be 2-3 pages in length Include a properly formatted title page, Be double-spaced, with 12-point font size, 1”margins (top, bottom, right, left), and Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font. Include level one and level two headings Include at least two academic and/or trade journal sources, with properly formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit CMGT 557 Wk 2 - Cloud Computing Presentation Background: You recently graduated from your MIS program at UOPX. You have been hired by a consulting firm. Your job is to work with clients on advancing the use of technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. You have been engaged by a client who specializes in web development. Specifically, this company provides web development services to other companies across many industries. The client is not sure how to advance their business or how to take their business to the next level. The client has been busy working and trying to build a customer base. The client has had no time to research or attend useful conference in web development technologies.

Assignment Details: As a consulting manager, you have been asked by the client to provide information on cloud computing and how it could be incorporated into their business. The presentation should cover the following: Describe each of the cloud services- Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS),

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For each cloud service, what are the pros, cons, and risks associated with the practical use in the business. Your Executive level presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint should include the following: A title slide One or more reference slides, Length of the slides should be 8-10 excluding the title slide and reference slides, Slides should be multi-media rich (i.e., images, graphics, etc.), Include at least two academic and/or trade journal sources, with properly, formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page, and Include speaker notes that you will speak to when presenting the slides. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit CMGT 557 Wk 3 - Big Data Leadership Briefing Background: You recently graduated from your MIS program at UOPX. You have been hired by a consulting firm. Your job is to work with clients on advancing the use of technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. You have been engaged by a client who specializes in web development. Specifically, this company provides web development services to other companies across many industries. The client is not sure how to advance their business or how to take their business to the next level. The client has been busy working and trying to build a customer base. The client has had no time to research or attend useful conference in web development technologies. The leadership team of the web development company has heard a lot about Big Data lately and is interested in knowing how integrating Big Data into their company will help them become more effective in their operations.

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Assignment Details: As a consulting manager, you have been asked by the client to provide a 4-6 page leadership briefing document. The document must include the following: Describe what Big Data is, Identify how Big Data can be used by the web development company, Explain why using big data is important to profitability in general

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Identify how Big Data will specifically add value and profitability for the web development company Discuss the data management concepts of data warehousing, data mining, and data processing, Compare and contrast tools and methodologies that can be used to extract, transform, and manage big data for the web development company, and Recommend the tools and methodologies that would be best for the web development company. Your briefing document should: Be 4-6 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages Include a properly formatted title page and reference page, Be double-spaced, with 12-point font size, 1”margins (top, bottom, right, left), and Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font. Include level one and level two headings Include at least two academic and/or trade journal sources, with properly formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page. Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit CMGT 557 Wk 4 - IoT and IoE Presentation Background: As a consulting manager, you have been asked by the client to provide an impactful IT-based presentation with an infographic handout for non-technical employees related to IoT and IoE. The intent is to help the client see how they could further enhance their business and expand their customer base as a result of investing in IoT and IoE.

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Assignment Details: The presentation and infographic should cover the following related to IoT and IoE and be presented in a non-technical manner: Advantages Features Convenience Consumer, commercial, and industrial applications Life enhancement Trends and characteristics Security concerns relative to organizational use Your have two deliverables, which are: Executive level presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint A title slide

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One or more reference slides, Length of the slides should be 8-10 excluding the title slide and reference slides, Slides should be multi-media rich (i.e., images, graphics, etc.), Include at least two academic and/or trade journal sources, with properly, formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page, and Include speaker notes that identify key characteristics or information that you will speak to when presenting the slides. Info-graphic to be provided as a quick reference handout 1 page original Info-graphic Rich in visual images, light on the use of text Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit CMGT 557 Wk 5 - Disruptive Digital Transformation Timeline Assignment Details: Select one of the following industries: Aviation, agriculture, automotive, banking, energy, healthcare, logistics, manufacturing, oil and gas, or transportation. Complete the following two deliverables:

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Deliverable #1: Using a tool of your choice (i.e., Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or other timeline tool) create a timeline of low-end and high-end disruptive digital transformations. This should be a general timeline for the industry. The timeline should include: A minimum of the past 20 years (starting in1998 or 1999 through current day) At least 10 major transformations in your chosen industry and Identify how the new direction provided competitive advantages for the companies that used these emerging technologies. Deliverable #2: Select a technologically deficient company within your chosen industry, and write a 1- to 2-page summary of what you would do to develop a digital transformation plan to help your chosen company become technologically up-to-date.

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Your summary document should: Be 1-2 pages in length, excluding title and reference pages Include a properly formatted title page and reference page, Be double-spaced, with 12-point font size, 1”margins (top, bottom, right, left), and Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier font. Include level one and level two headings Include at least two academic and/or trade journal sources, with properly formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page.

Submit your assignment.

For More Classes Please Visit CMGT 557 Wk 6 - Strategic Management of Emerging Technologies Presentation Background: Select a publicly traded company, your place of employment, or an organization you are familiar with. You are an IT leader that is working within the company of your choice. The Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of your company has expressed concern about the strategic management of emerging technologies. He is concerned that the company is not leveraging a competitive advantage. Furthermore, he is concerned that the lack of management of emerging technologies will have a negative impact on the future viability of the company.

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Assignment Details: As a IT leader, you are asked to look into the management of emerging technologies and present your assessment and recommendations. The presentation should be in Microsoft PowerPoint and include the following: Evaluate the company’s environment and current position Evaluate the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and trends (SWOTT) Establish the company’s competitive intelligence Development of the company’s strategic intent Provide 2-3 recommendations for leveraging emerging technologies Identify how your recommendations will collectively benefit the company Your presentation should: Be a minimum of 10-12 slides in length, excluding title and reference pages Include a title page and reference page, Be multi-media rich (i.e., images, graphics, etc.) Include at least two academic and/or trade journal sources, with properly formatted in-text citations and a properly formatted reference page. Include speaker notes that identify key characteristics or information that you will speak to when presenting the slides, and Include a voice over to accompany your presentation. The voice over should be a minimum of 5 minutes, but no more than 10 minutes and should cover all slides in your presentation.

Submit your assignment.

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