CPSS 225 CPSS225 cpss 225 Education for Service - uopstudy.com

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CPSS 225 Wk 1 - Career Goal Plan

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When getting started with the career search process, it is first important to understand the types of careers that are a good match for you. When determining these types of careers, you must explore your values, interests, personality traits, and skills. Once you have this information, you can explore career options and create a goal plan for obtaining that career. This assignment will take you through the process of self-assessment and goal planning and will form the basis for future assignments in the course. Review Ch. 2 of Career Directions for tools related to self-assessments. Complete a self-assessment on your own, to determine traits related to a career path that may be a good fit. Complete a job search for careers related to supporting individuals involved with the correctional system that match the results of your self-assessment. Identify a career that closely matches your personal values, interests, personality traits, and skill set. You will reference this career for future assignments in this course, as well. Write a 350- to 525-word career plan, including the following: Briefly describe the career you have chosen. Explain how this career fits with your values, interests, personality traits, and skill set. Describe 2 to 3 areas related to skills in which you would like to improve in order to enhance your success in this career. Create 2 to 3 goals for preparing for this career path, considering the types of goals presented in Ch. 3 of Career Directions.

Briefly describe how you plan on meeting these goals. Include citations and a reference page for any information that you obtained from an information source. Format your citations and reference page according to APA guidelines. Submit your paper to the assignment

CPSS 225 Wk 2 - Social Media and Networking Outline

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With the advancement of technology and social media, the employment industry has evolved quite a bit. The days of finding a job posting in a newspaper and sending your resume to the organization in hopes of hearing back are long gone. While many individuals now find job postings online, and apply and submit their resumes through a website, there are additional methods that enhance your career opportunities. In many cases, professional social media profiles are required, and you may even know someone who works in the industry who can give you some tips. This assignment will help you to build or revise your own professional social media profile and will assist you with career networking. Consider the content discussed in Ch. 6 and 8 of Career Directions. Imagine you are helping an individual create their own professional social media profile, and you need to outline what needs to be included and why it is important in the career search process. Write a 175- to 350-word outline on what to include in a professional social media profile and how to use it for career networking. Include the following: Describe the components for the individual to include in his or her profile. Provide tips for how to make the profile stand out from others in the industry. Advise the individual on things to avoid in his or her profile. Explain how this profile can be used in career networking, along with other strategies. Note: This assignment does not require APA formatting and can be submitted in an outline form. For tips on creating outlines, review the Sample Outline resource in the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit your outline to the assignment

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CPSS 225 Wk 3 - Resume The next step in the process of obtaining a new career is to ensure that your resume is current and organized. There are different formats and types of resumes, each with its own purpose. In this assignment, you will create a formal resume to provide to potential employers.

Research resume and career resources on the internet. Review the resources, along with Ch. 10 of Career Decisions, to determine what information is necessary to include in a professional resume. Access the resume templates in the Microsoft® Word application through your Microsoft®Office 365® account. If you prefer to use a different template, you are welcome to do so. Consider the career path you chose in Week 1. You have created career goals, as well as a career portfolio, and now it is time to create your formal resume. Create a 275- to 350-word resume that you would use when applying for your chosen career path. Note: This assignment does not require APA formatting and can be submitted according to the professional resume formatting template used. Submit your resume to the assignment

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CPSS 225 Wk 4 - Interview Planning and Preparation

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Job interviews require planning and preparation in order to increase the possibility that they will be successful. There are specific steps and strategies that can assist you with interview preparation, but you must also understand the different types and methods of interviews. This assignment will help you differentiate between different types of interviews and assist you in preparing for an interview. Imagine you have submitted your resume and application for the career path you chose in Week 1, and you have been selected for a face-to-face, behavioral-based interview. Review Ch. 12 of Career Directions for strategies for successful interviews. Write a 350- to 525-word interview preparation plan by responding to the following questions: What makes a behavioral-based interview different from other types of interviews? What steps will you take to prepare for the interview? What do you need to bring with you to the interview? What are 5 to 6 interview questions you will be prepared to answer in the interview? How will you apply the STAR process when answering these questions? What questions will you ask during your interview? What do you need to remember about each of the 5 stages of an interview? Note: This assignment does not require APA formatting and can be submitted in an outline form. For tips on creating outlines, review the resources in the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit your plan to the assignment

CPSS 225 Wk 4 - Career Challenges and Growth Worksheet All careers have their own unique challenges that individuals may face. This can affect how long someone is able to stay in a career. Understanding those potential challenges will help you prepare for how to overcome them and work towards career growth. In this assignment, you will identify challenges related to the career you chose in Week 1, and you will develop strategies for overcoming those challenges. You will also identify strategies for career growth. Complete the Career Challenges and Growth Worksheet. Submit your completed worksheet to the assignment

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ CPSS 225 Wk 5 - Evidence-Based Practices and Emerging Trends in Corrections-Based Human Service

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The fields of corrections and human services have evolved to intersect with one another in order to assist in the rehabilitation of individuals involved with the correctional system. Using evidence-based practices has helped in the rehabilitation and treatment of these individuals. In this assignment, you will explore these evidence-based practices to enhance your knowledge of how your chosen career will utilize these practices. Write a 350- to 700-word paper on evidence-based practices and emerging trends in the intersection between the corrections and human services fields, and how these trends affect employment opportunities. Include the following: Describe how careers related to supporting individuals involved with the correctional system have evolved over time. Describe how the fields of human services and corrections intersect. Identify evidence-based practices for working with individuals involved in the correctional system. Explain how knowledge of these practices will assist you in obtaining the career you chose in Week 1. Include a minimum of 2 sources. Format your paper according to APA guidelines. For assistance with APA formatting, visit the Center for Writing Excellence. Submit your final paper to the assignment

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