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DAT/305 Data Structures for Problem Solving The Latest Version A+ Study Guide


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DAT 305 Wk 1 - Apply - Create a Table of Sorting Algorithms Create a table of Sorting Algorithms for use as a personal reference or to use if you were explaining algorithms to a peer or coworker. zyBooks covers many sorting algorithms. For this assignment, select any four covered in zyBooks and use them for the basis of your assignment. Instructions:

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Create a table of Sorting Algorithms: Down the left side of the table, list the four sorting algorithm names covered in Week 1. In the next column (Description), give a brief description of the algorithm. In the next column (Benefits), list some of the benefits of using the sorting method. Note: You may also include pitfalls if you want to capture some of the downside of the method. In the next column (Uses), list some organizational uses for the method. When you are done, you should have a 1-page table. Write a Narrative of the Table:

Write a one-half to 1-page narrative of the table (a narrative is simply a description of the table in writing) that could be used as a reference piece or for a teaching tool if you were explaining sorting algorithms to someone. To complete this assignment, you may use the following template. You may also refer to the zyBook material and/or do your own research. w1a1_APA_Template.doc Submit your assignment in Microsoft Word format as an attachment.

DAT 305 Wk 2 - Apply - Linked Lists In this assignment, students will expand on the information provided in the course.

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Answer the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: 1. Singly-linked list & doubly-linked list What is the difference between a singly-linked list and a doubly-linked list? In what situation would you use a singly-linked list over a doubly-linked list? In what situation would you use a doubly-linked list over a singly-linked list? 2. If a node is in a linked list with N nodes, how many nodes will be traversed during a search for the node? Explain the best- and worst-case search scenarios. Explain why a singly-linked list defines a RemoveAfter() function, while a doubly-linked list defines a Remove() function. Could a RemoveAfter() function also be defined for a doubly-linked list? Explain why or why not. Could a Remove() function also be defined for a singlylinked list? Explain why or why not. Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Submit your paper.

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DAT 305 Wk 3 - Apply - Cryptographic Hash Function In this assignment, students will expand on the information provided in the course.

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Answer the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: Define cryptographic hash function (CFH). List and define the main properties of an ideal cryptographic hash function. Give at least 2 applications or uses for a CFH (example: password verification) and a brief description of how it is used. Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines. Submit your paper.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ DAT 305 Wk 4 - Apply - Binary Search Tree - Algorithm Visualization Access the BST Tree Simulator for this assignment.

Part I You will validate 4.5.2, 4.5.3, and 4.5.4 Participation Activities in the tree simulator. You will submit screen captures of your trees, and at the end of this part, you will have 6 images in a single Microsoft® Word document to submit. At the end of the document, answer the questions presented for you below. 1.

Click the Binary search tree visualization link. This will open in a separate window. Leave open. 2. In the zyBooks course, return to 4.5.2: BST insert algorithm Participation Activity. If possible, place the two windows side-by-side for easier visualization. 3. Enter the data you see in the 4.5.2 Participation Activity tree (20, 12, 23, 11, 21, 30) by Inserting each node in the

4. 5.

6. 7.

simulator. Reflect on what you see. Is it the same as the tree in zyBooks? If different, how? Validate 4.5.2 questions 1 – 4 again by using the simulator to “check” your answer. Screen capture and paste into a Microsoft® Word document. Validate 4.5.3 questions 1 – 5 again, but this time use the simulator to “check” your answer. Screen capture each tree and paste it into a Microsoft® Word document. You will have four trees for this section. Validate 4.5.4 questions 1 – 4 again, but this time use the simulator to “check” your answer. Screen capture each tree and paste it into Microsoft® Word document. Reflect on your experience using the BST simulator by answering the questions at the bottom of your Microsoft® Word document with this insert algorithm complexity in mind:

“The BST insert algorithm traverses the tree from the root to a leaf node to find the insertion location. One node is visited per level. A BST with N nodes has at least log2N levels and at most N levels. Therefore, the runtime complexity of insertion is best case O(logN) and worst case O(N).”

Reflect on how you observed this behavior in the simulator. You can reference a specific participation activity in your response. If you use research in your answer, be sure to cite your sources.

Part II You will validate the 4.6.1, 4.6.2, and 4.6.3 Participation Activities in the tree simulator. You will submit screen captures of your trees, and at the end of this part, you will have 6 images in a single Microsoft® Word document to submit. At the end of the document, answer the questions presented for you below. 1.

In the zyBooks course, return to 4.6.1: BST remove algorithm Participation Activity. If possible, place the two windows side-by-side for easier visualization. 2. Enter the data you see in the 4.6.1 Participation Activity tree (19, 14, 25) by inserting each node in the simulator.



5. 6.

Remove the leaf and reflect on what you see. Is it the same as the tree in the zyBooks simulation? If different, how? Answer 4.6.1 questions 1 – 4 again, but this time use the simulator to “validate” your answer. Screen capture and paste into a Microsoft® Word document. Rather than answering the question in the participation activity again, use the simulator to answer and validate your answers. Answer 4.6.2 questions 1 – 5 again, but this time use the simulator to “validate” your answer. Screen capture each tree and paste into a Microsoft® Word document. You will have four trees per for this section. Answer 4.6.3 questions 1 – 4 again, but this time use the simulator to “validate” your answer. Screen capture and paste into a Microsoft® Word document. Reflect on your experience using the BST simulator by answering the questions at the bottom of your Microsoft® Word document, with this remove algorithm complexity in mind:

“The BST remove algorithm traverses the tree from the root to find the node to remove. When the node being removed has 2 children, the node's successor is found and a recursive call is made. One node is visited per level, and in the worstcase scenario, the tree is traversed twice from the root to a leaf. A BST with N nodes has at least log2N levels and at most N levels. Therefore, the runtime complexity of removal is best case O(logN) and worst case O(N). Two pointers are used to traverse the tree during removal. When the node being removed has 2 children, a third pointer and a copy of one node's data are also used, and one recursive call is made. Thus, the space complexity of removal is always O(1)."

Reflect on how you observed this behavior in the simulator. You can reference a specific participation activity in your response. If you use research in your answer, be sure to cite your sources. Submit your two-part assignment.

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DAT 305 Wk 5 - Apply - Cumulative Exam Question 1 A linked list stores items in an unspecified order. Question 2 A node in binary tree can have zero, one, or two children. Question 3 A list node's data can store a record with multiple subitems. 5.

Question 4

Items stored in an array can be accessed using a positional index. 6.

Question 5

The statement below that assigns x with y is a constant time operation. y = 10 x=y 7.

Question 6

A loop is never a constant time operation. 8.

Question 7

Integers will be placed into buckets based on the 1's digit. More buckets are needed for an array with one thousand integers than for an array with one hundred integers. 9.

Question 8

Consider integers X and Y, such that X < Y. X will always be in a lower bucket than Y. 10. Question 9 All integers from an array could be placed into the same bucket, even if the array has no duplicates. 11. Question 10 When sorting an array of n 3-digit integers, RadixSort's worst-case time complexity is O(n).

12. Question 11 When sorting an array with n elements, the maximum number of elements that RadixSort may put in a bucket is n. In 13. Question 12 RadixSort has a space complexity of O(1). 14. Question 13 Given a list with items 40, 888, -3, 2, what does GetLength(list) return? Hide other options 1. 4 2. Fails 15. Question 14 Given a list with items 'Z', 'A', 'B', Sort(list) yields 'A', 'B', 'Z'. 16. Question 15 If a list ADT has operations like Sort or PrintReverse, the list is clearly implemented using an array. 17. Question 16 Each node in a doubly-linked list contains data and _____ pointer(s). Hide other options 1. two 2. one 18. Question 17 Given a doubly-linked list with nodes 20, 67, 11, node 20 is the _____. Hide other options 1. head 2.

tail 19. Question 18 Given a doubly-linked list with nodes 4, 7, 5, 1, node 7's previous pointer points to node _____. Hide other options 1. 4 2. 5 20. Question 19 Given a doubly-linked list with nodes 8, 12, 7, 3, node 7's next pointer points to node _____. Hide other options 1. 12 2. 3 21. Question 20 ListTraverse begins with _____. Hide other options 1. a specified list node 2. the list's head node 3. the list's tail node 22. Question 21 Given numList is: 5, 8, 2, 1. ListTraverse(numsList) visits _____ node(s). Hide other options 1. one 2. two 3. four 23. Question 22

ListTraverse can be used to traverse a doubly-linked list. 24. Question 23 The length of an array-based list equals the list's array allocation size. 25. Question 24 An item can be appended to an array-based list, provided the length is less than the array's allocated size. 26. Question 25 Given rosterQueue: 400, 313, 270, 514, 119, what does GetLength(rosterQueue) return? Hide other options 1. 400 2. 5 27. Question 26 Which operation determines if the queue contains no items? Hide other options 1. IsEmpty 2. Peek 28. Question 27 Given parkingQueue: 1, 8, 3, what are the queue contents after Peek(parkingQueue)? Hide other options 1. 1, 8, 3 2. 8, 3 29. Question 28 Given parkingQueue: 2, 9, 4, what are the contents of the queue after Pop(parkingQueue)? Hide other options 1.

9, 4 2. 2, 9, 4 30. Question 29 Given that parkingQueue has no items (i.e., is empty), what does GetLength(parkingQueue) return? Hide other options 1. -1 2. 0 3. Undefined 31. Question 30 A 100 element hash table has 100 _____. Hide other options 1. items 2. buckets 32. Question 31 A hash function computes a bucket index from an item's _____. Hide other options 1. integer value 2. key 33. Question 32 For a well-designed hash table, searching requires _____ on average. Hide other options 1. O(1) 2. O(N) 3. O(log N)

34. Question 33 A company will store all employees in a hash table. Each employee item consists of a name, department, and employee ID number. Which is the most appropriate key? Hide other options 1. Name 2. Department 3. Employee ID number 35. Question 34 Encryption and decryption are synonymous. 36. Question 35 Cryptography is used heavily in internet communications. 37. Question 36 The Caeser cipher is an encryption algorithm that works well to secure data for modern digital communications. In 38. Question 37 A file in a file system tree is always a leaf node. 39. Question 38 A directory in a file system tree is always an internal node. In 40. Question 39 Using a tree data structure to implement a file system requires that each directory node support a variable number of children. 41. Question 40 BSTInsert will not work if the tree's root is null. 42. Question 41

BSTReplaceChild will not work if the parent pointer is null. 43. Question 42 BSTRemoveKey will not work if the key is not in the tree. 44. Question 43 BSTRemoveNode will not work to remove the last node in a tree. 45. Question 44 BSTRemoveKey uses BSTRemoveNode. 46. Question 45 BSTRemoveNode uses BSTRemoveKey. 47. Question 46 BSTRemoveNode may use recursion. 48. Question 47 BSTRemoveKey will not properly update parent pointers when a non-root node is being removed. 49. Question 48 All calls to BSTRemoveNode to remove a non-root node will result in a call to BSTReplaceChild. 50. Question 49 The longer a street is, the more vertices will be needed to represent that street. 51. Question 50 Using the physical distance between vertices as edge weights will often suffice in contexts where the fastest route needs to be found. 52. Question 51 Navigation software would have no need to place a vertex on a road in a location where the road does not intersect any other roads.

53. Question 52 If navigation software uses GPS to automatically determine the start location for a route, the vertex closest to the GPS coordinates can be used as the starting vertex. 54. Question 53 Suppose a graph is used to represent airline flights. Vertices represent airports and edge weights represent flight durations. The weight of an edge connecting two airport vertices may change based on _____. Hide other options 1. flight delays 2. weather conditions 3. flight cost 55. Question 54 Suppose a graph is used to represent airline flights. Vertices represent airports and edge weights represent flight durations. Edges in the graph could potentially be added or removed during a single day's worth of flights. 56. Question 55 If the MakeChange function were to make change for 101, what would be the result? Hide other options 1. 101 pennies 2. 4 quarters and 1 penny 3. 3 quarters, 2 dimes, 1 nickel, and 1 penny 57. Question 56 A greedy algorithm is attempting to minimize costs and has a choice between two items with equivalent functionality: the first costing $5 and the second costing $7. Which will be chosen? Hide other options 1. The $5 item 2.

The $7 item 3. The algorithm needs more information to choose 58. Question 57 A greedy algorithm always finds an optimal solution.

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