DAT 390 Wk 3 Discussion - Analytics Database vs. Data Warehouse

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DAT 390 Wk 3 Discussion - Analytics Database vs. Data Warehouse Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation (during a current week as only current week's postings will be counted towards class participation for that week). This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Due on Thursday (Day 3) Respond to the following in a minimum of 140 words (worth 20 points): IT professionals work with many non-IT business partners whose understanding and support are critical to ensuring that IT strategies are implemented and goals are attained. Imagine you are working with a non-IT partner who does not understand the differences between an analytics database and a data warehouse or the effect the differences have on how you approach data analytics. Explain two key differences between an analytics database and a data warehouse and how those differences affect your selection of business intelligence tools and data analysis processes. Site your sources / references if used. Due Monday (Day 7) Post 2 replies (60 words minimum per comment post) to classmates or your faculty member. Be constructive and professional and your comment should be relevant to the discussion topic. Each comment is worth up to 10 points. Note 1: please avoid self-comments (as those will not be counted). Note 2: posts that are made after the participation deadline in the current week will not be counted toward class participation points.

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