DAT 565 DAT565 dat 565 dat565 Effective Communication - uopstudy.com

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DAT 565 Entire Course Link http://www.uopstudy.com/dat-565 **********************************************

DAT 565 Wk 1 - Introduction and Understanding of Data Analysis and Analytics The individual assignments in this course will build into a final report and presentation for a target organization. The purpose of this assignment is to introduce the student to basic concepts in Data Analysis and Data Analytics (Data Science). Students will analyze data to make business decisions. When exploring organizations for use in the Week 1 assignment, consider the use of one of the organizations in the Week 5 and 6 assignments. Keep in mind the availability of data that can be loaded into SAS® Visual Analytics for data analysis (i.e. choose a company that has data available). You may also consider an organization or market where sample data already exists within the SAS® Visual Analytics program. Review the Getting Started in SAS® Studio training video and you will see examples of available data.

1. 2. 3. 4.

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Search the Internet and/or the University Library using a phrase such as, "companies that use data analysis." If you choose to utilize the University Library, use the following steps: Click on University Library. Click on the Research Guides tab. Click on Business. Enter a phrase like "companies that use data analysis" in the Enter Search Terms field. Evaluate data analysis and data analytics in a minimum of 700 words, and include the following: Identify two or more organizations that utilize data analysis and data analytics. Identify one or more examples of information being collected and analyzed by the organizations. Assess the importance of data analysis on the successful operation of the organizations. Describe how effective application of data science has grown revenues, increased profits, or led to other positive outcomes for at least one of the organizations. Cite a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference from the University Library. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ DAT 565 Wk 2 - Data Analysis Exercise and Proposed Data Analysis Topic Selection The purpose of this assignment is to assess various types of data and the relevance of that data for use in data analysis. Students are encouraged to find data sources for topics, industries, or companies in which they have interest. There is also data available within the SAS® Visual Analytics student interface that may be used. By looking at the available data, students should start to formulate the types of questions that they can ask and answer through data analysis.

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Select an organization of interest from the list of organizations that you identified in your Week 1 assignment or an organization from some other source. You are looking for an organization that has: Applied data analysis in a positive way. Readily-available organization and industry data (e.g. user or customer data). Data in a suitable format for input into SAS® Visual Analytics (preferably Microsoft Excel (XLSX) or comma-separated values (CSV) format) that can be used in future assignments. Send a private message to your instructor identifying the organization and the source of data that you plan to use. Your instructor will either approve it or suggest an alternative.

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Evaluate this organization as a candidate for data analysis in a maximum of 1,050 words, and complete the following: Identify the purpose of the data analysis (i.e. how it will be applied to a specific business need). Summarize the source and type of data being collected and analyzed. Analyze a sample description of one or two records in the database, describing the available data fields collected. Describe the anticipated results and what they mean for the organization. Cite a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference from the University Library. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ DAT 565 Wk 3 Team - Data Analysis Peer Review Resource: Data Analysis Peer Review Grading Guide The purpose of this assignment is to have students collaborate by sharing their data analysis ideas and findings with their team members. Inevitably, students will have looked in different locations

and sources for data, and will be using this data to solve a variety of problems. Students will benefit from peer recommendations and feedback. Review each team member's organization and assignment from Week 2. Each team member should provide at least two recommendations for each of the other team members about factors that could improve the methodology and approach used in their data analyses. Summarize the recommendations from each student in a minimum of 700 words, grouping the comments for each team member together and identifying the team member who made each comment. Evaluate any best practices you may have learned from the assigned videos for this week. Cite a minimum of two peer-reviewed references from the University Library that support your recommendations. One of the two references must be from the assigned videos for the week. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ DAT 565 Wk 3 - Introduction to SAS®-Based Data Analysis This assignment will introduce the student to data analysis using SAS® Visual Analytics. The SAS® Visual Analytics environment includes many resources that will help the student understand data analysis methodologies. SAS® Visual Analytics is the leading data analysis software used by businesses today, and skills learned here will be used in later course assignments. Resources: SAS® Visual Analytics software

Review the instructions and examples provided for accessing the SAS® Visual Analytics software and uploading your data. Upload your data from the Week 2 assignment and save it in the system. Perform a basic analysis in SAS® Visual Analytics using the PROC MEANS command appropriate for your data set. Verify from the results if the data is loaded correctly and the data is usable, and create a simple summary report. Create a basic graph or bar chart (i.e. PROC can create a table, basic statistical analysis, and also a graphic representation) using SAS® Visual Analytics to display the results of your analysis. Describe your analysis and the process of loading and executing the commands in the SAS® Visual Analytics environment in a maximum of 700 words. Include a screenshot of the results of your PROC MEANS analysis. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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DAT 565 Wk 4 - Applying Analysis to a Business Issue or Opportunity The purpose of this assignment is to have students synthesize the data analysis concepts they have learned so far in the course. Students will apply SAS® for data analysis and analytics to discover trends that can be applied to business issues and influence business decisions. Resources: SAS® Visual Analytics software Using the database and organization from your Week 2 assignment, describe the business problem that you are trying to solve and identify how data trends can be applied to the problem. You will create a business report in which you present the conclusions of your analysis and describe both the data and the steps that you took to reach these conclusions.

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Prepare a business analysis report using a maximum of 1,050 words, and complete the following: Define the business problem that you are trying to resolve. Identify the data source that you are analyzing. Explain how the data was collected (if known). Describe the fields available in the data source. Assess the preliminary results of your data analysis. Apply your analysis of the data to the business problem. Recommend potential solutions to the problem. Select a proposed course of action to resolve the business problem based upon your analysis of the data. Create a table, bar chart, or histogram from your SAS® Visual Analytics analysis. Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

DAT 565 Wk 5 Team - Business Analysis – Learning Team Review and Recommendations

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Resource: Business Analysis – Learning Team Review and Recommendations Grading Guide This assignment provides the Learning Team with an opportunity to examine a team member's analysis in greater detail. By this time in the course, you have been exposed to the basic ideas of data analysis, have looked at multiple sources of data, and have learned how the data can be used within a data analysis program like SAS® Visual Analytics. Each member of the Learning Team will benefit from sharing recommendations and applying these ideas to their own analyses. Select an organization from one of your individual team members' analyses in Week 4. Write a review of the analysis in a minimum of 525 words and include the following: An analysis of the effectiveness of the selected metrics. Recommended measurements or additional data that you feel would be useful to analyze. At least two recommendations for additional analyses that could be performed on the available data, based upon your understanding of the capabilities of SAS® Visual Analytics. An evaluation of the preliminary results and recommendations provided in the original analysis. Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ DAT 565 Wk 5 - Final Data Analysis Results and Recommendations The purpose of this assignment is to give the student the opportunity to create a meaningful data analysis and visualization report, using output results and infographics from the SAS速 tool. Resources: SAS速 Visual Analytics software Building on the work you started in your Week 1 in which you chose potential organizations for use, Week 2 where you selected a final organization and chose a source of data, Week 3 in which you uploaded data to SAS速 Visual Analytics for analysis and display, and Week 4 individual assignments where you selected a business problem and summarized preliminary results, provide a 1,050- to 1,400-word final version of your analysis in which you compile and summarize all components from Weeks 1 through 4. Describe the results of any supplemental data analyses that were completed after your initial analysis (i.e. based upon further research or recommendations). Recommend at least three business applications or changes to existing business operations based upon the results of your data analysis. Create at least one infographic or data visualization using SAS速, like a bar chart, that illustrates your final conclusions. Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references from the course materials or University Library. Format assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ DAT 565 Wk 6 - Using Data Visualization The purpose of this assignment is to create infographics and use data visualization to effectively display data and present the results of your business analyses. You will assess effective ways to display and express data to maximize clarity and impact.

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Resources: Week 6 videos and SAS® Visual Analytics software Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker's notes. Provide a final analysis of your Week 1 through 5 work in which you: Summarize the business problem(s). Describe the data that was selected and the metrics that were used to analyze that data. Evaluate the results of your data analysis. Explain how the data analysis can be applied to resolve the selected business problem(s). Include the infographic(s) or other data visualization(s) that you created in the Week 5 individual assignment. Provide at least two additional infographics or other data visualization examples using SAS® Visual Analytics. Summarize your conclusions, and provide timelines and deliverables for the implementation of your recommendations. Cite a minimum of one peer-reviewed reference from the University Library. Submit your assignment.

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