EED 416 EED416 eed 416 Best Tutorials Guide -

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Elementary Methods: Mathematics

EED 416 Wk 1 - Summative Assessment: Mathematics

Standards Tables

Assume you have been hired to be a math teacher in a school that is in a different state. You must familiarize yourself with the mathematics standards of the state in order to prepare your lessons and assessments

the first week.

is what you must do:

10 Interactive Math Tools for Teachers to Make Students Love Math! to learn how technology can be used in the preparation of lessons and assessments that foster student engagement.

the Mathematics Standards Tables assessment.

your assignment.

EED 416 Wk 2 - Instructional Strategies

Assume you have joined a new school as a math teacher. You are teaching at both primary and intermediate levels. In your classes, you have students with different learning capabilities. You have been asked by your principal to explore the uses of augmented reality in math instruction and to propose 2 strategies.

Watch Mathematics Instruction & Math Teaching Strategies from YouTube.

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Read 7 Augmented Reality Tools for the Classroom from Edutopia for help with developing strategies based on technology tools.

Complete the following:

Select any of the augmented reality technology tools like Assemblr and research the strategies that can hook students to fun learning.

Develop and describe 2 instructional strategies for teaching a math lesson: 1 strategy suitable for primary learners and 1 strategy suitable for intermediate learners.

Write a 525-word report analyzing your strategies. Include the following information in your analysis:

Provide justification for your chosen strategies for teaching primary and intermediate students.

Describe how your strategies support learning of various math concepts.

Explain how to incorporate real-life problem-solving skills.

Describe the questioning tactics you can implement to challenge students’ thinking and enhance their problem-solving skills.

Explain why you think your chosen instructional strategies will be successful for diverse learners.

Describe how augmented reality tools like Assemblr can contribute to student engagement and fun learning strategy.

Describe an activity for each instructional strategy.

Analyze a minimum of 2 resources that support your instructional strategies and/or activities.

Explain how you will review the assessment to determine the success of the instructional strategy.

Describe how you’ll use the assessment results to update the instructional strategy for next time.

Format your report according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

EED 416 Wk 3 - STEM Lesson

Develop an inquiry-based learning STEM lesson plan that incorporates writing. Your lesson plan should be a minimum of 175 words.

Include the following in your lesson plan:



Objectives for each subject area

Guiding questions

stimulate discussion

critical thinking

 Grade
 Content
 Procedures 


EED 416 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Instructional Math Unit

Assume you have joined a new school as a math teacher. Despite the practice you have gained during your teacher training, you’re a little anxious about your first week on the job, and your class is very diverse in terms of their backgrounds and learning capabilities. To ensure that your first week goes smoothly, you must create a developmentally appropriate 1-week instructional math unit in a concept area of your choice, focusing on a grade level between kindergarten and grade 6.

Here is what you have to do:

Research multimedia resources to create lesson plans and instructional units. Refer to 5Minute Film Festival: 10 Sources for Free Lesson Plans from Edutopia to understand lesson planning resources that can aid teachers.

Prepare an instructional unit that includes the following:

1. Unit Plan

Provide the following information for your unit plan:


Focus (i.e., content area and grade level)


Write a narrative that discusses the following steps in the development of the unit:

Summary of how the content of the unit is appropriate for the age/grade level chosen

How specific learning needs will be addressed throughout the unit

Current learning theories that influenced instructional decisions in the unit

Strategies for children’s motivation and engagement that will be utilized in the unit

How formative and summative assessment will be used in the unit to plan, evaluate, and strengthen instruction; and promote continuous learning

The EdTech tools that can be used for the creation of lesson plans, assessments, and student engagements

How children’s families could be involved in the unit

Consider the “family connection” in each lesson.

language and instructional strategies used  Rubric or checklist that allows students to self-assess  Rubric or checklist that allows for descriptive feedback  Support for diverse learners Submit the assignment.

9. Be sure to reflect language differences and cultural and/or ethnic diversity.

2. Resources Toolkit

Create an annotated bibliography of 5 books and resources that support your unit.

Follow the guidelines below:

1. Books and resources should include 2 targeted for teacher use and 3 targeted for student and family use.

2. Books and resources should be aligned with and support unit objectives.

3. Your resources toolkit should comprise at least 3 multimedia materials, including web-based resources.

4. Your resources toolkit should account for the diversity of your learners, including English language learners, varying math proficiency levels, and students with exceptional needs.

5. Each annotation should explicitly connect the selected book or resource to the unit in 3 to 5 sentences.

6. Each annotation should begin with the reference and be block indented. All annotations should be in alphabetical order.

7. Format your annotated bibliography according to APA guidelines.

3. Lesson Plans

Select an educational engagement tool like Socrative to incorporate into your lesson plans. You can also refer to the article link that helps you to understand the free lessonplanning resources for teachers.

Create 3 developmentally appropriate lesson plans for your unit. Include the following elements in each lesson plan:

Objectives that meet the following requirements:

1. Reflect various levels of thinking, including Bloom’s taxonomy or depth of knowledge

2. Are specific, measurable, and observable

3. State what children should know and be able to do

4. Align to content standards

5. Are age/grade-level and content-area appropriate

List of materials (handouts, resources, and learning tools) used in the lesson, including materials that can be used to develop children’s critical thinking and problemsolving skills.

Detailed instructional sequence that is based on accurate math content and concepts and includes:

1. Introduction that sets the stage for learning

2. Lesson delivery and guided practice:

3. Activities are appropriate for the needs of young children who are culturally diverse and differentiated for those with exceptional learning needs (e.g., English language learners, learning disabilities, gifted/talented).

Activities are meaningful for young children by connecting learning to prior knowledge, to the community, and to real-world experiences.

Activities foster young children’s appreciation and engagement in subject matter content.

Activities incorporate both children’s and teacher’s use of technology.


Teacher wrap-up

Final check for understanding

Independent practice

aligned to the appropriate state standards:

1 formative assessment (check for understanding) for each lesson that aligns to the lesson objective(s)

1 summative assessment for the unit (assesses all unit objectives)

A plan to use the assessment results to adapt and improve future iterations

Submit your assignment.

EED 416 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Mathematics

Classroom Observation

You are asked to visit an elementary school classroom in a nearby school to observe a mathematics lesson, as a part of your assignment, during your teacher training practice.

Complete the Lesson Observation and Interview Guide.

During your visit to the school, observe the teaching strategies, types of teaching activities, use of materials, use of EdTech tools, use of multimedia resources, and student interaction.

Parts 1 and 2 of Lesson Observation and Interview Guide should be used to record notes during your lesson observation and teacher interview. Part 3–Summary should be written in 350 to 525 words, using academic language and grammar.

Document your observation in My Time Log.

Submit your assignment.

 Assessments

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