EED 420 EED420 eed 420 Education for Service -

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Elementary Methods - Science The Latest Version A+ Study Guide

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EED 420 Wk 1 - Exploring the Standards

Imagine you have joined a new school as a science teacher for fourth grade. Before you can begin to develop lessons, you have to familiarize yourself with your state’s science standards. During the new teacher professional development workshop, you were asked to lead a session on writing objectives based on standard requirements. To prepare for this task, work on the following:

Research your state’s elementary science standards.

Since you will be teaching fourth grade, select a performance expectation at that grade level.

Write 3 developmentally appropriate and measurable objectives.

Identify 3 to 5 vocabulary terms related to your focus, and explain how you would teach those terms to students.

Cite at least one source using an in-text citation and provide a reference list.

Include a title page for all assignments! Also, organize your paper with headings, doublespace, use 12 point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format.

Submit your assignment.


Wk 2 - Guided Field

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Experience: Teacher Consultation^

There are two options for this assignment - Chose one option only. Please contact your Academic Counselor to identify who will assess your Time Log

do not assess them.

Option #1: The Original Option

Meet with your field experience teacher, in person or over the phone, to discuss the following components of the Guided Field Experience Worksheet:

Guided Field Experience Worksheet, Site Demographics

Discuss the demographics of the field experience site.

your discussion

complete the Site Demographics section of the Guided Field Experience Worksheet.

Guided Field Experience Worksheet, Part 1

Discuss the options presented on how to best pre-assess students and select one.

Discuss the steps you will follow to analyze the preassessment data.

Guided Field Experience Worksheet, Part 2

Discuss the grouping strategy and instructional planning considerations for your lesson.

Lesson Plan Template

Review and discuss the Lesson Plan Template to ensure your understanding of all components.


Discuss scheduling for your field experience.

Create a timeline for completing the Lesson Plan Template and Guided Field Experience Worksheet requirements by Week 5.

Update your field experience hours in My Time Log (link at top of the course).

Submit the following:

Site demographics information

Timeline for completing the Lesson Plan Template and Guided Field Experience Worksheet

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 Use

EED 420 Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Strategies or Tips for

Teaching STEM Education

Assume you are a science teacher at Washington Elementary School. After teaching for the past 6 months, your principal has noticed you possess some excellent teaching techniques he would like you to share with your colleagues. He has asked you to present a professional development session about teaching STEM education in the elementary classroom.

Research virtual reality applications used in education, such as Labster VR, to understand how immersive reality can change STEM education.

Create a 15- to 20-slide presentation that includes 5 strategies and/or tips for teaching STEM education (e.g., engineering by design, problem-based learning, discovery learning), while supporting effective discussion and collaboration in the science classroom.

Include detailed speaker notes for each slide, as well as APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference slide.

Ensure your strategies and/or tips include the following elements that foster collaboration and communication:

Explain questioning techniques.

Describe classroom setup and student grouping concepts.

Examine the ways to use technology tools, including AR and VR, to foster a culture where learners take ownership of their learning goals.

Analyze opportunities for learners to develop communication by asking and responding to questions.

Explain ways to connect to real-world experiences through experiential learning, including VR.

Describe justification for use.

Apply implementation ideas, which include managing collaborative student structures.

Analyze ways to create a positive and safe science classroom learning environment.

Submit your assignment.

EED 420 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Inquiry-Based Interdisciplinary Lesson

You have been asked by your principal to develop an inquiry-based interdisciplinary lesson that integrates educational technology tools that can enhance students’ learning experience of the concepts, as well as connect ideas from another discipline. The strategy you develop must be applicable to all students from diverse backgrounds.

Research the use of PhET Science and Math Simulations in Google Classroom to apply interactive simulations.

Use the internet to research and collect information about Archimedes’ screw.

Choose a grade level that you wish to teach.

Write 3 inquiry-based questions based on your research about Archimedes’ screw and the image above, which displays a sketch of how an Archimedes’ screw transfers water from a low-lying body of water to a higher level. Ensure that the questions will guide your students to do the following:

Investigate the problem.

Form a hypothesis.

Collect and analyze data.

Compare their findings with their initial hypothesis.

Create an inquiry-based interdisciplinary lesson, based on the above questions, that will incorporate a form of technology and another subject area. Include the following in your lesson:

Applicable content standard(s)

Technology integrated

Other subject areas incorporated (e.g., mathematics, social studies, visual arts)

Learning objectives

Prior knowledge activity

Materials and resources needed

Instruction and practice activities

Assessment strategies (pre and post)

Write a half-page summary to include at the end of the lesson in which you describe how the lesson will assist learners in developing critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Submit your assignment.

EED 420 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Guided Field


If you choose Option #1: The Original Option, from the Week 2 Guided Field Experience, then you will continue with the remaining components of the Guided Field Experience Worksheet.

Submit the following completed documents to your faculty member for grading and feedback:

Lesson Plan Template

Guided Field Experience Worksheet

Supplemental documents with responses to questions in Parts 1–4 of the Guided Field Experience Worksheet

Include a title page for all assignments! Also, organize your paper with headings, doublespace, use 12 point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format.

If you chose Option #2: Modified for those facing the challenges of school closures/virtual learning, etc., then you will continue with the remaining components of the Modified Guided Field Experience Worksheet below.

The Guided Field Experience Worksheet has been modified. I have used the strikethrough feature of MS Word for you to disregard and bolded words that have been added. Click below for the Modified version

Mofidified guided_field_experience_worksheet (4).docx

Complete the Guided Field Experience Worksheet.

Submit the following completed documents:

Lesson Plan Template

Guided Field Experience Worksheet

Supplemental documents with responses to questions in Parts 1–4 of the Guided Field Experience Worksheet

Include a title page for all assignments! Also, organize your paper with headings, double-space, use 12 point Arial or Times Roman font and follow APA format.

EED 420 Wk 5 - Science Annotated Bibliography

Assume you are a science teacher at an elementary school in Philadelphia. There will be an all-teachers conference at the district level next month. Your principal has asked you to develop a list of resources for all elementary science teachers in the school district to distribute at the conference. Here is what you have to do:

Review the homepage of Science4Us from for a list of free resources.

Create an annotated bibliography of educational resources for teaching elementary science - Follow the format in the example below.


Include 5 student-focused and 5 teacher-focused resources from the following sources:


Technology that provides alternative ways for learners to demonstrate competency

Multimedia materials (including web-based or videos)


Professional and community resources

Include a minimum of 2 technology resources and 2 professional or community resources.

Use APA style to set up your annotated bibliography:

each annotation with the reference in APA format.

all annotations in alphabetical order by author.

Block indent all annotations.

Include the following in the annotation for each resource:

Explain how content and skill development can be supported by the resources.

Evaluate the resources for quality, accuracy, and effectiveness.

Evaluate the resources as support for analysis, reflection, and problem-solving.

Consider the diversity of your learners, including English learners and learners with exceptional needs, when selecting your resources.

Submit your assignment.

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 Put

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