ENG 100 ENG100 eng 100 Education for Service - uopstudy.com

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ENG 100 Entire Course Link http://www.uopstudy.com/eng-100 ********************************************** ENG 100 Week 1 Reflective Journal Writing As you know from the Course Overview and this week’s introduction, during this course, you will complete journal entries. Your journal entries won’t be shared with the class or your faculty member, but it is important you do this activity each week as a part of becoming more comfortable putting your thoughts and words on paper. You can type your journal entries or you can hand write them; the choice is yours. The most important thing is that each week you write 1 to 1 ½ pages for your journal entry. Don’t stress about this journal writing! Write whatever you want, however you want. You can write about what you are learning in class, your daily life, personal relationships, your dreams, or whatever is on your mind that day. You can take risks, make mistakes, outline, or make notes on the course in your reflective journal, too. The goal is to get more comfortable with the idea and practice of writing.

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If you find yourself struggling for something to write about, check out these suggested journal topics: Describe the most memorable day of your life. List the reasons you chose to attend college.

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Describe what it means to be a parent or your child rearing philosophy. Alternatively, describe what your childhood was like. What do you recall? Discuss some mentors in your life. Describe who you most admire and why. Discuss the people who support you on your educational journey. Describe your dream job. Recount your greatest success or mistake and what you learned from it. Describe and discuss your favorite film, book, or story. To complete and submit this assignment, follow these instruction: Select the topic you want to write about this week. Choose the format you will use for the Weekly Reflective Writing Journal assignments (e.g., Microsoft® Word or hand-written on paper). Write 1 to 1 ½ pages in your journal. Once you complete your journal entry, write a summary sentence or phrase that captures your writing experience or your topic. Post your summary sentence or phrase into the text box below these instructions to receive credit for this week’s Reflective Journal Writing assignment.  

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ENG 100 Week 2 Literacy Narrative

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Read “My Military Service: A Positive Factor in My Life and Career” from the University Library or the narrative model from the textbook, “I Became Her Target” on pp. 652-655. Consider the following question: If you were to create the story of how you became educated, what is one key moment that stands out and how did that impact you? Write a 175- to 350-word narrative in which you share your own story, scenario, or example of becoming educated. Use one of the APA style templates located in the Center for Writing Excellence. Apply what you know from the text about narrative writing. Your narrative should: Provide descriptive details Engage the audience Detail your visualization of the story or scenario

Review your writing for errors by using the spelling and grammar checker in Word or grammar tools from the Center for Writing Excellence. Note: You can use your weekly journal as pre-writing for this assignment. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ ENG 100 Week 3 Reflective Journal Writing You will continue your practice of journal writing this week. Hopefully you are finding that taking some time and putting thoughts and words on paper doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. The more you practice and make time to improve your skills, the easier it will become. As a reminder, you can type your journal entries or you can hand write them; the choice is yours. The most important thing is to write 1 to 1 ½ pages for your journal entry. The instructions for the assignment this week are the same as last week. Just write! The goal is to get more comfortable with the idea and practice of writing.

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If you find yourself struggling for something to write about, check out these suggested journal topics: Describe the most memorable day of your life. List the reasons you chose to attend college. Describe what it means to be a parent or your child rearing philosophy. Alternatively, describe what your childhood was like. What do you recall? Discuss some mentors in your life. Describe who you most admire and why. Discuss the people who support you on your educational journey. Describe your dream job. Recount your greatest success or mistake and what you learned from it. Describe and discuss your favorite film, book, or story. To complete and submit this assignment, follow these instructions: Select the topic you want to write about this week. Choose the format you will use for the Weekly Reflective Writing Journal assignment (e.g., Microsoft® Word or hand-written on paper).

Write 1 to 1 ½ pages in your journal. Once you complete your journal entry, write a summary sentence or phrase that captures your writing experience or your topic. Post your summary sentence or phrase into the text box below these instructions to receive credit for this week’s Reflective Journal Writing assignment. Note: This assignment is a completion grade only and it is not necessary to submit the reflective journal entry.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ ENG 100 Week 3 Reading Response Select and read an article from this week’s University Library Readings.

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Prepare to write a reading response. Consider the following questions: What is your opinion about the reading? Do you agree or disagree with the author’s perspective? What are one to two reasons that support your opinion? What is your thesis statement? Using the Reading Response Template below, write a 175- to 260word response, no more than 2 paragraphs, that includes the following: An introduction of the article, including the author’s name Brief summary of the article Justification of your opinion (this is your thesis). Reviewing the Thesis Writing section in this week’s Learning Activities will help you build your thesis statement. Connection of your topic to life, work/school, or current event APA citations created by using an example in the reading or by using the Reference and Citation generator from the CWE. Refer to the sample response and quote sandwich method for guidance.

Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ ENG 100 Week 4 Cover Letter

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One way writing is used in the professional world is in resumes and cover letters. These documents are often a potential employee’s first introduction to a prospective employer and can be key in career advancement. Review the sample cover letter and guidelines for formatting one in the Center for Writing Excellence. Write a cover letter that is at least 350 words. This cover letter can be for your dream job, for a promotion within your company, or for a potential job you might be interested in. Consider the following when composing this letter: Who is the audience for this letter? What are your short-term and long-term career goals? What do you already know about the company? Why are you interested in this company/role? Why are you a good fit for this role? Provide examples. Submit your assignment.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ ENG 100 Week 5 Reflective Journal Writing You made it! You’re in Week 5, and this is the final journal writing assignment for the course. Hopefully you have used this practice as a chance to write without risk, and you may have even come to enjoy the time you can take to put your thoughts on paper. If it has been a helpful exercise for you, continue to use it as you move through the rest of your course work. Journaling can be a great way to capture your thoughts and ideas about topics relevant to your learning. The instructions for the assignment this week are the same as last week. Just write! The goal is to get more comfortable with the idea and practice of writing.

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To complete and submit this assignment, follow these instructions: Select the topic you want to write about this week. Choose the format you will use for the Weekly Reflective Writing Journal assignment (e.g., Microsoft® Word or hand-written on paper). Write 1 to 1 ½ pages in your journal. Once you complete your journal entry, write a summary sentence or phrase that captures your writing experience or your topic. Post your summary sentence or phrase into the text box below these instructions to receive credit for this week’s Reflective Journal Writing assignment. Note: This assignment is a completion grade only and it is not necessary to submit the reflective journal entry.

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http://www.uopstudy.com/ ENG 100 Week 5 Single Source Essay Read an article from this week’s University Library Readings. You may use the article you selected in Week 3. As you read the article, apply reading strategies and take notes.

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After reading the article, consider the following: What was the content of this article? What was the author’s position? Did they provide reasons to support their position? Do you agree or disagree with this author's position? Why? Think of examples to support your position. Using the Single Source Essay Template, write a 350- to 525-word argument that communicates whether you agree or disagree with the article. Explain why you agree or disagree. Support your position with 2 quotes or paraphrases* from the text.

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The essay should be formatted in APA style, which includes: Original title Title page Cited evidence


Reference(s) *Note: If you use the same article from your Week 3 assignment, you may use the paraphrase you created and add one more. Submit your assignment.

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