HCS 235T Wk 1 - Health Care History Test

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Health Care Delivery in the U. S.

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HCS 235T Wk 1 - Health Care History Test

1. Question 1

What was the medical significance of the Flexner Report published in 1910?

Transformed the way medical education was delivered in the United States by establishing curriculums for medical education and standards for admission to medical school

Created the field of population health

the importance of public health

relationship between air quality and cardiovascular disease

Question 2

For children and adolescents, the 2 most important benefits of health insurance and access to a primary care provider are:

to protect from serious diseases, including mumps, tetanus, and chicken pox

Screening for cancer

Routine checkups to ensure the child is keeping pace with normal development

and managing weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure

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3. Defined
4. Established
1. Vaccinations
4. Monitoring

3. Question 3 6.67/6.67

The Baylor Plan was:


A service offering developed by Baylor University Hospital to pay for hospital care for $0.50 per month; first offered to public school teachers in Dallas, TX


A service offering developed by Baylor University Hospital to pay for outpatient physician visits for 0.50 per month; first offered to public school teachers in Dallas TX


A life insurance plan for employees and Baylor University Medical School students 4.

A curriculum for training physicians first used at Baylor University Medical School and later licensed to many other medical schools in the U.S.

4. Question 4 6.67/6.67

The largest purchaser of health care services in the U.S. is:

1. Medicare 2. Large corporations 3. Individual consumers 4. Insurance companies

5. Question 5 6.67/6.67

In the 1700s, new physicians learned how to practice medicine by:

1. Attending medical school

2. Reading the writings of Hippocrates 3. Apprenticing under an experienced physician 4. Apprenticing under a barber to learn surgery

6. Question 6 6.67/6.67

Medicare Part D was passed in 2003 and provided which benefit?


Vision plans for older adults


Chiropractic plans for older adults


Dental plans for older adults


Prescription drug plans for the older adults

7. Question 7 3.33/6.67

Environmental quality influences a person’s health. The top 2 environmental factors influencing health are:


Annual average high temperature

2. Air quality index


Exposure to secondhand smoke as a child 4.Water quality

8. Question 8 6.67/6.67

People in which demographic category have the smallest proportion of members meeting the recommended guidelines for physical activity?


Those without a high school diploma


Those with a college bachelor's degree


Those with a postgraduate college degree


Those who have attended college but did not obtain a degree

9. Question 9 6.67/6.67

Which 2 social factors influence the consumption of health care?

1. Zip code 2. Level of income 3.

Types of news media viewed

4. Level of education

10. Question 10 6.67/6.67

In 2020, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS, 2020) reported that the proportion of the U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), which is the value of all goods and services produced, spent on health care was approximately:

1. 20% 2. 5% 3. 35% 4. 10%

11. Question 11 6.67/6.67

According to the National Institutes of Health National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH NIDCR, 2018), an indicator of oral health is tooth decay. What proportion of adolescents in the U.S. are affected by tooth decay?


National Institutes of Health National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research. (2018, July). Dental caries (tooth decay) in adolescents (age 12 to 19).

1. Approximately 1 in 2 2. Approximately 1 in 10 3. Approximately 1 in 4 4. Approximately 9 in 10 12. Question 12 6.67/6.67

What did the Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010 do?

1. Provided free health insurance to U.S. visitors, regardless of immigration status 2. Made it illegal for insurance companies to deny or insurance for consumers with

pre-existing health conditions

3. Required all people to have insurance with no exceptions


Established protocol for deciding who is eligible for end-of-life care

13. Question 13 6.67/6.67

The first federal Patient Bill of Rights was passed in:

1. 1910 2. 1865 3. 2020 4. 1973 14. Question 14 3.33/6.67

Mental health, especially depression, is associated with which 2 physical conditions?

1. Arthritis 2. Gum disease 3. Heart disease 4. Hypertension

15. Question 15 6.67/6.67

Which 2 demographic factors influence the consumption of health care?

1. Gender 2. Height 3. Weight 4. Race

16. Question 16 6.67/6.67

Which 2 of the following are the most important predictors of a child’s future health.


Degree of exposure to exposure to lead-based paint hazards 2.

Longer work hours and part-time or temporary work


Degree of exposure to health risk behaviors, such as smoking, alcohol, and drug use

4. Availability of community-based resources and transportation options 17. Question 17 6.67/6.67

The 2 most important predictors of health related to access to care are:


Having disability insurance


Having a primary care provider

3. Having health insurance 4.

Having dental insurance 18. Question 18 6.67/6.67

In 2020, how many Americans under age 65 did not have health insurance (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021)? Reference:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Health insurance coverage.


Approximately 30 million people


More than 100 million people


Less than 10 million people


Approximately 50 million people 19. Question 19


The Social Security Act of 1935:


Provided hospitalization insurance for older people and disabled adults


Provided reimbursement for physician visits to older adults


Provided a social insurance program that paid monthly benefits to older adults


Provided education benefits for the children of people with disabilities

20. Question 20 6.67/6.67 Medicaid is:


A federal program introduced in the 1950s to provide ambulance transportation to people experiencing financial instability


A federal program introduced in the 1990s that provides single-payer health insurance for people that are 65 and older and some younger people with certain disabilities


A state and federal program introduced in the 1960s for the benefit of adults experiencing financial instability and children and adults with certain disabilities 4.

A family of health maintenance organization (HMO) programs first introduced in the 1970s

21. Question 21 6.67/6.67

When the American Medical Association was formed in 1847, its initial purpose was to:


Establish standards for training physicians


Ensure that patients have access to physicians


Provide the advantages of a labor union to physicians

4. Advocate for the interests of physicians

22. Question 22 6.67/6.67

Insurers began offering commercial insurance plans in the 1930s. The first insurance plans:


Provided for neither hospital care nor physician care

2. Provided for both hospital care and physician care

3. Provided payment for hospital care, but not for physician care 4.

Provided payment for physician care, but not for hospital care

23. Question 23 6.67/6.67

The Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of 1973:

1. Provided for federal government supported trials of HMO business models

2. Mandated the use of HMOs instead of other types of insurance for persons eligible for Medicare or Medicaid 3. Made interstate HMOs illegal 4.

Made HMOs legal for the first time in the U.S. 24. Question 24 6.57/6.57

The federal government’s Medicare program was first introduced in:

1. 1965 2. 1991 3. 1955 4. 2011 25. Question 25 6.67/6.67

Certificate of need laws are intended to:

1. Ensure that people applying for Medicare or Medicaid benefits are eligible to receive them.


Determine who is eligible for insurance under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).


Ensure that states can decide the expansion of health care facilities and services to avoid excess capacity of facilities and services.


Provide guidelines to transplant surgeons for deciding on eligible candidates for transplants.

26. Question 26 6.67/6.67

Food deserts are a predictor of poor health and refer to:


The portion of the meal, often made up of sweets, often leading to obesity


A region where food that thrives in hot dry climates is grown


A geographic location lacking national or regional supermarket chains


Areas where a substantial portion of the population is impoverished and lacks access to affordable fresh food nearby

27. Question 27 6.67/6.67

Young adults, Blacks, and Latin@ Americans are more likely to be uninsured than other population groups because (Institute of Medicine, 2001):


They are more able to pay for medical costs out-of-pocket.

2. They have less of a need for health insurance.


They are more likely to have pre-existing medical conditions.


They are less likely to have jobs that provide employer-provided health insurance.

28. Question 28 6.67/6.67

The first hospitals in the U.S. were established in:

1. The mid-1800s

2. The mid-1700s

3. The early 1800s


Before 1700

29. Question 29 6.67/6.67

The major elements of the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 included regulations on which 2 elements?

1. National licensing of nurses and medical technologists

2. Prescription drug pricing

3. Security of health care records

4. Privacy of health care records 30. Question 30 6.67/6.67

Which of these leads to the highest annual death rate in the U.S.?

1. Tobacco usage

2. Murder 3. Death by suicide 4. Use of illegal drugs

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