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MHA 506 Wk 1 Individual Assignment: Health Care Advertising Open your web browser and search for recent health care advertisements from similar health care services, facilities, or other health sector-related occupations (e.g., labor supply, productivity improvement, technology, or personnel benefit design). For example, choose three nursing homes, or three hospitals, etc. Select three advertisements and deconstruct each one to evaluate the marketing strategies employed. Do not just write about three organizations. Find a specific advertisement from each organization, and analyze the ad. Write a 525- to 700-word paper evaluating the advertisements you selected and how they are effective or ineffective in their design. Consider the following when writing your paper: ¡ Trade-offs (a description of what the customer might need to do in order to use the service. Are advance appointments necessary?) ¡ Personal cost (does the customer need to change their behavior?)

· Incentives (describe any type of reward or other incentive in any of the ads.) · Marketing strategy(s) employed (describe whether they emphasize quality, speed, convenience, cost, etc.) · Targeted demographics (try to determine who the target customer is with specifics) · Value exchange (explain how the ads communicate a sense of value at least equal to the cost and effort required to buy the product or service. Is the product worth it?) · "Five Cs" framework (The Five C’s can be found by Googling “Five C’s of Marketing.”) Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

For More Classes Please Visit MHA 506 Wk 2 Team Assignment: Introduction and Situation Overview Review the Marketing Plan Template and the Case Study as a team. Important note about the team project: You are creating a Marketing Plan for ECRH. There should be absolutely no generic discussion in a Marketing Plan. Every line in these team assignments should relate directly to ECRH. Any generic marketing discussion will lower the team's grade. Explain your knowledge of marketing through your application of marketing concepts to ECRH, not through general description of the concepts. Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Introduction and Situation Overview portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study. Detailed Instructions The following is more information about the team assignment. Each section in the Marketing Plan Template will become a section of the final Marketing Plan. The team

should read through the ECRH Case Study. You will be creating the Marketing Plan that the CEO wants. For the Executive Summary section: In Week 6, the team will complete an Executive Summary for the Plan. This is what top executives read, rather than wade through the detailed Plan itself. For this week, you should write the Introduction, which explains what this is all about, and the Situation Overview. The whole Executive Summary will be one page, so each of the five items in it should be a paragraph or two. The Situation Overview should be a brief version of your work on that section. Hold off on the other three items until we cover those topics. For the Situation Overview section: The Big Picture is just like it sounds. Explain the whole picture of inside the organization and outside as a broad overview. Do not go into detail in this section. Give the top company officers an idea of what has happened, and where the organization is now. The Company Overview is more detail about the company itself. Do not include any of the external factors, such as the competition or the local population. Explain what the company is like now with the relevant details. The Market Overview is a description of the customers, the potential customers, and the competition. Include any relevant information about these. Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

For More Classes Please Visit MHA 506 Wk 3 Individual Assignment: BCG Growth-Share Matrix and GE/McKinsey Nine Cell Matrix The life cycle of any product or service is key in the development of a marketing strategy. As corporate goals or consumer interests change, so will products or services. External to an organization will also be the impact of technological advancements and regulatory changes on product and service development and life cycle.

Conduct an internet search for “BCG Growth-Share Matrix” and “GE/McKinsey Nine Cell Matrix” and learn how these tools are used to build strategic plans. Write a 2- to 3-page paper that explains how BCG Growth-Share Matrices and GE/McKinsey Nine Cell Matrices are used in the health care industry to build strategic plans and how marketing can use them in the creation of marketing plans and communicating to their audience and service/product lines. Do not focus on the generic application of these tools. The majority of the assignment should be the specific application of both tools to healthcare marketing decisions. Include specific examples. Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

For More Classes Please Visit MHA 506 Wk 3 Team Assignment: Goals/Objectives and Marketing Strategy Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Goals/Objectives and Marketing Strategy portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study. Detailed Instructions Goal focus – identify the specific, measurable goals you will recommend for ECRH. Use specific numbers for each goal. Rather than stating they need to increase the recruitment of new physicians, for example, look at the numbers in the Case Study and recommend a specific number to target. Do this for at least 3 different goals. Performance benchmarks – Identify specifics for this one as well, describing where their performance needs to increase the most. Do not describe the whole organization. Explain the highest priorities for improvement. Market Objectives – identify at least 2 specific objectives in terms of the customers. Do not use the same ones you used for the Goals. Use specific numbers based on the Case Study. Keep it realistic. An example would be to increase the market share for a selected specialty from 30% to 35%.

For the Target Market: Identify the specific target group you will focus on. You cannot choose everyone, so be specific and describe the typical customer in terms of age, gender, income, behavior, etc. For example, describing the target market as women is not specific enough. Provide an age range, a specific income range, and other relevant factors. Briefly identify what type of companies would want to work with ECRH. Identify several specific organizations that would find it advantageous for themselves to be a partner with ECRH. Use specifics. Any of the organizations within ECRH are not considered partners. Use outside organizations. Identify the Collaborators that ECRH can work with. These are people or organizations outside of ECRH that could help you achieve your Goals. An example could be a medical supply company for certain specialties. Use specifics. The ECRH employees and physicians are not collaborators. Identify and describe the major Competitors for ECRH. Identify a few specifics about each one. For the Value Proposition: This is a section that many teams have a difficult time with. Place yourself in the shoes of the Target Market, the Collaborator, and the Companies. You will explain how they see value, not what ECRH can do for them. Describe only what their priorities are, what they do not want, and the specifics in a healthcare provider that would satisfy their needs. Explain how your specific target customer sees value in healthcare. This should be the basis for the changes you will make later in the Marketing Plan. For the Collaborators you identified, explain how they see value in partners. This will be the basis for attracting them to partner with ECRH. For the Companies, explain how they see value in a healthcare provider to work with. For each of these, you are looking at value through their eyes. This is essential when creating a Marketing Plan, as you need to understand how they view healthcare providers, so you can position ECRH to be their first choice. Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

For More Classes Please Visit MHA 506 Wk 4 Team Assignment: Tactics and Implementation Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Tactics and Implementation portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study. Detailed Instructions For Tactics: Product and service– explain any changes you will make to the product, or in this case, the services. Be specific about new services, ending other services, etc. Explain any actions you will take to improve the brand image in the eyes of the specific target market. Explain why the specific target market will respond to these actions. Provide some details about the actions to be taken, and why they will succeed. Explain any changes you will make to the price of the services. Will anything increase, decrease, or remain the same? Explain your reasoning. Will you provide any incentives to attract new patients? What could the pros and cons of those incentives be? Will you use incentives to attract new doctors? Keep in mind that you cannot throw money at every problem. Explain any changes you will make to the communication methods between the organization and its target groups. Be specific. If you choose social media, for example, explain why that is the communication channel of choice for your target group. For Implementation: Business infrastructure – explain any changes you will make to both types of infrastructure, and why. The physical infrastructure is the buildings and facilities. The Organizational infrastructure defines who reports to who. Explain if you will make changes, or why you will not.

The business process – explain the impact of any of your changes on these items. For example, if you provide incentives to attract new doctors, how will that affect your resource management? Money is one of your resources. Describe the impact on any that are significantly affected. Do not assume that your changes will not affect anything else. Schedule - provide a specific schedule for the major changes you will make. You can use dates, or use measures of time, such as three weeks, two months, etc. Keep it realistic. Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

For More Classes Please Visit MHA 506 Wk 5 Individual Assignment: Marketing Matrix Create a matrix that contrasts the differences between marketing in for-profit and not-forprofit health care organizations. Do not use extensive quotes to explain each of these elements. I expect at least 80% of the content of each box to represent your own work. I have attached a simple template for a sample. You can use this or create your own format. Marketing Matrix Template (1).docx

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Include the following in your matrix: Centralized versus decentralized format of management Strategic goals of the organizations Variation in the access to the capital market Strategic marketing differences between these two types of organizations Quality attributes of the two types of organizations The management of pricing and volume Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

MHA 506 Wk 5 Team Assignment: Control and Exhibits Write a minimum of 2 pages for the Control and Exhibits portions for your Marketing Plan to address the situation in the case study. This week, you will create the specifics for the Control and Exhibits section of the Marketing Plan. For Control: Adequate Goal Progress - Explain how you will track progress toward the specific measurable goals you established. No generic discussion allowed! For example, if you want to attract more of your target market, establish specific numbers you want to see by certain dates. A marketer cannot wait for the end of a marketing campaign to judge whether it has been successful. Performance Gap Management – Identify specific areas where the organization’s performance is not what you want it to be. Be specific! Explain how you will monitor these areas to ensure that the Marketing Plan is creating the desired results. Environmental Analysis – The Opportunities and Threats are a description of the external factors that can affect the success of the Marketing Plan. Opportunities should not be a list of the actions you can take, but an identification of the relevant external factors that can contribute to your success. An example would be a growing population. Threats are external factors that can hinder your success, such as the competition. For Exhibits: The Exhibits are visual representations of relevant data. They are not text descriptions. You can use charts, graphs, tables, or other visual items. Market Data – create several visuals that communicate relevant data about the market. Examples include the total population, the target market, etc. Value Analysis – Show what has value to a specific group, such as the doctors to be recruited or the target patients. Be specific about the greatest value from their perspective. Marketing Mix – use a graphic to show what your specific marketing mix will be, and who it will be targeted at.

Organizing the exhibits – provide enough of an explanation of each exhibit that a top manager would understand its relevance to the marketing plan. Do not just throw a bunch of graphics into the plan. You do not need to cover all of the items listed. Cite at least 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality). Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

For More Classes Please Visit MHA 506 Wk 6 Team Assignment: Marketing Plan: Final Draft Write a 1-page executive summary to add to the beginning of you Marketing Plan. Executive Summary – the team can submit this as a separate Word document, or as a slide in the presentation. Many top executives simply read this summary rather than the detailed plan itself. You should explain the situation, the goals and objectives, the actions the team is recommending, and how this will be successful. Keep it brief and informative. For each of the other elements in the Marketing Plan, use a slide or two to explain it. Use Speaker Notes for details. Each slide should use the information the team created previously, with changes and adjustments reflecting the feedback. The end result should be a good flow, with a logical progression. Keep in mind to use specifics, not general marketing concepts. Everything should be about ECRH.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Finalize your Marketing Plan with the components in the following order: Executive summary Situation overview Goal/objectives Marketing strategy Tactics Implementation Control Exhibits References page

Create a 9- to 12-slide presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites like Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi. Be sure to present each element of your Marketing Plan. Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. Submit your assignment. For additional help, check out the ULTRA: Access your assignments page.

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