MHA 542 MHA542 mha 542 Education for Service -

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Leading with Authenticity in the Health Sector

The Latest Version A+ Study Guide

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MHA 542 Wk 2 - Group: Leadership Challenges Discussion

For this group discussion, you will be graded on your participation and contribution to the discussion.

Read the articles provided in this week’s resources.

Complete the following individually:

Select 1 or 2 health care leadership challenges and map which leadership functions (operational, entrepreneurial, or enabling) can be used to address them.

Brainstorm how complex leadership strategies may be leveraged to address one or more of these challenges.

Consider what conflict issues may arise through implementing these strategies and how this may affect personal and professional relationships.

Write a brief proposal for how you would implement a specific strategy to address one of the leadership challenges you selected. Include how you would also address any conflict as part of your strategy.

Post your proposal to your group by Thursday.

Cite any sources you use according to APA guidelines.

Format your sources according to APA guidelines.

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MHA 542 Wk 2 - Leader Interview: Draft Interview Questions


In Week 5, you will be conducting an interview with a leader of the organization where you work or from a volunteer organization. To prepare for this interview, create a proposal that includes the questions you want to ask. Consider their role, level of leadership experience, and their organization in planning your questions. Preparing now for the interview will help ensure your questions generate the information you will need to address in the Wk 5 Lessons Learned Presentation based on your interview.

Address the following in your proposal:

What organization did you select?

In what role does the leader you will be interviewing serve? How long have they been in a leadership role?

How does this interview align with your leadership purpose?

What questions will you ask?

If you are choosing to interview a leader at a volunteer organization, search the Points of Light Engage website to locate a leader at a volunteer organization that interests you.

While designing your interview questions, consider the following concepts in relation to authentic and complexity leadership in health care environments:

Traits of Authentic Leaders

Systems thinking, organizational dynamics, and governance in times of change

Qualities of innovative, engaging, and effective leaders

Communication and relationship management

The importance of self-awareness, empathy, accountability, and ethical behavior

Understanding health systems and organizations

Here are sample questions you can ask. You will need to add your own questions as well:

What inspired them to be a leader?

Can they describe their leadership style, purpose, or essence?

What skills do they feel are critical for leaders in today’s complex environment?

What can they share regarding the importance of collaboration, communication, and conflict resolution skills?

What is 1 thing they still struggle with today?

What words of wisdom can they pass on to future leaders?

What lessons have they learned over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic ?

Cite any sources to support your assignment.

Format your sources according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 542 Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Personal and

Professional Strategies Reflection

Navigating the challenges of leadership requires not only knowledge of the health care organizations and systems that impact decision-making, doing so effectively is a testament to your interpersonal effectiveness and ability to communicate with a wide range of personnel and managers who each have a stake in decisions. The presence of often opposing viewpoints sets the stage for conflict as each side defends the interests of their group or organization. Honing the skills of conflict management is essential experience for effective leaders.

Part 1: Professional Strategies

Write a 350- to 525-word reflection on what you learned about communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution strategies during your group discussion. In your reflection, consider the following: 

Did you change your mind about what strategy would work best to address your chosen challenge? 

What were some of the common themes in the strategies presented and discussed by your group? 

If you were the leader of a health care facility, and you received each of these proposals from your staff, which would you be the most likely to implement, and why? What about least likely?

Part 2: Personal Strategies

Write a 350- to 525-word reflection on what you learned about your own communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution skills during your group project.

Include the following:

What areas do you feel you need to focus on to make yourself a stronger and more effective leader? 

What did you perceive as your biggest challenges in working with the group? Was there any conflict? If so, how was it handled? If not, how was it avoided? What can you glean from that to make future teamwork more effective?

Within the areas of growth opportunity you identified for yourself, which can you put into practice immediately?

Cite any sources to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 542 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Leadership

Interview: Lessons Learned Presentation

The best way to learn anything is from those with deep experience in their respective fields. Leaders learn from each other the practices that have worked for them in their experiences of success as well as failure. Consider what you learned from your interview with an organizational leader about complexity leadership for teams and share it in a presentation.

Create a 10-minute, 7- to 9-slide voice-over presentation using either Microsoft® PowerPoint® or websites such as Google Slides™, Adobe® Slate, or Prezi. This presentation will cover the interview you conducted with a leader of a volunteer organization or your own organization.

Consider the following as you create your presentation:

Who did you interview?

What organization do they work for?

What questions did you ask?

Did they know about the concepts of finding your true north, complexity leadership, and leadership purpose? If not, what do they think about it?

What did you learn in your interview?

What can you use immediately, and what complexity leadership strategies will you have to work on?

Be sure to address what you learned in your interview about the following:

Traits of authentic leaders

Systems thinking, organizational dynamics, and governance in times of change

Qualities of innovative, engaging, and effective leaders

Communication and relationship management

The importance of self-awareness, empathy, accountability, and ethical behavior

Understanding health systems and organizations

Note: Protect your interviewee’s privacy, and only mention their name and position if you have permission to do so.

Cite any sources to support your assignment.

Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 542 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Self-Reflection

A necessary ingredient of being an authentic leader is to have the selfawareness that enables you to act with integrity and empathy.

Reflect on your experience in the course.

Synthesize the following: 

Finding Your True North: A Personal Guide  Your newly emerged insights on authentic leadership and teaming

Write a 700- to 1,050-word article that addresses the following questions: 

What have you discovered about your leadership skills and style that you didn’t know before? Where do you excel and where would you like to improve? 

What have you learned about your professional relationship management skills and style? Where do you excel and where would you like to improve? 

As a leader in health care, how can you engage with the cultures present in the work environment to become more effective in your role?

Cite 2 reputable references to support your article (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Publish the article on your own social media account (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook), or post it on a health care message board of your choice.

Note: If you are unable to, or would rather not, complete the assignment in LinkedIn, you may submit the assignment using a Word document. Please let your faculty know if you intend to choose this option. In the document, please include all necessary components as described in the assignment instructions. If you have any questions or need any clarification about the requirements, please ask your instructor.

Include a citation of your article in your assignment as the author of the article. An APA-formatted citation should be included in the body of the article and referenced at the end of the article.

Submit your assignment.

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