MHA 560 MHA560 mha 560 Best Tutorials Guide -

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MHA 560 Wk 1 - Assignment: Sustainability Initiative Summary

Select a health care setting and organization on which you will focus for your sustainability initiative (e.g., local hospital, veterans’ hospital, ambulance service, urgent care, nursing home).

Analyze the setting and organization you have selected and break it down to the main departments, employee roles, operating activities, and so on. While doing so, brainstorm opportunities to reduce costs or eliminate waste while improving patient care or outcomes.

Review the list of sustainable initiatives from the list below, and select one that you want to promote for your selected organization:

Creating a Sustainable Legacy: Healthy Communities The Latest Version A+ Study Guide
MHA 560 Entire Course Link
Energy efficiency
IR scanning
Kanban Inventory
Device exchange
CR pack reformation
Device reprocessing
Red bag waste reduction
Blue wrap recycling

Note: Ensure that the opportunity you select correlates with the setting you select. Additionally, if you want to complete a sustainable initiative that is not on the list, obtain approval from your instructor before completing the assignment.

Identify data sources you might need to collect and analyze for your initiative. Consider contacting people in the industry and in your organization who may be able to help.

Write a 525- to 700-word summary of the sustainability initiative you want to promote at the health care setting you selected. Your proposal should:

Create a clear vision or mission statement that defines the scope of the initiative and would generate buy-in.

Define what outcomes you expect to achieve over time.

Be specific with what you can realistically deliver.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 560 Wk 2 - Summative Assessment: Matrix Analysis of Sustainability Initiative Environmental and Financial Contexts

Best practices for health care sustainability must be examined from both environmental and financial contexts. A matrix is a sound method for such an examination.

The top management of your organization has requested that you prepare a matrix analysis of both environmental and financial contexts for your proposed sustainability initiative.

Part I: Matrix analysis

Organize and include the following in your matrix:

Estimated current costs involved in your sustainability initiative’s processes (e.g., staffing, facility, operating, products, services)

Estimated cost to implement initiatives (e.g., new equipment, new contracts, or staff)

Cost projections after implementation

Social and environmental costs


Cost savings, immediate or over time

Benefits over time (1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc.)

Local, state, or national revenue sources for your initiative

Part II: Matrix summary analysis

Prepare a 700-word summary of your matrix analysis. Include the following in your summary:

Restate your individual sustainability initiative.

Relate how your initiative might impact other sustainability initiatives within your organization.

Describe various environmental contexts that could impact your sustainability initiative. 

Analyze and summarize the financial contexts and implications your sustainability initiative will have on your selected organization. 

Explain the cost savings and benefits over time. 

Recommend a local, state, or national revenue sources for your initiative and why you believe the source is appropriate.

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 560 Wk 3 - Group: Sustainability Initiative - Patient Care Outcomes Analysis

As you move forward with your sustainability initiative project, it is important to understand how to use tools that will benefit you as you assess situational change. In this part of your project for your organization, you will identify which services are affected by your initiative and then determine ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes.

The leadership team at the health care organization where you are working on your sustainability plan has asked you to evaluate how these sustainability ideas may affect patient services.


Create a mind map of the patient services offered at the health care setting you selected for your sustainability initiative.

Identify which services are affected by your sustainability initiative and brainstorm ways that the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes.

As a group:

Share your mind map, including services affected by your sustainability initiative, and your ideas for ways the initiative will improve patient care and outcomes with your team. Gain feedback from your team members on potential successes or concerns for your sustainability initiative.

After receiving feedback from your team members, each member must write a 350- to 700-word evaluation of how your sustainability initiative will improve patient care and outcomes.

Include your mind map of the patient services offered and provide details of how and why the services will improve once your initiative is implemented.

Combine each team member’s response and mind map into one document.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 560 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Sustainability Initiative Stakeholder Engagement Analysis and Strategy

It is important to identify both internal and external stakeholders for your sustainability initiative. It is through identification of and communication with these stakeholders that you will understand what partnerships might benefit the initiative. These can include community leaders, organizations, and even patients, their families, and friends.

The top leadership of your selected organization has requested that you prepare a stakeholder engagement analysis and strategy for your sustainability initiative.

Part I: Stakeholder identification analysis

Prepare a 350- to 400-word identification and analysis of the key internal and external stakeholders essential to your initiative’s success. Include the following:

Identify key internal and external stakeholders who are essential to the success of your initiative. Provide evidence for your choices.

Identify partnerships that can be formed between organizations to foster collaboration or healthy competition. Provide evidence for your choices,

Identify community leaders who can use power and influence to further the initiative on your behalf. Provide evidence for your choices.

Part II: Patient engagement strategy

Develop a 350- to 400-word strategy for how you will engage patients and their friends or family to participate in your initiative (directly or indirectly).

Part III: Promotional media strategy

Develop a 350- to 400-word promotional media strategy and promotional elements for your sustainability initiative that will be used to reach your identified stakeholders. Include the following:

A 90- to 175-word script for a 30- to 60-second online advertisement that promotes your sustainability initiative, advocates for sustainable health care practices, and invites the community to action

A storyboard that outlines the advertisement. Complete the Script and Storyboard Template for this part of the assignment.

Four social media posts in the platform of your choosing that promotes your initiative and invites the community to get involved

Note: You do not have to actually post these online but indicate on which platform you would post them.

Submit your assignment.

MHA 560 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Financial Strategies

Summary for the Sustainability Initiative Plan

Your Financial Strategies Summary provides organization executives with reasons why they should approve financial strategies for your sustainability initiative plan. It demonstrates your ability to critically think through financial strategy development and presents your financial petition to leadership for resources for implementation.

Prepare the Financial Strategies Summary for your sustainability initiative plan in 6 to 8 pages.

Include the following in your plan:

A brief summary of your sustainability initiative proposal

A minimum of 3 financial strategies to fund implementation of your initiative

An analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of each of your financial strategies for implementation of your initiative

An evaluation of how each of the following impacts those financial strategies within your initiative:

Proposed community partnerships

Proposed waste reduction efforts

Proposed improved patient care outcomes

Petition to the leadership for approval of your financial strategies to enact the initiative

Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).

Format your references according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

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