MPA 503 MPA503 mpa 503 Best Tutorials Guide -

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- Summative Assessment: Differences in Organizational Culture

Organizational culture does not exclusively apply to government, but rather applies to any organization. An organization’s culture consists of common values, beliefs, conduct, interactions, and decision-making processes. Let’s further explore the differences and commonalities by comparing different organizations.

Read Case 4.1: “Differences in Organizational Culture: Is the FBI from Mars and the CIA from Venus?”

Review the FBI website and the CIA website to see what can be gleaned about the culture of each organization. As you review both sites, consider the following questions:

 What are the historical roots of the different organizational and behavioral cultures in the FBI and the CIA?

 How do these cultures affect their work? In both good and bad ways?

 How likely is it that the 2 agencies will be able to change their cultures and develop effective communication strategies among the 2 agencies?

 Do you think changes in the organizational structure can produce changes in the organizational and behavioral culture?

 Is the 9/11 Commission’s proposal a good idea? Why or why not?

 How else might an organization’s culture change, if not by changes to its structure?

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503 Wk
Public Administration Institutions and Processes The Latest Version A+ Study Guide

Compare 2 other elected positions that fall under the executive branch. Some examples are state/governor, local/mayor, attorney general, secretary of state, and other elected state officials. Based on your review of their websites, what can you say about the leadership culture of each organization? Provide examples that support your findings. Which leadership, communication, organizational, and behavioral theories and concepts are represented? Explain your answer.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about what each organization was doing well and suggestions for areas in need of improvement. Include the following in your paper:

 An evaluation of the leadership culture

 Theories represented

 Overall performance

 Recommendations for improvement

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed references from the University Library.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Submit your assignment.

MPA 503 Wk 3 - Performance Dashboard Assignment

The concept of performance management is not exclusive to government. For this assignment, you will have a real-world experience to review a government performance dashboard. The goal of this assignment is to familiarize yourself with reading and analyzing government performance data measures. This reinforces the concepts of return on investment (ROI), organizational leadership and effectiveness, and data-driven decision-making.

Visit the website.

Select a government agency.

Complete the Performance Dashboard worksheet based on the government agency you selected.

Submit your assignment.

MPA 503 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Information and Values in Decision-Making

Information and values are two issues that every decision-making leader must tackle.

Government administrators will rarely have all the information relevant to a decision. This information has a cost and may lead to a limited search for information. Leaders may also receive more information than they are able to understand.

Government leaders must also contend with public values and their own personal values. Leaders must examine whether their opinion aligns with the values of their agency.

In at least 700 words:

 Briefly define or describe information and values in relation to leadership theories in public administration.

 Can personal value preferences cause conflicts in the decision-making process? If so, what can leadership do to manage these conflicts?

 What can leaders do to ensure information being received is valid?

 Should leaders make decisions based on educated guesses, hunches, or “going with the gut”?

Submit your assignment.

MPA 503 Wk 5 - Government Decision-Making and Budgeting

Local Government Budgets

Perform an Internet search and locate the latest approved (or adopted) budget for your local government (city or county). Spend some time reviewing and familiarizing yourself with the budget.

Complete the Decision-Making and Budgeting Local Government Budgets worksheet.

Submit your assignment.

MPA 503 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: Action Plan Exercise

An aging workforce that will be retiring; and challenges in attracting and hiring younger workers is a two-fold problem in human capital management.

Imagine you are the head of a government agency and your chief of human capital officer advised that 40% of your agency personnel are eligible for retirement by the year 2024. Based on this information, you must create a plan to address this new concern and ensure the transition occurs without major disruption to your agency.

As the head of a government agency, you have broad authority to make major changes in the organization. The only constraints are the agency budget and human capital laws and regulations.

In about 1,300 to 1,400 words, create an action plan to address this challenge. This assignment can be completed in a Word document or PowerPoint presentation.

Consider the following questions when designing your action plan:

 What should be done to ensure institutional knowledge does not leave with the retiring workers?

 What should be done to ensure older workers who are not ready to retire remain relevant?

 What can be done to reskill existing workers to ensure they have the necessary skills for the future?

 Will you design “career ladder” positions that allow employees to move in higher paying positions and into agency leadership?

 Will you offer tuition reimbursement for current students or employees wishing to return to college part time?

 How can work–life balance be improved?

 What diversity and inclusion improvements are necessary?

 Will workers be allowed to telework (work remotely, work from home)?

 Will you offer public transportation benefits and allowances?

 Will workers be allowed to have flexible work schedules?

 Are there other flexibilities that will enhance the workplace?

 How will good performance be rewarded?

 How will poor performance be addressed?

 What other innovative approaches have you considered?

Submit your assignment.

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