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PSY 203T Wk 1 - Summative Assessment: Week 1 Exam In the context of the cerebral cortex of the brain, the motor area is located in the ________Blank lobes. Multiple Choice • occipital • temporal • frontal • parietal

The ________Blank is the part of the peripheral nervous system that specializes in the control of voluntary movements and communicates information to and from the sense organs. Multiple Choice • sympathetic division • autonomic division • somatic division • parasympathetic division Which of the following guidelines is true of the use of nonhuman animals in experiments? Multiple Choice • Researchers may avoid exerting any experimental control over the research animals. • Researchers must only choose nonhuman subjects that have a short life span. • Researchers must minimize discomfort, illness, and pain for the animals. • Researchers may use procedures that subject animals to distress even if alternative procedures are available. _______Blank focuses on higher mental processes, including thinking, memory, reasoning,

problem solving, judging, decision making, and language. Multiple Choice • Clinical psychology • Cognitive psychology • Personality psychology • Developmental psychology The rule that neurons are either on or off is known as the ________Blank law. Multiple Choice • all-or-none • graded action • intensity of stimulus • incremental transformational ______Blank is a protective coating of fat and protein that wraps around an axon. Multiple Choice • A myelin sheath • The basal lamina • The sarcoplasmic reticulum • A glial cell In the context of the psychology of emotion, William James would be most interested in Multiple Choice • how unconscious memories contribute to an individual's emotional experience. • the basic nature of an emotional feeling or experience. • the organization of perception and thinking into meaningful wholes. • how behavior aids an individual's adaptation to the environment. • The purpose of random assignment to conditions is to Multiple Choice • determine whether the dependent variable and the independent variable have a positive correlation with each other. • ensure there is an equal chance that participant characteristics will be distributed across the various groups. • combine the results of a number of similar studies. • determine how likely it is that the results of a treatment were due to chance. Why are control groups included in experiments? Multiple Choice • to rule out the idea that something other than experimental manipulation produced the observed results in an experiment • to determine whether two variables being investigated in an experiment are correlated • to show that when two variables in an experiment are strongly correlated, they have a cause-

and-effect relationship • to ensure that participants are properly assigned to the groups in an experiment Electrical wires are generally protected by a tube of plastic. Similarly, the nervous system is insulated by a Multiple Choice • terminal button. • synapse. • glial cell. • myelin sheath. • Research in which existing data, such as census documents, college records, and newspaper clippings, are examined to test a hypothesis is known as Multiple Choice • naturalistic research. • experimental research. • archival research. • a case study. Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the route followed by nerve impulses when one neuron communicates with another? Multiple Choice • dendrite → axon → cell body • cell body → axon → dendrite • dendrite → cell body → axon • axon → dendrite –→ cell body How is the diversity of psychology limited in the United States? Multiple Choice • The primary jobs for psychologists are limited to teaching and research. • The majority of psychologists are male. • Racial and ethnic minorities are underrepresented among psychologists. • Male psychologists lag behind in terms of salaries and high-status positions within the field. Factors that distort how an independent variable affects a dependent variable in an experiment are referred to as Multiple Choice • placebo effects. • double-blinds. • experimental bias. • participant bias. The ________Blank is the primary means for transmitting messages between the brain and the rest

of the body. Multiple Choice • sarcoplasmic reticulum • juxtaglomerular apparatus • spinal cord • hematopoietic stem cell Psychology is defined as Multiple Choice • the study of mental disorders and their treatment. • an intuition-based approach to study human behavior. • a system of ideas that may be used to justify behavior. • the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. • The nervous system is divided into Multiple Choice • the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. • the primary and secondary nervous systems. • the central and peripheral nervous systems. • the somatic and autonomic nervous systems. Which of the following is one of the three newer branches of psychology's family tree? Multiple Choice • personality psychology • clinical neuropsychology • environmental psychology • counseling psychology Psychologists who specialize in considering the ways in which the biological structures and functions of the body affect behavior are known as Multiple Choice • forensic psychologists. • biopsychologists. • genetic psychologists. • evolutionary psychologists. Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between the nervous system and the endocrine system? Multiple Choice • The endocrine system is part of the central nervous system. • The endocrine system influences and is influenced by the nervous system. • The central nervous system is part of the endocrine system. • The nervous system and the endocrine system operate independently of each other.

____Blank are specialized neurons that fire not only when a person enacts a particular behavior, but also when a person simply observes another individual carrying out the same behavior. Multiple Choice • Ventral cord motor neurons • Amphid neurons • Pharyngeal motor neurons • Mirror neurons • The ________Blank is the part of the brain located in the middle of the central core that acts primarily to relay information about the senses. Multiple Choice • cerebellum • hypothalamus • thalamus • amygdala Which of the following is a diagnostic use of the brain-scanning electroencephalography (EEG)? Multiple Choice • It facilitates more precise diagnosis of epilepsy and learning disabilities. • It facilitates viewing individual circuits of neurons. • It helps in accurate diagnosis of strokes and multiple sclerosis. • It helps to identify the presence of brain tumors.


Which branch of psychology explores the relationship between psychological factors and physical ailments or diseases? Multiple Choice • clinical neuropsychology • developmental psychology • health psychology • forensic psychology The ________Blank is referred to as the "new brain" because of its relatively recent evolution. Multiple Choice • hindbrain • hypothalamus • cerebral cortex • sarcoplasmic reticulum

PSY 203T Wk 2 - Week 2 Exam _______Blank is the process by which information is used to draw conclusions and make decisions. Multiple Choice • Recalling • Chunking • Negotiating • Reasoning •

_____Blank is a memory task in which individuals are presented with a stimulus and asked whether they have been exposed to it in the past or to identify it from a list of alternatives. Multiple Choice • Chunking • Rehearsal • Recognition • Recall Classical conditioning is most successful when a neutral stimulus is presented Multiple Choice • at exactly the same time that an unconditioned stimulus occurs. • just before an unconditioned stimulus occurs. • immediately after an unconditioned stimulus occurs. • long before an unconditioned stimulus occurs. The theory suggesting that humans are genetically prewired to learn language at certain times and in particular ways is known as the ________Blank approach to language development. Multiple Choice • learning-theory • nativist • prescriptive • interactionist In the process of operant conditioning, an organism primarily Multiple Choice • gives unconditioned responses to stimuli. • gives involuntary, natural responses to stimuli. • reacts to a stimulus in an unthinking, automatic manner. • operates on its environment to produce a desirable result. . • In the context of observational learning, the discovery of ________Blank that fire when a person

observes another person carrying out a behavior suggests that the capacity to imitate others may be inborn. Multiple Choice • leukocytes • mirror neurons • endothelial cells • triglycerides In general, ________Blank schedules of reinforcement yield responses at a high, steady rate. Multiple Choice • variable-ratio • fixed-interval • fixed-ratio • variable-interval Rehearsal refers to the Multiple Choice • initial, momentary storage of information that lasts only an instant. • grouping of information that can be stored in short-term memory. • repetition of information that has entered short-term memory. • unconscious recollection of specific information. A schema is Multiple Choice • an organized body of information stored in memory that biases the way new information is interpreted, stored, and recalled. • an obstacle to learning that prevents the retrieval of newer information due to the interference of old information. • a grouping of stimuli that is stored as a unit in short-term memory. • a memory that is centered on a specific, important, or surprising event. Which of the following is true of algorithms? Multiple Choice • Algorithms may sometimes lead to errors. • An algorithm cannot guarantee a solution to a problem even if used appropriately. • We can use an algorithm even if we cannot understand why it works. • In cases where heuristics are not available, we may use algorithms. ______Blank is learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences. Multiple Choice • Latent learning • Operant conditioning • Social learning

Classical conditioning

In the context of operant conditioning, reinforcers that satisfy one's biological needs are called ________Blank reinforcers. Multiple Choice • primary • positive • reflexive • unconditioned In the context of operant conditioning, ________Blank weakens a response through the application of an unpleasant stimulus. Multiple Choice • habituation • extinction • positive punishment • negative reinforcement According to the cognitive learning theory, Multiple Choice • people make responses merely because there is a link between a stimulus and a response. • the process of reinforcement reduces the probability that a behavior will be repeated. • people develop an expectation that they will receive a reinforcer after making a response. • learning is unlikely to take place in the absence of external stimuli, responses, and reinforcements. A prototype is Multiple Choice • the least representative example of a concept. • the most typical or highly representative example of a concept. • the most unusual or distinctive example of a concept. • the first example of a concept that one encounters. Typically, long pauses in responses are associated with ________Blank schedules of reinforcement. Multiple Choice • fixed-interval • fixed-ratio • variable-interval • variable-ratio As part of a behavior modification program, Mark and his partner decide to praise their daughter if she completes her homework by 9 p.m. every night. In the context of operant conditioning, such praise is an example of

Multiple Choice • positive punishment. • positive reinforcement. • negative punishment. • negative reinforcement. Memories of which we are not consciously aware of are called ________Blank memories. Multiple Choice • implicit • internal • declarative • explicit According to Tolman and Honzik (1930), learning in which a new behavior is acquired but is not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it is known as ________Blank learning. Multiple Choice • tangential • perceptual • latent • spatial Flashbulb memories Multiple Choice • bias the way new information is interpreted, stored, and recalled. • are recalled unconsciously without any stimulation. • are centered on a specific, important, or surprising event. • develop inaccuracies over the years. Behavior that is reinforced every time it occurs is said to be on a(n) ________Blank reinforcement schedule. Multiple Choice • positive • intermittent • continuous • secondary Long-term memory is divided into Multiple Choice • explicit memory and implicit memory. • semantic memory and sensory memory. • episodic memory and factual memory. • declarative memory and procedural memory. •

In the context of operant conditioning, which of the following scenarios best exemplifies negative reinforcement? Multiple Choice • Drake no longer cuts class now that his parents have confiscated his iPhone. • Maria buys a particular brand of cereal to get two boxes for the price of one. • Nate no longer arrives late at work following a reprimand from his boss. • Vanna fastens her seatbelt as soon as she gets in her car to stop the annoying alert sound. Material in memory storage has to be located and brought into awareness to be useful. This process is known as Multiple Choice • encoding. • retrieval. • storage. • potentiation. Theorists taking an interactionist approach to language acquisition Multiple Choice • downplay the role of the environment in language acquisition. • remain unconvinced by the idea of a language-acquisition device. • agree that the brain is hardwired to acquire language. • reject both the learning theory and nativist approaches.

PSY 203T Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Week 3 Exam According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the ________Blank stage. Multiple Choice • autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt • id-versus-ego • trust-versus-mistrust • intimacy-versus-isolation

Which of the following is true of anorexia nervosa? Multiple Choice • People with this disorder induce vomiting or take laxatives to rid themselves of the food they ate. • People with this disorder tend to have a normal weight. • This disorder mainly afflicts females between the ages of 12 and 40. • People suffering from this disorder binge on large quantities of food.

According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, physiological reactions ________Blank emotional experiences. Multiple Choice • have little to do with • follow • occur simultaneously with • precede According to Erikson, people enter the generativity-versus-stagnation stage during Multiple Choice • childhood. • middle adulthood. • old age. • adolescence. A normal fertilized egg, or zygote, contains ________Blank pairs of chromosomes. Multiple Choice • 23 • 46 • 21 • 28 n the context of the experiments conducted by Mary Ainsworth, the ________Blank attachment style describes a child who exhibits distress at his mother's departure in the Ainsworth strange situation but is easily soothed on her return. Multiple Choice • secure • disorganized • ambivalent • avoidant According to the self-determination theory developed by Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, ________Blank is the perception that people have control over their own lives. Multiple Choice • reliance • competence • relatedness • autonomy • _______Blank is a severe eating disorder in which people may refuse to eat while denying that their behavior and appearance—which can become skeleton-like—are unusual. Multiple Choice • Pica

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Bulimia Anorexia nervosa Emotional eating

According to the ________Blank theory of aging, aging produces a gradual withdrawal from the world on physical, psychological, and social levels. Multiple Choice • genetic preprogramming • disengagement • wear-and-tear • activity People with a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 30 are Multiple Choice • obese. • underweight. • normal weight. • overweight. • According to the ________Blank, emotions are determined jointly by a nonspecific kind of physiological arousal and its interpretation, based on environmental cues. Multiple Choice • Schachter-Singer theory of emotion • James-Lange theory of emotion • cognitive-mediational theory of emotion • Cannon-Bard theory of emotion The ________Blank plays an important role in the consolidation of memories. Multiple Choice • hippocampus • cerebellum • medulla • corpus callosum Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, from birth through adolescence? Multiple Choice • nonoperational, preoperational, operational, and postoperational • sensorimotor, concrete operational, preoperational, and formal operational • preoperational, concrete operational, preoperational, and formal operational • sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational •

Which of the following is true of brain scans of people with eating disorders? Multiple Choice • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders have the same level of connectivity in those areas of the brain associated with eating behaviors when compared to those of healthy individuals. • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders have a lower level of connectivity in those areas of the brain associated with eating behaviors when compared to those of healthy individuals. • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders process information about food differently from healthy individuals. • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders do not process information about food when compared to healthy individuals. Which of the following brain structures has an important role in regulating food intake? Multiple Choice • the hypothalamus • the hippocampus • the amygdala • the thalamus Which approach to motivation is ly paired with a behavior to which it is especially appropriate? Multiple Choice • cognitive – riding roller coasters • drive-reduction – eating • arousal – studying • incentive – sleeping The ________Blank, in the brain's temporal lobe, plays an important role in the experience of emotions. Multiple Choice • cerebellum • amygdala • corpus callosum • medulla According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, physiological responses ________Blank emotional experiences. Multiple Choice • precede • are unrelated to • follow • occur simultaneously with According to the ________Blank, emotional experience is a reaction to bodily events occurring as

a result of an external situation. Multiple Choice • Cannon-Bard theory of emotion • two-factor theory of emotion • cognitive-mediational theory of emotion • James-Lange theory of emotion • Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation? Multiple Choice • An athlete practices for long hours because she loves to run. • A doctor sees more patients to make more money. • A student reads many books on religion because she is interested in religious studies. • A social worker spends more time with the elderly because she likes spending time with them. Based on Harlow's research with monkeys, which of the following would prove to be most effective in comforting a frightened infant or child? Multiple Choice • talking to the child from a distance • leaving the child alone • offering the child something good to eat • touching or holding the child • According to Erikson, the psychosocial crisis of the intimacy-versus-isolation stage occurs Multiple Choice • in the first year of life. • during adolescence. • between the ages of 3 and 6. • during early adulthood. • ______Blank are inborn patterns of behavior that are biologically determined rather than learned. Multiple Choice • Notions • Instincts • Motives • Desires According to the ________Blank, both physiological arousal and emotional experience are produced simultaneously by the same nerve stimulus. Multiple Choice • cognitive-mediational theory of emotion

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Cannon-Bard theory of emotion James-Lange theory of emotion Schachter-Singer theory of emotion

In the context of information-processing capabilities of children, preschoolers can hold only two or three chunks of information in short-term memory, 5-year-olds can hold four, and 7-year-olds can hold Multiple Choice • five. • eight. • seven. • nine.

PSY 203T Wk 4 - Week 4 Exam Dahlia is an associate at a prestigious law firm. The associates in the firm generally work until at least 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. each day. This is an element of the firm's Multiple Choice • role. • norm. • bias. • schema. Which of the following is true of behavioral assessment? Multiple Choice • It includes a test that consists of a series of pictures about which a person is asked to write a story. • It includes projective personality tests, such as the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test. • It mainly involves showing people a vague stimulus related to their behavior and asking them to describe it. • It refers to direct measures of one's behavior that describe char-acteristics indicative of personality. • Which of the following sales techniques is based on the norm of reciprocity? Multiple Choice • the not-so-free sample technique • the door-in-the-face technique • the that's-not-all technique • the foot-in-the-door technique Which of the following statements reflects a criticism that has been leveled against the Implicit

Association Test? Multiple Choice • The test measures only conscious racial attitudes. • The biases that the test measures may not affect overtly discriminatory behavior. • The test requires people to directly report their racial feelings. • The test proves that people cannot be prejudiced if they do not know that they are engaged in it. According to the French psychologist Alfred Binet, which of the following formulas is used to calculate the intelligence quotient or IQ? (CA stands for chronological age, and MA stands for mental age.) Multiple Choice • MACA×100MACA×100 •

MA(CA ×100)MA(CA ×100)

• CAMA×100CAMA×100 • CA(MA ×100) Which of the following explanations is ly paired with the process it reflects? Multiple Choice • Obstacles to performance that stem from one's awareness of society's stereotypes regarding minority group members—Stereotype vulnerability • Behavior being brought in line with a stereotype to reduce the tension created by a discrepancy between the stereotype and one's own experience—Observational learning • High-status individuals, such as celebrities or athletes, receiving reinforcement for reflecting stereotypes in their behavior—Cognitive dissonance • A change in behavior in response to the commands of others—Conformity Garner is imaginative and independent and prefers variety, whereas Brandy is conventional and practical and prefers routine. It is most likely that Garner scores high and Brandy scores low on the Big Five personality trait called Multiple Choice • agreeableness. • openness to experience. • neuroticism. • extraversion. Which of the following is true of schemas? Multiple Choice • Schemas help us predict what others are like on the basis of relatively little information. • A schema is rarely susceptible to error.

• A schema refers to a phenomenon in which a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts. • Schemas are usually accurate as our moods affect how we perceive others, and we make judgments based on our moods. Which of the following terms refers to the ability of a psychological test to measure what it is actually designed to measure? Multiple Choice • precision • consistency • reliability • validity Blanche is extremely interested in politics and believes that the upcoming election is very important to the future of her country. Blanche would most likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on Multiple Choice • conformity. • stereotyping. • central route processing. • compliance. The ability to think logically, reason abstractly, and solve novel problems, relatively independent of past specific knowledge, is known as ________Blank intelligence. Multiple Choice • fluid • spatial • crystallized • experiential Richard, a venture capitalist, funds budding entrepreneurs on the strength of their business plans. When a business plan is detailed, logical, and presented clearly, it is usually easy to convince him and get the required funding. From the given scenario, it is implied that Richard is most likely to use ________Blank to comprehend a message. Multiple Choice • social cognition • central route processing • conformity • prejudice Pearl is kind, appreciative, and sympathetic. Ruby is outgoing, talkative, and fun-loving. Pearl most likely scores high on the Big Five dimension of ________Blank, whereas Ruby most likely scores high on ________Blank. Multiple Choice

• • • •

eagerness; cheerfulness openness to experience; agreeableness agreeableness; extraversion extraversion; openness to experience

According to Wilde (2011), Mills (2013), Wang et al. (2017), and Applebaum (2016), personality types derived from ________Blank personality approach form the basis for the Myers-Briggs personality test, which is widely used in business and industry. Multiple Choice • Karen Horney's • Carl Jung's • Erik Erikson's • Alfred Adler's Dr. Greene studies the ways to increase the safety of workers on offshore oil platforms. Dr. Greene is a(n) Multiple Choice • industrial-organizational psychologist. • developmental psychologist. • cognitive psychologist. • social psychologist. ______Blank of behavior are brought about by something in the environment. Multiple Choice • Dispositional causes • Personality causes • Situational causes • Internal causes In the context of biological and evolutionary approaches to personality, the basic, innate disposition that emerges early in life is known as Multiple Choice • self-efficacy. • disparagement. • temperament. • self-esteem. Laura is 8 years old. Her performance on a series of tasks is equivalent to that of the average 10year-old. Her intelligence quotient or IQ is Multiple Choice • 150. • 80. • 125. • 110.

People with ________Blank intellectual disability have deficits in their language and motor skills, and they need to have a certain degree of supervision throughout their lives although they can hold simple jobs. Multiple Choice • mild • profound • severe • moderate • According to Sternberg, the ________Blank of love involves the initial thoughts that one loves someone and the longer-term feelings of allegiance to maintain love. Multiple Choice • passion component • decision/commitment component • intimacy component • closeness component In Asch's classic conformity studies, participants thought they were taking part in a test of Multiple Choice • learning. • visual learning. • perceptual skills. • prison life. The Implicit Association Test was developed because Multiple Choice • earlier measures failed to tap into the emotional aspect of racial attitudes. • people are very direct and frank while reporting their racial attitudes. • people may not be consciously aware of their own racial attitudes. • people do not censor their responses regarding their own racial attitudes. Luke, a researcher, develops a psychological test to assess impulsiveness among adults and publishes it online. After a month, he publishes an article in which he presents evidence that college students tend to get essentially the same score if they take the test twice, two months apart. However, when Bianca, Luke's guide, looks at the questions included in the test, she thinks that they relate to a person's sociability rather than his or her impulsiveness. In this scenario, Bianca is specifically doubtful of the ________Blank of Luke's test. Multiple Choice • validity • reliability • measurability • objectivity

Sets of cognitions about people and social experiences are called Multiple Choice • cues. • biases. • norms. • schemas. • In order to prevent feeling anxious, Susie convinces herself that she hates thriller movies, whereas she actually likes them on an unconscious level. In the context of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, this scenario illustrates a defense mechanism called Multiple Choice • repression. • reaction formation. • projection. • rationalization.

PSY 203T Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Week 5 Exam Fear of places, such as unfamiliar or crowded spaces, where help might not be available in case of an emergency is referred to as Multiple Choice • claustrophobia. • acrophobia. • xenophobia. • agoraphobia. • An advantage of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, is that Multiple Choice • it considers the degree to which people display psychologically disordered behavior rather than compartmentalizing them into inflexible categories. • it does not rely too much on the medical perspective on abnormal behavior. • it does not label an individual as abnormal and thereby avoids a dehumanizing, lifelong stigma. • it is primarily descriptive and attempts to avoid suggesting the cause for an individual's behavior and problems. • Professionals with a Master's degree and specialized training who usually provide therapy regarding common family and personal problems are called Multiple Choice

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counseling psychologists. psychiatrists. licensed professional counselors. psychoanalysts.

_______Blank is a statistical approach that observes what behaviors are rare or occur infrequently in a specific society or culture, and labels those deviations from the norm "abnormal." Multiple Choice • Abnormality as the inability to function effectively • Abnormality as producing a sense of personal discomfort • Abnormality as a deviation from an ideal • Abnormality as a deviation from what is average behavior • Which of the following is true of research conducted on behavior therapy? Multiple Choice • Research shows that behavior therapies produce insights into one's life similar to psychoanalysis and humanistic therapies. • Research shows that behavior therapies and cognitive therapies are fundamentally the same. • Neuroscientific evidence shows that behavioral treatments can produce actual changes in brain functioning. • There is evidence that external behavior is a result of internal functions. A primary goal of treatment using the cognitive perspective on psychological disorders is to Multiple Choice • explicitly teach new, more adaptive ways of thinking. • use electroconvulsive therapy. • use the technique of trephination to treat mental illnesses. • detect the genetic anomalies that cause abnormal behaviors. Which perspective primarily argues that psychological disorders stem from childhood conflicts over opposing wishes regarding sex and aggression? Multiple Choice • the psychoanalytic perspective • • •

the humanistic perspective the sociocultural perspective the medical perspective

Which of the following perspectives assumes that physiological causes are at the root of psychological disorders? Multiple Choice • the medical perspective

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the humanistic perspective the behavioral perspective the psychoanalytic perspective

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an example of Multiple Choice • person-centered therapy. • client-centered therapy. • self-help therapy. • interpersonal therapy. Drugs that reduce the level of worry or tension a person experiences, essentially by reducing excitability and increasing feelings of well-being, are known as Multiple Choice • mood stabilizers. • antipsychotic drugs. • antidepressant drugs. • antianxiety drugs. _______Blank is a disorder typically marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and a great deal of inappropriate activity. Multiple Choice • Narcissistic personality disorder • Bipolar disorder • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder • Schizophrenia _____Blank are professionals with a PhD or EdD who typically treat day-to-day adjustment problems, often in a university mental health clinic. Multiple Choice • Licensed professional counselors • Psychoanalysts • Psychiatrists • Counseling psychologists • Which of the following statements is true of the characteristics of the major clinical disorders? Multiple Choice • The fear of water occurs in dissociative disorders. • Loss of memory occurs in somatic symptom disorders. • Sexual dysfunction occurs in mood disorders. • Severe distortion of reality occurs in schizophrenia. •

Which of the following is a way in which contemporary psychodynamic therapy differs from classic psychoanalysis? Multiple Choice • Contemporary psychodynamic therapy generally lasts longer than classic psychoanalysis. • Classic psychoanalysis takes a more active role than contemporary psychodynamic therapy. • Classic psychoanalysts concentrate on an individual's current relationships and specific concerns, whereas contemporary psychodynamic therapists do not. • Contemporary psychodynamic therapists put less emphasis on a patient's past history and childhood, whereas classic psychoanalysts put more emphasis on it. • Which of the following statements accurately describes the characteristics of a personality disorder? Multiple Choice • People with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder show no regard for the moral and ethical rules of society. • People with schizoaffective personality disorder have an overly emotional and dramatic style of behavior. • People with antisocial personality disorder have an exaggerated sense of self-importance. • People with borderline personality disorder rely on relationships to define their identity. • ______Blank refers to the presence of one or more additional diseases or disorders co-occurring with a primary disease or disorder. Multiple Choice • Obsession • Hoarding behavior • Compulsion • Comorbidity • Which of the following is true of transcranial magnetic stimulation? Multiple Choice • It is not as popular as it used to be. • It is still experimental. • It uses an electrical current. • It does not have any side effects. The predisposition model of schizophrenia suggests that Multiple Choice • the disorder has genetic causes. • expressed emotion cannot trigger symptoms of schizophrenia. • the disorder is not triggered by social rejection. • individuals may inherit an inborn sensitivity to develop the disorder.

• _______Blank is an extended state of intense, wild elation. Multiple Choice • Insomnia • Mania • Depression • Anxiety In person-centered therapy, therapists are Multiple Choice • directive. • empathetic. • challenging. • judgmental. In the context of operant conditioning techniques, the ________Blank rewards a person for desired behavior with a poker chip or play money. Multiple Choice • appraisal technique • eclectic approach to therapy • token system • cognitive-behavioral approach _______Blank is a form of therapy that reduces the frequency of undesired behavior by pairing an unpleasant stimulus with undesired behavior. Multiple Choice • Aversive conditioning • Systematic desensitization • Manifest structuring • Virtual reality exposure therapy Which of the following therapies focuses on challenging unreasonable and unrealistic beliefs? Multiple Choice • rational-emotive behavior therapy • dialectical-behavior therapy • prolonged-exposure therapy • multimodal therapy The ________Blank is a treatment approach that incorporates basic principles of learning to change the way people think and act. Multiple Choice • cognitive-behavioral approach • psychodynamic-cognitive approach

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humanistic-behavioral approach psychodynamic-humanistic approach

Atypical antipsychotics affect both ________Blank and dopamine levels in the brain. Multiple Choice • oxytocin • serotonin • prolactin • epinephrine

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