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PSY 203T Wk 1 – Week 1 Exam The reabsorption of neuro transmitters by a terminal button is termed as: Multiple Choice • reassertion. • recycling. • reuse. • reuptake. • Which of the following statements is most accurate in the context of lateralization of language? Multiple Choice • The control of language is shared equally between the hemispheres. • The lateralization of language varies dramatically from one person to another. • Language processingis most likely to occur in the left side of the brain. • Language processing is most likely to occur in the right side of the brain. The visual area in the cortex is located in the ________. Multiple Choice • parietal lobe • frontal lobe • occipital lobe • temporal lobe _______ is the creation of new neurons. Multiple Choice • Neuromutability • Neuroadaptation

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Neuropathy Neurogenesis

Which neurotransmitter is ly matched with a psychological function? Multiple Choice • Regulates mood: acetylcholine • Contributes to memory: serotonin • Relief of pain: glutamate • Facilitates learning: dopamine •

The state in which a neuron has a negative electrical charge of about -70 millivolts is known as the ________ state. rev: 01_30_2019_QC_CS-156090 Multiple Choice • terminal • resting • triggering • optimum

Factors that distort the way an independent variable affects a dependent variable are referred to as: Multiple Choice • double-blinds. • placebo effects. • participant bias. • experimental bias. • Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the route followed by nerve impulses when one neuron communicates with another? Multiple Choice • Axon → dendrite –→cell body • Dendrite → axon → cell body • Dendrite → cell body → axon • Cell body → axon → dendrite

A positive correlation indicates that: Multiple Choice • little or no relationship exists between two variables. • as the value of one variable increases, one can predict that the value of the other will

decrease. • as the value of one variable increases, one can predict that the value of the other will also increase. • one variable causes the other.

In order to study mind and behavior, psychologists: Multiple Choice • use their intuition. • use speculation. • rely on the scientific method. • rely on the study of internal medicine.

Experimental research is to correlational research what ________ is to ________. Multiple Choice • cause; association • description; association • description; prediction • association; cause

Regarding theories, which of the following statements is true? Multiple Choice • Theories are translations of hypotheses into specific procedures. • Theories vary in their breadth. • Theories are predictions stated in a way that allow them to be tested • Theories stem from hypotheses. The neurotransmitter dopamine is: Multiple Choice • involved in the regulation of sleep, eating, mood, and pain. • involved in movement, attention, and learning. • associated with the brain's effort to deal with pain. • related to Alzheimer's disease.

Which of the following sequences ly arranges the steps in the scientific method from first to last? Multiple Choice • Carry out research → identify the problem → formulate an explanation → communicate the findings • Identify the problem → formulate an explanation → carry out research → communicate the findings • Carry out research → formulate an explanation → identify the problem → communicate the

findings • Identify problem → carry out research → formulate explanation → communicate the findings

A ________ is a false treatment, such as a pill, "drug," or other substance, without any significant chemical properties or active ingredients. Multiple Choice • correlation coefficient • placebo • double-blind procedure • single-blind procedure

The two major divisions of the peripheral nervous system are the ________ and ________ divisions. Multiple Choice • sympathetic; parasympathetic • afferent; efferent • somatic; autonomic • sensory; motor

The central nervous system is composed of ________. The peripheral nervous system comprises ________. Multiple Choice • the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems; the somatic and autonomic nervous systems • the brain and the spinal cord; the somatic and autonomic nervous systems • the somatic and autonomic nervous systems; the brain and the spinal cord • the somatic and autonomic nervous systems; the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems

A hypothesis is best defined as a: Multiple Choice • prediction stated in a way that allows it to be tested. • broad, general explanation of a phenomenon of interest. • specification of a variable in terms of the procedures that will be used to measure it. • behavior, event, or other characteristic that can assume different values.

_______ are specialized neurons that fire not only when a person enacts a particular behavior, but also when a person simply observes another individual carrying out the same behavior.

Multiple Choice • Amphid neurons • Mirror neurons • Ventral cord motor neurons • Pharyngeal motor neurons

The purpose of random assignment to conditions is to: Multiple Choice • determine whether the dependent variable and independent variable have positive correlation with each other. • ensure there is an equal chance that participant characteristics will be distributed across the various groups. • combine the results of a number of similar studies. • determine how likely it is that the results of a treatment were due to chance.

In the context of the scientific method, the development of a hypothesis occurs when: Multiple Choice • formulating an explanation. • communicating the findings. • carrying out research designed to support or refute an explanation • identifying questions of interest.

Which perspective below is ly matched with its description? Multiple Choice • Functionalism: emphasizes the elements of mental experience • Humanism: emphasizes the unconscious determinants of behavior • Gestalt psychology: emphasizes the organization of perception • Structuralism: emphasizes what the mind does

Developmental psychology: Multiple Choice • studies how people grow and change from the moment of conception through death. • focuses primarily on educational, social, and career adjustment problems. • focuses on higher mental processes, including thinking, memory, reasoning, problem solving, judging, decision making, and language. • deals with the study, diagnosis, and treatment of psychological disorders.

The structures of the ________ jointly control a variety of basic functions relating to emotions and self-preservation, such as eating, aggression, and reproduction.

Multiple Choice • endocrine system • limbic system • cerebral cortex • central core of the brain

Which of the following is true of the spinal cord's control of behavior? Multiple Choice • The spinal cord is not involved in reflexes. • The spinal cord can’t control any behavior without the help of the brain. • The spinal cord can control some simple reflexes without the brain's help. • The spinal cord can control relatively complex behavior without the brain's help.

PSY 203T Wk 2 – Week 2 Exam The cognitive learning concept of _____ learning is most prominently associated with _____. Multiple Choice • implicit; Thorndike • latent; Tolman • implicit; Tolman • latent; Thorndike

______ is the decrease in response to a stimulus that occurs after repeated presentations of the same stimulus. Multiple Choice • Sensation • Habituation • Disinhibition • Conservation

Which of the following terms best captures the meaning of the term heuristic, as cognitive psychologists use it? Multiple Choice • Program • Strategy • Formula • Principle

______ is credited with laying the foundation for the study of classical conditioning in

psychology. Multiple Choice • Pavlov • Thorndike • Watson • Skinner Almost everybody has had the feeling of knowing the answer to a question but not being quite able to say it. This is called the tip-of-the-tongue phenomenon and is a failure of: Multiple Choice • trace consolidation. • retention. • storage. • retrieval. •

Which of the following approaches to treating a phobia is ly matched with the type of learning that it reflects? Multiple Choice • Conditioning client to associate a response of relaxation rather than anxiety to the feared object—observational learning • Exposing client to a model interacting successfully with the feared object—classical conditioning • A new behavior is learned but not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it—perceptual learning • Reinforcing client directly by interacting with the feared object—operant conditioning

Mental groupings of objects, events, or people that share common features are called: Multiple Choice • heuristics. • algorithms. • ideas. • concepts. •

Bandura's Bobo doll experiment was intended to demonstrate: Multiple Choice • latent learning. • stimulus control training. • shaping.

observational learning.

______ is a process in which, after a stimulus has been conditioned to produce a particular response, stimuli that are similar to the original stimulus produce the same response. Multiple Choice • Stimulus generalization • Stimulus discrimination • Stimulus reflexive • Stimulus location

___ is associated with the Fearless Peer experiment which demonstrates _____. Multiple Choice • Pavlov; classical conditioning • Bandura; observational learning • Thorndike; latent learning • Skinner; operant conditioning

Which of the following statements accurately captures the relationship among the modules of long-term memory? Multiple Choice • Episodic and semantic memory are both components of declarative memory. • Episodic and semantic memory are both components of procedural memory. • Declarative and semantic memory are both types of episodic memory. • Declarative and semantic memory are both types of procedural memory.

A prototype is: Multiple Choice • the least frequent example of a concept. • the most typical or highly representative example of a concept. • the most unusual or distinctive example of a concept. • the first example of a concept that one encounters.

_______ is the process by which information is used to draw conclusions and make decisions. Multiple Choice • Predicting • Conceptualizing • Negotiating • Reasoning

he view that language development is produced through a combination of genetically determined predispositions and environmental circumstances that help to teach language is known as the ________ approach. Multiple Choice • interactionist • nativist • prescriptive • learning-theory People's memories of the moment in which they learned of events such as the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center, Princess Diana's death, and the 1986 Challenger explosion are termed ________ memories. Multiple Choice • procedural • nondeclarative • implicit • flashbulb •

_______ rehearsal occurs when information is considered and organized in some fashion. Multiple Choice • Elaborative • Maintenance • Rote • Primary _______ is learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences. Multiple Choice • Operant conditioning • Classical conditioning • Observational learning • Instrumental conditioning

In general, _____ schedules of reinforcement yield high response rates. Multiple Choice • variable-interval • fixed-ratio • variable-ratio


Negative reinforcement: Multiple Choice • increases the likelihood that preceding behaviors will be repeated. • is a stimulus whose removal leads to a decrease in the probability that a preceding response will be repeated. • is the same thing as punishment. • decreases the likelihood that a behavior will be performed.

Which of the following alternatives ly identifies a stimulus or response in Watson and Rayner's "Little Albert" study? Multiple Choice • Unconditioned stimulus—noise • Unconditioned response—rat • Neutral stimulus—fear • Conditioned stimulus—fear

_______ occurs when a previously conditioned response decreases in frequency and eventually disappears. Multiple Choice • Extinction • Deconditioning • Habituation • Adaptation

Why is it so difficult to retrieve information from long-term memory? Multiple Choice • The material that makes its way to long-term memory is temporary • The capacity of long-term memory is limited. • The duration of long-term memories is limited. • There is so much information being stored in long-term memory. Classical conditioning is most successful when the neutral stimulus occurs: Multiple Choice • just before the unconditioned stimulus occurs. • immediately after the unconditioned stimulus occurs. • at exactly the same time that the unconditioned stimulus occurs. • long before the unconditioned stimulus occurs.

The process by which we encode, store, and retrieve information is known as ________. Multiple Choice • perception • rehearsal • cognition • memory

Material in memory storage has to be located and brought into awareness to be useful. This process is known as ________. Multiple Choice • storage • retrieval • potentiation • encoding

PSY 203T Wk 3 – Week 3 Exam According to the approach which organizes emotions using a hierarchy, which of the following is derived from a negative emotion? Multiple Choice • Infatuation • Guilt • Contentment • Pride

According to the _____ theory of aging, people who age most successfully are those who maintain the interests, activities, and level of social interaction they experienced during middle adulthood. Multiple Choice • wear-and-tear • activity • disengagement • genetic preprogramming

Why do drive-reduction approaches fail to offer a complete account of human motivation? Multiple Choice • Drive-reduction approaches offer much better explanations of behaviors motivated by secondary drives than of behaviors motivated by primary drives. • Drive-reduction approaches are vague about what, or even how many, primary drives exist. • People are sometimes motivated to increase rather than decrease their level of stimulation. • Homeostasis does not accurately describe the mechanism by which primary drives operate.

In the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, physiological reactions _____ emotional experiences. Multiple Choice • occur simultaneously with • precede • follow • have little to do with

In the James-Lange theory of emotion, physiological responses _____ emotional experiences. Multiple Choice • occur simultaneously with • are unrelated to • follow • precede

Two weeks after conception, a developing fertilized egg is called a(n) _____. Multiple Choice • neonate • fetus • zygote • embryo •

Which of the following is true of the need for affiliation? Multiple Choice • People who have lower affiliation needs desire to be with friends more than those who have higher affiliation needs. • People who have higher affiliation needs are particularly sensitive to relationships with others. • Regardless of their affiliative orientation, male students spend significantly more time with their friends. • People who have higher affiliation needs desire to be alone more of the time than those who have lower affiliation needs.

People with a body mass index (BMI) greater than 30 are considered: Multiple Choice • normal. • obese.

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overweight. underweight.

Which of the following stages of development that a baby goes through is ly matched with its description or milestone? Multiple Choice • In the fetal stage, the fertilization of an egg takes place. • In the perinatal stage, the first cell is formed by the union of an egg and a sperm. • In the germinal stage, an organism grows from one cell to hundreds of cells. • In the embryonic stage, facial features become similar to those that the child will display at birth. According to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, which of the following is the stage in which a person aware of his or her impending death is likely to try to think of ways to postpone death and dedicate his or her life to religion? Multiple Choice • Acceptance • Anger • Denial • Bargaining

The time at which a woman's menstrual cycle slows down and eventually stops is called: Multiple Choice • menarche. • amenorrhea. • menopause. • the zygotic period.

Girls typically experience the adolescent growth spurt _____ than do boys. Multiple Choice • 6 months earlier • 2 years earlier • 2 years later • 6 months later

Which of the following is NOT among the shortcomings of instinct approaches to motivation? Multiple Choice • Instinct theorists disagreed on the precise instincts guiding behavior. • Instinct approaches can account only for physiological motivations, not psychological ones. • Instinct theorists fail to explain why certain specific patterns of behavior have evolved in a given species.

Instinct theorists identified too many different instincts for the theory to be useful.

According to Erikson, people enter the generativity-versus-stagnation stage during _____. Multiple Choice • middle adulthood • adolescence • childhood • old age

In ________ approaches to motivation, the desirable properties of external stimuli account for a person's motivation. Multiple Choice • incentive • arousal • cognitive • drive-reduction

When does one's body start storing fat either by increasing the number of fat cells or by increasing the size of existing fat cells? Multiple Choice • Starts by the end of adolescence • Starts at birth • During adulthood • During the first year of life

The need for achievement is often assessed with the: Multiple Choice • Rorschach Inkblot Test. • Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. • Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). • California Personality Inventory.

________ is the rate at which food is converted to energy and expended by the body. Multiple Choice • Metabolism • Emulsification • Neutralization • Phagocytosis

Incentive approaches to motivation are: Multiple Choice • theories suggesting that motivation stems from the desire to attain external rewards. • theories suggesting that motivation is a product of people's thoughts, expectations, and goals. • theories suggesting that we try to maintain certain levels of stimulation and activity. • theories suggesting that a lack of some basic biological need produces a drive to push an organism to satisfy that need.

The first two theoretical approaches to motivation that attained prominence in the history of modern psychology were: Multiple Choice • the instinct approach and then the drive-reduction approach. • the drive-reduction approach and then the instinct approach. • the instinct approach and then the incentive approach. • the incentive approach and then the drive-reduction approach.

The longest part of a pregnancy, from the 8th week through to birth, is the _____ period. Multiple Choice • fetal • embryonic • zygotic • germinal

_____ are rod-shaped structures that contain all basic hereditary information. Multiple Choice • Serotonins • Norepinephrines • Chromosomes • Spleens

In the _____ stage of development, a developing individual is less than an inch long and has developed a rudimentary beating heart, a brain, an intestinal tract, and a number of other organs that are at a primitive stage of development. Multiple Choice • germinal • embryonic • neonatal • fetal

Which genetic or chromosomal abnormality below is ly described? Multiple Choice • In Down syndrome, the brain tissues of the cortex degenerate, resulting in death. • In Tay-Sachs disease, the body starts producing abnormally shaped red blood cells. • In phenylketonuria, a child is unable to produce a critical enzyme, which results in an accumulation of poisons and in turn causes profound intellectual disabilities. • In sickle-cell anemia, a child receives an extra chromosome resulting in mental retardation.

According to the ________ theory of emotion, both physiological arousal and emotional experience are produced simultaneously by the same nerve stimulus. Multiple Choice • Maslow • Cannon-Bard • James-Lange • Schachter-Singer

PSY 203T Wk 5 – Week 5 Exam Which of the following statements is false regarding behavior therapy? Multiple Choice • It is especially effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders. • It can produce actual changes in the functioning of the brain. • It has no problem other than the maladaptive behavior itself. • It is actually based mainly on psychoanalytic ideas. •

____ is a behavioral technique in which gradual exposure to an anxiety-producing stimulus is paired with relaxation to extinguish the response of anxiety. Multiple Choice • Aversive conditioning • Exposure treatment • Manifest structuring • Systematic desensitization •

Radiation is used to destroy specific brain areas in a type of psychosurgery called _____; it is used to treat _____. Multiple Choice • Gamma Knife surgery; major depression • Gamma Knife surgery; obsessive-compulsive disorder

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transcranial magnetic stimulation; obsessive-compulsive disorder transcranial magnetic stimulation; major depression

Atypical antipsychotics affect both _____ and _____ levels in certain parts of the brain. Multiple Choice • oxytocin; glycine • serotonin; dopamine • prolactin; histamine • epinephrine; GABA

________ schizophrenia is characterized by the presence of disordered behavior such as hallucinations, delusions, and emotional extremes. Multiple Choice • Process • Reactive • Positive-symptom • Negative-symptom

______ is a disorder typically marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and a great deal of inappropriate activity. Multiple Choice • Schizophrenia • Narcissistic personality disorder • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder • Bipolar disorder

Which of the following approaches to psychotherapy is ly matched with its description? Multiple Choice • Psychodynamic approach—Treatment aims to change maladaptive thinking patterns. • Humanistic approach—Therapy aims to bring unconscious conflicts and impulses into the conscious. • Behavioral approach—Classical and operant conditioning principles are used to change people's behavior. • Psychoanalysis approach—Treatment aims to change a patient's dysfunctional cognitions about the world.

Intense, irrational fear of specific objects or situations is referred to as: Multiple Choice

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specific phobia. mania. compulsion. obsession.

Which drug class is ly matched with a drug that represents it? Multiple Choice • Antipsychotics—chlorpromazine • Mood stabilizers—Xanax • Antianxiety drugs—Prozac • Antidepressants—lithium

______ refers to a severe developmental disability that impairs children's ability to communicate and relate to others. Multiple Choice • Autism spectrum disorder • Schizophrenia • Bipolar disorder • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Which of the following is a criticism of biomedical therapies? Multiple Choice • They merely provide relief of the symptoms of mental disorders. • They are ineffective in curing violent patients. • They do not solve common mental disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. • They do not work well in conjunction with other therapies.

Prozac is an example of a(n) _____. Multiple Choice • antidepressant drug • antipsychotic drug • antianxiety drug • mood stabilizer

It is best to view abnormal behavior and normal behavior as: Multiple Choice • discrete categories. • two well-demarcated and non-overlapping terms. • marking two ends of a continuum.

absolute states.

_______ is a statistical approach that observes what behaviors are rare, or occur infrequently in a specific society or culture, and labels those deviations from the norm "abnormal." Multiple Choice • Abnormality as deviation from the ideal • Abnormality as a sense of personal discomfort • Abnormality as the inability to function effectively • Abnormality as deviation from the average

People with ________ account for by far the largest percentage of those hospitalized for mental disorders. Multiple Choice • schizophrenia • anxiety disorders • dissociative disorders • major depression

The goal of _____, which was developed by Freud, is to release hidden unconscious thoughts and feelings in order to reduce their power in controlling behavior. Multiple Choice • meta-analysis • psychoanalysis • microarray analysis • transactional analysis

Which of the following perspectives on psychological disorders assumes that physiological causes are at the root of psychological disorders? Multiple Choice • Behavioral perspectiveIn • Psychoanalytic perspective • Medical perspective • Humanistic perspective

The predisposition model of schizophrenia suggests that: Multiple Choice • expressed emotion can’t trigger schizophrenic symptoms. • schizophrenia is not related to social rejection. • individuals may inherit an inborn sensitivity to develop schizophrenia.

schizophrenia has genetic causes.

How does dissociative amnesia differ from simple amnesia? Multiple Choice • Dissociative amnesia typically results from a physiological cause, whereas simple amnesia does not. • Simple amnesia occurs due to stress, whereas dissociative amnesia does not. • Simple amnesia involves an actual loss of memory, whereas dissociative amnesia does not. • Dissociative amnesia involves an actual loss of memory, whereas simple amnesia does not.

Which of the following is true of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)? Multiple Choice • It does not have any side effects. • It is not as popular as it used to be. • It is still experimental. • It uses an electrical current.

Which of the following statements is true about major depression? Multiple Choice • It is abnormal to experience sadness after experiencing disappointment in life. • For reasons unknown, the rate of depression is decreasing throughout the world. • Major depression may have no clear trigger and is more intense than normal depression. • People suffering from major depression have high levels of energy.

________ is an extended state of intense, wild elation. Multiple Choice • Insomnia • Depression • Anxiety • Mania

____ approach is a treatment approach that incorporates basic principles of learning to change the way people think. Multiple Choice • Humanistic-behavioral • Psychodynamic-humanistic • Psychodynamic-cognitive • Cognitive-behavioral •

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy? Multiple Choice • Psychoanalysis is one type of psychotherapy. • The two are unrelated. • Psychoanalysis is limited to only dream analysis. • Psychotherapy is one type of psychoanalysis.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the characteristics of a personality disorder? Multiple Choice • People with borderline personality disorder rely on relationships to define their identity. • People with schizoaffective personality disorder have an overly emotional and dramatic style of behavior. • People with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder show no regard for the moral and ethical rules of society. • People with antisocial personality disorder have an exaggerated sense of self-importance.

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