PSY 203T Wk 2 - Week 2 Exam

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PSY 203T Entire Course Link ********************************************** PSY 203T Wk 2 - Week 2 Exam _Blank is the process by which information is used to draw conclusions and make decisions. Multiple Choice • Recalling • Chunking • Negotiating • Reasoning •

_____Blank is a memory task in which individuals are presented with a stimulus and asked whether they have been exposed to it in the past or to identify it from a list of alternatives. Multiple Choice • Chunking • Rehearsal • Recognition • Recall Classical conditioning is most successful when a neutral stimulus is presented Multiple Choice • at exactly the same time that an unconditioned stimulus occurs. • just before an unconditioned stimulus occurs. • immediately after an unconditioned stimulus occurs. • long before an unconditioned stimulus occurs. The theory suggesting that humans are genetically prewired to learn language at certain times and in particular ways is known as the ________Blank approach to language development. Multiple Choice

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learning-theory nativist prescriptive interactionist

In the process of operant conditioning, an organism primarily Multiple Choice • gives unconditioned responses to stimuli. • gives involuntary, natural responses to stimuli. • reacts to a stimulus in an unthinking, automatic manner. • operates on its environment to produce a desirable result. . • In the context of observational learning, the discovery of ________Blank that fire when a person observes another person carrying out a behavior suggests that the capacity to imitate others may be inborn. Multiple Choice • leukocytes • mirror neurons • endothelial cells • triglycerides In general, ________Blank schedules of reinforcement yield responses at a high, steady rate. Multiple Choice • variable-ratio • fixed-interval • fixed-ratio • variable-interval Rehearsal refers to the Multiple Choice • initial, momentary storage of information that lasts only an instant. • grouping of information that can be stored in short-term memory. • repetition of information that has entered short-term memory. • unconscious recollection of specific information. A schema is Multiple Choice • an organized body of information stored in memory that biases the way new information is interpreted, stored, and recalled. • an obstacle to learning that prevents the retrieval of newer information due to the interference of old information. • a grouping of stimuli that is stored as a unit in short-term memory. • a memory that is centered on a specific, important, or surprising event.

Which of the following is true of algorithms? Multiple Choice • Algorithms may sometimes lead to errors. • An algorithm cannot guarantee a solution to a problem even if used appropriately. • We can use an algorithm even if we cannot understand why it works. • In cases where heuristics are not available, we may use algorithms. ______Blank is learning in which a voluntary response is strengthened or weakened, depending on its favorable or unfavorable consequences. Multiple Choice • Latent learning • Operant conditioning • Social learning • Classical conditioning In the context of operant conditioning, reinforcers that satisfy one's biological needs are called ________Blank reinforcers. Multiple Choice • primary • positive • reflexive • unconditioned In the context of operant conditioning, ________Blank weakens a response through the application of an unpleasant stimulus. Multiple Choice • habituation • extinction • positive punishment • negative reinforcement According to the cognitive learning theory, Multiple Choice • people make responses merely because there is a link between a stimulus and a response. • the process of reinforcement reduces the probability that a behavior will be repeated. • people develop an expectation that they will receive a reinforcer after making a response. • learning is unlikely to take place in the absence of external stimuli, responses, and reinforcements. A prototype is Multiple Choice • the least representative example of a concept. • the most typical or highly representative example of a concept.

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the most unusual or distinctive example of a concept. the first example of a concept that one encounters.

Typically, long pauses in responses are associated with ________Blank schedules of reinforcement. Multiple Choice • fixed-interval • fixed-ratio • variable-interval • variable-ratio As part of a behavior modification program, Mark and his partner decide to praise their daughter if she completes her homework by 9 p.m. every night. In the context of operant conditioning, such praise is an example of Multiple Choice • positive punishment. • positive reinforcement. • negative punishment. • negative reinforcement. Memories of which we are not consciously aware of are called ________Blank memories. Multiple Choice • implicit • internal • declarative • explicit According to Tolman and Honzik (1930), learning in which a new behavior is acquired but is not demonstrated until some incentive is provided for displaying it is known as ________Blank learning. Multiple Choice • tangential • perceptual • latent • spatial Flashbulb memories Multiple Choice • bias the way new information is interpreted, stored, and recalled. • are recalled unconsciously without any stimulation. • are centered on a specific, important, or surprising event. • develop inaccuracies over the years. Behavior that is reinforced every time it occurs is said to be on a(n) ________Blank reinforcement

schedule. Multiple Choice • positive • intermittent • continuous • secondary Long-term memory is divided into Multiple Choice • explicit memory and implicit memory. • semantic memory and sensory memory. • episodic memory and factual memory. • declarative memory and procedural memory. • In the context of operant conditioning, which of the following scenarios best exemplifies negative reinforcement? Multiple Choice • Drake no longer cuts class now that his parents have confiscated his iPhone. • Maria buys a particular brand of cereal to get two boxes for the price of one. • Nate no longer arrives late at work following a reprimand from his boss. • Vanna fastens her seatbelt as soon as she gets in her car to stop the annoying alert sound. Material in memory storage has to be located and brought into awareness to be useful. This process is known as Multiple Choice • encoding. • retrieval. • storage. • potentiation. Theorists taking an interactionist approach to language acquisition Multiple Choice • downplay the role of the environment in language acquisition. • remain unconvinced by the idea of a language-acquisition device. • agree that the brain is hardwired to acquire language. • reject both the learning theory and nativist approaches.

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