PSY 203T Wk 3 - Summative Assessment Week 3 Exam

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PSY 203T Entire Course Link ********************************************** PSY 203T Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Week 3 Exam According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the ________Blank stage. Multiple Choice • autonomy-versus-shame-and-doubt • id-versus-ego • trust-versus-mistrust • intimacy-versus-isolation

Which of the following is true of anorexia nervosa? Multiple Choice • People with this disorder induce vomiting or take laxatives to rid themselves of the food they ate. • People with this disorder tend to have a normal weight. • This disorder mainly afflicts females between the ages of 12 and 40. • People suffering from this disorder binge on large quantities of food. According to the Cannon-Bard theory of emotion, physiological reactions ________Blank emotional experiences. Multiple Choice • have little to do with • follow • occur simultaneously with • precede According to Erikson, people enter the generativity-versus-stagnation stage during Multiple Choice

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childhood. middle adulthood. old age. adolescence.

A normal fertilized egg, or zygote, contains ________Blank pairs of chromosomes. Multiple Choice • 23 • 46 • 21 • 28 n the context of the experiments conducted by Mary Ainsworth, the ________Blank attachment style describes a child who exhibits distress at his mother's departure in the Ainsworth strange situation but is easily soothed on her return. Multiple Choice • secure • disorganized • ambivalent • avoidant According to the self-determination theory developed by Richard Ryan and Edward Deci, ________Blank is the perception that people have control over their own lives. Multiple Choice • reliance • competence • relatedness • autonomy • _______Blank is a severe eating disorder in which people may refuse to eat while denying that their behavior and appearance—which can become skeleton-like—are unusual. Multiple Choice • Pica • Bulimia • Anorexia nervosa • Emotional eating According to the ________Blank theory of aging, aging produces a gradual withdrawal from the world on physical, psychological, and social levels. Multiple Choice • genetic preprogramming • disengagement • wear-and-tear


People with a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 30 are Multiple Choice • obese. • underweight. • normal weight. • overweight. • According to the ________Blank, emotions are determined jointly by a nonspecific kind of physiological arousal and its interpretation, based on environmental cues. Multiple Choice • Schachter-Singer theory of emotion • James-Lange theory of emotion • cognitive-mediational theory of emotion • Cannon-Bard theory of emotion The ________Blank plays an important role in the consolidation of memories. Multiple Choice • hippocampus • cerebellum • medulla • corpus callosum Which of the following sequences accurately reflects the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, from birth through adolescence? Multiple Choice • nonoperational, preoperational, operational, and postoperational • sensorimotor, concrete operational, preoperational, and formal operational • preoperational, concrete operational, preoperational, and formal operational • sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational • Which of the following is true of brain scans of people with eating disorders? Multiple Choice • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders have the same level of connectivity in those areas of the brain associated with eating behaviors when compared to those of healthy individuals. • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders have a lower level of connectivity in those areas of the brain associated with eating behaviors when compared to those of healthy individuals. • The brain scans show that those with eating disorders process information about food differently from healthy individuals.

• The brain scans show that those with eating disorders do not process information about food when compared to healthy individuals. Which of the following brain structures has an important role in regulating food intake? Multiple Choice • the hypothalamus • the hippocampus • the amygdala • the thalamus Which approach to motivation is ly paired with a behavior to which it is especially appropriate? Multiple Choice • cognitive – riding roller coasters • drive-reduction – eating • arousal – studying • incentive – sleeping The ________Blank, in the brain's temporal lobe, plays an important role in the experience of emotions. Multiple Choice • cerebellum • amygdala • corpus callosum • medulla According to the James-Lange theory of emotion, physiological responses ________Blank emotional experiences. Multiple Choice • precede • are unrelated to • follow • occur simultaneously with According to the ________Blank, emotional experience is a reaction to bodily events occurring as a result of an external situation. Multiple Choice • Cannon-Bard theory of emotion • two-factor theory of emotion • cognitive-mediational theory of emotion • James-Lange theory of emotion • Which of the following is an example of extrinsic motivation? Multiple Choice

• An athlete practices for long hours because she loves to run. • A doctor sees more patients to make more money. • A student reads many books on religion because she is interested in religious studies. • A social worker spends more time with the elderly because she likes spending time with them. Based on Harlow's research with monkeys, which of the following would prove to be most effective in comforting a frightened infant or child? Multiple Choice • talking to the child from a distance • leaving the child alone • offering the child something good to eat • touching or holding the child • According to Erikson, the psychosocial crisis of the intimacy-versus-isolation stage occurs Multiple Choice • in the first year of life. • during adolescence. • between the ages of 3 and 6. • during early adulthood. • ______Blank are inborn patterns of behavior that are biologically determined rather than learned. Multiple Choice • Notions • Instincts • Motives • Desires According to the ________Blank, both physiological arousal and emotional experience are produced simultaneously by the same nerve stimulus. Multiple Choice • cognitive-mediational theory of emotion • Cannon-Bard theory of emotion • James-Lange theory of emotion • Schachter-Singer theory of emotion In the context of information-processing capabilities of children, preschoolers can hold only two or three chunks of information in short-term memory, 5-year-olds can hold four, and 7-year-olds can hold Multiple Choice • five. • eight.

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seven. nine.

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