PSY 203T Wk 4 - Week 4 Exam

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PSY/203T Foundations of Psychology The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

PSY 203T Entire Course Link ********************************************** PSY 203T Wk 4 - Week 4 Exam Dahlia is an associate at a prestigious law firm. The associates in the firm generally work until at least 7 p.m. or 8 p.m. each day. This is an element of the firm's Multiple Choice • role. • norm. • bias. • schema. Which of the following is true of behavioral assessment? Multiple Choice • It includes a test that consists of a series of pictures about which a person is asked to write a story. • It includes projective personality tests, such as the Rorschach test and the Thematic Apperception Test. • It mainly involves showing people a vague stimulus related to their behavior and asking them to describe it. • It refers to direct measures of one's behavior that describe char-acteristics indicative of personality. • Which of the following sales techniques is based on the norm of reciprocity? Multiple Choice • the not-so-free sample technique • the door-in-the-face technique • the that's-not-all technique • the foot-in-the-door technique

Which of the following statements reflects a criticism that has been leveled against the Implicit Association Test? Multiple Choice • The test measures only conscious racial attitudes. • The biases that the test measures may not affect overtly discriminatory behavior. • The test requires people to directly report their racial feelings. • The test proves that people cannot be prejudiced if they do not know that they are engaged in it. According to the French psychologist Alfred Binet, which of the following formulas is used to calculate the intelligence quotient or IQ? (CA stands for chronological age, and MA stands for mental age.) Multiple Choice • MACA×100MACA×100 •

MA(CA ×100)MA(CA ×100)

• CAMA×100CAMA×100 • CA(MA ×100) Which of the following explanations is ly paired with the process it reflects? Multiple Choice • Obstacles to performance that stem from one's awareness of society's stereotypes regarding minority group members—Stereotype vulnerability • Behavior being brought in line with a stereotype to reduce the tension created by a discrepancy between the stereotype and one's own experience—Observational learning • High-status individuals, such as celebrities or athletes, receiving reinforcement for reflecting stereotypes in their behavior—Cognitive dissonance • A change in behavior in response to the commands of others—Conformity Garner is imaginative and independent and prefers variety, whereas Brandy is conventional and practical and prefers routine. It is most likely that Garner scores high and Brandy scores low on the Big Five personality trait called Multiple Choice • agreeableness. • openness to experience. • neuroticism. • extraversion. Which of the following is true of schemas? Multiple Choice • Schemas help us predict what others are like on the basis of relatively little information.

• A schema is rarely susceptible to error. • A schema refers to a phenomenon in which a person holds two contradictory attitudes or thoughts. • Schemas are usually accurate as our moods affect how we perceive others, and we make judgments based on our moods. Which of the following terms refers to the ability of a psychological test to measure what it is actually designed to measure? Multiple Choice • precision • consistency • reliability • validity Blanche is extremely interested in politics and believes that the upcoming election is very important to the future of her country. Blanche would most likely be persuaded by a campaign message relying on Multiple Choice • conformity. • stereotyping. • central route processing. • compliance. The ability to think logically, reason abstractly, and solve novel problems, relatively independent of past specific knowledge, is known as ________Blank intelligence. Multiple Choice • fluid • spatial • crystallized • experiential Richard, a venture capitalist, funds budding entrepreneurs on the strength of their business plans. When a business plan is detailed, logical, and presented clearly, it is usually easy to convince him and get the required funding. From the given scenario, it is implied that Richard is most likely to use ________Blank to comprehend a message. Multiple Choice • social cognition • central route processing • conformity • prejudice Pearl is kind, appreciative, and sympathetic. Ruby is outgoing, talkative, and fun-loving. Pearl most likely scores high on the Big Five dimension of ________Blank, whereas Ruby most likely scores high on ________Blank.

Multiple Choice • eagerness; cheerfulness • openness to experience; agreeableness • agreeableness; extraversion • extraversion; openness to experience According to Wilde (2011), Mills (2013), Wang et al. (2017), and Applebaum (2016), personality types derived from ________Blank personality approach form the basis for the Myers-Briggs personality test, which is widely used in business and industry. Multiple Choice • Karen Horney's • Carl Jung's • Erik Erikson's • Alfred Adler's Dr. Greene studies the ways to increase the safety of workers on offshore oil platforms. Dr. Greene is a(n) Multiple Choice • industrial-organizational psychologist. • developmental psychologist. • cognitive psychologist. • social psychologist. ______Blank of behavior are brought about by something in the environment. Multiple Choice • Dispositional causes • Personality causes • Situational causes • Internal causes In the context of biological and evolutionary approaches to personality, the basic, innate disposition that emerges early in life is known as Multiple Choice • self-efficacy. • disparagement. • temperament. • self-esteem. Laura is 8 years old. Her performance on a series of tasks is equivalent to that of the average 10year-old. Her intelligence quotient or IQ is Multiple Choice • 150. • 80. • 125.


People with ________Blank intellectual disability have deficits in their language and motor skills, and they need to have a certain degree of supervision throughout their lives although they can hold simple jobs. Multiple Choice • mild • profound • severe • moderate • According to Sternberg, the ________Blank of love involves the initial thoughts that one loves someone and the longer-term feelings of allegiance to maintain love. Multiple Choice • passion component • decision/commitment component • intimacy component • closeness component In Asch's classic conformity studies, participants thought they were taking part in a test of Multiple Choice • learning. • visual learning. • perceptual skills. • prison life. The Implicit Association Test was developed because Multiple Choice • earlier measures failed to tap into the emotional aspect of racial attitudes. • people are very direct and frank while reporting their racial attitudes. • people may not be consciously aware of their own racial attitudes. • people do not censor their responses regarding their own racial attitudes. Luke, a researcher, develops a psychological test to assess impulsiveness among adults and publishes it online. After a month, he publishes an article in which he presents evidence that college students tend to get essentially the same score if they take the test twice, two months apart. However, when Bianca, Luke's guide, looks at the questions included in the test, she thinks that they relate to a person's sociability rather than his or her impulsiveness. In this scenario, Bianca is specifically doubtful of the ________Blank of Luke's test. Multiple Choice • validity • reliability • measurability


Sets of cognitions about people and social experiences are called Multiple Choice • cues. • biases. • norms. • schemas. • In order to prevent feeling anxious, Susie convinces herself that she hates thriller movies, whereas she actually likes them on an unconscious level. In the context of Freud's psychoanalytic theory, this scenario illustrates a defense mechanism called Multiple Choice • repression. • reaction formation. • projection. • rationalization.

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