PSY 203T Wk 5 – Week 5 Exam

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PSY/203T Foundations Of Psychology The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

PSY 203T Entire Course Link ********************************************** PSY 203T Wk 5 – Week 5 Exam Which of the following statements is false regarding behavior therapy? Multiple Choice • It is especially effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders. • It can produce actual changes in the functioning of the brain. • It has no problem other than the maladaptive behavior itself. • It is actually based mainly on psychoanalytic ideas. •

____ is a behavioral technique in which gradual exposure to an anxiety-producing stimulus is paired with relaxation to extinguish the response of anxiety. Multiple Choice • Aversive conditioning • Exposure treatment • Manifest structuring • Systematic desensitization •

Radiation is used to destroy specific brain areas in a type of psychosurgery called _____; it is used to treat _____. Multiple Choice • Gamma Knife surgery; major depression • Gamma Knife surgery; obsessive-compulsive disorder • transcranial magnetic stimulation; obsessive-compulsive disorder • transcranial magnetic stimulation; major depression

Atypical antipsychotics affect both _____ and _____ levels in certain parts of the brain. Multiple Choice • oxytocin; glycine • serotonin; dopamine • prolactin; histamine • epinephrine; GABA

________ schizophrenia is characterized by the presence of disordered behavior such as hallucinations, delusions, and emotional extremes. Multiple Choice • Process • Reactive • Positive-symptom • Negative-symptom

______ is a disorder typically marked by inattention, impulsiveness, a low tolerance for frustration, and a great deal of inappropriate activity. Multiple Choice • Schizophrenia • Narcissistic personality disorder • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder • Bipolar disorder

Which of the following approaches to psychotherapy is ly matched with its description? Multiple Choice • Psychodynamic approach—Treatment aims to change maladaptive thinking patterns. • Humanistic approach—Therapy aims to bring unconscious conflicts and impulses into the conscious. • Behavioral approach—Classical and operant conditioning principles are used to change people's behavior. • Psychoanalysis approach—Treatment aims to change a patient's dysfunctional cognitions about the world.

Intense, irrational fear of specific objects or situations is referred to as: Multiple Choice • specific phobia. • mania. • compulsion.


Which drug class is ly matched with a drug that represents it? Multiple Choice • Antipsychotics—chlorpromazine • Mood stabilizers—Xanax • Antianxiety drugs—Prozac • Antidepressants—lithium

______ refers to a severe developmental disability that impairs children's ability to communicate and relate to others. Multiple Choice • Autism spectrum disorder • Schizophrenia • Bipolar disorder • Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

Which of the following is a criticism of biomedical therapies? Multiple Choice • They merely provide relief of the symptoms of mental disorders. • They are ineffective in curing violent patients. • They do not solve common mental disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder. • They do not work well in conjunction with other therapies.

Prozac is an example of a(n) _____. Multiple Choice • antidepressant drug • antipsychotic drug • antianxiety drug • mood stabilizer

It is best to view abnormal behavior and normal behavior as: Multiple Choice • discrete categories. • two well-demarcated and non-overlapping terms. • marking two ends of a continuum. • absolute states.

_______ is a statistical approach that observes what behaviors are rare, or occur infrequently in a specific society or culture, and labels those deviations from the norm "abnormal." Multiple Choice • Abnormality as deviation from the ideal • Abnormality as a sense of personal discomfort • Abnormality as the inability to function effectively • Abnormality as deviation from the average

People with ________ account for by far the largest percentage of those hospitalized for mental disorders. Multiple Choice • schizophrenia • anxiety disorders • dissociative disorders • major depression

The goal of _____, which was developed by Freud, is to release hidden unconscious thoughts and feelings in order to reduce their power in controlling behavior. Multiple Choice • meta-analysis • psychoanalysis • microarray analysis • transactional analysis

Which of the following perspectives on psychological disorders assumes that physiological causes are at the root of psychological disorders? Multiple Choice • Behavioral perspectiveIn • Psychoanalytic perspective • Medical perspective • Humanistic perspective

The predisposition model of schizophrenia suggests that: Multiple Choice • expressed emotion can’t trigger schizophrenic symptoms. • schizophrenia is not related to social rejection. • individuals may inherit an inborn sensitivity to develop schizophrenia. • schizophrenia has genetic causes.

How does dissociative amnesia differ from simple amnesia? Multiple Choice • Dissociative amnesia typically results from a physiological cause, whereas simple amnesia does not. • Simple amnesia occurs due to stress, whereas dissociative amnesia does not. • Simple amnesia involves an actual loss of memory, whereas dissociative amnesia does not. • Dissociative amnesia involves an actual loss of memory, whereas simple amnesia does not.

Which of the following is true of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)? Multiple Choice • It does not have any side effects. • It is not as popular as it used to be. • It is still experimental. • It uses an electrical current.

Which of the following statements is true about major depression? Multiple Choice • It is abnormal to experience sadness after experiencing disappointment in life. • For reasons unknown, the rate of depression is decreasing throughout the world. • Major depression may have no clear trigger and is more intense than normal depression. • People suffering from major depression have high levels of energy.

________ is an extended state of intense, wild elation. Multiple Choice • Insomnia • Depression • Anxiety • Mania

____ approach is a treatment approach that incorporates basic principles of learning to change the way people think. Multiple Choice • Humanistic-behavioral • Psychodynamic-humanistic • Psychodynamic-cognitive • Cognitive-behavioral •

Which of the following statements best expresses the relationship between psychoanalysis and

psychotherapy? Multiple Choice • Psychoanalysis is one type of psychotherapy. • The two are unrelated. • Psychoanalysis is limited to only dream analysis. • Psychotherapy is one type of psychoanalysis.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the characteristics of a personality disorder? Multiple Choice • People with borderline personality disorder rely on relationships to define their identity. • People with schizoaffective personality disorder have an overly emotional and dramatic style of behavior. • People with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder show no regard for the moral and ethical rules of society. • People with antisocial perso

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