RDG 350 All Discussions

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RDG 350 All Discussions The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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RDG 350 Wk 1 Discussion - Children’s Literature Exploration Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Review the rubric. Due no later than Thursday Read the assigned chapter in the textbook. Watch the video “Creating a Literacy Rich Classroom” found in the Activity Folder for this week. Read “The Roles of Children’s Literature in the Primary Grades” found in the Activity Folder for this week. Think about the 10 roles that children’s literature can play in the primary classroom. Choose two roles from “The Roles of Children’s Literature in the Primary Grades” that you feel are most impactful to a classroom of young readers. Reflect on each of the questions below and then create a post sharing your thoughts on these questions. Your response should be a minimum of 200 words. 

Explain the two roles children’s literature can play in the primary classroom that you chose as the most impactful. Why did you choose these two roles?

What should a classroom teacher take into consideration when selecting and using quality literature for children and adolescents?

What role does the selection of children’s literature play in the creation of a literacy rich environment?

Describe 3specific benefits of exposure to children’s literature in children’s language and literacy development.

Review the College’s Conceptual Framework. 

How does this topic link to the College’s Conceptual Framework and the framework’s philosophical relationship to effective teacher preparation? Due by Monday Reply to at least 2 of your classmates in a minimum of 100 words. Be constructive and professional. Review the rubric.

RDG 350 Wk 2 Discussion - Evaluating Picture Books Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Review the rubric. Due no later than Thursday Access and read Choosing Books from Reading Rockets. Read “What We Believe Matters Most When Selecting Books” from The Classroom Bookshelf. Select a children’s picture book that you are not familiar with and read it. Reflect on and respond to each of the questions below discussing the book you read. Your response should be a minimum of 200 words.      

Share the name, author, and illustrator of the book. Provide a short summary of the book briefly describing each of the literary elements (characters, setting, plot, theme) Present a thorough description of the illustrations Evaluate the illustrations in the book based on this week’s textbook readings Discuss the criteria that are present to consider this picture book to be quality literature Explain how you might engage children in exploring the art found in picture books

Review the College’s Conceptual Framework. 

How does this topic link to the College’s Conceptual Framework and the framework’s philosophical relationship to effective teacher preparation?

Due by Monday Post to at least 2 of your classmates in a minimum of 100 words. Be constructive and professional. Review the rubric.

RDG 350 Wk 3 Discussion - Issues and Trends Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Review the rubric. Due no later than Thursday Conduct research on current issues and trends in children’s literature. An excellent article to get you started is What’s Trending in Children’s Literature and Why It Matters found in the University Library Resources. Consider websites such as Scholastic’s OOM (On Our Minds) Blog, the American Library Association, and Reading Rockets as you perform your research. Reflect and respond to the information you gathered by including the following bullets in your response. Be sure you are discussing trends/issues in literature and not trends/issues in society. Your response should be a minimum of 200 words.      

Provide a brief summary of the information you gathered as background for answering the questions. Do any of the trends or issues found in children’s literature surprise you? Which trends or issues in children’s literature have you already observed or experienced firsthand? Which trends in children’s literature do you view as positive? Which trends do you view as negative? Why? How might these issues or trends impact you as a classroom teacher? How might they impact your students?

Review the College’s Conceptual Framework. 

How does this topic link to the College’s Conceptual Framework and the framework’s philosophical relationship to effective teacher preparation?

Due by Monday Post to at least 2 of your classmates in a minimum of 100 words. Be constructive and professional

RDG 350 Wk 4 Discussion - Video Interviews with Top Children’s Authors and Illustrators Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Review the rubric. Due no later than Thursday Visit the Video Interviews with Top Children’s Authors and Illustrators page from Reading Rockets. Choose at least 2 videos to view. Reflect on and respond to the questions below after viewing the interviews. Your response should be a minimum of 200 words. 

Share some highlights from the 2 videos you viewed (e.g., interesting facts about the author or illustrator, details that might pique the interest of young readers, etc.). Discuss how you might use these author and illustrator interview videos to enhance your literacy instruction in the classroom. Review the College’s Conceptual Framework.

How does this topic link to the College’s Conceptual Framework and the framework’s philosophical relationship to effective teacher preparation? Due by Monday

Post to at least 2 of your classmates in a minimum of 100 words. Be constructive and professional. Review the rubric.

RDG 350 Wk 5 Discussion - Multicultural Literature Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to classmates or your faculty member. Review the rubric. Due no later than Thursday Read "5 Ways Literature Can Teach Global Lessons in Elementary Classes" from Edutopia. Select a multicultural book that would be about different cultures, languages, or disabilities that you might use in your classroom to teach. Evaluate your multicultural book using evaluative criteria from the textbook, outside resources, or the website http://www.pages.drexel.edu/~dea22/multicultural.html (Criteria for Evaluating Multicultural Literature). Share the book that you identified as a piece of multicultural literature. Keep in mind that multicultural literature is literature that reflects cultural groups. Reflect on each of the questions below and then create a post sharing your thoughts on these questions. Your response should be a minimum of 200 words.    

Share the multicultural book you chose by stating the title, author, and a brief synopsis. What cultural aspect does your book share? Evaluate the multicultural book you are sharing by explaining the criteria used and how it is reflected in the book. Suggest at least one classroom activity you might use with the book . How might you use the book to teach a global lesson? Explain your answer. Are there issues in addition to benefits in using multicultural literature in the classroom? If so, what are they?

Review the College’s Conceptual Framework. 

How does this topic link to the College’s Conceptual Framework and the framework’s philosophical relationship to effective teacher preparation? Due by Monday Post to at least 2 of your classmates in a minimum of 100 words. Be constructive and professional Review the rubric.

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