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SEI/301 Advanced Structured English Immersion Methods

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SEI 301 Wk 1 - Summative Assessment: Differentiated Instructional Strategies Outline Throughout this course, you are required to create an integrated or a targeted ELD lesson each week. These lessons will challenge you to be creative and think about how you would support all learners, especially English learners, in your class. Select an elementary grade level (K-5) to focus your weekly lessons on. Look ahead and review each week’s assignment. This step is critical, since your lesson ideas will come from each week's standards.    

Week Week Week Week

2 4 5 6

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Targeted Instruction: Reading Lesson Integrated Instruction: Social Studies Lesson Targeted Instruction: Writing Lesson Integrated Instruction: Science or Math Lesson

Use the Wk 1 Assignment Template to complete your assignment. Identify at least 1 differentiation strategy and 1 support for each lesson. Include differentiation strategies and supports you would implement in each week’s assignment to provide quality instruction for students at all levels. Use 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners for this section of the assignment template.

Provide a rationale for each differentiation strategy and support you identify. Be sure your lesson idea, differentiation strategies, and supports are gradelevel appropriate. Here's an example: SEI 301 Week One Differentiated Instructional Strategies outline Example.docx

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Review this week’s readings from 50 Strategies for Teaching English Language Learners as a resource and the ELD strategies from the AZ Department of Education: English Language Development Strategies in Mathematics English Language Development Strategies in Science English Language Development Strategies in Social Studies Refer to the grading rubric for details on assignment expectations. Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 2 - Targeted Instruction: Reading Lesson Review principles 3 and 4 of Arizona’s Language Development Approach for an overview of the purpose and importance of targeted and explicit language instruction, and assessment feedback. Understanding these principles will help you complete this week’s assignment. Scenario: After reviewing your classes’ English learners’ AZELLA score reports, you have decided to conduct a small group reading intervention with a few of your English learners. You will be planning a targeted ELD lesson for a small group of English learners at the pre-emergent/emergent level. Your lesson should focus on a foundational reading skill (phonological awareness, print concepts, phonics, or fluency). Remember that pre-emergent level students are beginners who will have almost no English skills. How will you make this small group lesson meaningful to them and comprehensible? Access the following ELP Standards for your chosen elementary grade level:

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Arizona Arizona Arizona Arizona

English English English English

Language Language Language Language

Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency Proficiency

Standards Standards Standards Standards

Kindergarten Grade 1 Grades 2-3 Grades 4-5

Review the Reading Foundational Standards and choose a reading standard and at least 1 sub-skill (a, b, c, etc.) to focus your lesson on. As you review the standards, remember that the ELP standards are on the left column and the ELA standards are on the right column. You will also link your lesson to the ELA Reading standards. Create a 20- to 30-minute small group lesson (targeted ELD) that will assess your chosen standard(s) and include differentiated instructional strategies to support your English learners. Use the Wk 2 Assignment Template to complete your lesson. Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 3 - ELP Language Standards Outline Access your Week 1 Differentiated Instructional Strategies Outline assignment and review your assignment ideas.

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Access the following ELP Standards for your chosen grade level: Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Kindergarten Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grade 1 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 2-3 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 4-5 Review ELP standards 9 and 10 and determine how one or more of these language standards/sub-skills may apply to or support your Week 4, 5, and 6 lesson assignments. Remember, ELP standards 9 and 10 are language standards that focus on vocabulary and grammar. Use the Week 3 Assignment Template to outline which ELP language standards/sub-skills you will address in your lessons. You will copy over the same lesson ideas you created on the Week One template Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 4 - Summative Assessment: Integrated Instruction: Social Studies Lesson Review principles 2 and 4 of Arizona's Language Development Approach. This will give you an overview of the purpose and importance of integrated instruction in content area learning, and assessment feedback. Understanding these principles will help you complete this week’s assignment. Scenario: Imagine you are a social studies content area teacher. You are planning an integrated ELD social studies lesson for a whole class of students whose English proficiency varies from basic to proficient. As you plan your lesson, you will need to consider how you will provide differentiated scaffolds for your English learners, but also challenge your English proficient students. Your driving standards will be the social studies content standards, but you will also use ELP standards 1 and 2 to help support your English learners. ELP standards 1 and 2 represent receptive communication, also known as comprehension.

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Review the following social studies content/academic standards for your chosen grade level as determined in Week 1. Choose at least 1 social studies standard to assess in your lesson. (You must choose one of these standards for this lesson.) Kindergarten: Children As Citizens First Grade: Communities: Living and Working Together Second Grade: The World Around Me Third Grade: Arizona Studies (prehistoric to present day) Fourth Grade: Regions and Cultures of the Americas (Pre-contact Americas to European settlements up to 1763) Fifth Grade: United States Studies (American Revolution to Industrialism - 1763 to 1900s) Access the following ELP Standards for your chosen grade level: Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Kindergarten Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grade 1 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 2-3 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 4-5 Review ELP standards 1 and 2 and choose an ELP standard and subskill to assess in your lesson. Pay attention to the expectations for each proficiency level (pre-emergent/emergent, basic, and intermediate).

This will help you determine what differentiated scaffolds to provide for your English learners. Remember to incorporate ELP language standards 9 or 10 in your lesson as determined in your Week 3 assignment. Create a 30- to 45-minute social studies lesson (integrated ELD) that will assess your chosen standards and include differentiated instructional strategies to support your English learners. Technology should play a role in your lesson. Be sure to explain how you will use technology as a resource in your lesson. Use the Wk 4 Assignment Template to complete your lesson. Refer to the grading rubric for details on assignment expectations. Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 5 - Targeted Instruction: Writing Lesson Review principles 3 and 4 of Arizona's Language Development Approach. This will give you an overview of the purpose and importance of targeted and explicit language instruction, and assessment feedback. Understanding these principles will help you complete this week’s assignment. Scenario: After reviewing your students’ most recent writing assignment, you have noticed your English learners are struggling with foundational writing skills. You have decided to conduct a small group writing intervention. You will plan a targeted ELD lesson for a small group of English learners at the basic level. Your driving standards will be ELP standards 3, 4, or 5. ELP standards 3–5 represent productive communication, which support speaking and writing. You will also link your lesson to the ELA writing standards.

Steps / Guidance Access the following ELP Standards for your chosen elementary grade level as determined in Week 1:   

Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Kindergarten Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grade 1 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 2-3

Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 4-5

Review ELP standards 3, 4, and 5 and choose an ELP standard and at least 1 sub-skill in the basic level (B-1, B-2, B-3, etc.) to focus on in your lesson. Pay attention to the writing standards it aligns with in the ELA Standard Alignment column. You will also link your lesson to the ELA writing standards. Remember to incorporate ELP language standards 9 or 10 in your lesson as determined in your Week 3 assignment. Create a 20- to 30-minute small group lesson (targeted ELD) that will assess your chosen standards and include differentiated instructional strategies to support your English learners. Use the Wk 5 Assignment Template to complete your lesson. Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 5 - Field Experience: EL Teacher Interview Interview an elementary-level EL teacher or specialist. Select and ask at least 10 interview questions from the EL Teacher Interview Questions document. You may reword questions slightly if necessary or add additional clarifying questions during the interview. Record the teacher's responses.

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Write a 350- to 525-word summary in which you include: A brief introductory paragraph that describes the teacher and the environment where they work An explanation of the number of EL students the teacher works with and their English proficiency levels An overview of the questions and responses posed in the interview A conclusion that explains what you learned from the interview and the implications for working with elementary-level EL students Document your interview time on My Time Log. Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 6 - Summative Assessment: English Learner Resources Binder Create an online binder of English learner (EL) resources using LiveBinders or another binder tool as approved by your instructor. This binder will serve as a "living" resource manual for you to reference and use in your current or future classroom. The materials you incorporate in this online binder can be updated with additional materials and information as time passes to keep it current and relevant. Review the LiveBinders Help Guide to familiarize yourself with how to create an online binder. Create a free account with LiveBinders before starting your online binder. Refer to the grading rubric for details on assignment expectations.







Resources Create an “EL Grammar and Vocabulary Resources” tab in your online binder. Resources may include web links, media tools, articles, video links, graphics, etc. Provide a brief description for each of your resources and how they can be used to support English learners. Consider incorporating resources geared toward multiple elementary content areas such as math, science, social studies, etc.

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Include at least 1 resource for each of the following in your “EL Grammar and Vocabulary Resources” page: Grammatical instructional strategies that help elementary-level EL students apply their knowledge of syntax to create and understand communication in various contexts Vocabulary instructional strategies to help elementary-level EL students utilize academic vocabulary in multiple contexts Grammatical and vocabulary technology tools and resources appropriate for elementary-level EL students at different proficiency levels

Part 2 – EL Reading Resources Create an "EL Reading Resources" tab in your online binder. Resources may include web links, media tools, articles, video links, graphics, etc. Provide brief descriptions of each of your resources and how they can be used to support English learners. Consider incorporating resources geared toward multiple elementary content areas such as math, science, social studies, etc.

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Include at least 1 resource for each of the following in your “EL Reading Resources” page: Reading instructional strategies for elementary-level EL students Grouping techniques and cooperative learning strategies conducive to elementary grade levels Reading technology tools and resources appropriate for elementary EL students at different proficiency levels

Part 3 – EL Writing Resources Create an “EL Writing Resources” tab in your online binder. Resources may include web links, media tools, articles, video links, graphics, etc. Provide brief descriptions of each of your resources and how they can be used to support English learners. Consider incorporating resources geared toward multiple elementary content areas such as math, science, social studies, etc.

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Include at least 1 resource for each of the following in your “EL Writing Resources” page: Writing instructional strategies that help elementary-level EL students develop written language complexity Strategies for providing comprehensible input, feedback, building background, and student engagement Writing technology tools and resources appropriate for elementary-level EL students at different proficiency levels

Part 4 – EL Listening and Speaking Resources Create an “EL Listening and Speaking Resources” tab in your online binder. Resources may include web links, media tools, articles, video links, graphics, etc. Provide brief descriptions of each of your

resources and how they can be used to support English learners. Consider incorporating resources geared toward multiple elementary content areas such as math, science, social studies, etc.

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Include at least 1 resource for each of the following in your “EL Listening and Speaking Resources” page: Listening and speaking instructional strategies that help elementary-level EL students engage in academic discourse Listening and speaking technology tools and resources appropriate for elementary-level EL students at different proficiency levels Provide your instructor with a link to your completed online binder. Be sure to set your binder settings to public so your instructor may access it. Include a references page that follows APA guidelines. Submit your assignment.

SEI 301 Wk 6 - Integrated Instruction: Science or Math Lesson Review principles 2 and 4 of Arizona's Language Development Approach. This will give you an overview of the purpose and importance of integrated instruction in content area learning, and assessment feedback. Understanding these principles will help you complete this week’s assignment. Scenario: Imagine you are a science or math content area teacher. Choose one. You will be planning an Integrated ELD lesson for a whole class of students whose English proficiency varies from basic to proficient. As you plan your lesson, you will need to consider how you will provide differentiated scaffolds for your English learners, but also challenge your English proficient students. Your driving standards will be the content area standards, but you will also use ELP standards 6–8 to help support your English learners. ELP standards 6–8 represent interactive communication, which supports listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Review the science or math Academic Standards for your chosen grade level as determined in Week 1. Choose at least 1 content standard to assess in your lesson.

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Access the following ELP Standards for your chosen grade level: Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Kindergarten Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grade 1 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 2-3 Arizona English Language Proficiency Standards Grades 4-5 Review ELP standards 6, 7, and 8 and choose an ELP standard and sub-skill to address in your lesson. Pay attention to the expectations for each proficiency level (pre-emergent/emergent, basic, and intermediate). This will help you determine what differentiated scaffolds to provide for your English learners. Remember to incorporate ELP language standards 9 or 10 in your lesson as determined in your Week 3 assignment. Create a 30- to 45-minute science or math lesson (integrated ELD) that will assess your chosen standards and include differentiated instructional strategies to support your English learners. Technology should play a role in your lesson. Be sure to explain how you will use technology as a resource in your lesson. Use the Wk 6 Assignment Template to complete your lesson. Submit your assignment.

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