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SPE/300 Orientation to the Exceptional Child The Latest Version A+ Study Guide **********************************************

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SPE 300 Wk 1 - Summative Assessment: A Study of IDEA, Rights, and Responsibilities As an elementary-level general education teacher, you are the person most likely to alert other professionals about a student you suspect may have a disability. For this reason, it is important that you know and understand the laws and policies that govern the process involved with special education. This 2-part assignment provides you the opportunity to take a deep dive into the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) as well as the rights of learners and parents, and the responsibilities of teachers. Complete Parts 1 and 2 below. Part 1: Special Education Resource Create a 375- to 525-word informational resource that addresses the following topics in relation to special education:   

Special education process Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), to include the Child Find mandate Disability categories for special education eligibility Part 2: Rights, Responsibilities, and Standards of Practice Presentation Research the following topics in relation to special education:

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Federal and state involvement Legal structures that govern programs Laws that address learners’ and parental rights Teacher expectations and responsibilities Professional standards of practice

Create a 6- to 8-slide presentation using a presentation tool in the Technology Resource Library. Note: The tool must be approved by your instructor. Address the following in your presentation:       

Laws or policies related to learners’ and parental rights in special education Teacher expectations and responsibilities for working with students with disabilities Professional best practice strategies for the following: Advocating to meet the needs of all learners Promoting learners to meet full potential Demonstrating respect for learners as individuals with differing personal and family backgrounds and various skills, abilities, and interests Demonstrating collaboration with learners, families, and colleagues Include the following elements in your presentation:

  

Title or introduction slide Slide style that complements content Minimum of 2 functional components (e.g., audio clip, visual graphic, or link) Submit your assignment.

SPE 300 Wk 2 - Teacher Conference In order to address different learning styles and meet the needs of exceptional learners in your classroom, it is necessary to understand how to adapt lesson plans. The field experience in this course provides you with an opportunity to practice this skill by collaborating with a cooperating teacher to select, adapt, and teach a lesson. Select a school, grade level, and cooperating teacher to work with for this assignment. Arrange a conference with the cooperating teacher. Please note this field experience is not an observation. Meet with the teacher to complete your field experience for this assignment and discuss the following:     

Selection of a lesson to adapt and teach in Week 4 Student demographics (specifically exceptional learners) Number of students (individual or small group) Specific language and communication skills to address and supports needed Applicable state standards to be addressed

Discuss the lesson plan objective that would be measurable in a 45 minute lesson plan

Discuss a formative and summative assessment that you could provide that the student can do independently Write a 1-page summary that includes the following:

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Information learned from the conference Suggestions from cooperating teacher Suggestions and any preparations you may have or need to complete for teaching the adapted lesson List the measurable objective and standard you will address List what your formative and summative assessment will look like that you will actually adapt or create List date that you will teach your lesson plan with adaptations to a student with a disability List the disability category you are adapting your lesson plan for Submit your assignment.

SPE 300 Wk 3 - Lesson Review and Adaptation In order to address different learning styles and meet the needs of exceptional learners in your classroom, it is necessary to understand how to adapt lesson plans. The field experience in this course provides you an opportunity to practice this skill by collaborating with a cooperating teacher to select, adapt, and teach a lesson. In this assignment, you will review the lesson you chose with your cooperating teacher. You will then adapt the lesson to meet student exceptionality and communication skill needs. Review the lesson you discussed with the cooperating teacher in the Wk 2 Teacher Conference assignment. Adapt the lesson to meet the needs of the small group or the individual student’s exceptionality and communication skill needs. Include the following in your adapted lesson:     

Applicable state standards, learning objectives, or IDEA requirements to be addressed Description of instructional approach and explanation of why you chose it Targeted communication skill(s) and strategies being used Accommodations and/or modifications to be provided Learner supports, such as assistive technology

A formative assessment and a summative assessment to measure student learning

Instruction and assessment alignment with a typical learning goal for the group or student’s exceptionality Submit the original lesson plan and the adapted lesson plan.

SPE 300 Wk 3 - Summative Assessment: Exceptional Student Case Study Before a student is referred for special education, a general education teacher must complete certain steps to ensure only students who truly need special education services receive them. There are observations, assessments, and interventions to facilitate and gather data from to measure student growth or lack of growth. And, typically, the general education teacher will complete a referral form to “bring the student” to the intervention assistance team or the RTI (Response to Interventoin Team) and discuss his or her concerns. This 3-part assignment provides you the opportunity to follow the typical path that an elementary-age student may take if he or she needs to be evaluated for special education services. Complete Parts 1–3 below. Label each section as Part 1, Part 2, Part 3. Part 1: Student Profile Select the following characteristics for your fictional student:   

Male or female Elementary grade level (between grade 2 and 6) The student is suspected with possibly having a specific learning disability (SLD) in reading. Write a 350- to 525-word fictional student profile that includes the following:

General student information (gender, grade, exceptionalities, etc.) and literacy skills (should be 2 years below grade level)

Cognitive, learning, and social characteristics and language development history (Consider your fictional student’s low literacy skills.) Part 2: RTI Outline Create a 350- to 525-word outline that highlights the RTI process that may be used for your fictional student. Provide the following:

Explanation of RTI

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2 assessment and 2 intervention examples for each RTI level (for a total of 12), specific to your fictional student’s literacy skill deficits such as reading. Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Include the following information for each example:

 

Description Justification for use Part 3: Referral and Evaluation Summary Your fictional student has not made the appropriate progress he or she should be making, and you feel that there may be a need for an evaluation for special education services. At this point, there is a process with specific procedures that your school must follow, as stated by special education law that will guide the next steps. Write a 350- to 525-word summary that outlines the referral and evaluation process for special education services. Include the following information:

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Explanation of: Referral request, next steps, and required time frame Evaluation process, including possible assessments and/or evaluations that may be used Description of: School professionals (and their role) involved in the referral and evaluation process Compile the following for submission:

  

Student Profile RTI Outline Referral and Evaluation Plan Summary Submit your assignment.

SPE 300 Wk 4 - Teach an Adapted Lesson In order to address different learning styles and meet the needs of exceptional learners in your classroom, it is necessary to understand how to adapt lesson plans. The field experience in this course provides you an opportunity to practice this skill by collaborating with a cooperating teacher to select, adapt, and teach a lesson. Refer to your Wk 2 Teacher Conference and the lesson you chose during your meeting.

Also refer to the way in which you adapted that same lesson in the Wk 3 Lesson Review and Adaptation assignment to prepare for this field experience. Teach the adapted lesson in a small group or to an individual in a one-on-one setting. Consider using various methods of delivery (through technology, oral explanations, etc.) that promote expressive and receptive communication skill reinforcement, meet the needs of the exceptionalities, and ensure student engagement. Write a 350- to 525-word reflection of your teaching experience that addresses the following:      

Feedback from cooperating teacher and stated the teachers last name Appropriateness of adaptations to exceptional learners What went well and what did not What changes you would make What you changed in your lesson plan from feedback reviewed for the week three adapted lesson review assignment You submitted the lesson plan that you adapted and taught. Submit your assignment.

SPE 300 Wk 4 Group - Mock IEP Although a general education teacher may not have to facilitate an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting, they will definitely be required to attend one. This collaborative group assignment provides an opportunity to preview the preparation and facilitation of an IEP meeting to better understand this part of the special education process. Review the Arizona Technical Assistance System AZ-TAS: Process for Developing Individualized Education Programs and the student profile assigned to your collaborative group:     

Derek Jeremy Leanna Marty Mwajabu Conduct a mock IEP meeting for the student whose profile your group was assigned. Each member of your collaborative group should play one of the specific roles: regular education teacher, special education teacher, parent, district administrator, or evaluator.

Use the Wechsler Intelligence Scale and the Woodstock-Johnson Test of Achievement as guides to understand the concept of scoring. Hold your meeting within Blackboard once your mock IEP document is completed. I recommend that you set a timeline with team members being done with their selections by Friday so you have time to have your collaborative meeting using Black Board. Click the video icon in your team room to have this meeting. During your preparation meeting, each group member must post their opinions from the point of view of their selected role. Conclude with the key elements of an IEP for the assigned student. Develop a mock IEP specifically designed to meet the needs of the selected student first and next hold your meeting. When you have your meeting you will make changes based on those discussions from the different roles that individuals have. Your report should be prepared as an 8- to 10-slide professional presentation with speaker notes. Be sure to complete and include the state-specific IEP form on your state’s Department of Education website or another IEP form approved by your instructor. Please note that an IEP form is very long and you only need to address the information that is listed below and not fill in the whole IEP. Include the following on your student's IEP:         

Student information (you can make up some of this information) Student’s present levels of performance (I will specifically be reviewing this section closely beause this information drives what the IEP goals will be) Annual goals and objectives Assistive technology options to support student needs Communication and language demands Least restrictive environment (LRE) Instructional and testing accommodations and modifications Other special instructional considerations Related services (Related services are only provided if they are listed as a need in the present level of performance data and the student qualified for those services) For example a student would not be provided speech/language services unless he or she also qualified for this disability. You may need to put N/A which means not addressed.

Transition plan (If the student is 16 years old your write a transitional plan. If the student is not 16 you write N/A.

Transferal of rights (You address this if the student will turn 18 during the annual year that IEP is written. If the student will not be 18 you write N/A.

IEP development group Note: All the items listed above must be included in your submission. This may require your collaborative group to include an additional document if the IEP form your group selected does not include all these components. Understanding all these aspects of an IEP is a key learning objective of this course.

Submit your assignment.

SPE 300 Wk 5 - Summative Assessment: Lesson Plan with Accommodations and Modifications Good lesson planning is essential to the process of teaching and learning. A teacher who is prepared is setting themselves up for a successful instructional experience and a successful learning experience for their students. Preparing lesson plans that promote learning for ALL students is key and a skill you will continue to work on throughout your career. This assignment provides an opportunity to practice lesson planning based on a typical classroom scenario. Develop a new 45-minute lesson plan for an elementary grade level and content area of your choice, based on the following student demographic scenario that incorporates the lesson plan components listed below. You teach in a regular education classroom of 25 students. Among them is 1 student who has a learning disability, 2 students with attention issues—1 with attention deficit disorder (ADD) and 1 with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 1 English learner (EL) student, and 1 gifted and talented student. Include the following components in your lesson plan: 

Central Focus of Lesson Select the state standard(s) for your identified elementary grade level and content

area. 

Based on the selected standard(s), describe the central focus of the topic in this lesson plan and how the content addresses the needs of the exceptional learners in the scenario.

Learning Objectives Develop learning objectives for the 45-minute lesson based on the criteria below: Specific, measurable, and observable State what students will know and be able to do Grade-level and content-area appropriate Align to state standards Materials Identify the materials and instructional resources needed for the teacher and students Options may include:

       

Technology provided list of technology and web addresses of videos that you would use

Handouts (include all handouts in your lesson plan. If you are using some online practice programs take a screen shot and submit this)

    

Manipulatives or interactives Guest speaker if your lesson plan requires Describe how the materials support and enhance the lesson. Classroom Arrangement and Grouping Strategy Describe the classroom arrangement and grouping strategies you will use during this lesson.

Explain how the design influences a positive learning environment and supports the exceptional learners in the scenario.

Instructional Approach Provide a detailed outline of the instructional approach for the lesson based on the following:

           

Setting the Stage for Learning How do you plan to get the students’ interest and attention? How will you activate prior knowledge and build background knowledge? What essential vocabulary is being taught? Lesson Delivery and Guided Practice How do you plan to deliver the lesson? What types of innovative teaching strategies will you use? How will you integrate technology where appropriate? How do you plan to walk students through the lesson? Accommodations and Modifications What accommodations and modifications will you provide for the exceptional learners in the scenario?

Are the accommodations and modifications disability-specific and developmentally appropriate?

Closure and Independent Practice How will you end the lesson and check for understanding? What is your plan for independent practice activities? How will the activities be modified for the exceptional students in the scenario? Assessments Create 1 each of the following types of assessments: Pre-assessment (all three assessments need to be submitted and labeled. Please note that a pre-assessment and summative could be the same assessment if your plan to note where the student made increases on the objective you taught)

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Formative Summative Include the following with each assessment: Alignment to the selected state standard(s) and lesson objective(s) Strategy for using assessment data Note: This assignment is a culminating project for determining what you have learned from your studies, reading of posts, and additional research. This assignment is worth a lot of points and needs to be closely examined to make sure

you address all the components listed on the grading rubric. Start with reviewing the grading rubric first before you start this assignment. Submit your assignment.

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