2012 Solar Flare - Worst Case Scenario

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Scientists monitor the changes in the sun and its service for what is called solar flares or solar storms and the next major event is coming with the expected 2012 solar flare. Scientists have always closely followed the 11 year cycle of the sun and logged the patterns and the changes they cause here on Earth. The last event took place in 2003 and passed with little attention from the regular world. However scientists are concerned that this next event coming with the 2012 solar flare will not pass unnoticed at all. What Are Solar Flares? Solar flares are storms that occur on the surface of the sun creating an eruption of intense highenergy radiation. The concern surrounding the upcoming 2012 solar storm stems from the the eruptions of solar flares in 1859 which caused telegraph wires to instantly short out and it is also believed that this is what caused widespread fires throughout the United States and Europe. The Potential to Cripple Communications The National Academy of Sciences performed a study that shows the potential for some very real and grim possibilities when the 2012 flares occur, that of which have never before been experienced by anyone alive today. With the advancement of technology and communications comes a price and in 1859 technology was not as evolved as it is today. We now have thousands of satellites orbiting the earth, space stations floating in revolutions beyond the atmosphere and any disruption to these could cause catastrophic crippling of our communications and bring with it the potential for loss of governmental control of the entire situation. All of this could occur with the 2012 solar flares, making this an event like no other. What Else is Expected? Scientists say that solar flares with this kind of power occur once every decade and as our technology evolves and expands these storms bring even more devastation. The main concerns are the potential loss of the lives of astronauts in space, disabling of satellites, loss of communications and in the worst case knocking out power grids all over the Earth. The loss of just the power grids can potentially effect 130 million people in the United States alone. As stated, the National Academy of Sciences is closely monitoring the upcoming 2012 flare and as new information is available the public will be informed. It goes with out saying that this is an event that we all should be mindful of and watch as new information becomes available.

For more information about how to survive 2012 and its solar storm please visit http://2012survivalguide.org - You will be surprised to know how easy it can be once you know how to be prepared.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_A._Richard

==== ==== The most important things your family needs and what you need to do to SURVIVE in the event of an earthquake, SOLAR FLARE, hurricane, tornado, flood, or civil war, check this out. http://tinyurl.com/1surviveanything ==== ====

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