1 minute read

Paige Bradley Sculpture

Paige Bradley’s powerful sculptures of dynamically posed figures showcase more than just physical strength and passion – they testify to the inner strength and fortitude woven into the fabric of a person’s soul. Her own personal experiences are the starting point for Paige’s work, and she then uses her skill, intuition, and sensitivity to build these stories out into universally understood creations. The unseen and often unspoken dichotomies one encounters in life – joy and sorrow, dissonance and harmony, weakness and strength, ugliness and beauty – become powerfully alive in Paige’s sculpture, as she is an artist who has the rare ability to turn abstract feeling into three-dimensional form.


There is a double meaning to the word L’Attitude and this sculpture seems to embody it all. Accurate yet dynamic, strong yet delicate. It was so fun to capture this dancer in her L’Attitude, with attitude! The model, principal dancer for San Jose Ballet, Ali Meijer, flew into my London studio so that we could create this from life, without the use of photos.

– Paige Bradley

Soar, Half Life

How our spirits yearn to fly! How I wish to run over mountain tops with the wind whipping through my clothes and hair until the sun goes down. As light as a feather, I admire the dancer’s ability which Soars without boundary.

– Paige Bradley

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