Should You Believe What They Are Saying About the 17 Day Diet Does It Work

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According to Dr. Mike Moreno, the creator of the 17 Day Diet, this could be the only diet that can suit anybody, whether you are planning to lose only 5 pounds or 50 pounds. The diet is also very flexible and can accommodate varied lifestyles. It has 4 varied 17-day meal plan cycles and daily exercise for 17 minutes. It claims to provide lifetime results of weight loss. If other diet programs that advertise similar approaches bore you, this diet by Dr. Moreno may just be something else for you. The diet consists of 3 cycles with each cycle lasting for 17 days and a maintenance phase which aims to let you maintain your desired weight for the rest of your life. Whether you are just looking forward to trimming off a few centimeters from your waist or aiming to achieve your ideal weight, this diet claims to help you lose pounds quickly, boost your metabolism and prevent plateaus. According to Dr. Mike Moreno, all of us long to see quick results and the method of calorie confusion used in the 17 Day Diet program will let you see the results the soonest time. Plus dieters won't feel bored eating the similar kinds of foods each day. There are 4 cycles of the 17 Day Diet plan: Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive. Accelerate or the First Cycle. This cycle aims to plunge your diet down to a bare 1200 calories each day. It claims to let you lose weight of around 10 to 15 pounds, which are said to be mostly water weight. The cycle will hydrate, cleanse, eliminate unhealthy carbohydrates, improve eating habits and boost fat metabolism. Activate or the Second Cycle. In this phase, the food plans are alternated with a faintly higher calorie plan. According to its creator, the variations between the cycles will keep your metabolism confused, keeping you away from boredom and stimulating your body to burn fats that will allow you to lose up to 6 pounds at the end of the cycle. Achieve or the Third Cycle. This phase is considered as the stabilization cycle which includes healthier foods at a gradual weight loss rate of around 2 to 3 pounds. Arrive or the Fourth Cycle. This phase will let you achieve your ideal weight. In this last phase, you will have to go after the previous meal plans for 17 days with controlled indulgences during the weekends in order to keep your new weight permanently. Exercise for a minimum of 17 minutes in the first 2 cycles is also important. In the last 2 cycles, exercise for at least 150 minutes weekly should be done in order to maintain your weight.

There's always a lot to consider when it comes to your health. Check out this full 17 Day Diet review to help make sure you make the right choice. Most diets will work, if you follow them, for the short term. However, you need to make sure that the program you choose will be one you can stick with for good.

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