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The complete series of Horn the journal of the influential Hornsey College of Art.



3 issues: 2 vols. Tall 8vo. (280 x 178 mm). + Square 4to. (254 x 248 mm). pp. 34, (ii); (iv), 32, (iv); (iv), 32, (iv). Each issue with advertisements, title with contents and printed text and illustration in monochrome throughout (issue 3 with text and illustration in blue, pink etc.). Original publisher's printed colour wrappers with illustration and titles to covers, third issue with original white paper jacket with colour illustration and titles to covers and flaps.

‘Horn' was edited and designed by a changing team with Hannah Gavron and Kit Roberts with Dave Legon as 'Art Editor' for issue 1, Bill Olive (assistant for issue 1) for issue 2 and Bill Fallover - he had contributed graphics to the second issue - for the third issue. Design and Layout were by Les Steedman and Stuart Heveron for the first two issues but only Steveron remained (contributing to one article only) for issue 3.

The first issue was subtitled 'Aggression' and includes 'The ABC of Aggresion' ('D is for death', 'K is for Kennedy', 'X is for xenophobia' etc.), the second 'Rhythm' (with articles on 'The rise and fall of cinemas', 'P. J. Proby sat on a wall', 'From Oliver to Bilk' and 'Poems'); the third issue is devoted to sex (with articles 'Virginity', 'The Ideal Woman', 'Do-It-Yourself Sex Kit', 'A Cure for Love' etc.). A fourth issue ('EQUATION A+S=H4(2) - ART PLUS SCIENCE EQUALS HORN FOUR SQUARE') was announced in issue 3 but never appeared.

'An Art School should be at the forefront of experiment, and this magazine is intended to provide an opportunity to experiment with the relationship between design and the written word.' (From the editorial to issue 1).

Complete sets of 'Horn' are uncommon and most institutional holdings appear to be incomplete. COPAC locates a single identifiably complete set, that at the V & A (although bound), with further possibly complete sets at the British Library and National Library of Scotland; the Bodleian's copy and that at London's University of the Arts are incomplete. OCLC adds a copy at Princeton without issue 3 and another at Wisconsin without issue detail.

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