Portfolio Lucy Hubbard
BA (Hons) Interior Architecture /
Lucy_Hubbard@outlook.com / O7972 568783
Projects 1
Birnbeck Retreat Redevelopment design scheme for mediation Site- Birnbeck Island
Tensegrity Structures Interactive Structure design + Lighting instillation UWE Exhibition
Light lines
Design Intervention + Model Instillation Site- Birnbeck Island
Film Analysis
Architectural Sequencing Film- Orlando 1992
Beyond Boarders
Redevelopment design scheme for Refugees Site- Itv studios Bristol
B i r n b e c k
R e t r e a t
Site: Birnbeck Island/Pier Weston SuperMare Date: 2018 The design scheme proposes a meditation retreat as well as public attractions to reintegrate Birnbeck Island into Weston supper mare. The design proposal focuses on the ideas of observation and escape, providing an environment that people want to go to escape the busy daily life of the mainland. The scheme celebrates the remaining existing structures by enclosing the new, while filling the voids of the missing elements of the site and its environment. The design of the interior and exterior spaces all consider the human form and their senses in a way that creates new and different experiences throughout the buildings, with the use of conscious architecture and phenomenology, which seeks to redirect our focus back to the human body by activating the seances in space. The design encourages the continual erosion and decay of the existing building emphasising a constantly changing environment. This is then reflected with Meditation. Meditation is the process of withdrawing from our normal activities, usually to a quiet place where we will not be disturbed, in order to become aware of our situation. That situation includes becoming aware of what our experience is, as well as becoming aware of how we are responding to that experience. Allowing visitors to becoming aware of there situation and how time, space, body and feeling constitute their experiences, will provided a better condition for relaxation and happiness, while providing a constant connection to the ever changing site.
Diagram Exploring Meditation
Mixed Media Conceptual Collage Exploring the site Design Scheme Proposal
Collage Explores how New and Old Structure Can be used to frame views of the building, as well as the Missing Elements, Paths and routes around the island
G r o u n d
F l o o r
P l a n
Meditation centre - located at the east side of the new structure and accessed through the central reception area. The section of the building is made on the ground level of a large mediation studio, one smaller mediation room, and cloakroom and waiting areas. Accommodation - located in the long thin building to the north of the plan. This area is made up of communal spaces and kitchen as well as 10 bedrooms that can function as both double of twin rooms. Walled garden - located in the centre of the building, this open top structure creates a outdoor space that can be used for multi-pal functions, as well as a circulation spaces. Its main purpose being for outdoor yoga so a better connection can be made with nature in the fresh air. Exhibition space - located at the west end of the building. This space houses the Birnbeck trust history collection exhibition, which can also be used as a event spaces. Public atrium / toilets - this space is a double high space that links the exhibition spaces to the toilets and stairs to the first floor cafe.
F i r s t
F l o o r
P l a n
Meditation centre - located at the east side of the new structure and accessed through the central reception and mediation stairwell or the lift. The upper floor is the location of the smaller more personal space for different types of mediation therapy. Observation area - the roof top of the accommodation block functions as an observation area that the exterior paths lead to. This area looks out across the horizon as well as back at the existing new and old structure so visitors can observe the contrast of the old and new buildings. Staff office / Break room / accommodation - this spaces accessed through a private room is all located on the second floor. Cafe - The cafe is located on the second floor of the west pavilion space. The spaces has relaxed area with couches and more formal table spaces, with full length glass windows at either end of the structure providing outstanding views across the channel.
Timber stud frame Copper Panel Stainless Steel Screws Cleats OSB Breather Membrane Vapour Barrier
1:5 Frame To Foundation Detail
Section A cuts throught part of the mediation retreet and shows the detialing of the buildings Timber structure, and copper exterior cladding
1:5 Wall Construction Detail
Section B, cuts thought the centre of the buildings showing the interior spaces of the cafe, exhibition space, atrium, walled garden and meditation centre.
Cafe Interior
Interior Renders Of The Accommodation and Social Spaces, Balcony, Reception Area, And Yoga Studio
This Section Cuts Thought The Island Showing The Interior of The Cafe, Atrium, Accommodation, While Exploring How The Old Structure Will Start to Decay And Break Apart Over Time And How The New Intervention Will Replaces It
The new deck will fit on a metal structure just above the old concrete floor slab of the islands old extension. Wholes will be made in the existing slab that new concrete columns will fit through, to support the new frame and deck. These concrete columns will be reinforced and enclosed in steel frames that should protect the columns form the decaying and falling part of the concert slab as it erodes and breaks apart..
The existing walls will be supported with a steel structure that runs the length of the interior side of the walls. This attaches to a steel frame that attaches to the new structures cladding system. As the walls continues to decay the supports can be removed when no longer needed improving the aesthetics of the building exterior.
Conceptual Images Exploring The Decaying Walls And Views Out To Sea From The First Floor Cafe and Exhibition Space
Gaps between each deck board allows the visitors to gradually view the ever changing condition of the old concrete deck underneath it.
June 2020
October 2025
July 2025 The architecture of the walled garden celebrates the walls of the original structure as well as the missing structure of the original building. The original wooden structure is recreated to create a large open pergola type space that give the user a feeling of an enclose. Over time the walls will continue to weather, erode and decay and gradually begin to fall lower revealing more views out to sea.
The wooden elements of the model represent the existing structure, the paper and copper represent the new structures to the island. The model helps to see hoe the site relates to the landscape surrounding it, with a 11m high difference between sea bed level and the concrete base slab of the island. A much steeper rocky decline is visible to the North of the Island and the south a more gradually sloping rock face.
Plan view model of Birnbeck Island, Pier And Sourrounding Landscape at 1:500
1 : 5 0 0
m o d e l
o f
t h e
B i r n b e c k
I s l a n d
1 : 5 0
H a n d m a d e
C r o s s
S e c t i o n
M o d e l ,
C u t t i n g
T h r o u g h
T h e
Y o g a
S t u d i o
A n d
A c c o m m o d a t i o n
B l o c k s
S o l c i a l
A r e a s
Tensegrity Instillation/Lighting This structure was designed as an human sized interactive exhibition peace that can be rolled and pushed in a similar way to a ball. This type of structure experiments with balancing tension and compression to from a shape where all the solid members do not touch one another. Each member is elevated in a specific position based on the balance of tension and compression on the elastic connecting them together. The under-pinning geometry from this design includes pentagons, triangles, and stars thus allowing the sphere shape to be created.
H u m a n
S i z e d
I n t e r a c t i v e
T e n s e g r i t y
S t r u c t u r e
I n s t i l l a t i o n
a t
L i g h t i n g
D e s i g n
Site: University of The West of England Bristol Date: 2017 The lighting strategies for this project was based around the idea of capturing light thought the surfaces added within the structure to create an undefined space. Attaching small coloured LEDS to the structure and spinning in the dark captured a series of light painting images which pined together created a video showing the transformation from light to dark. This video was projected on to the original structure while suspended in the air creating the final lit exhibition.
Light Painting projected on to Tensegrity model
Tensegrity Structure Lighting Instillation at UWE
Light Lines Intervention Site: Birnbeck Island/Pier Weston Super-mare Date: 2018 This project considers how we read places as an outcome of processes, tales and events over different scales of time. The task sets out to analyse the site, Birnbeck Pier and Island and to respond architecturally to this space re-creating a narrative. The design for this project focused on the missing, decayed, and broken elements of the remaining structure on the site. Light lines proposes a new narrative for birnbeck island that focuses on recreating the absent parts of the structure with the use of string lights to re-inject the site with a feeling of life. This will bring memorise back to the locals of Weston super-mare who once experience the island while it was still a busy thriving sea side resort.
Light Instillation Narrative Explored Through Time of Day In A Story Boards. Focusing On The Journey To The Island And How we View The New Intervention
Light Lines Instillation on Birnbeck Islands Damaged And Decaying Pavilion
Light Instillation on the East Facade And North Facing Roof
Light Lines Instillation Site: Birnbeck Island/Pier Weston Super-mare Date: 2018
The Light lines instillation is made up of a metal structure of the missing elements of the existing building, along with lights, showdowns and the building plan. Designed to merge in to the while background , the metal frame represents that of what the real intervention will be, only completely visible for specific views, with specific light conditions. The structure representing the ghost of the building past, what was but no longer is visible on site.
F i l m
Film Still
A n a l y s i s
Plan view of still
Camera movement diagram
Dollying is used to follow the subject as it moves through the columns
This scene being filmed inside a Djuma Mosque in Uzbekistan. A single-story building that contains 213 hand carved wooden columns, with several courtyard areas allowing the only natural source of light in to the mosque. Transparent net curtain fill some of the gaps between the columns to separate the large open floor plan. The change of light and atmosphere and the way the filming techniques track the movement through the vast and repetitive space.
The camera continues to follow the characters as they move thought the building
Film Analysis focuses on exploring architectural sequencing with the use of film with diagrams and models. Orlando by Sally Potter released in 1992 has one scene set that stood out architecturally and atmospherically because of its setting.
Film: Orlando - Sally Porter 1992 Date: 2017
A continuity cut seamlessly introduces a new area of the set to help move the narrative along.
Images taken of the interior features of the Djuma Mosue
Deep focus is used to allow the architecture at the front of the view and the characters moving from the back to both be in focus
This model was designed to depict how the natural lighting effect’s the movement of the character through the space with the use of different vies. By creating a transparent coloured form across the model allowed the representation of movement to be seen by the viewer. The changing direction of the light source entering the model through the roof opening gradually illuminates different parts of the coloured object and thereby shows the movement thought the space.
B e y o n d
B o a r d e r s
Site: ITV studios Bristol Date: 2017
The proposal for this scheme is based around the redevelopment of a small section of the Bristol ITV studios to provide a retreat like environment for teenagers and young adult refuges where they are invited to explore and tell their story through the use of photography, while building relationships with locals and the community. The scheme also providing accommodation and support to help re-establish there life’s in the long term within Bristol. The interior incorporates a variety of semi translucent materials such as polycarbonate twin walls, and scrim materials that will adapt and change with the light condition within the buildings to help create warm, comfortable, semi private space. This is to prevent the feeling of isolation and loneliness for the refugees. While heaver surfaces such as ply and chip board run throughout the space capturing the ware and tear of the buildings journey over time. This material holds on to the marks and stains of the building past in the same way the photography is in place to record the refugees continually changing journey to a better life.
Conceptual Collage Exploring the Translucent layers
Interior Renders of The Photography Studio and Gallery Areas Within The Refugee Centre
Long Cross Section
Ground and First Floor Plans
Site Plan
Main Entrances and communal Gallery Viewing Steps
Lucy Hubbard BA (Hons) Interior Architecture Lucy_Hubbard@outlook.com O7972 568783