Concept Proposal My concept is the future of fashion within the following 1000 years. This was inspired by Hussien Chalyan’s work. One of his collections was called 101. This focused on the means of transforming garments-this to me portrayed a futuristic theme, of course it wouldn’t be for hundreds of years. I took inspiration by taking the aspect of a garment in which has more than one use, or perhaps more than one look-to me this connotes the idea of recycling; something that will be of upmost importance in years to come due to very limited resources as the world becomes more polluted and scarce with materials. My collection will be for women, upon reflecting on my research I have decided to make the models look very tall and skinny with red eyes as this is what scientists believe humans will look like in many years to come. Scientists also predict that humans will have darker skin due climate change resulting in darker skin to protect from harmful UV rays. They also predict that humans will have nanobots in their skin to fight certain diseases such as cancer. My colour palette will consist of metallic as in theory these will be able to reflect to heat and not make the model too hot. The metallic shades will consist of blue, green and greyish silver tones. I also feel as though these colours will communicate my theme in an obvious manor. My collection will be haute couture, as the designs are very well thought out and have more than one use. They will still be very wearable and lots of techniques will go into making these types of garments. I feel as though my concept will be successful in that these are my fashion predictions and I am hoping to add different uses to my garments. I will be inspired by my experimentation by using my fabric manipulation techniques as well as my previous illustration work this will reflect the haute couture nature of my work well. I feel as though at the moment these designs are very haute couture however in 1000 years they will be high street wear.