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Welcome from the 9th President

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Welcome from the 9th President

SECTION ONE: THE COLLEGE YEAR Senior Tutor’s Report Admissions Director’s Report Development Director’s Report Librarian’s Report Bursar’s Report Domestic Bursar’s Report Lucy’s New Passivhaus Development Staff News Other College News

SECTION TWO: THE STUDENT YEAR Students’ News Students’ Union Report Celebrating Student Achievement Research Day 2020

SECTION THREE: SPECIAL EVENTS Visiting speakers Lucy Cavendish Fiction Prize

SECTION FOUR: SPORTS AND MUSIC Sport News Rowing Report Music Report



Thank you to our donors 1

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Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge CB3 0BU Tel. +44 (0)1223 332190 www.lucy.cam.ac.uk | development@lucy.cam.ac.uk  @LucyCavColl  @LucyCavCollege  @lucycavendishcollege Design: Dan Gould Design: www.dangould.co.uk



Professor Dame Madeleine Atkins, 9th President of Lucy Cavendish College

Dear Alumni, Friends and Supporters,

I do hope that you, your family and friends are keeping well during these ongoing difficult and uncertain times.

Two years have passed since the Fellowship of the College decided that we would change our admissions policy to accept men as well as women from the age of 18 years, and we are now getting ready for this new intake in October at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. We also decided that we should aim to grow our student numbers in such a way that the College becomes broadly representative of UK society by 2025, as well as seeking to admit outstanding international students from a diverse range of backgrounds, including those from low-income families. We are meeting the milestones for both of these ambitions.

As we grow our student intake, it follows that we need more community facilities and more student accommodation. The first phase of the building works to create 72 student study bedrooms and a large cafe-plussocial learning space on the ground floor has started and is on track for completion in October 2022, despite facing challenges such as finding Great Crested Newts, and Roman skeletons and artefacts!

As well as this building work, we are rethinking the way that our first-class library building is used. We have plans to augment available resources and encourage increased usage – this includes a highly configurable room for collaborative working, a new area for video conferencing, redesigning the foyer as a careers and enterprise area, and a workspace to support the use of the special collection for teaching and study.

Further phases of the estates project, which include ideas for a new, digitally enhanced, sustainable and innovative 21st Century project hub and a graduate base at the University’s Eddington site, are still at the outline masterplan stage.

This year, for the first time, we have welcomed a mixed gender fellowship and are delighted with the additional range of expertise that our new Fellows have brought to the College. As I write, the outreach events for undergraduates who want to begin their courses in 2022 are starting and the Admissions Team is, as always, doing an excellent job in keeping our cohort for 2021 entry engaged and motivated to get their grades in spite of the difficulties caused by Covid. We all now feel more confident than this time last year in making virtual Zoom/Teams events and interviews work well for recruitment purposes, and we will take the good practice we have developed over the last twelve months forward with some new features added.

It has been wonderful to connect virtually with so many of you all over the world, and across many different time zones, during the ‘Meet the President’ sessions. These have opened up many more opportunities to connect with our alumni and supporters, and will definitely be something that we will continue into the future.

An amazing Giving Week during October 2020 resulted in donations totalling over £164,000, which in turn unlocked another £60,000 towards a special fund for undergraduate financial support across Cambridge via the Harding Challenge.

The Foundation Board is continuing to implement its fundraising plans, and on the assumption that travel and visits will be allowed from late July, we are drawing up a prioritised list of meetings with potential donors and scoping international visits to the US and possibly China for 2022. We have also set up a Sub-Committee of the Foundation Board which will focus on friend and fundraising in North America, identifying potential major donors through their wider networks.

So there are exciting times ahead, and as always we are extremely grateful for the support we continue to receive from the Vice-Chancellor, other colleges and so many of you: our alumni, friends, and legators. Without your support we would not be able to continue on our mission to ensure that many more outstanding students from under-represented groups get the opportunity to come to Cambridge and benefit from its world-leading education.

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