Community Arrow for Bestwood & Basford

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11099 Comm Arrow Area 2 — March 2010



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Bestwood and Basford Issue Seven / March 2010

New Adventure Playground coming to Bestwood! See inside for details of how to get involved

Get to the point with your Community Arrow!


New adventure playground in Bestwood Fun at Ellis Guilford Parent Support Workers Bestwood BAFTAs Making your neighbourhood bloom Get active and have fun Decade of Investment Dates for your diary

11099 Comm Arrow Area 2 — March 2010



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You tell us – it’s your area, it’s your news...

New Adventure Playground in Bestwood!

structures. This playground is a first for Nottingham, combining cutting edge play equipment with an eco-friendly play centre and community garden. Local children have named the park, RIDGE ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND.

A new supervised adventure playground is due to open in April 2010, next to Southglade Primary School. The playground will include a purpose built play centre, water play area, allotment area, lots of natural space, as well as dramatic adventure playground

A carnival style launch event is planned for the opening in April. Workshops will be available for the whole community to get involved in where they can design costumes and decorations for the event. Play workers are already in the

Join the Fun at Ellis Guilford! After a successful 5 day October HalfTerm Activity Camp, the 2-day Christmas Camp at the Ellis Guilford School and Sports College proved to be just as popular with children in the local community and beyond.

Ellis Activity Camp

area delivering street play sessions for local children. The centre will be open after school hours, Saturdays, and school holidays all year round, and membership and all activities in the centre are FREE. Nottingham City playworkers will staff the Centre, but the site will be managed by a group of local people who have formed a Management Committee. For information on how to get involved contact Emily Ilett on 0115 915 7560.

Ellis Activity Camp

Trampolining, Dance, Cheerleading, Football, Basketball, Multi-Sports and Arts and Crafts were all on offer to the 90 children who took part over the two days. All activities gave children aged 6-12 the chance to learn new skills, make new friends and above all, build their self-confidence. Children participating in the Arts and Crafts sessions made Christmas Cards and bows, and ribbons for Christmas Trees. In partnership with the Ellis Guilford Education Improvement Partnership (EIP) the Sports Centre will continue to provide a high quality experience and

affordable provision for all during School holidays. For more information contact Ellis Guilford School on: 913 1338.

Ellis Activity Camp

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Parent Support Workers - worth their weight in gold! Primary schools in Basford are keen to support parents, and Old Basford, Heathfield and Whitemoor Schools have dedicated Parent Support Workers (PSW) developing parent-related activities. Funded through extended services they help organise courses such as: healthy living; literacy and numeracy; IT workshops; First Aid training; fitness classes, along with providing one-to-one support for parents. They can help parents support their children's learning and to become more involved in school life. By consulting with parents, the PSW can identify services most needed and link parents with partner agencies to help them, such as the Job Centre, and Health and Housing. One single-parent said: “I was living in a privately rented house which was unsafe and getting nowhere with the landlord. As a result of the PSW's help, I moved to a new home and saw a debt counsellor to help with my finances.” To speak to a PSW, contact one of the schools listed above.


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Bestwood BAFTAs Celebrating Success! The great achievements of local residents living in the Top Valley, Bestwood Park and Bestwood/Leen Valley area were celebrated and awarded at this year's Bestwood BAFTA's Awards Ceremony on 11th December 2009. Staff at the Bestwood BAFTAs

Residents were invited to a celebration evening at Southglade Children's Centre, acknowledging the achievement of residents, and raising the aspirations of those living in the area. Awards were presented over five categories; Be Healthy; Stay Safe; Enjoy & Achieve; Achieve Economic Well-being; and Making a Positive Contribution. In total, 33 awards were presented.

young children back into employment. To date, 179 parents have signed up to take part citywide. For more information contact Lylse-Anne Renwick on 915 9125.

The Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Mick Wildgust, together with Councillor Smith and Councillor Grocock were present on the evening to assist with the presentations.

Parent Support Workers (Louise Davie, Juleen Connington, Louise Briars)

Citizens of the Step to Success project were also awarded trophies for commitment to the Project over the past year. Steps to Success has been a pilot project to support parents with

Local resident Pat Ruth collecting her award

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Area News

Making your neighbourhood bloom Do you fancy brightening up your neighbourhood this summer? Last year 80 communities joined Nottingham in Bloom's campaign to encourage small, resident-led communities to achieve long-term improvements through horticultural, environmental and cleanliness initiatives. This year, it's hoped that even more will join in.

vegetables, and Tuntum Housing Association who worked with residents in the Roman Drive and Script Drive area to brighten the neighbourhood with hanging baskets and planters.

Participants in 2009 included: Cherry Trees at Hazel Hill residential home where a derelict courtyard was transformed into an attractive garden; Masson Court Gardening Club who created an oasis of flowers, shrubs and

To find out more about getting involved, and having your efforts recognised through the Royal Horticultural Society's new 'It's Your Neighbourhood' Award scheme, contact Nottingham in Bloom

Benefits include building pride in the area and community spirit, as well as cleaner and greener surroundings for a healthier community.

Cherry Trees

on 0115 915 2745 or email

Get active and have fun in 2010 Looking for affordable ways you and your family can get active and have fun together? Why not come along to an Active Families session at Southglade Leisure Centre. The two hour weekly sessions offer lots of activities the whole family can enjoy including: swimming, indoor and outdoor multi sports and games plus more unusual activities such as hula and circus skills. No booking is required, just turn up and take part!

Sessions take place every Saturday 10.30am - 12.30pm and cost just 50p per person. The project, funded by NHS Nottingham City has been developed as part of Nottingham's Early Intervention Programme to get more adults and children taking part in physical activities together. For more information visit: or call 0115 915 2740.

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Area News

Decade of Investment Already three months into the New Year, it's hard to believe that we're also three months into a whole new decade in Nottingham. So, let's take a look back at the first 10 years of the new millennium and see how 10 years of investment in our local area has made a difference. £32m for local schools £300m is being or has been invested in transforming primary, secondary and special schools in Nottingham and £32m of that will re-build or refurbish primary and secondary schools in your area. Schools include Southwark, Robin Hood and Henry Whipple Primary schools and Ellis Guildford Secondary School. In addition nearly £1m will be invested in Beckhampton Learning Centre.

£5m to develop Southglade Leisure Centre

£5m to help local businesses grow

The Council's £32m scheme to transform the city's council owned leisure centres includes over £5m to develop Southglade Leisure Centre. The centre is one of the city's finest leisure facilities complete with two pools, an 80m flume, cafe, sports hall, activity studio, fitness suite, meeting rooms and a brand new 3rd generation rubber crumb floodlit pitch.

City food businesses have been given a fantastic facility in the area, thanks to the Southglade Food Park. Funded by East Midlands Development Agency, the European Regional Development Fund and Nottingham City Council, the park offers dedicated purpose-built units in different sizes, which help local businesses get a foot on the ladder and open up a whole host of growth opportunities - whatever their stage of development. Millions of pounds of investment has also helped develop Southglade Library, improved public transport and improved local council owned housing, roads and footpaths in the area. All in the last 10 years.

Robin Hood virtual image

Southglade Leisure Centre

Southglade Food Park

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Councillor News

Local News From Your Area Councillors Councillors Your local City Councillors want to improve the quality of life for all residents, and support local people to get involved in making decisions about the things that matter to you. If you have anything you wish to discuss or would like their view on a story you wish to contribute to the Community Arrow, do feel free to get in touch.


Councillor Cat Arnold Tel: 07943 827 559

Cat, Rob and Mick are delighted to report that Basford Library has just received a £75,000 makeover, including repairs to its iconic glass roof, a lick of paint, and most important of all at this time of year, a new heating system. Basford Councillors felt that this was desperately needed as the Library, on Vernon Road, was originally built in the 1920s. It's one of the local landmarks that people associate with Basford, but it really needed some work done to bring it into the 21st Century. Lots of children and older people use this library regularly and they wanted to make it as attractive for them as possible. Now the people of Basford have got a library which is fit for purpose and is much more useful to reading and study! Thanks must go to the staff of Nottingham City Homes who helped with the internal refurbishment. The library initially got £65,000 for repairs to the roof and for the new heating system and boiler, then further money to spend on decorating it.

Councillor Mick Newton Tel: 07943 824 572

The money was all funded by the City Council from its maintenance and libraries budgets. Recent work to bring investment to Basford is paying off, examples are the 5 new play parks in the ward at Whitemoor Park, Vernon Park, Lincoln Street, Park Lane and Pennant Road. That's in addition to the major investment under the Government's Building Schools for the Future programme that has given Ellis Guilford £13m.

Councillor Rob Lee Tel: 07985 757 508

Question your Council As a City of Nottingham resident you can now play an active role in City Council meetings by voicing your concern about an important council related issue that is affecting your community. You can either submit a Public Question or a Public Petition to full Council meetings. For further details visit publicquestionsandpetitions or phone 0115 915 4592

Councillor surgeries are an opportunity for you to speak to any of your local councillors should you have any issues about your area you wish to discuss. Times, dates and venues of surgeries in your ward are listed here.

Councillor Surgeries: Basford Basford Library 1st Saturday of the month Heathfield Community Centre 2nd Saturday of the month

Whitemoor Children’s Centre 3rd Saturday of the month Highbury Vale Community Centre 4th Saturday of the month Time: 10.30am - 12 noon

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Councillor Brian Grocock Tel: 0115 915 0599

Bestwood Councillors have welcomed the £5.4 million that has been allocated from the Nottingham City Council's multi million pound Building Schools for the Future to two of our local schools; Robin Hood Primary in Bestwood Park, and Henry Whipple Primary on Bestwood Estate. This kind of funding, along with progressive forward thinking is paramount to the education of our youngsters, ensuring that the very best

Councillor David Smith Tel: 0115 915 3233

facilities are available to them and their families. Pupils, parents and staff, along with the local community, have been involved in the planning throughout the process. Both the projects will include a focus on the natural environment, which in turn will make a significant contribution in helping Nottingham City Council become carbon neutral by 2016. The designs are for dual purpose buildings

Councillor Mick Wildgust Tel: 0115 915 3263

which will provide a wide range of community facilities to be accessed by local residents. Obviously, there will be disruption during the time that construction is taking place which will be sympathetically managed by the staff of both schools, but the overall long term benefits will be well worthwhile.

Councillor Surgeries: Bestwood Masson Court Community Centre, Old Farm Road 1st Saturday of every month 10.00am-10.40am Bestwood Park Community Centre 1st Saturday of every month 10.45am-11.25am Bestwood Estate Community Centre, Gainsford Crescent 1st Saturday of every month 11.30am-12.10pm Leen Valley Community Centre 1st Saturday of every month 12.15pm – 1.00pm New Southglade Library 3rd Saturday of every month 10.00am – 11.00am

Councillors Smith and Grock outside Southglade Primary & Nursery School

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Dates for your diary... Help us to build new play equipment at Vernon Park! Nottingham artist Sarah Fiander has been working with local primary schools to make insect shaped stepping-stones for the new playground development in Vernon Park. The children are also designing a rockery creepy crawly which you are invited to help us build. If you would like to volunteer meet us by the play area in Vernon Park at 11am on Monday 29th March. Bring protective clothing, gloves, and a spade or trowel (if you have them!) All welcome! Children must be accompanied by an adult. For more information email: or contact Fliss Walker on 915 2709.

Young Mums, Dads & Carers’ Group Are you 25 or under? Are you a mum, dad or carer of a child? Or do you have a baby on the way? Then why not come and join the new group now being run?

Useful Contacts Nottingham City Council’s Neighbourhood Management teams work hard in each area to bring people and services together. For all the ways you can get involved in local decision making, or to report an issue in your area, you can contact the Bestwood & Basford Neighbourhood Management team below. Southglade Access Centre Southglade Road Bestwood Nottingham NG5 5GU 0115 915 9129 We realise that everybody needs extra help and support at some point in their lives and these are difficult times for us all. There are many places you can go to get free advice on debt, financial and legal matters. You can also find out if you're entitled to receive additional support through grants and benefits.

The Group is held every Tuesday from 1pm to 3pm at the Heathfield Community Centre, Ventnor Rise (in term-time only).

Bestwood Advice Centre open between 9.30am and 1.30pm Monday to Friday

For more information contact the Basford Children's Centre on 915 7611.

21 Gainsford Crescent, Bestwood Estate, Nottingham, NG5 5FH

The Easter Egg Hunt is on!!! There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Southglade Park, Bestwood on Monday 29 March 2010, from 1pm to 3pm - all are welcome to come and join in the fun at the park! For more information contact Steve Clark on 915 2753

Call: 0115 962 6519 or E-mail: There are Drop-In Advice Sessions every Tuesday and Wednesday, between 9.30 and 1.00pm For families with children under 5, why not try one of the advice centre’s drop-in sessions every Thursday between 1pm and 5pm at Southglade Access/Children's Centre (first building on left as you enter park gates). Childcare is available. Nottingham City Council Customer Contact Centre Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BT, 0115 915 4944

Your Community Arrow Written by you, printed and distributed by Nottingham City Council.

For advice about Council Tax and Housing benefit, as well as free school meals and the school clothing allowance

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