11099 Comm Arrow Area 7 —March 2010
Wollaton and Lenton Abbey Issue Seven / March 2010
Photograph by Nicky Woodward
Photo by Nicky Woodward
Get to the point with your Community Arrow!
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Wollaton Mini History Part 3 Highfields Cascade ‘Not In My Neighbourhood Week’ Neighbourhood Alert Making your neighbourhood bloom Get active and have fun Decade of Investment Dates for your diary
11099 Comm Arrow Area 7 —March 2010
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You tell us – it’s your area, it’s your news...
A Mini History (Part 3) In the last two issues of your Community Arrow, we have touched upon some very interesting facts about the history of Wollaton. In this third and final article, we move into the 20th Century, so perhaps you will remember some of these fab events! 1800s - At the beginning of the nineteenth century, Wollaton Park was enclosed with a 7 mile red brick wall. In doing so, the remains of Sutton Passeys village were lost forever. The housing estate that is there now has a road named after it.
1924 - Lord Middleton sold Wollaton Hall to Nottingham Corporation (now known as Nottingham City Council) for £200,000. In 1926, it opened to the public and the hall became a Natural History Museum. 1945-1947 - During the Second World War, Wollaton Hall temporarily accommodated German prisoners of war who worked in the local community. Members of the United States 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment were also stationed there for a short time. There is a small plaque in the park to commemorate these events. 1985/6 - About two years after Nottingham ice skaters, Jane Torvill & Christopher Dean won a gold medal at the Olympics. A new housing estate
was built in Wollaton. All of the roads were named after the champions, plus anyone else associated with the couple. 1999 - The first phase of Nottingham University's Jubilee Campus was built at a cost of £50 million. It occupies the site of the former Raleigh cycle factory and was officially opened by Her Majesty the Queen. So we've come to the end of our journey! I hope you've enjoyed it and you've learnt something new. I shall end with an interesting thought. Maybe in a hundred years time, one of your successors will come across a copy of the Community Arrow and learn something new about Wollaton from 2010! By Nicky Woodward
Highfields Cascade Re-Opens Carol singers, jugglers, dancers and a monkey opened the festivities at the official opening of the restored cascade at Highfields Park on 16th December. The cascade had been out of action for 11 years until the Parks Development Team, working with the Grounds Maintenance Team, City Services, and the Community Payback Team, set to work on it in February last year. The cascade, which was built in the early 1930s is situated at the west end of the lake in Highfields Park. It makes use of the natural springs in the area to
supplement its water supply. Silt and debris had built up causing the cascade to stop working. This has now been sorted out, and the plunge pool, its walls and the stepping stones have all been repaired to restore the cascade to its former glory. The work to the cascade is part of the work being undertaken to restore and refurbish Highfields Park.
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‘Not In My Neighbourhood Week’ Comes To Wollaton During the first week of November, residents were given the opportunity to learn of efforts made by Neighbourhood Police Officers to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour in Wollaton. The week's events attracted much support from the community and enabled residents to meet local Police Officers, Community Protection Officers, City Councillors and Officials, and Officials from Severn Trent. The final event of the week, held in the Admiral Rodney Pub, included a presentation by Peter Usherwood, Chairman and Chief Executive of the City of Nottingham Neighbourhood
Watch Council, on Neighbourhood Alert. This messaging system enables Wollaton police to send alerts to Neighbourhood Watch Coordinators and other residents registered with the system, and for messages to be sent in complete confidence to the police (see below for more details).
‘Not in My Neighbourhood Week’ was uniquely celebrated in Wollaton following an initiative by Sgt. Gary Bulmer and his staff at Wollaton Police Station. By Peter Usherwood
Why not join
Have a website available to you for FREE 24 hours a day
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Receive a totally confidential, secure service: your personal data will be managed by a registered data controller and will never be shared with other parties without your permission You will obtain alerts from your local police by phone, text or email
You will decide how and when you wish to receive messages
Interested? Then please register at: www.wollatonandlentonabbeyneighbourhoodwatch.co.uk NB You can still use the system if you don't own a computer (contact Peter Usherwood on 07775 511295)
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Area News
Making your neighbourhood bloom Do you fancy brightening up your neighbourhood this summer? Last year 80 communities joined Nottingham in Bloom's campaign to encourage small, resident-led communities to achieve long-term improvements through horticultural, environmental and cleanliness initiatives. This year, it's hoped that even more will join in. Three groups from Wollaton were among the participants in 2009. One included Brownies, Guides, Beavers, Cubs, the Library, the WI, the Royal British Legion, St Leonard's Church and Community Centre, the Bowls Club and
Wollaton Village Day Nursery working together to brighten up Wollaton Village Centre. Wollaton Park Community Centre garden in Harrow Road and the Friends of Wollaton Local Nature Reserves also got involved. Benefits include building pride and community spirit, as well as cleaner and greener surroundings for a healthier community. To find out more about getting involved, and having your efforts recognised through the Royal Horticultural Society's new 'It's Your Neighbourhood' Award scheme, contact Nottingham in Bloom
Get active and have fun in 2010 Looking for affordable ways you and your family can get active and have fun together? Why not come along to an Active Families session at Nottingham Tennis Centre. The two hour weekly sessions offer lots of activities the whole family can enjoy including: swimming, indoor and outdoor multi sports and games plus, more unusual activities such as hula and circus skills. No booking is required, just turn up and take part!
Sessions take place every Saturday 4pm - 6pm and cost 50p per person. The project, funded by NHS Nottingham City has been developed as part of Nottingham's Early Intervention Programme to get more adults and children taking part in physical activities together. For more information visit: www.mynottingham.gov.uk/activefamilies or call 0115 915 2740.
on 0115 915 2745 or email bloom@nottinghamcity.gov.uk www.mynottingham.gov.uk/bloom
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Area News
Decade of Investment Already three months into the New Year, it's hard to believe that we're also three months into a whole new decade in Nottingham. So, let's take a look back at the first 10 years of the new millennium and see how 10 years of investment in our local area has made a difference.
Children enjoying 'totstime' at Wollaton Library
Fernwood School
Wollaton Hall
A modern library for Wollaton
£10m for Fernwood School
£9m for Wollaton Hall
£245k was invested in modernising Wollaton Library, installing a new community room for local people to use and enjoy. The library offers more than just books. There are CDs, DVDs, newspapers, magazines, free internet access and a very popular Reader's Group.
Nottingham was excited to hear that we had been included in the Wave 5 of the Government's Building Schools for the Future programme. Wave 5 will see the renovation of a number of secondary schools in the city, one of them being Fernwood Comprehensive School which will receive £10m. With investment already secured, all Wave 5 schools will be completed in the next four years.
Investment from the European Regional Development Fund and the National Lottery helped fund a £9m restoration programme at Wollaton Hall, completed in 2007. The hall, gardens and deer park offer one of the most impressive Grade I listed sites in the country, and draw visitors in from across the UK. It's a great local facility too, helping local young people learn about the history of Nottingham and providing great all year round events for local families to enjoy.
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Councillor News
Local News From Your Area Councillors Councillors Your local City Councillors want to improve the quality of life for all residents, and support local people to get involved in making decisions about the things that matter to you. If you have anything you wish to discuss or would like their view on a story you wish to contribute to the Community Arrow, do feel free to get in touch.
Wollaton West
Councillor Dick Benson Tel: 0115 960 9217 / 07803 935 530
Councillors Culley and Morley were pleased to represent a number of residents concerned about a license application at The Wollaton Pub & Kitchen, and associated noise pollution worries. While the application was approved, the Councillors were able to raise the residents concerns and ultimately compromises were met that ensured the festivities went ahead without too much disturbance to neighbouring residents. In addition to regular ward walks, the councillors and Area Committee have been organising a program of 'Community Coffee Mornings' at a variety of venues, such as residential homes and community centres, where they will be available to discuss resident’s views and concerns, as well as sharing a cup of tea or coffee. Keep an eye out for more information on community notice boards and on the Wollaton area pages of the council's website.
Councillor Eileen Morley Tel: 0115 849 7417
Wollaton West councillors have also recently been involved in trialling committee meetings in the community, and over the summer residents will be able to come and see local democracy in action by attending Area Committee meetings held at venues within the Wollaton community. Again, information will be made available through community notice boards and the council website. Over the last few months Georgina and Eileen have been pleased to welcome Councillor Benson back into active service following a series of operations. Dick is now back attending meetings wherever possible, and is also tackling
Councillor Georgine Culley Tel: 0115 916 3278
resident's casework, something that he continued to keep on top of during his lay-off. Recently this has involved local planning concerns and problems with noise pollution.
Councillor surgeries are an opportunity for you to speak to any of your local councillors should you have any issues about your area you wish to discuss. Times, dates and venues of surgeries in your ward are listed here.
Councillor Surgeries: Wollaton West Please telephone Councillors to arrange an appointment.
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Wollaton East & Lenton Abbey Councillor David Oldham Tel: 0115 917 4033 / 07815 668 820
Councillors Dave Oldham and Tony Sutton would like to express their sincere condolences to Sheila Roper's husband Tom, son Peter and family, following her death after a short illness. Sheila was a well known and much loved figure in the community. She was a dedicated helper of the 15th Nottingham (Lenton Abbey) Scout Group for nearly 50 years and played a prominent role in running Baslow Drive Community Centre, and supporting local group activities. Dave and Tony
Councillor Tony Sutton Tel: 0115 915 9198
know that her warm smile and generous nature will be sorely missed. They said, “Sheila has made a real contribution to Lenton Abbey and it is a better place because of her.” A number of residents have asked for Baslow Community Centre to be named 'The Sheila Roper Community Centre' in recognition of her work in keeping it a vibrant focal point in the community. Dave and Tony have asked the Area 7 Management team to consult residents and to progress the idea if there is sufficient support.
Sheila Roper
Question your Council As a City of Nottingham resident you can now play an active role in City Council meetings by voicing your concern about an important council related issue that is affecting your community. You can either submit a Public Question or a Public Petition to full Council meetings. For further details visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/ publicquestionsandpetitions or phone 0115 915 4592
Councillor Surgeries: Wollaton East & Lenton Abbey Baslow Drive Community Centre, Lenton Abbey 1st Wednesday of every month 12.00 noon-1.00pm
Harrow Road Community Centre, Wollaton 2nd Tuesday of every month 11.00am-12 noon
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Dates for your diary... Local Action Groups (LAGs):
Lenton Abbey Advice Surgery
Lenton Abbey LAG
Wednesday 3rd March 12pm - 1pm Wednesday 7th April 12pm - 1pm Wednesday 5th May 12pm - 1pm
Wednesday 10th March at 7.00pm Wednesday 12th May at 7.00pm Lenton Abbey Neighbourhood Centre Contact PC Jez Shaw 07792 437 344 Hillside LAG Contact PC Mick Barratt 07792 437 363 Wollaton West LAG Contact PC Dave Middleton 07792 437 346 Balloon Woods LAG Contact PC Simon Farndale 07792 437 370
Lenton Abbey Neighbourhood Centre, Tennants Close, off Baslow Drive.
Nottingham City Council’s Neighbourhood Management teams work hard in each area to bring people and services together. For all the ways you can get involved in local decision making, or to report an issue in your area, you can contact the Wollaton & Lenton Abbey Neighbourhood Management team below.
Meet your Ward Councillors, Police, Council and NCH officers for an informal chat about things on the estate. It's a cosy atmosphere and all matters are treated confidentially.
1st Floor, Severns House 20 Middle Pavement, Nottingham NG1 7DW
Wollaton East Advice Surgery
Every second Tuesday of the month from 11am - 12pm at Wollaton Park Community Centre Meet your Ward Councillors for an informal chat about things in your area.
Could you run your own business? With the present economic climate, the idea of self employment could be an idea worth looking into. Samina Kauser, your Business Link Community Outreach Worker is newly established in the area and has a wealth of knowledge and expertise to assist you with a business idea, or perhaps to just help you find an idea.
Useful Contacts
Samina says “I have access to a very comprehensive database of up to date information so I'm able to sign post you to possible avenues of funding and specialist training if necessary. Also I can help you if you already own a business - I'm friendly and approachable so get in touch” Samina can be contacted on 0844 576 3611 or thinkbusiness@nbv.co.uk
Your Community Arrow Written by you, printed and distributed by Nottingham City Council.
0115 915 8233 myvoice.wollatonandlenton @nottinghamcity.gov.uk
We realise that everybody needs extra help and support at some point in their lives and these are difficult times for us all. There are many places you can go to get free advice on debt, financial and legal matters. You can also find out if you're entitled to receive additional support through grants and benefits. Nottingham City Council Customer Contact Centre Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BT Call: 0115 915 4944 For advice about Council Tax and Housing benefit as well as free school meals and the school clothing allowance. Advice sessions are also available by appointment on alternate Mondays between 1.00pm and 3.15pm at: Wollaton Vale Community Centre, Rosedale Drive, Wollaton Vale, NG8 2JE, 0115 915 6347