11066 Comm Arrow Area 1 — Dec 09
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Bulwell and Bulwell Forest Issue Six / December 2009
Fashion in Bulwell The Fashion Pack came to Bulwell Forest
Get to the point with your Community Arrow!
Bulwell Hall Boxing Club Top Valley Students Young People Get Creative Southglade Park Library Grab A Grand Winners Community Volunteers Programme Councillor News Dates for your diary
11066 Comm Arrow Area 1 — Dec 09
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You tell us – it’s your area, it’s your news...
Bulwell Hall Boxing Club It is remarkable what can be achieved when people from a community (any community) pull together to undertake a project. A self evident example of the words above is the soon to be opened Bulwell Hall Boxing & Community Fitness Club, situated in the Totley Close Community Centre, Bulwell Hall. The success of this project could not have become real without the amazing
support of so many (many Cllr Giiny Klein shows Club Manager Barry a few moves but not all are in this photo). They include; Cllr Trade Supplies, Pearce Signs, Andy Eileen Heppell who helped us save the Booth from Ilkeston Plumbing, building from demolition, Bulwell Hall Nottinghamshire Community Foundation, Tenants & Residents Association, staff at and local volunteers, especially Martin the Healthy Living Centre, Nottingham Bootby.... We thank you all! City Council Officers, sponsorship and donations from James Mellors, Gene For information on the opening date and Warburton of GM Environmental club times call Barry on 07897 587054. Services, Sean Cunningham of plumbing
Top Valley Students get a taste for politics As part of the Local Democracy week activities, 20 students from Top Valley School & Engineering College attended the Council House and took part in a democratic “dilemmas” debate. Students were allocated a budget and against a background of changing circumstances, had to prioritise the allocation of the budget against a range of local initiatives and other worthy causes. Following the debate, which was chaired by Councillor Clark, students had an opportunity to see
behind the scenes and tour the Council House. This was a memorable day for all concerned and really helped students to understand the difficulty in juggling their Students from Top Valley School making some tough choices priorities and how best to spend their budget. Comments “It was fun to have the debate, but received from the students included; also very serious and important, “It was an excellent day, it was because some of the decisions difficult to help everyone, and really would help lots of people.” interesting to see how decisions are made.”
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Dancers, Singers & Fashionistas – Young People get creative Young people from Catch 22 and the Junior Youth Inclusion Project (now called Targeted Youth Support Service) demonstrated some of their many talents at two brilliant events. Having successfully applied for £1,000 from the Youth Opportunities Fund to
deliver a Fashion Show, a group of young people spent the summer designing their collection and going to local charity shops to source materials and accessories. They secured the support of local organisations, CCT lighting and The Lounge Hair and Beauty Salon, whose donations helped make the night look fantastic. The final event held was attended by over 150 guests. Elsewhere, an end of summer showcase was delivered to celebrate the hard work put in at workshops and sessions run over the summer holidays. Performances included dance, fashion and music. The show was closed by a very brave singing soloist and everyone that took part received a certificate. One parent said; “it was lovely to see the work my son has been putting in.” Everyone was nervous before both events but once on stage with the music and slideshows they became professional and loved every minute of it. A massive thank you to all the proud family and friends who attended.
On the catwalk
If you would like to know more about the Targeted Youth Support Service please contact Denton Williams on 07717 290576 or denton.williams@catch-22.org.uk
Receiving a certificate
Your Shout Once again Bulwell is under siege from the graffiti artist, I use this term lightly as the perpetrator is no ‘artist’. It is a shame that the person(s) involved cannot take an art course and develop their talents on canvas instead of random walls and fences. A lot of money is wasted to clean this mess off which could be better used for other things. (Letter from a local Bulwell Resident) Do you have an issue you want to share with us? Write to the Community Arrow Editorial Group c/o Area 1 Neighbourhood Management Team, 1 Gilead Street, Bulwell NG6 8NA
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Area News
Southglade Park library now open! Residents at Bestwood, Top Valley and Rise Park recently celebrated the opening of a brand new library at Southglade Park. There were craft and activities for the whole family, including a special Totstime ‘Time for a Rhyme’ and adult storytelling sessions plus information on local history and a chance to meet local community organisations.
refurbish the former local housing office. The facility will provide longer opening hours, more computers, a meeting room, refreshments and toilet facilities. A new programme of events include weekly Totstime storytime sessions for under 5s, monthly book group and library club. To find out more, why not call in, or contact: 0115 915 5799.
Over £100,000 has been invested by Nottingham City Council to develop and
Grand designs for community garden Patrick Duffy from Bulwell Hall was chosen as one of nine winning ideas as part of Nottingham City Council's Grab a Grand campaign. £1,000 will be spent on regenerating Bulwell Hall Community Garden by buying plants, seeds, and tools, along with safety mats for the play area, and signage. This year's Grab a Grand gave Nottingham city residents a chance to decide how £1,000 should be spent in each of the nine Area Committees across Nottingham, along with an additional £1,000 to be spent on a scheme that will offer wider benefits to the whole city. Over 200 suggestions were received from across the city, with Neighbourhood Management Teams and local councillors shortlisting the suggestions down to three per area, with local residents voting for their favourite idea.
Grab a Grand winners Pete, Sheila and Patrick, with Cllr Klein
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Area News
Community Volunteers Programme The Community Volunteer Programme will create 700 vacancies in the voluntary sector and is part of the wider Nottingham Jobs Plan which aims to get more than 2000 people in to employment. The Community Volunteer Programme will give participants real skills and experience that will enable them to be able to compete more successfully in the jobs market.They will also work towards a recognised qualification, and will be supported during their search for employment during the placement, which will last about six months. The programme is suitable for people who: • have recently been made redundant and are eager to maintain their skills and engage in the workplace • are not ready for employment but who want to develop their skills and re-enter the workplace through
supported placements which offer them meaningful and empowering volunteering opportunities • are in low paid, low skilled, part time employment who would benefit from the opportunity to get practical experience so they feel more confident in applying for higher skilled and better paid jobs. Places are available in a variety of disciplines including, community sports, gardening, media, social care, finance, and many more across all areas. For more details please visit the jobs section at www.mynottingham.gov.uk
3rd December 9.30 — 12.30pm at Clifton Library
Another area of Nottingham's Job Plan is the Future Jobs Fund which is recruiting 100 people into paid employment. To find out more about these jobs please attend one of the listed road shows or visit your nearest Job Centre Plus.
7th December 9.30am — 12.30pm at Bilborough Library 11th December 10am — 3pm at Red Lion Community Centre 16th December 10am — 3pm Job Centre Plus, Hyson Green
Building Schools for Local Communities and for the Future The Council has submitted its Outline Business Case for Wave 5 of the national Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme. Once approved, the Council will receive approximately £79 million of funding to continue the transformation of secondary and special needs education through its BSF programme. Top Valley School will benefit from the funding and an in-depth 'visioning' process started in September 2009. The aim is to involve students at the earliest stage and use creative processes to enable them to think how their new environment could act as a catalyst for new ways of learning and being together. Top Valley School
To find out more, visit www.nottinghambsf.co.uk.
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Councillor News
Local News From Your Area Councillors Councillors Your local City Councillors want to improve the quality of life for all residents, and support local people to get involved in making decisions about the things that matter to you. If you have anything you wish to discuss or would like their view on a story you wish to contribute to the Community Arrow, do feel free to get in touch.
Councillor Ginny Klein Tel: 0115 927 3415
Bulwell Councillors John Hartshorne, Eileen Heppell and Ginny Klein continue with their regular ward walks which are a useful way of appreciating environmental issues. They are aware that fly tipping and dog fouling continue to be a problem in some areas. This is disappointing as one phone call to the City Council can enable removal of bulky items at a time to suit you. Dog owners are responsible for removing their dog waste. They also attend the Local Area Groups, where community safety issues and crime are identified with local community representatives and the police, in order to set local priorities. Councillor Ginny Klein attended the short listing for this years Grab a Grand. The winner following the voting was the Community Garden on Bulwell Hall
Councillor John Hartshorne Tel: 0115 915 7780
Councillor Eileen Heppell Tel: 0115 919 0101
Estate, which is being brought back into use by enthusiastic local volunteers. Councillors Heppell and Klein visited the Totley Close boxing club which is nearing completion, and look forward to its opening in the near future. Councillors Hartshorne and Klein attended the opening of the Bulwell Academy on the River Leen site, which so far is occupied by Year 7 pupils only. They were pleased to see them in their smart new uniforms and Councillor Klein commented they looked happy and enthusiastic. A tour of the site under construction was given; the promised facilities and total size of the buildings were impressive. They look forward to visiting the building when construction is complete.
Councillor surgeries are an opportunity for you to speak to any of your local councillors should you have any issues about your area you wish to discuss. Times, dates and venues of surgeries in your ward are listed here.
Surgeries are held at: Bulwell Red Lion Community Centre, Bulwell 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month, 10am – 11am
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Bulwell Forest
Councillor Alan Clark Tel: 0115 915 5667
Bulwell Forest Councillors Alan Clark and Eunice Campbell were both actively engaged with events for Local Democracy Week 12th - 18th October. On Monday 12th, Eunice and Alan hosted a group of Top Valley School students who came to observe question time at the Full Council meeting. They even heard their own question on cycling safety read by the Lord Mayor and answered by Cllr Urquhart. Earlier in the afternoon, they met the Leader of the Council. On the Wednesday 14th, Alan led a participatory session for Year 7 and Year 10 students called 'Democratic Dilemmas' in the Chamber at the Council House. Eunice also took part. This helped the students understand the pressures of choosing between various (theoretical) useful local projects when there is not enough money to finance them all, and when some people might not support them. On the Thursday 15th, Eunice and Alan attended the unveiling of the Public Information Pillar in Bulwell Market Place. This was part of an event that brought together displays on local projects such
Councillor Eunice Campbell Tel: 0115 915 5675
as Bulwell Joint Service Centre and Neighbourhood Regeneration. “The pillar is a great reflection of the joint working of our Neighbourhood Team with Police,” said Eunice. “The pillar is full of useful contact numbers such as 'Rat on a Rat' and Crimestoppers.”
Councillor Gerry Davie Tel: 07900 681 840
As part of Local Democracy Week Gerry was selected to visit and shadow staff at St Anns Allotments, which was an eyeopening experience. The important work being done by such voluntary sector enterprises is something he would like to see more of city-wide.
Surgeries are held at: Bulwell Forest Eunice Campbell and Alan Clark hold surgeries as follows: Bulwell Library, Highbury Road 1st Saturday of every month 11am – 12pm Cllr Clark presents Democratic Dilemmas
Cllr Campbell at the launch of the Public Information Pillar
Bulwell Forest Councillor Gerry Davie is pleased to report that a successful campaign resulted in the removal of paint from a number of drives on Henrietta Street in Bulwell. He has also been delighted to attend the grand opening of the Southglade Library on Southglade Park, and to support a group of local residents in a walk of the River Leen in Bulwell.
The Church on Rise Park 2nd Saturday of every month 11am - 12pm Southglade Library (access at Gala Way) 4th Saturday of every month 11am - 12pm Gerald Davie holds surgeries as follows: Bulwell Market 1st Saturday of every month 9am - 12pm
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Dates for your diary...
Useful Contacts
Bulwell Christmas lights Switch on Monday 7th December 4.00pm - 5.00pm Bulwell Market Place
One Stop Shop Friday 22nd January 10.00am - 3.00pm Bulwell Market Place
c/o Bulwell Housing Office, 1 Gilead Street, Bulwell, Nottingham NG6 8NA
Rise Park Action Group Thursday 10th December 7.30pm Rise Park Community Centre
Church of Yahweh Junior Disciples Every Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm 4-11yrs & 11-18yrs Crabtree Community Centre, Steadfold Close, Bulwell
Golden Oldies Christmas Party Friday 11th December at 1.00pm Snapewood Community Centre
For more information call 07951 219963
Coffee & Drop-in morning Friday 11th & 18th December 9.00am - 11.00am Bulwell Hall Healthy Living Centre
Support Group for relatives of those serving in the Armed Forces 4th Wednesday of every month 2.00pm - 3.30pm St Mary the Virgin and All Souls, Bulwell
Rufford Tenants & Residents Association Wednesday 16th December 7.00pm (Xmas Fuddle) Wednesday 27th January 7.00pm Duchess Gardens Complex
Nottingham Allied Club 11am on the last Sunday of every Month The Coopers Club, Highbury Vale
Friends of Bulwell Joint Service Centre Monday 21st December 2009 5.00pm - 7.00pm Lathkill Sheltered Complex, Lathkill Close, Bulwell
Community Radio Group If you would like to get involved and attend their next meeting, email: info@centre-radio.com
For all Ex -Service personnel and their families
Your Community Arrow Written by you, printed and distributed by Nottingham City Council.
Bulwell & Bulwell Forest Neighbourhood Management team
Telephone 0115 915 3232 or Email: myvoice.bulwell@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
PC Joe Homan, Town Centre Beat Manager says: “Watch your purse whilst out shopping this Christmas.”