Community Arrow: St Anns & Dales

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11066 Comm Arrow Area 6 — Dec 09



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Dales and St. Ann’s Issue Six / December 2009

Sneinton C/E Primary School – Getting Involved

Get to the point with your Community Arrow!


Sneinton C/E School Voting Local Democracy Week St Ann’s & Sneinton Girls Football Team Grab A Grand Winners Sneinton Transformation Rosehill School Councillor News Dates For Your Diary

11066 Comm Arrow Area 6 — Dec 09



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You tell us – it’s your area, it’s your news...

Year 6 Take Action! October saw year 6 pupils from Sneinton Church of England School getting involved during Local Democracy week when they took the challenge of becoming Councillors, with plenty of debating and arguing taking place in the Council Chamber at the Council House. Inspired by the Top Valley School debate, Deputy Head Teacher Kelly Lee contacted the Neighbourhood Management Team for help to replicate this for her pupils.

Year six in debate

The following article was written by year 6 pupils, in conjunction with; Salma, Hamzaah Asiff, Jasmine Wigman, Faizah Ahmed, Qasim Ali and Corey. “When we got to the Council House we were shown to the Council Chamber, where we met Councillor Williams and the Deputy Lord Mayor. We had refreshments and asked questions such as “how much was the chain the Deputy Lord Mayor wears?” Some of us was surprised that it costs £75,000. We went back in the Chamber and Miss Lees decided to let Qasim be the Lord Mayor, and we started to debate whether

Secondary and Primary schools should be merged or not. There were very serious concerns shown from children for both sides of the argument. One of the main concerns was younger children being bullied by the older secondary school children. This sparked off some great reponses from the children, suggesting that Primary and Secondary pupils have separate playgrounds. Another point mentioned was that older children would take care of the younger ones. After a lot of debating the vote was taken by the Authority of the Lord Mayor on a vote of 18/13 the against side was victorious. When we finished that debate we started a new debate about whether we should put a zebra crossing on a busy road that was especially used by elderly people. The second vote was for some new music equipment for a new music studio, and the third vote was for a small play ground. Also I forgot to tell you that the zebra crossing won.”

The children finished their visit to the Council House with a guided tour where they also got see the room where the Queen stayed during her visit to Nottingham. To read more about the debate log onto To book a group guided tour of the Council House contact Coleen Francis on (0115) 915 5696.

Year 6 meet the Deputy Lord Mayor

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Every Vote Counts The children of Sneinton C/E School and parents were asked for ideas on how to spend £250 on a project that would improve an aspect of life in Sneinton. Local Councillors David Mellen, Ken Williams and Gul Khan provided £250 from the Councillors’ Annual Budget. After a long and hard task to pick 3 ideas from those submitted, Head Teacher Mrs Meredith and Deputy Head Teacher Mrs Lee decided on the following; (a) To plant flowers to improve the lives of bees and to make Sneinton look better - submitted by Liam Edkins age 8 (b) To buy 3 bikes that could be borrowed by the pupils to encourage cycling to and from school - submitted by Kyle Coke age 5

School catering staff casting their vote

(c) To purchase glow in the dark bands & torches so that children could be seen easier during the darker winter hours submitted by Sophie Greenhalgh age 5 Everyone within the School Community was given the chance to vote for the idea that they wanted to benefit Sneinton. During the afternoon assembly ‘the duly elected officer for Sneinton Church of England School (for the day) St Ann’s Councillor Dave Liversidge announced the voting results. The idea with the most votes was the vision of young Liam Edkins. The assembly ended with Mrs Lee giving the children half term homework… to design hanging baskets that will sit on the School fence overlooking Windmill Lane; look out for the finished results.

Our Local Councillor Getting Involved Sneinton Councillor David Mellen led a very impressive school assembly during Local Democracy Week. 8 year old Sneinton C/E pupils Bethany and Jadien wrote the following after meeting him in School... “This is David Mellen… he became a councillor in 2007 and he sorts out people’s problems. He used to be a Head Teacher. He sorts out the Police, the fire station, and housing for poor people. Without the Council we would have a disgusting country and that’s one of the reasons why we have Councillors. He also sorts out parking for people and parks and sorts out old people’s care homes. David is at Sneinton Library every Saturday and you could go to the library and ask him what you would want to find out and he will try and help you.” To contact your Sneinton or St Ann’s Councillor and find out Councillor Surgery day/dates/times see pages 6 & 7.

Left to right: Liam, Kyle, Sophie, (back) Councillor Dave Liversidge

Pupils cast their vote

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Area News Are you a girl aged between 8 and 12 and love football? The St Ann’s and Sneinton Girls Football Team- the first ever football team for girls in the area - is now looking for new players. The team, which started this April, currently has 25 players who train each Tuesday and play matches every Sunday in the Notts Girl and Ladies

Football League. The season has begun well with the team winning three games out of five and drawing one. The club is now recruiting for a second team who will train on Wednesdays at Huntingdon School. Interested? Call James on 915 1794.

City farm grabs a grand Children visiting Stonebridge City Farm will be able to get hands-on again thanks to the City Council's Grab a Grand campaign. Recent negative publicity about e-coli on visitor farms means that children can no longer hand feed the animals over at Stonebridge which has come as a disappointment for visiting children who enjoy stroking and feeding the animals. Now, thanks to £1000 of Grab a Grand cash, the farm will be able to install hand washing troughs on each of the animal paddocks so that youngsters will be able to go back to feeding the animals and washing their hands immediately afterwards. The City Council's Grab a Grand campaign saw £1,000 made available to each of the nine Area Committees across Nottingham,

We asked local people to decide how it should be spent and over 200 suggestions were received. Area

management teams and local councillors shortlisted the suggestions and local people voted for the winners.

Neighbourhood Action Officer Rob Gabbitas, Grab a Grand winners Marie Rodgers and Mark Barry, with Councillor Jon Collins

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Transforming Nottingham’s Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Regeneration in Action Sneinton all set to be squared Sneinton is set to get a £6.8 million transformation and we’d like you to tell us what you want it to look like. The scheme will see a new high quality public space created for the marketplace as well as improvements to the nearby area. We'll be having a Christmas Market in Sneinton marketplace on Saturday 19th December

between 11am and 4pm, to find out what local people want from their new square. This will help architects to design the new square.

It's hoped a public consultation of the designs will take place in spring, with work starting in winter 2010 and being finished in 2011. The scheme is being funded by money from the European Regional Development Fund, East Midlands Development Agency and Central Government. For more details about the dates of Sneinton Square consultation visit: uare or call: 0115 915 6024

Building Schools for Local Communities and for the Future Rosehill School is being remodelling as part of Nottingham's multi-million pound Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme. Detailed designs have been drawn up for the new school and construction work is due to start in March 2010. Construction work has also started this month on Blue Bell Hill Primary School which is being remodelled with funding from Nottingham's City Council's £18 million Primary Capital Programme. Sycamore and St Ann's Well Schools are also benefiting from this programme and detailed designs are now being drawn up. Rosehill School artist’s impression

To find out more, visit

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Councillor News

Local News From Your Area Councillors Councillors Your local City Councillors want to improve the quality of life for all residents, and support local people to get involved in making decisions about the things that matter to you. If you have anything you wish to discuss or would like their view on a story you wish to contribute to the Community Arrow, do feel free to get in touch.


Councillor Ken Williams Tel: 0115 847 7513

Supporting Communities Residents from Colwick Park estate met with local councillors recently at a specially arranged surgery at the Starting Gate Pub. Ten residents joined Dales Councillors Khan, Williams and Mellen to discuss issues such as pedestrian safety, fly tipping, trees, and the state of a development site opposite the estate. Cllr Gul Khan commented, “This area can feel left out as it is so far away from the remainder of Dales Ward. We are grateful to the residents committee and others who attend the surgery for bringing these issues to our attention. We will do our best to help where possible.” Your Dales Councillors have been pleased to support bids from Dales Allotment Association for new fencing to improve security. Local Councillor David Mellen said, “It's great that so many people are keen to grow their own food and enjoy these allotments.” New fencing and gating have been installed at the Sneinton Dale entrances and soon

Councillor David Mellen Tel: 0115 915 2497

fencing will be put in at the top of the allotments at the back of Hereford Road Recently the 'Earl Manvers' on Trent Lane was demolished. Unfortunately the demolition was halted, leaving the large building in a very dangerous state. Ken, David and Gul worked to get the owners to demolish the building properly, to clear the site and to secure it. At the back of the Greenway Centre is a park including a Multi-Use Games Area. Stones from the base have been used to throw at some lights resulting in them landing in the elderly persons' complex next door. The stones have now been 'made safe'. The Greenway Centre itself is beginning to thrive again. Apart from courses such as IT, Counselling etc, there are now 3 youth nights a week, and play sessions for 10-16 olds. Centre Chairman Councillor Ken Williams says, “It's great to see so many young people enjoying playing sports like street hockey, football and cricket.”

Councillor Gul Nawaz Khan Tel: 0115 915 5657

Councillor surgeries are an opportunity for you to speak to any of your local councillors should you have any issues about your area you wish to discuss. Times, dates and venues of surgeries in your ward are listed here.

Councillor Surgeries: Dales: Sneinton Library, Sneinton Boulevard Every Saturday, 11am – 12 noon Bakersfield Library, Watson Ave 1st and 3rd Saturday in every month, 10am – 11am

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St Anns

Councillor Jon Collins Tel: 0115 915 5038

Over the last couple of months your 3 Councillors Jon Collins, Sue Johnson and Dave Liversidge have been busy picking up and trying to solve a number of issues in the Ward. They have been trying to ensure that a Joint Service Centre - combining the Library, The Housing Office, Doctors surgeries and other medical services - is brought to the Chase as a catalyst to reinvigorate the shops there. In the Victoria Centre they are trying to ensure that any Tenant Management Organization, who want to manage the flats, only does so if the vast majority of Tenants want it. They are pushing for a football pitch on Sycamore Park when it is refurbished, and they are working the people in the area of King Edward Park to improve the facilities there, including refurbishing the pavilion. Sneinton Market is going to be revamped to fit in with the brand new Leisure Centre and there is going to be a big increase in outlets for creative industries and arts in this area of the ward. You may have already noticed a

Councillor Dave Liversidge Tel: 0115 915 5624

regular art and crafts market on the market area one Saturday per month. Issues around parking are also taking their time, because St Ann's is so close to the City Centre. They would like to know how you feel about the situation where you live. If you have any problems with trees encroaching on your house, making it dark or undermining your foundations with their roots, let them know about that too. Finally, there is the continuing issue of drug dealing. If you know of anywhere that it is taking place let the police, the neighbourhood team or you local Councillors know. Jon, Sue and Dave are always available to help. Just come to one of their surgeries.

Councillor Sue Johnson Tel: 07971 026 907

Question your Council As a City of Nottingham resident you can now play an active role in City Council meetings by voicing your concern about an important council related issue that is affecting your community. You can either submit a Public Question or a Public Petition to full Council meetings. For further details visit publicquestionsandpetitions or phone 0115 915 4592

Councillor Surgeries: St Anns: St Ann's Advice Centre, Neighbourhood Centre, Robin Hood Chase Every Tuesday, 10.30am -11.30am St Ann's Library, Robin Hood Chase Every Wednesday - 6pm - 7pm Carlton Road Library 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month - 10am - 11am

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What’s on in your area... Look what's happening at Sneinton Market The first Transition Nottingham Market will be held on Saturday 12th December and everyone is invited to join in and help make something brilliant happen. We will be holding a monthly market showcasing the best of Nottingham’s homespun crafts and local produce. Skill sharers will also be on hand to teach you something new, along with local artists to keep you entertained. This is open to everyone, not just Transition members, so if you or a friend make amazing cakes or jam, or are a brilliant home brewer or bread maker, please get in touch with Becky Spurr on 07789 917 429 and we can talk about how you’d like to be involved.

Look out for the new improved Community Recording Studio coming to St Ann’s Aspiring young musicians will benefit from a professionally equipped, Government funded music rehearsal space based at the Russell Youth Club in St Ann’s. The existing Community Rehearsal Studio will receive new investment to establish a new music rehearsal room where musicians and bands can practice. Construction work will start in January and the new facility is expected to be open for business in March next year. For more information contact Trevor Rose on: 07896 132664.

Sneinton Festival is becoming a Charity!

Keep Active with Football in Sneinton

Membership costs just £1 for the year. Why become a member? ■ Vote at our general meetings to decide on the management committee ■ Help choose what happens at the festival ■ Get help setting up your own event such as street parties ■ Meet other people in Sneinton’s vibrant Community ■ Increase your skills and experience

Youngsters between 9 - 16 who live in Sneinton are invited to FREE football sessions at KK Sports, Carlton Road on Monday Nights between 7pm & 8pm. For more information contact Pete on: 07799 544172

The Sneinton Festival usually takes place at the beginning of July each year. Becoming a member doesn't necessarily mean hours of commitment each week - you can put in as much or as little time as you like! For more information contact: or call Amy Smith on 07833 185028.

St Ann’s Vipers Basketball If you are between 7-12 and would like to play mini league Basketball, come and play for St Ann’s Vipers. Every Wednesday 5pm-6pm at Mapperley Sports Village (Elliott Durham Sports Centre) ONLY £1.50 per week! For more information contact Chantelle on: 07854 408627.

Your Community Arrow Written by you, printed and distributed by Nottingham City Council.

Life Events - what are they? Life Events are a family learning and information event that is held in any school or community centre. The main aims are to increase awareness of local services and venues that families can access, to encourage better service usage. There are venues and providers in every area that can offer family support. This is a great event to promote and create relationships with families. For further information contact Sarah Heesom on: 915 1792.

Sneinton Old School Hall Parents and Toddlers Every Thursday 9.30am - 11.30am £1 for one parent and one child and 50p for any additional children. Price includes drinks etc. Creative Station Every Friday 10am -11am Art and crafts for under 5s and their parents and carers! Admission: £2 (includes all materials).

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