11066 Comm Arrow Area 7 — Dec 09
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Wollaton and Lenton Abbey Issue Six / December 2009
Bramcote Lane Christmas Switch On Thursday 3rd December
Photo by Nicky Woodward
Get to the point with your Community Arrow!
Wollaton Mini History Part 2 Neighbourhood Alert Website in Lenton Abbey Friends of Wollaton Local Nature Reserves Not In My Neighbourhood Grab A Grand Winners Community Volunteers Programme Councillor News
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You tell us – it’s your area, it’s your news...
between Strelley and Wollaton collieries. It closed in 1620 and was left abandoned. It is now used as a road, suitably named Old Coach Road.
In the last issue of your Community Arrow we began looking at the history of Wollaton, which dates back to at least the 13th Century. In this issue, we continue on our journey and discover even more fascinating facts about this picturesque suburb of Nottingham!
1700s — In the early part of the 18th Century, The Admiral Rodney public house was built. It was first used as a farm building, probably to store grain, but now it stores beer instead! Its name was taken from a relative of the Willoughby family, who defeated the French fleet in 1782 during the American War of Independence.
A Mini History (Part 2)
1604 — One of the earliest recorded railway lines in the world was completed in Wollaton. It cost £172 to build and was used to carry coal
1712 — The Willoughby family were created Barons Middleton. Baron is a title of nobility in the British Peer
System and forms the lowest rank in the peerage. 1796 — A new canal was opened in Nottingham and fourteen of its twenty locks passed through the parish of Wollaton. At just over 14 miles long, it cost a whopping £80,000 to build. Unfortunately it was abandoned in 1936 and most of it was filled in, but part of it is still visible just next to Lambourne Drive. So, that's the end of part two! Don't forget to look out for more historic information in future editions of your Community Arrow! By Nicky Woodward
The Neighbourhood Alert website... …is now available in Lenton Abbey The system is a web-based form of Neighbourhood Watch. It allows you to get information about issues of concern, suspicious and anti-social behaviour in your area, and to report any concerns you have about things that you see or hear. It is simple to use, free of charge, highly secure, and totally confidential. You can choose to participate in Neighbourhood Watch activities or simply observe from a distance and be kept informed. In association with the Local Police and the City Council, the Safer Neighbourhood teams and Neighbourhood Watch can then look at
the quality of life within your area and use the information that is reported to take appropriate action.
correct personnel within the Police, Safer Neighbourhood teams and Neighbourhood Watch.
The system has contributed in other areas of Nottingham to huge reductions in crime and anti-social behaviour, has improved community relations, and reduced the fear of crime experienced by many of us.
You can register free on this website if you live in the Lenton Abbey. Just go to: www.lentonabbeycommunity.co.uk and click on the “Register Now” button to get started!
The Alert system provides safe, secure, two-way communication by text, automatic voice recording, and e-mail. It is a message broadcast system and an information gathering service that enables you to confidentially report information that is then directed to the
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Friends of Wollaton Local Nature Reserves Family Fun Day and Autumn Harvest Walk Sunday, 13th September The Friends of Wollaton Local Nature Reserves hosted a very successful Family Fun Day at Martin’s Pond in Wollaton on Sunday, 13th September. Activities included; an autumn harvest walk and tastings, smoothie bike machine, face-painting, whistle-making, history of Martin's Pond and the Friends’ group, nature quiz, tree trail, birds of prey, pond-dipping, raffle, and refreshments.
Martin's Pond has been awarded the prestigious Green Flag status for a third time (Green Flag status is a standard of excellence, relating to parks and open spaces). This year, for the first time, the Friends of Wollaton Local Nature Reserves entered the Britain in Bloom Neighbourhood Awards and were delighted to receive a certificate of “Merit” from the Royal Horticultural Society.
The event was advertised by local schools, cubs and brownies, and posters were put in all the new community notice boards. The event was well attended, especially by the staff and children from Fernwood Infant School, who had kindly invited a member of the committee to talk to the children.
For more information on future activities, please contact Judy on 928 5467.
The Friends’ group was supported by members of Notts Wildlife Trust, Siemens Metering Services, the City Park Ranger Service, and local councillors who raised the Green Flag and drew the raffle. The Friends of Wollaton Local Nature Reserves are most grateful to the City Council for the support given to them. This event would not have been possible without substantial grants from Area 7 and the Parks Department.
Bramcote Lane Christmas Lights Switch On... gets bigger and better each year After a successful event last year, the Wollaton and Lenton Abbey Neighbourhood Management Team are working with local communities to deliver this year’s Christmas Lights celebration. Fernwood Infant School, St. Leonards, Grangewood Methodist and Kingswood Methodist Churches will be leading the carols. The event will take place on: Thursday 3rd December from 6-7pm at Bramcote Lane Shops/Woodbank Drive junction.
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Area News
Not in my neighbourhood Residents in Wollaton got the chance to see what is being done to combat crime during the Not In My Neighbourhood Week in early November. The aim was to promote the work of the police and partners to tackle antisocial behaviour and crime. A range of events took place including opportunities to meet police, crime
prevention and community protection officers, local councillors, the Neighbourhood Management team, and representatives from other sections of the City Council.
agencies and play their part in tackling crime and anti-social behaviour and to increase public confidence in the work the police and local agencies are already doing to make communities safer.
Not in My Neighbourhood Week is a Home Office-supported initiative which is now in its third year. It encourages the public to engage with the police and local
To report anti-social behaviour, ring 0115 915 2020 or email asbhelp@nottinghamcity.gov.uk.
Imagination Library is grand idea The Imagination Library is the winning local entry for the City Council's Grab a Grand campaign. The charity, run by Cheryl Mitchell of Dean Close, Wollaton, will receive £1,000 after its successful application. The money will buy books to improve the literacy, skills, and self-esteem of children under 5. Every child registered with the Imagination Library will get one free book once a month until the age of 5 (total 60 books). Funded so far through fundraising activities, the group has received help from St Leonards church and local nurseries, schools and the Wollaton Park Rotary Club. Cheryl is hoping the money will help to boost community involvement and could help the idea spread to other areas. Grab a Grand sees £1,000 made available to each of the nine Area Committees across Nottingham, along with an
additional £1000 to be spent on a scheme that will offer wider benefits to the whole city. Since the campaign
opened at the beginning of this month, over 200 suggestions have been submitted by local people.
Cllr Dave Oldham, Cheryl Mitchell, Jenny Bradbury, Cllr Eileen Morley
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Area News
Community Volunteers Programme The Community Volunteer Programme will create 700 vacancies in the voluntary sector and is part of the wider Nottingham Jobs Plan which aims to get more than 2000 people in to employment. The Community Volunteer Programme will give participants real skills and experience that will enable them to be able to compete more successfully in the jobs market.They will also work towards a recognised qualification, and will be supported during their search for employment during the placement, which will last about six months. The programme is suitable for people who: • have recently been made redundant and are eager to maintain their skills and engage in the workplace • are not ready for employment but who want to develop their skills and re-enter the workplace through
supported placements which offer them meaningful and empowering volunteering opportunities • are in low paid, low skilled, part time employment who would benefit from the opportunity to get practical experience so they feel more confident in applying for higher skilled and better paid jobs. Places are available in a variety of disciplines including, community sports, gardening, media, social care, finance, and many more across all areas. For more details please visit the jobs section at www.mynottingham.gov.uk
3rd December 9.30 — 12.30pm at Clifton Library
Another area of Nottingham's Job Plan is the Future Jobs Fund which is recruiting 100 people into paid employment. To find out more about these jobs please attend one of the listed road shows or visit your nearest Job Centre Plus.
7th December 9.30am — 12.30pm at Bilborough Library 11th December 10am — 3pm at Red Lion Community Centre 16th December 10am — 3pm Job Centre Plus, Hyson Green
Building Schools for Local Communities and for the Future The Council has submitted its Outline Business Case for Wave 5 of the national Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme. Once approved, the council will receive approximately £79 million of funding to continue the transformation of secondary and special needs education through its BSF programme. Bluecoat and Fernwood schools will benefit from the funding and an in-depth 'visioning' process is due to start this month. The aim is to involve students at the earliest stage and use creative processes to enable them to think how their new environment could act as a catalyst for new ways of learning and being together. Fernwood School
To find out more, visit www.nottinghambsf.co.uk.
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Councillor News
Local News From Your Area Councillors Councillors Your local City Councillors want to improve the quality of life for all residents, and support local people to get involved in making decisions about the things that matter to you. If you have anything you wish to discuss or would like their view on a story you wish to contribute to the Community Arrow, do feel free to get in touch.
Wollaton West
Councillor Dick Benson Tel: 0115 960 9217 / 07803 935 530
Wollaton West Councillors Georgina Culley, Dick Benson and Eileen Morley would like to wish everyone Seasons Greetings. After a busy year they hope you are looking forward to the Christmas holidays as much as they are. However, until then there are many issues that are important to Wollaton residents that they are still focused on. Your Wollaton West Councillors are still exploring every possible avenue to reinstate the Industrial Museum at Wollaton Park, as they believe that this is important for the city historically and educationally, and that it would be a tragedy to see the collection unavailable to the public. With members of the Neighbourhood Management team and other council officers, they are working with local organisations to see what can be done to preserve this important amenity for future generations. Eileen and Georgina have recently been working hard to ensure that the views
Councillor Eileen Morley Tel: 0115 849 7417
of Wollaton residents are heard and taken into account when licensing applications are being considered. All three Wollaton West councillors have been supporting residents regarding planning matters, regularly a cause for concern on the Wollaton estate, and in a continuing effort to improve the condition of footpaths and road surfaces throughout the ward. With winter setting in and the season still a long way off, it seems strange to be discussing cricket. However, local cricket clubs, as well as other local sports clubs, are a vital amenity for our community. As well as providing recreation for many, they perform an important role in promoting community cohesion, providing an environment where people from a wide variety of backgrounds can work and play together. That is, Wollaton West Councillors will, through the Area Committee and use of their individual Councillor Ward Budgets, be looking to provide financial support for Wollaton
Councillor Georgine Culley Tel: 0115 916 3278
Sports Association, and also Nottingham Unity Casuals Cricket Club - whose membership includes a significant number of students from Fernwood Comprehensive School.
Councillor surgeries are an opportunity for you to speak to any of your local councillors should you have any issues about your area you wish to discuss. Times, dates and venues of surgeries in your ward are listed here.
Councillor Surgeries: Wollaton West Please telephone Councillors to arrange an appointment.
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Wollaton East & Lenton Abbey Councillor David Oldham Tel: 0115 917 4033 / 07815 668 820
Wollaton East and Lenton Abbey Councillors Tony Sutton and Dave Oldham have been working towards improving the Wollaton Park estate and the Lenton Abbey neighbourhood. The playground on Lenton Abbey Park has been refitted and the park itself has been upgraded and Green Flag status restored. They have also supported the fun day and improvements to the Community Centre and Scout Hut. Woodside Blossoms has transformed Woodside Road, and the allotment areas on Manton Crescent and Wensor Avenue are being reclaimed and improved.
Councillor Tony Sutton Tel: 0115 915 9198
Both Councillors has been working closely with residents in Wollaton to get CCTV coverage of problem spots, and after years of campaigning they have finally got cameras to cover Farndon Green and Charnock Avenue. They have also been working with local residents and have finally achieved an agreed maintenance programme for Hawton Spinney (see picture below). This long-neglected site has been transformed by meadow cutting the grass and undergrowth, and trimming the overgrown trees. They will be working with local residents and Parks and Open Spaces to further develop the area as a conservation site in the future.
Question your Council As a City of Nottingham resident you can now play an active role in City Council meetings by voicing your concern about an important council related issue that is affecting your community. You can either submit a Public Question or a Public Petition to full Council meetings. For further details visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/ publicquestionsandpetitions or phone 0115 915 4592
Councillor Surgeries: Wollaton East & Lenton Abbey Baslow Drive Community Centre, Lenton Abbey 1st Wednesday of every month 12.00 noon-1.00pm Harrow Road Community Centre, Wollaton 2nd Tuesday of every month 11.00am-12 noon Hawton Spinney
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Dates for your diary... Local Action Groups (LAGs): Lenton Abbey LAG Lenton Abbey Neighbourhood Centre Contact PC Jez Shaw 07792 437344
First floor, Severns House, 20 Middle Pavement, Nottingham NG1 7DW
Neighbourhood Information Session
Dawn Simpson . . . . . . 0115 915 8228
Hillside LAG Contact PC Mick Barratt 07792 437 363 Wollaton West LAG Contact PC Dave Middleton 07792 437346
Advice Sessions For advice on debt, finance and legal matters. Available by appointment on alternate Mondays between 1.00 and 3.15 at Wollaton Vale Community Centre, Rosedale Drive, Wollaton Vale. 0115 915 6347
Calling residents of Wollaton and Lenton Abbey Your Community Arrow relies on stories, info, photos and articles from local people. The team that puts your Community Arrow together is made up of Nadine Williams, Peter Usherwood, Nicky Woodward, Linda Patterson (all local residents) and Norm Walker from the Neighbourhood Management Team.
Wollaton & Lenton Abbey Neighbourhood Management team
Advice Surgery The first Wednesday of every month from 12 - 1pm at Lenton Abbey Community Centre, off Baslow Drive. Just drop in.
Every third Tuesday of the month from 10 - 12pm at the Community Room at Wollaton Library, Bramcote Road.
Balloon Woods LAG Contact PC Simon Farndale 07792 437370
Useful Contacts
area, any photos or information that you think local people would like to see or hear about, or if you want to get involved with us. Just contact Norm on 9158089 or by email on norman.walker@nottinghamcity.gov.uk Wishing you all the very best for the festive season. Have a good one! Your Community Arrow Team
We would like to hear from you if you've got anything to say about the
Your Community Arrow Written by you, printed and distributed by Nottingham City Council.
Tim Coulson . . . . . . . 0115 915 8077 Madge Saunders . . . . 0115 915 8352
Norm Walker. . . . . . . . 0115 915 8089 Somia Rehman . . . . . . 0115 915 8233 Email: myvoice.wollatonandlenton @nottinghamcity.gov.uk