Community Arrow: Bridge, Dunkirk & Lenton

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11066 Comm Arrow Area 8 — Dec 09



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Bridge, Dunkirk and Lenton Issue Six / December 2009

Blooming Beautiful Terraces Residents create beautiful terraces in The Meadows — continued on page 2

Get to the point with your Community Arrow!


Your Choice Your Voice Blooming Beautiful! Dragons’ Den in Lenton Small Steps Food Project Meadows Library Face Lift Grab A Grand Winners Meadows Regeneration Greenfields Primary Schools

11066 Comm Arrow Area 8 — Dec 09



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You tell us – it’s your area, it’s your news...

Your Choice Your Voice - Bridge Your Choice Your Voice event came to The Meadows with a big bang on the 14th October at Queens Walk Community Centre, and was attended by over 80 people. The evening was attended by a range of people including; the young, old, people from different community backgrounds, men and women. The evening began with local residents having the opportunity to talk to a variety of localised services and obtain information from different information stands, and followed with fantastic, mouth watering hot food being served.

Blooming Beautiful! After their amazing efforts in this year's East Midlands in Bloom competition, (winning a total of seven awards between them), the tenant's and residents of Glapton Road and the six terraces that lead off it in the Old Meadows, are continuing to bloom throughout the winter. Working together and sharing knowledge and plants, the neighbours are determined not to let the area down

The main attraction of the event was the Dragons’ Den section where local people had the chance to sell their idea to the meeting to secure £100 for their Table top discussion-YCYV Bridge project. In total we had 12 ideas of which all were successful in three priorities per table for local services helping to improve and transform The to consider and deliver on. Meadows area. The D D Crew presented their idea through a dance performance, The event was a fantastic way of which was electrifying. consulting with local people and bringing Local residents and workers from the area were also involved in discussing what they liked about the area and what could be improved, and came up with

communities together to work for the betterment of their area.

over winter by planting winter flowers and evergreens, to replace the displays from the summer.

also commented that he had been sat outside his home in the summer when some people came down on bikes commenting on how nice the area looked. They explained that they lived in Sneinton and were hoping to achieve something similar there. So it looks like the scheme really is spreading across the city.

The local Tenant's and Residents Association O.M.T.R.A were also successful in getting £100 towards improving their wildflower garden from the city's Dragons Den, which gives small amounts of money to local groups to improve the area. A spokesperson for O.M.T.R.A. said, “we have not had the time to make the most of the wildflower garden this year, but with the £100 and hopefully some volunteers, we hope next year it will be something we are all proud of.” Another resident in Barnsley Terrace

For further information contact: Abdul Ghaffar, Tel: 915 8322.

For more information please contact Jackie Le Huquet, Tel: 952 8612.

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Dragons’ Den at Your Choice Your Voice in Lenton Residents got the chance to bid for pots of £100 to make a difference to their local community. The event took place as part of the Your Choice Your Voice event that took place at the Lenton Centre. Participants were invited to speak for 2 minutes about how they would like to spend the money, after which the audience voted to accept or reject the idea. No effort was spared to gain the money - including a performance on why crocuses are important for Lenton. In total 13 ideas were successful which Councillor Trimble & Mir recommended approval via their members’ budget: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Emma - Crocus Cafe Volunteer

Healthy Food On Your Doorstep The Small Steps Food Project is about providing increased access to affordable and healthy food for local residents. The focus being on the elderly, students, people on low incomes, and those who wish to use our services. The service runs every Wednesday 12pm - 2pm at the Lenton Centre and every Thursday 10am - 12pm at the Dunkirk Children's Centre.

Marion's story of the crocus

Books and material for Arabic Club in Dunkirk Exercise kit for use in activities for children and young people Promotional material to build ties between students and residents Organise a 'reminiscence day' about life around Lenton Centre Provide two bowls season tickets for new comers to play bowls Painting and decorating materials Membership of Timebank UK so free CRB checks can be provided Xmas Party for Care Link clients and guests Healthy eating project at Monty Hinds Youth Club Community Fun Day at Penn Avenue Materials and equipment for Russian Club in Dunkirk Purchase crocuses for planting around Church Square Purchase crockery for Dunkirk & Old Lenton Community Centre

Bags of vegetables are sold at £3 and bags of fruit at £2. The bags also include a recipe each week, and a month’s breakdown of what veg and fruit will be ordered. Emma a volunteer at Crocus Café said, “I buy a bag almost every two weeks because they're affordable, you get good value for money, and the food is always fresh.” We are always looking for volunteers, especially for the Dunkirk area, so if you know anyone who may be interested in helping out, then please do not hesitate in pointing them in our direction. For further details or information please call The Forum on 0115 941 9525 or email

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Area News

Garden delight for library The Meadows Library has seen a face lift following a £1.4m grant from the Big Lottery Fund and sights are now being set on giving the garden a new lease of life. Fiona Heron (landscape architect and artist), Arkwright Community Gardens, local children and Rosney Hayward (local artist) have worked closely to finalise the plans for the garden.

Rachael Hemmings (educator and gardener from Arkwright Community Gardens) has worked with volunteers from the library and the gardens to undertake the planting of the garden/terrace area. Three silver birch trees will also be growing in the gardens after a planting ceremony on Saturday 5th December as part of the BBC Breathing Places initiative. Artwork from local school

children will also be on display in the garden. These have been created in partnership with the Gardens, the Library and Rosney Haywood.

What's cooking in The Meadows? Residents in The Meadows will benefit from a new Tandoor clay oven as part of Nottingham City Council's Grab a Grand campaign. £1000 has been awarded to the winning idea of building a Tandoor on Arkwright Meadows Community Gardens (AMC Gardens) which is a green space at the heart of The Meadows managed by local people. The Tandoor is used for cooking certain types of Iranian, Afghan, Pakistani and Indian foods such as tandoori chicken, chicken tikka and bread varieties like tandoori roti and naan. This will give people from all sections of the diverse Meadows community an area of their own on the gardens where all ages and cultures can come together to cook, eat and socialise.

Melvin Johns, Di Clausen, Cllr David Trimble, Albert Pitter, Cllr Ian MacLennon and Rachael Hemmings

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Transforming Nottingham’s Neighbourhoods

Neighbourhood Regeneration in Action This is an exciting time to be in The Meadows! Over the past few months we have seen: • Completion of The Meadows Neighbourhood Plan • Allocation of £200m in PFI credits • Exciting proposals for the Embankment drawn up • Money granted for exemplar energy projects • Household recycling bins delivered • Planning permission granted for 38 new eco houses It is important that we continue to work together to bring about the changes proposed in The Meadows Neighbourhood Plan. The

Neighbourhood Regeneration team, the local Neighbourhood Management team and the Meadows Partnership Trust are all committed to working alongside you, the community, to do this. For The Meadows to fulfil its potential we need you to tell us what you think. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved as we will be doing lots more consultation with residents, to make sure we are taking your views on board as we all shape the future of The Meadows. It is time for The Meadows to blossom - make sure you play your part in making it happen!

Do keep in touch at ws and if you have any questions please contact Gill Callingham, Alan Parker or Ken Lyon on 0115 915 5477.

Building Schools for Local Communities and for the Future Construction work has started this month on Greenfields Primary Schools which is being remodelled with funding from Nottingham City Council's £18 million Primary Capital Programme. The inspirational design has been developed through a creative 'visioning' and design process, pulling together ideas from children, parents and school staff. To find out more, visit Greenfields artists impression

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Councillor News

Local News From Your Area Councillors Councillors Your local City Councillors want to improve the quality of life for all residents, and support local people to get involved in making decisions about the things that matter to you. If you have anything you wish to discuss or would like their view on a story you wish to contribute to the Community Arrow, do feel free to get in touch.

Dunkirk & Lenton

Councillor David Trimble Tel: 0115 915 5040

On the 6th October the Lenton Centre hosted the ever popular 3rd Dragon’s Den, which Councillors Zahoor Mir and David Trimble were involved in. Local groups and residents were given the opportunity to put forward ideas on how small changes can improve their area. In all, thirteen £100 grants were awarded to teach young people languages at DOLCA, plant crocus at Church Square, to support the bowls club at Lenton Rec., to purchase equipment for activities at the Lenton Centre, support people working with vulnerable children, help vulnerable adults to decorate, a healthy eating project at Monty Hinds Youth Club, support a Christmas party for Lenton Care Link, and hold a reminiscence day at the Lenton Centre.

Councillor Zahoor Mir Tel: 0115 987 1145

Local resident Sarah Piper said, “This is a great way to involve local groups including DOLCA, Monty Hinds Youth Club and the Lenton Centre.” It also covered a very wide age range from children, youth, right through to events for the elderly, such as the reminiscence day and the Lenton Centre Care Link. Groups from all parts of our community took part such as the Bowls Club, a Russian and an Arabic group. What is really heartening is that despite the issues facing Dunkirk and Lenton, there is still that real Dunkirk spirit across the whole of the area.

Question your Council As a City of Nottingham resident you can now play an active role in City Council meetings by voicing your concern about an important council related issue that is affecting your community. You can either submit a Public Question or a Public Petition to full Council meetings. For further details visit publicquestionsandpetitions or phone 0115 915 4592

Surgeries are held at: Dunkirk & Lenton Date: 2nd Tuesday of every month Time: 6.30pm - 7.30pm Location: The Lenton Centre

Date: 4th Friday of every month Time: 7pm - 8pm Location: Dunkirk & Old Lenton Community Centre

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Councillor Saghir Akhtar Tel: 0115 915 5137

Councillor Saghir Akhtar has presented a petition of over 50 names to the Council about the ongoing problem of workers parking in the area around the western side of Meadows Way in the Meadows. Although some work has been done in the past, such as single-yellow lines being added in some places, there is still more that could be done. Councillor Akhtar is very concerned about the lack of sufficient access for residents who need to park there during the day. Councillor Akhtar can be contacted should you have any concerns or problems in the Bridge ward and her surgeries are held twice a week.

Councillor surgeries are an opportunity for you to speak to any of your local councillors should you have any issues about your area you wish to discuss. Times, dates and venues of surgeries in your ward are listed here.

Councillor Ian MacLennan Tel: 0115 974 6122

Councillor Ian MacLennan feels that 2009 has been an important and exciting year for Bridge Ward. The securing of ÂŁ200 million PFI credits for The Meadows Neighbourhood Plan will lead to huge improvements for residents over the years. Local residents and community organisations have made and continue to make a huge contribution in ensuring the plans meet the wishes of residents. For him, the most notable aspect of 2009 has been the involvement of residents in caring for and taking pride in the area. Friends of Victoria Embankment (FOVE) is now well established and making a visible impact. At the other end of the ward in Cliff Road residents have banded

together and won an award in the Bloom competition. Councillor Ian MacLennan is pleased that in all parts of Bridge Ward the involvement of local residents is making a real difference. Whether it is the Community Sounding Board at the Meadows Library, AMC Gardens, the residents of Cliff Road, or the Tenants and Residents Associations - local residents are bringing improvements to the area and great credit to themselves.

Surgeries are held at: Bridge Councillor Ian MacLennan - (Labour) Date: 2nd & 4th Saturday of every month Time: 10.30am - 12pm Location: Meadows Library, Wilford Grove

Councillor Saghir Akhtar (Liberal Democrats) Every Monday 10.30am till 11.30am at the Council House. Every Tuesday 10.30am till 11.30am at the Meadows Library.

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Dates for your diary... Dunkirk and Lenton 13th January - Area Committee The Council House – 5.30pm Tuesday 16th February Nest box making Lenton Recreation Ground – 1.00 - 3.00pm WARD WALKS:

Friday 22nd January 2010 Penn Avenue area Meet at 10.00am - Penn Avenue Car Park Friday 5th February 2010 Dunkirk and Abbey Bridge Meet 10.00am at Dunkirk and Old Lenton Community Centre

Friday 11th December Lenton high-rise flats Meet at 10.00am – Lenton Housing office

Useful Contacts Neighbourhood Management details Dorothy Homes - Area Manager (Acting) - (0115) 915 8090 Parbinder Singh - Neighbourhood Action Officer - (0115) 915 8063 Abdul Ghaffar - Neighbourhood Action Officer - (0115) 91 58322 Iffat Iqbal - Health Action Officer (0115) 915 8282 Lezley Booth - Area Administrator (0115) 915 8320 Area 8 Email:

Bridge 5th December Winter Wonderland Arkwright Meadows Community Gardens – 4pm

Wednesday 13th January 2010 Tenants and Residents meeting 10.00am at Queens Walk Community Centre

7th December Crime and Community Safety Public Meeting Queens Walk Community Centre – 2pm

Monday 15th February 2010 City Centre Week of Action

8th December Christmas At The Pavilion Tea Rooms Queens Walk Recreation Ground – 3pm

Friday 27th November 2009 Covering Eugene Gardens, Lammas Gardens etc. Meeting point outside One Stop Shop, Bridgeway Centre – 10.00am

14th December Bridgeway Centre Christmas Celebrations and Market Event The Bridgeway Centre – 1pm - 5.30pm


Friday 29th January 2010 Covering the Canal, Castle Marina. Meeting point outside The Magistrates, opposite Midland Railway Station – 10am

13th January Area Committee The Council House – 5.30pm For further information about meetings and events happening across Dunkirk & Lenton and Bridge visit

Your Community Arrow Written by you, printed and distributed by Nottingham City Council.

The Meadows One Stop Shop 5 -7 Bridgeway Centre The Meadows, NG2 2JD Tel: (0115) 915 0077 The Meadows Advice Group 10-11 Blackstone Walk The Meadows, NG2 2HQ Tel: (0115) 986 0197 Dunkirk & Lenton Partnership Trust Rose Cottage 1a Lenton Boulevard Lenton, NG7 2ET Tel: (0115) 941 9525

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