Consultation Booklet - Chilwell - Broxtowe College and Toton Lane Park and Ride

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7687 NET Beeston



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NET Phase 2 Consultation

Chilwell - Section between Broxtowe College and Toton Lane Park & Ride City of


7687 NET Beeston



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Introduction In April 2002, after a large public consultation exercise and extensive feasibility work on six possible routes, the City and County Councils agreed to progress the design of two tram routes to Clifton via Wilford and to Chilwell via QMC and Beeston. Since then, the City and County Councils have carried out significant further development work and have submitted a case for funding to Central Government. Importantly, the outline design has now been developed, which forms the basis of this consultation. The designs include a more detailed consideration of the tram alignment including road layouts, potential stop locations, parking and loading provision, landscaping and ways of screening the tram and providing for any lost trees and vegetation. In order to produce these designs the team have carried out a considerable amount of preparatory work including ground investigations, engineering studies and environmental surveys, as well as taking account of economic and planning considerations. This information will also be used to inform the Environmental Statement, which would be submitted as part of any Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application to Government and become publicly accessible.

Lower Road

Section covered in this booklet Eskdale Drive High Road

Toton Lane Park and Ride Inham Road

Middle Street Beeston Town Centre

Bramcote Lane

Broxtowe College

Contact us NET Phase 2 Development Team | Lawrence House | Talbot Street | Nottingham NG1 5NT Telephone: 0115 915 6600 | Email:

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This consultation is a very important stage and it is vital that you take the opportunity to comment. If the Councils and then the Government, following a Public Inquiry, approve the tram routes then these designs will be used as a template to build the system. It is therefore important that you have your say on the detail now, whatever your views on the project as a whole. For more information, log on to where you can view maps and aerial photographs of the routes, read frequently asked questions and find out the latest news. The site also contains council reports, links to other tram schemes and much more...

Gregory Street Nottingham Station QMC


Meadows North University of Nottingham

Route Description The Chilwell via QMC and Beeston route joins NET Line One at Nottingham railway station, offering through journeys to the city centre and beyond without changing trams. The route follows Meadows Way before passing through the former Royal Ordnance Factory site (now called the ng2 development site), over the railway at Lenton Lane, along Gregory Street and on into the QMC, serving the hospital at the main ‘B’ floor level. It crosses over the A52 on a new bridge into the University of Nottingham. The route enters Beeston via University Boulevard, Lower Road, Fletcher Road and Middle Street. From Beeston Town Centre the route runs along High Road, Chilwell and through the Chilwell residential area via land behind Broxtowe College and the open space adjacent to Clumber Avenue and Eskdale Drive. The route terminates at a Park and Ride site close to the A52 and M1off Toton Lane.

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Broxtowe College to Greenwood Court

Allotment access retained


New hedgerow + post & rail fence


To Cator Lane 8

Noise reduction fence (see image)


Vehicle/pedestrian deterrent paving Woodland planting (see image)


A “Broxtowe College� tram stop would feature in the open space at the front of the College. This stop is just off the plan above.


Pedestrians and vehicles would be prohibited from the tram track between Broxtowe College and Greenwood Court.


Replacement tree and shrub planting could be carried out within the garden areas of properties on Lime Grove Avenue and Gwenbrook Avenue and within the College grounds.


The tramway would pass along the current route of a water culvert to the rear of properties on Lime Grove Avenue, Gwenbrook Avenue and Brookland Drive. Modifications would be necessary to the culvert.

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Tree Loss Tree and Shrub loss

Retained trees

Double track (ballast)

To Beeston

Property demolition required

5 1

Solid fencing


Pedestrians and vehicles prohibited


The visual impact of the tramway would be reduced by solid fencing adjacent to the tramway (black line).


Small areas of land from gardens would be required from adjacent private land at the back of Lime Grove Avenue and Gwenbrook Avenue.


A noise fence would separate the tram from Richmond Court and define the new boundaries to the gardens of Gwenbrook Avenue and Brookland Drive (purple line).


The space between the back of properties on Brookland Drive and the tramway would be planted with native trees and shrubs to form an additional visual barrier. Replacement planting could be carried out within private gardens with consent. Some land would be required from the allotments.


Small areas of land would be required from two properties off Brookland Drive.


The road access to the allotments and small parking area for the allotments would be retained.

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Cator Lane towards Bramcote Lane

New footpath/cycleway

Double track (ballast)

wildflower grass planting

To Sandby Court 3 4

Retained footpath


Line of existing culverted watercourse

The tramway would cross Cator Lane at a new junction, with traffic lights to give tram priority and pedestrian crossings, causing a loss of approximately nine trees at the corner. Replacement tree planting would take place within the rest of the open space. Almost all of the mature trees would be retained. The car park at Greenwood Court would be rearranged, with new shrubs planted.

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New planting (light green)

Rearranged car park

New shrubs

1 Post and rail fence

2 1

Retained trees (dark green)

To Broxtowe College

New signalised junction and crossings

Visual barrier

New tree planting (light green) Knee high barrier rail

Vehicle deterrent measures


The tram route would be surfaced in ballast along the open space to make it impassable by other vehicles. Knee high rail fencing on the southern side of the tramway would separate the track from the open space. Post and rail fencing defines the combined footpath/cycleway on the northern side.


The tarmac footpath/cycleway would allow access to be maintained from the backs of houses on Clumber Avenue and planting between the new path and these fences would be possible. A link would also be provided from Cator Lane to the existing footpath on the other side of the open space. This path also allows the cycle link to stay north of the tram route, avoiding the need for cyclists to cross the tram tracks.


Wildflower mix planting would help to improve the environment within the open space, allowing a wider variety of habitats to be catered for.


Rainwater storage tanks beneath the open space would need further investigation, but we are confident that they can be successfully modified.

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Sandby Court and open space

Retained trees (dark green)

To Eskdale Drive

New Trees (light green) New Trees (light green) New scrub planting Knee high barriers


A “Bramcote Lane� stop would be located just before Bramcote Lane.


Traffic lights would be added to the junction with Bramcote Lane, to give the tram priority and the bus stops would be moved a few metres to the north.


The tramway would pass to the south of Sandby Court, through part of the old petrol station site and then through open space until it reaches Eskdale Drive. The track passes close to the back of Sandby Court and visual screen fencing would be located here. A similar size garden area would be retained for Sandby Court residents. The track would be laid on ballast to make the route impassable by road traffic.

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Broxtowe College to Greenwood Court

Allotment access retained


New hedgerow + post & rail fence


To Cator Lane 8

Noise reduction fence (see image)


Vehicle/pedestrian deterrent paving Woodland planting (see image)


A “Broxtowe College� tram stop would feature in the open space at the front of the College. This stop is just off the plan above.


Pedestrians and vehicles would be prohibited from the tram track between Broxtowe College and Greenwood Court.


Replacement tree and shrub planting could be carried out within the garden areas of properties on Lime Grove Avenue and Gwenbrook Avenue and within the College grounds.


The tramway would pass along the current route of a water culvert to the rear of properties on Lime Grove Avenue, Gwenbrook Avenue and Brookland Drive. Modifications would be necessary to the culvert.

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Tree Loss Tree and Shrub loss

Retained trees

Double track (ballast)

To Beeston

Property demolition required

5 1

Solid fencing


Pedestrians and vehicles prohibited


The visual impact of the tramway would be reduced by solid fencing adjacent to the tramway (black line).


Small areas of land from gardens would be required from adjacent private land at the back of Lime Grove Avenue and Gwenbrook Avenue.


A noise fence would separate the tram from Richmond Court and define the new boundaries to the gardens of Gwenbrook Avenue and Brookland Drive (purple line).


The space between the back of properties on Brookland Drive and the tramway would be planted with native trees and shrubs to form an additional visual barrier. Replacement planting could be carried out within private gardens with consent. Some land would be required from the allotments.


Small areas of land would be required from two properties off Brookland Drive.


The road access to the allotments and small parking area for the allotments would be retained.

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Relocated bus stop New trees and shrubs

1 To Cator Lane 2 3 3

“Bramcote Lane” tramstop


Close boarded fence

Double track (ballast)

New signalised junction & crossings

Vehicle deterrent measures

Tree and Shrub loss


To the south, the track would be enclosed by post and rail fence next to the former petrol station site, which would become close board fencing to define the new garden boundaries at 12/14 Holkham Avenue, where a small amount of land would be required from gardens. The watercourse next to Sandby Court would be culverted over.

Quality Public Transport Trams are regular, fast and reliable in service – not delayed by other traffic.

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Eskdale Drive Area

Kickabout area retained

Retained trees (dark green)

Retained trees (dark green) Relocated play area

Trees/shrubs retained 4

Tree Loss



Tree Loss

New and retained railings

To Inham Road

Tram crossing point


Ornamental shrubs (see image)

New Trees (light green)

The tram would continue to pass through the open space on ballast as it runs along the edge of Eskdale Drive. The route would follow Eskdale Drive closely to reduce the land taken from the open space and the wood copse. There would be some loss of low quality trees at the corner of Eskdale Drive. Replacement planting would take place.

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Retained trees (dark green) Retained trees (dark green) “Eskdale Drive” tramstop

1 3

New Trees (light green) Knee high barriers Double track ballast

To Sandby Court


The tram track would be fenced off along this section, ensuring a suitable separation between the tramway, the open space and the road. This is especially important due to the close location of Chilwell Eskdale and Chilwell Alderman Pounder schools. Existing and new railings could be used along the tramway close to the schools to create a high quality frontage.


An “Eskdale Drive” stop would be positioned to the north east of the schools. Existing and proposed footpaths would provide a good link to the stop from the surrounding community.


The children’s play area would be moved away from the tram and the road, and re-built next to the tennis courts. The kickabout area and brick wall would be retained. A number of the trees opposite the schools would be lost - these mainly consist of immature trees. Further west, three to four mature trees would be lost from the copse. As many as possible would be retained and where tree loss would be necessary, replacement tree planting would be located behind the existing tree groups.

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Ghost House Lane to Inham Road

To Park and Ride site

Possible sub station location

Relocated bus stop

New signalised junction “Inham Road� tramstop

Vehicle deterrent measures

Double track (ballast)



New open space (see next page)

2 New trees (light green) Ornamental Shrubs

Existing mound retained


The tree and shrub planting running along the backs of properties on Lark Close and Garton Close would need to be rearranged and reduced in size, with as much planting as possible replaced to provide a visual screen between these properties and the tramway.

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4 Alternative cycle route

Shrubbery reduced in size New trees (light green)


To Eskdale Drive tramstop Knee high barriers


The tramway would pass to the north of the large mound, which would not be affected by the tramway and would serve as a screen for properties at the end of Eskdale Drive. Some trees would be removed - the aim would be to replace these within the rest of the open space.


An “Inham Road� stop would be situated on the northern side of the mound, and would be surrounded by shrub planting to partially screen the stop from the nearby houses.


Cyclists would be encouraged to use Ghost House Lane and Valley Road as an alternative cycle route.


The tramway would cross Inham Road, where traffic lights would give the tram priority at the new junction.

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Inham Road New Open Space

INHAM RO To Beeston

Post and rail fence and new hedgerow

To Toton Lane Park and Ride

Post and rail fence (see image)


A new area of open space would be positioned off Inham Road to replace open space lost due to the tram route. This would serve local people, especially those within Teesdale Court, Selside Court and Grisedale Court. The existing hedgerow and trees along Inham Road would be kept and groups of trees and shrubs would be located around the other boundaries.

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Eskdale Drive

New Mounds

OAD Informal recreational area

New trees

New paths


Interest would be created within this open space by landscaping and tree and flower planting, allowing for a variation in habitats. A central area would be created to allow for informal recreation and footpaths running through this area would provide an attractive walk.

Congestion Reduction The three NET routes together would take 4 million car journeys off our roads and carry 20 million passengers a year.

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Toton Lane Park and Ride “Stapleford Park and Ride” tramstop

To Bardill’s roundabout (A52 and M1) 6


Possible Layout E TOTON LAN

(subject to further design) 4


New junction with traffic lights

To Toton

New trees (light green)


The tramway would cross agricultural land, the boundaries marked by new hedge and scattered tree planting running along the length of the track from Inham Road to the Park and Ride site. A crossing for the existing bridleway, just off this plan, would incorporate waiting areas large enough to accommodate horses.


The scattered tree planting would become a more regular avenue nearer the Park and Ride site. Ornamental shrubs and trees would provide an attractive entrance for tram passengers.


The existing line of poplar trees would be retained along with the mature tree at the centre of the Park and Ride site.

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Buffer zone of mounding and planting plus fence Disabled parking bays

Tree retained (dark green)


New line of trees Bus stops To Chilwell

1 2

Line of Poplar trees retained


3 Disabled parking bays

New Shrubs


A 10m wide strip of trees and shrubs would screen the Park and Ride site from the surrounding farmland and also provide an attractive field boundary. A post and rail fence would surround the planting. At the road entrance to the site, shrubs and an avenue of trees would be located to provide a welcoming entrance.


The site would be built next to the Japanese Water Gardens and accessed off Toton Lane, with a new set of traffic lights. It would be approximately 1,400 spaces in size and would include CCTV, cycle stands, disabled parking spaces and bus stops with the potential for interchange with ‘feeder’ bus services from Stapleford, Toton etc.


The Councils are currently in discussion with the Highways Agency regarding improvements to the A52 ‘Bardills’ roundabout.

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What’s next? The plans shown in this booklet have been drawn up as a representation of the likely extent of works required to construct the proposed tram route. They are however, indicative and will be developed further as the project progresses. As a result of this consultation, the plans will be amended and the limits of land interest shown in any Transport and Works Act Order (TWAO) application may therefore differ from those shown in this booklet. After these amendments have been made, the Councils will both meet in full session to consider an application for a TWAO from Government. A TWAO would give the Councils the powers necessary to build and operate the proposed tramways to Clifton via Wilford and Chilwell via QMC and Beeston. We expect an independent Public Inquiry to take place, probably in 2004, where any application for a TWAO would be considered and in which all interested people could participate. The Inquiry would be advertised in good time, when the dates are known. The Secretary of State for Transport would take the final decision. If approval was granted works could start from 2006, with trams running from 2008 at the earliest.

Accessibility - Level platforms and entirely flat floors inside trams will make access easy and safe for all.

Contact Details Nottingham Express Transit Lawrence House Talbot Street Nottingham NG1 1NT 0115 9156600

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