Net Express Newsletter - Issue 4

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NET Phase Two Moves Forward xpress | NET Phase Two NEWS | issue 4

The next steps

Welcome to the fourth edition of Express, the magazine that brings you up-to-date information on Nottingham’s tram extensions. NET Phase Two continues to move forward. Read on to find out more‌.

The Promoters of the NET system, Nottingham City Council and Nottinghamshire County Council, have approved the submission of an application for a Transport & Works Act Order (TWAO), which will give the Councils the powers to acquire land, build and run the two new tram extensions.

What does it all mean? Following Government guidelines, the NET Project Team, together with their engineering, environmental and parliamentary consultants, have prepared the TWAO application. The application is made up of several documents including: A draft Order and explanatory memorandum; A concise statement of the aims of the proposals; A statement summarising the consultations carried out by the Promoters; Plans, cross sections and drawings; An Environmental Statement, including a Non-Technical Summary (NTS); A Book of Reference, including names and addresses of owners, occupiers, lessees and tenants of land to be acquired; and A timetable for the proposed works.


How do I know when the application has been submitted? The application is expected to be made in the next few weeks. The Promoters are required to advertise the application in local and national newspapers and post notices at sites along both routes, to make sure that everyone is informed of the proposed plans. Residents likely to be affected by or situated next to the tramlines will also receive letters of notification. These letters and notices will provide the dates and locations of where the plans and application documents can be viewed. Take a look at the table overleaf for details of the venue nearest to you or visit our website, to view the full list of TWAO documents electronically.

View the application documents pages 4 and 5 Make your views known pages 6 and 7 3

View the application documents Lenton Library Beeston Library Broxtowe Borough Council Clifton Library Meadows Library Rushcliffe Borough Council Nottingham Central Library Nottinghamshire County Council Nottingham City Council West Bridgford Library 4

Lenton Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 2BY | Teleph OPENING TIMES: Mon, Weds and Fri 9.30am-12

Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingham NG9 1AE | Te

OPENING TIMES: Mon to Fri 9.30am-7.30pm, Sa

Council Offices, Foster Avenue, Beeston, Nottingha

OPENING TIMES: Mon to Thurs 8.30am-5.00pm,

Southchurch Drive, Clifton, Nottingham NG11 8AB

OPENING TIMES: Mon, Tues, Thurs and Fri 9.00a

Wilford Grove, Nottingham NG2 2DR | Telephone 9 2.00pm- 5.00pm, Fri 10.00am-1.00pm, Sat 9.30a

Civic Centre, Pavillion Road, West Bridgford, Notting OPENING TIMES: Mon to Fri 8.45am-5.30pm. Cl

Angel Row, Nottingham NG2 7QP | Telephone 915

OPENING TIMES: Mon to Fri 9.30am-7.00pm, Sa

County Hall, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7QP OPENING TIMES: Mon to Thurs 8.30am-5.00pm, F

2nd Floor, Exchange Buildings North, Nottingham N OPENING TIMES: Mon to Fri 8.30am-4.45pm. Cl

Bridgford Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham NG2 6

OPENING TIMES: Mon to Fri 9.30am-7.30pm, Sa

hone 915 1790 2.30pm and 1.30pm-7.30pm, Sat 9.00am-1.00pm. Closed Tues, Thurs and Sun.

elephone 925 5168

at 9.00am-4.00pm. Closed Sun.

am NG9 1AB | Telephone 917 7777

, Fri 8.30am-4.30pm. Closed Sat and Sun. | Telephone 915 2945

am-7.30pm, Sat 9.00am-1.00pm. Closed Weds and Sun.

15 9279 OPENING TIMES: Mon 10.00am-1.00pm and 2.00pm-6.30pm, Weds 10.00am-1.00pm and m-1.00pm. Closed Tues, Thurs and Sun.

gham NG2 5FE | Telephone 981 9911

osed Sat and Sun. 2828

at 9.00am-1.00pm. Closed Sun.

P | Telephone 982 3823 Fri 8.30am-4.30pm. Closed Sat and Sun.

NG1 2BS | Telephone 915 5356

osed Sat and Sun.

6AT | Telephone 981 6506 / 981 6780

at 9.00am-4.00pm. Closed Sun. 5

How do I make my views known? From the date the application is submitted there will be a formal period of forty-two days for any comments of objection or support to be made. These should be made in writing and sent to the Secretary of State for Transport at the following address:

How long does the TWAO process take altogether? Once the TWAO application has been made and following the objection period it is expected that a Public Inquiry will be held. The whole process, leading to a Secretary of State decision, is expected to take up to 18 months from the date of application.

What is a Public Inquiry? The TWA Orders Unit Department for Transport Zone 9/09, Southside 105 Victoria Street London SW1E 6DT 0207 944 2474 email: web:

A Public Inquiry, which is conducted before an Inspector, is where the case will be read and evidence given. This is a public process that anyone can attend and where any member of the public who has made a written representation can then formally give evidence within a structured environment. All written representations must be submitted before the Public Inquiry is held.

When will the Public Inquiry be held? The Public Inquiry is likely to take place approximately six months after the application is submitted, i.e. late 2007. The length of the Public Inquiry itself will depend on how many comments are received, how complicated those issues are and how many people want to speak. As a guideline, it is expected that the NET Public Inquiry will take at least 4 to 6 weeks.


Why does the procedure appear to be so complicated? The procedure may appear complicated, but it is designed to be fair to both the supporters and the objectors, by giving everyone a full opportunity to have their say. The overall aim is to make sure that the Secretary of State for Transport can come to an open, fair and unbiased decision that takes into account all the relevant issues.

After a decision is made If the TWAO Application is approved by the Government then the NET Project Team can ask private companies to bid for the work of building and running NET Phase Two. The successful company, whose appointment will have to be approved by both the City and County Councils, would take over running NET Line One as well as building and running NET Phase Two. Construction could start in 2010 with trams running on the extended NET system by 2013.


Contact us at: NET Project Office Lawrence House Talbot Street Nottingham NG1 5NT 0115 915 6600

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