(0000) Meadows Newsletter Arrow 4pp Jun 2010
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Contact us Should you have any questions, or to find out more information, please feel free to contact a member of the team using the details below:
Gill Callingham
News Update
Regeneration Manager Tel: 0115 876 3469 Email: gill.callingham@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Issue 2
What YOU said... During March this year Nottingham City Council’s Regeneration Team for The Meadows, along with other Council colleagues, showed you the latest proposals for The Meadows area and asked for your views. The results showed support for proposals to invest £200 million in housing in The New Meadows.
Alan Parker Regeneration Officer Tel: 0115 876 3470 Email: alan.parker@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
A variety of events were held at different times and in a range of locations. Over 450 people came to give their views on the development of the new housing in The Meadows.
Ken Lyon
Some of the key results from those who responded were:
Regeneration Assistant Tel: 0115 876 3471 Email: ken.lyon@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
Suzanne Combes Regeneration Assistant Tel: 0115 876 3472 Email: suzanne.combes@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
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Strong support for the proposals to change housing layout in the area with 88% of respondents liking the types of housing proposed. The community was behind the building of new houses, with 90% of respondents liking the housing proposed. Residents highlighted the need for energy efficient housing and for a high quality build standard in the new properties. 88% of respondents agreed that the proposed new path and road layout would make it easier to get around. You gave a THUMBS UP to:
You gave a THUMBS DOWN to: (Three places you didn’t like or felt unsafe in)
1. Green Spaces (especially the Embankment) 2. The Meadows Library 3. The Location of The Meadows
Please note, Asif Mohammed has replaced Dorothy Holmes as the Neighbourhood Manager for The Meadows area. If you would like to contact him or Abdul Ghaffar (Neighbourhood Action Officer) please do using the details below:
Neighbourhood Management Tel: 0115 878 6247 Email: myvoice.area8@nottinghamcity.gov.uk For further information and updates on the transformation of The Meadows please visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/themeadows If you would like this information in large print or in a different language please contact Ken Lyon on 0115 876 3471 or ken.lyon@nottinghamcity.gov.uk
1. Bridgeway Centre 2. Alley ways and cut throughs 3. Q-block stairs
The support for proposals means that The Meadows Regeneration Team, along with the community will continue to: • • •
Ask residents for their views on the proposals; Commit to developing a scheme to transform The Meadows, that benefits those in the area; and Work alongside residents to ensure that they are kept regularly updated with the progress of the scheme and how it will be implemented.
For further information please visit www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/themeadows
(0000) Meadows Newsletter Arrow 4pp Jun 2010
Page 3
YOUR questions answered
Fun and games on The Embankment
When we were out and about asking you for your views on the development of The Meadows people also asked us lots of questions. Below are some of the most popular questions that were asked and our answers to them. You can find a fuller list at
One of the things that you told us in the consultation is that you love The Embankment in The Meadows and that you would like to see more made of this area.
www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/themeadows Q1. What are the timescales for work beginning on this scheme, and how long will it take when it starts? We are expecting construction work to begin around 2014 and to be phased over a 5 year period. There is a lot of work to do to enable this to happen. Work that will be taking place between now and then includes: • Production of a Business Case to secure the funding. We expect this to get approved in early 2011. • Working with the community to ensure that those who are affected are fully supported and where necessary, provided with appropriate alternative accommodation. • Choosing a private sector partner who has the skills to carry out the works to enable the transformation of The Meadows to take place.
Q2. When can you tell me exactly what will be happening to my house? Will more details be available soon? The Council is currently creating a masterplan for The New Meadows based on your comments and feedback. As the proposals are developed further we will talk to individuals about their homes and contact them directly. You can keep updated at www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/themeadows
Q3. Why are there proposals to demolish 6 of the 7 sheltered schemes? What will they be replaced with? We are committed to providing lots of high quality options for older people. A citywide sheltered housing review in 2008 showed that the sheltered schemes in The Meadows were in need of investment. To deliver the high quality options needed it has been decided to replace 6 of the Council owned sheltered schemes (the remaining scheme at Strome Court will be refurbished). The 6 sheltered schemes will be replaced with a state-of-the-art Extra Care facility, built to provide high quality housing for older people. This will be one of the options provided for older people within the area.
Q4. You say that work will begin around 2014 but what will happen to the council housing in the mean time? Won’t the rest of Nottingham be getting Decent Homes work? Will The Meadows miss out? The Meadows council housing and transformation is a priority for the Council which is why we have applied for the funding for The New Meadows housing. In the meantime the Council is committed to ensuring that its existing homes are kept in good condition. The Old Meadows’ properties will be given the full decent homes works as received by the rest of the City.
We have been working alongside our colleagues in the Parks Department to maximise the potential for the area and ensure that The Meadows benefits from investment in flood defences and play facilities. Here is an update as to what is going on.
Work to get started on Play! Nottingham City Council is working alongside Groundwork Greater Nottingham to deliver an exciting new play park on The Embankment. The new play facility will be on the site of the existing play area and has been designed through consultation with the local community and schools. The work will be done in phases and will fit in with other work happening on The Embankment - we are expecting the first phase to be complete this summer.
Defending The Meadows… Nottingham City Council and the Environment Agency are working up a set of plans for flood defences in The Meadows. These new plans take in to account feedback from The Meadows community and are being designed to fit with the many needs of the site, whilst importantly protecting homes in the area from flooding. A number of information events are being planned for the summer where you can view the new plans. We will notify The Meadows community as soon as the details of the events have been finalised and hope you get involved.
Bandstand News Following an assessment by English Heritage, the Secretary of State has decided to list the bandstand at The Embankment at Grade II, as a building of special architectural or historic interest. We will continue to work alongside our partners to develop a range of facilities to enable The Embankment to fulfil it’s potential.
For further information, please contact: Natalie Hallam Strategic Development Officer Tel: 0115 915 2778 Email: natalie.hallam@nottinghamcity.gov.uk