Verdana (Body text)
Verdana Bold (Introductory text)
Champagne and Limousines (Contents article names)
Champagne and Limousines Bold (Contents page numbers)
Folks (Main headings)
Gulim (Page numbers)
Verdana Bold and Underlined (’Visit’ headings)
Verdana Underlined (Website addresses)
Champagne and Limousines Bold and Underlined (Sub headings)
All body text (Black—HTML colour code #000000)
Background colour (White—HTML colour code #ffffff)
Other website addresses (Blue—HTML colour code #0066ff)
Red (HTML colour code #b91d21)
Dark Blue (HTML colour code #18154a)
Royal Blue (HTML colour code #074aa5)
Red (HTML colour code #ee0f22)
Throughout my document, I have included the same heading on each of the pages in the style of a tube symbol. This makes my document consistent and professional throughout. To make sure that the font and sizes are the same, I saved the document as a Photoshop (PSD) file. This means that you can edit the layer can by accessing this same file.